chenniemontero Ā· 7 years
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First day back to work for me today from the holidays! šŸ˜Š Starting fresh, positive, motivated and organized for 2018 with these! Calendar printed from homeprintables.com šŸ‘
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chenniemontero Ā· 7 years
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Whew! How many hours left 'til 2018!? Time's so fast! Anyway, here is my #bestnine2017 oops, nope, it's best 16 of my 2017! šŸ˜‰ There are just too many memorable experiences, nine photos are not enough to show it. THANK YOU, GOD for the blessings - the gift of friendship within my team mates at work (they are already my 2nd family), the gift of opportunities and growth, the gift of beginnings, the gift of family and love, the gift of being able to do what I love and most especially, the gift of life. I am so grateful! I will try to remain grateful and positive this 2018 because this new mindset has changed my life in an awesome way. #bekind #stayclassy Greeting my subscribers, followers, colleagues, friends and family ahead...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! ā¤ļøšŸŽ‰
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chenniemontero Ā· 7 years
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I'm Chennie Montero, 27. #IAmDifferent and that is okay. šŸ‘ I'm a part-time model and I have imperfections. Yes I'm not perfect, I don't look perfect, but our industry has standards - "I don't like your skin color", "you're still fat, lose a few inches", "you're not pretty enough" and the list goes on and on. But this is nothing new to me. I was bullied and people called me names because of the following: My brown skin color, My body (I was very skinny before, even if I had a huge appetite), My height and my neck (I was apparently too tall; they would call me "giraffe" or "tikbalang"), My "rabbit teeth" (they don't like my two front teeth), I was flat-chested (my playmates would tease me and would say that I look like a boy) I had too many pimples My "big" eyes So ever since childhood, I've had my share of body shaming experiences. This left me wounded, growing up. It changed the way I saw myself, and it was depressing. I was always never good enough and there's always a part of my body that was criticized, my hips for example - they did not like my curves and my back and even up to this day. I have scoliosis and I was rejected for it, as if it was a contagious condition. As a result, the experiences made me hate my body so much at one point, but I eventually learned to embrace it. The whole experience has made me a stronger person and it has motivated me to be better, to aim high and to prove those people who used to look down on me, that I am actually capable of doing many things despite my imperfections. Bullying is an unacceptable act. It scars an individual and it begets negative effects. We are all beautiful and unique because of our imperfections. Matter of fact, they make us who we are. Let's respect our differences, regardless of shape, size or color. #differentisgood šŸ˜‰ā¤ļø I love that @penshoppe supports this campaign. This is an advocacy close to my heart and this shirt, it means more than just something. (at Penshoppe)
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chenniemontero Ā· 7 years
Model diary #13
VLOG 2 || BTS: Go-see
VLOG 2 is up! Here's a BTS of one of the go-sees I've joined. This was the calm before the storm. I had to rush back to work after the go-see and I was not able to eat lunch because when I arrived at the office, I had to prepare for a meeting. Thus, this one's only very short. But no worries, more model-stuff related content will be coming your way soon. ;) Please don't forget to hit like and SUBSCRIBE. Thank you!Ā 
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chenniemontero Ā· 7 years
Model Diary #12Ā 
I now have a Youtube channel!
Hi everyone! I'm starting fresh on my new Youtube channel. Today, I have uploaded my first vlog (YAAAAAAY)! I will soon be uploading more videos on modeling tips and how-tos for aspiring models or models-to-be.
Please support me as I start this journey of yet another dream I'm trying to reach, making a mark in the world by giving free modeling education or knowledge via Youtube. This will be based on my experience modeling for more than 10 years. :) But who am I right? Do I have that much credibility to teach anyway? To answer that question, I don't want to live my life with regrets. I want to live a life with passion and purpose. I want to be able to influence or leave a mark without having to wear a crown. ;) So here I am, taking a step one at a time. Please, no hate or don't hate, just appreciate, respect, and love. ā™„Ā 
Ā  Feel free to visit my channel and SUBSCRIBE! Thanks all so much!
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chenniemontero Ā· 7 years
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I look at the horizon and think about the things that are not happening yet - my dream, my plans. I see more challenges or hardships coming my way because of certain limitations. It honestly gets tougher to bear as I grow impatient and anxious. And it eventually makes me emotional after I bottle up the frustrations. I have a very big dream and it scares me, but I choose to face fear or else regret the chances I didn't take. But I really hope that one day, every piece of the puzzle will connect and I would be able to finally understand why - that one day, finally, it will all make sense.
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chenniemontero Ā· 8 years
Model Diary #12: Auditions - Model Supremacy & Philippines' Next Top Model
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ā€œStop being afraid of what could go wrong and think of what could go right.ā€
As an over thinker, I worry a lot. Whenever an opportunity comes, I have the desire to grab it, but because I worry too much - what if things go wrong, what if I regret it, etc., I end up not taking the chance anymore. So this year, I promised to change that habit of mine and just take some risks I feel or I know in my heart are worth taking.
At the Mossimo auditions, I was on my neutral energy and I came to the venue without expectations. I just said to myself - Iā€™m grabbing this opportunity and come what may.
It was fun. It composed of 4 segments - runway in a black dress, a posing challenge, runway in swimwear and Q&A. The posing challenge was the most interesting, personally. We were asked to pose with a random object as props. The judges wanted me to grab a chair and create 3 poses with it. I was glad they said they were impressed and that they feel that Iā€™m ready for this. During the whole audition process, the judges gave really good feedback. Deep inside I honestly hoped that I would get in the semi-finals but I have not heard back from them.
The Philippines' Next Top Model audition was something I was very excited to join because I have looked up to Tyra Banks and I used to watch episodes of America's Next Top Model, took note of Tyra's words of wisdom and hopelessly wished that one day I could join the competition.
A week before the audition, I prepared so much and I prayed harder than ever. On the day of the audition, I came very early. Applicants were asked to fill up a form (which I thought was useless in the beginning of the audition because when the aspirants made it to the first cut, the judges didn't bother reading what was written - our interests, background, experience, etc.
It happened so fast. The first part was a runway segment, then the interview (thatā€™s if you have made it to the first part. The judges will just look at your physical appearance and the way you walk). If they like you during the interview process, as what I have observed, one of the judges will laugh with you and take pictures of you from his phone. I was nervous as hell! This was really a step closer to my dreams. Itā€™s a really big dream since I was a kid. I wanted it so bad. No matter how I tried to calm myself down, I just couldn't contain my excitement. We were divided into groups of 5 and each of us had to walk and pose on the stage. I was the first one to walk! Before I took a step on the platform, I consistently prayed and I could feel how cold my hands were and my feet was already numb!
I made it on the first cut! My heart was beating faster as they called me to go up on the platform, where the judges were staying so they could interview me. When I stepped on the podium, I said hi to them and smiled. Only 3 out of 5 were at least polite and had the decency to at least listen to my answers. I get it, they donā€™t find me interesting by the looks of it, I respect that, but the least they could have done was listen. Towards the end of the interview, I was asked a simple question but it was really hard to answer in just simple words or short sentences, especially for someone who has an unquiet mind like mine. I was overwhelmed with the situation and the thought of wanting it so bad just got to me, I was too honest I blurted out that I was glad they noticed because, this is my dream. Now that was the big mistake! In the back of my mind I said, ā€œOh no, you missed your chance, Chennie!!!ā€
NEVER say ā€œitā€™s a dreamā€ or ā€œitā€™s a dream come trueā€ because to them, youā€™ll just be another common candidate, theyā€™ll find it cliche, no matter how genuine it is for you. Even if I mentioned I have a different approach or perspective in modeling and how I appreciate it, they donā€™t seem to like it. Theyā€™re looking for answers that are I donā€™t know, intriguing?? Iā€™m left to question but only those people can answer.
Sigh. Right then and there, I knew I didnā€™t make it even if I was told they will just contact me. I am not stupid to not get the signs or non-verbal cues. Of course, I was observing everything. After the audition, I broke down. I cried, I sobbed outside the audition area in my boyfriendā€™s arms. I was so disappointed with myself because I ruined my chance just because of the excitement and nervousness overwhelming me.
Later that night, I reflected on what happened. I went back to every detail. They say that ā€œtruth hurtsā€. Yes, it did, it hit me hard. I realised that a part of me was motivated because I thought of giving a sweet revenge to those who betrayed me and have pulled me down, that should not be part of it. It should just be for myself and ultimately for my dream. Since I was bullied as a kid, thereā€™s always a desire in me to try to please people. Also, even if I was myself, I learned that I must not be too honest when answering questions for reality TV auditions, no matter how good and genuine my intention would be, because they will not understand or appreciate the answer, thatā€™s the sad truth. I also learned that for auditions like this, people are really looking for really intriguing characters and personality, something that they think would emotionally affect the audience. I donā€™t know. Honestly, this defeats the purpose of really looking for someone who has the potential or talent and attitude to make it. Sigh. So, you cannot be too serious when answering their questions. You have to be yourself but donā€™t take things seriously. And I guess no matter how awkward things may get, you just have to be interesting to the eyes of these people (but of course without ruining your dignity).
This was not the case back in 2009 when I auditioned for Ford Modelsā€™ Supermodel of the World Philippines. They were really keen in looking for someone who really had the talent and they even molded us in our craft.
I guess I just now have to learn from those experiences and take those with me for the next opportunity. I am honestly close to giving up this dream. But Iā€™m inspired by Pia Wurtzbachā€™s story before she finally reached her dream. If she can do it, Iā€™m sure I can as well, right? :ā€™)
ā€œNothing worth having comes easy.ā€
So hold on to that dream, aim high, work hard, persevere, have faith and the time will really come. Ā 
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chenniemontero Ā· 8 years
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Reflection on colored candles in Simala
Devotees and tourists flock Simala to witness and pray to Mama Mary. Inside, there are specific areas for writing your intentions and thanksgiving. There is also a different section for lighting of candles to say prayers. These candles come in various colors but regular ones are also available on a cheaper price. The colorful ones have their respective meanings - ie., white for purity, green for prosperity, red for relationships, etc.Ā 
Upon reflecting on these candles after I said my prayers, I realized how people have different lives and paths chosen. We all have different prayers and intentions (based on what we see on the candle stands in Simala, itā€™s colorful), but all of us is connected through faith.Ā 
Itā€™s amazing how complicated life is, but you know, we hold on to faith, because it gives us hope and it drives us amidst all battles.Ā 
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chenniemontero Ā· 8 years
Model Diary #11Ā 
Gear & Glam fashion show
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ā€œHappiness pulses with every beat of my heartā€ - Terri Guillemets
...and that is the kind of happiness I find on the runway.Ā  It was on open and wide runway, regardless, I was so happy I could cry for joy. It was the first time I walked on a big event since my hiatus.Ā 
Everything now is back to zero.Ā 
Zero as if I have just started modeling.Ā 
I fought for what I thought was right (and I think now, Iā€™m still right, no regrets. I just donā€™t want to be dumb and just play along when you know things are wrong, just so you could get shows or projects). They stained my name because apparently they have more power, I had to go quiet for awhile, and now I have no choice but to start from the bottom.Ā 
I wore a black outfit that sort of channeled a ninja aura. I hoped for something fitting, but I couldnā€™t complain nor choose. I didnā€™t care for as long as I get to walk there again.
Behind the scenes, I was lonely. I felt so lonely. I say hi/hello to some models I have worked with, but I have no one to talk to and no one to take photos with. I was just at the corner staring at my phone, taking selfies, and taking random snaps (for Snapchat).
I see familiar faces, some Iā€™ve worked with before, but I hesitate to say hello. There were some I definitely didnā€™t want to greet. The latter look at me as if they donā€™t know me even if they actually do. They just donā€™t want to say hello because someone with power has most probably brainwashed most of them. Because you know, in our industry, when one goes against the majority, they wonā€™t value you anymore. As a result, you will no longer have a business because most likely you wonā€™t get referrals.
When Iā€™m on the runway and before the show, I still get nervous. I have been modeling for 11 years now and yes, I still get nervous. But I channel it to one fierce performance.Ā 
As with photos, no photographer took a photo of me, because apparently, Iā€™m with a different agency and for some, they donā€™t recognize me, so they donā€™t take photos of me on the runway. If it werenā€™t for my brother, I wouldnā€™t have photos on this show. Itā€™s so sad to see how unfair our world is, yet here I am still pursuing and doing it, simply because this is my passion and it makes me so happy.Ā 
Special thanks to my talent manager, JM; to my partner, Aljen and to my family for the support.Ā 
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chenniemontero Ā· 8 years
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Everyday there's someone out there who is struggling and facing battles on his or her own. I face my own battles too, but every time I do, I stop, keep my head high, take a breath and regard each battle as a take away or lesson to become stronger and better in the future. One thing that really helps me go through this aside from hope, faith and love is to be grateful. This is easier said than done but hey, do this instead of dwelling over sadness, that will only waste your energy and time. Focus on the brighter side of things because as Charles Swindoll would say, "Life is 10% what happens and 90% is how you react to it". šŸ˜‰
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chenniemontero Ā· 8 years
Model Diary 10
10 Things to Do Before and After the Go-See
Do some research. Know the clientā€™s name and background the day before the go-see and try to incorporate a bit of that into your performance on the day itself. Ā 
Drink plenty of water and sleep early. If you are hydrated well and when you get enough rest, it will naturally reflect outside. You will glow and perform effectively.
Be updated with their instructions. Make sure youā€™re in the know of the latest instructions about the go-see, ie., what they need models to wear and bring on the day of the go-see.Ā 
Practice your walk. (Look up for how-to videos on Youtube to guide you further)Ā  If you donā€™t have a good walk, they wonā€™t certainly imagine you wearing their brand. So work on it. ;) Practice...practice...practice!
Bring your setcard/s or portfolio. Regardless if they require it or not, itā€™s a must to bring your setcard (these are cards with the modelā€™s statistics and photos laid out for the clients to see).
Bring a pair of heels. This is another thing you must bring. Just in case the clients require you to bring heels, bring nude/beige or black heels.
Bring a ballpen with you. Because certainly, there will be an information sheet that youā€™ll need to fill up. Ā 
Wear light make-up and preferably tie your hair.Ā 
Wear a plain fitting LBD (little black dress, but not the very skimpy ones)
Be yourself and be confident. ;)
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chenniemontero Ā· 8 years
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Model Diary 9
Denim photo shoot for portfolio
I enjoyed this photo shoot. It was not the typical high fashion,Ā ā€œposeyā€ type of photo shoot. And I didnā€™t have to show dramatic facial expressions, plus there was only minimal make-up on my face.
It was definitely something new in my entire modeling existence.Ā 
Photographed by Matt PingkianĀ  Styled by Marbz Alvares and Kevin Miranda
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chenniemontero Ā· 8 years
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It was a Nightmare...
In my case, itā€™s Dengue.
It gets rough and when it does, you will slowly get weak until thereā€™s little energy left. Let me share my Dengue experience because Iā€™m proud I came through this battle - one of the worst experiences I ever had.
Almost the whole month of September, I was dealing with my body feeling really heavy and weak. I felt that I had a fever but whenever I check my temperature, it didnā€™t show.
What I thought was flu turned to something worse.
The week after the doctor said itā€™s flu, I came to work not feeling well and eventually, I just couldnā€™t move anymore and my head was in so much pain.
This time, my temperature went high and it was inconsistent. It would go high up to 39 degrees Celsius. Everyone was already alarmed and worried, so they rushed me to the hospital. The resident doctor said that it might only just be something viral. So I went home again but the next day, it was already unbearable - I was crying because I was too weak and my head was too painful. Later that day, I was admitted to the hospital. It was confirmed after they ran a few more tests.
There were constant headaches, my joints were in pain; I also had a toothache. My whole body was in pain, I still had an on-and-off fever, and my taste buds were not participating.
I had to face my fear every 6-8 hours - NEEDLES! They had to take a new sample of my blood for testing to monitor my white blood cell and platelet count. My elbow pit was already bruised to a point that it was already almost numb every time they had to take another sample of my blood.
My hospital room was uncomfortable because itā€™s not as cosy as my bedroom at home. And in the middle of the night, I wake up to a sound of stones thrown at the window and to the roomā€™s air-con. I just could not sleep soundly. I also hear mommy crying sometimes. It was sad and it was a torture. Ā 
My lowest platelet count was (as far as I can remember) I think 26/27.
I was in the hospital for 8 days. It felt like forever! I missed the sun, the smell of the air outside; I missed the scene outside and I missed moving around and being active. The moment I took a step outside during my last stay there and the moment I finally could taste something, it felt so damn good! I was so over apple, apple juice and Mangagaw.Ā 
I remember I once wondered what itā€™s like to experience Dengue. When I had it, I wished I didnā€™t ever say it at all in the first place!Ā 
To everyone who showed their love and support, to those who prayed for me and was willing to donate blood for me; to God, THANK YOU all so much.Ā 
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chenniemontero Ā· 8 years
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2016 was such a memorable year for me and it felt like it was a really short period! I guess it's true that time flies when you're enjoying.
In spite the challenges or trials, Iā€™m happy for 2016, because I have become a more compassionate, goal-oriented and grateful person. I learned a lot because of the experiences and the people I met along the way. I will really have to agree that ā€œExperience is the best teacherā€.
Major things happened in 2016 for me - from a new career which Iā€™m finally comfortable with; from buying a new phone from my first paycheck (from the new job); My sister flew to London; The modeling opportunities - first portfolio photo shoot and fashion show since my hiatus; 3 years with Aljen; My dengue experience (on the brighter side, that experience alone has helped me realize a couple of things which I might write about in a separate blog post); My 26th birthday; My brother passed the board exam - heā€™s now a registered civil engineer; Vacation in Negros Oriental, Reunited with cousins who flew from South Africa; Meeting new people and a few who have created an impact; To reconnecting and having new friends. I'm so grateful to have experienced everything regardless if it was bad or good. THANK YOU, God and thank you to everyone who made my 2016 memorable.
Letā€™s go, 2017! Ā 
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chenniemontero Ā· 8 years
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Photographer: Matt Pingkian Make-up by Eunice Enrera
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chenniemontero Ā· 8 years
Taking the #PerfectOOTD with #OppoF1s
I am working as an executive assistant on weekdays and I do part-time modeling. As a model and a right hand of my boss, I always have the mindset of always wanting to look my best - from staying fit, keeping a classy attitude, to expressing myself through fashion. I always invest on the basic clothing because I can pair the basics with anything. On another note, I love taking photos and I love posing for the camera (thatā€™s part of what I passionately do). I love dressing up so I take photos of my outfits and post them on my Lookbook profile.
Now I tell you, taking the perfect OOTD (Outfit of the Day) photo is not an easy task as it really requires effort. But no need to worry, Iā€™ll share some tips on how to do it like a model does ;)
1. Pick and wear an outfit that expresses a part of you
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Take this as an example. I named this look basic black. This expresses my preference in fashion - simple, basic clothing. If you are into patterns, then go ahead and mix & match. Just be sure that you are comfortable in what you are wearing and that it certainly shows the real you.
2. Choose a good canvass.
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Find the perfect canvass to use as your background. It can be a brick wall or a plain white or black wall, just make sure it creates a contrast between what youā€™re wearing and the wall itself. You also can have buildings or architectural spots as background, just make sure you stand out. Remember, you and your clothes are the accessories here. ;)
3. Strike a pose
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Know your angles and experiment a little on poses. I suggest your shot should be taken in a wormā€™s eye view perspective, wherein the photographer shoots from an angle below to make you look taller and slimmer.Ā  If you notice on my photos, I always create a symmetry or shape. I suggest you do the same, so your OOTD wonā€™t come off as boring.Ā 
Experiment on the elements of photography, until you get the perfect shot.Ā 
Speaking of the perfect shot, you will need a good equipment on hand, like the #OppoF1s
The OppoF1s comes with a 13MP rear camera with an industry-leading imaging chip. The large pixels work to strengthen the dynamic range, which gives pictures more depth & detail for capturing exceptional photos. It has a 1/3.06-inch sensor, which helps in maximizing light sensitivity, so you can take OOTD photos at night time as well. You can keep the experiment going as the Oppo F1s has 3GB RAM and octa-core 64-bit processor for smoother multitasking and you can expand storage up to 128GB to take and save more of your photos. Ā 
After taking your OOTD photos, you can confidently take natural-looking selfies with the Oppo F1s with its 16MP front camera, which gives more light and detail. It comes with filters too, perfect for the OOTD photos and for your selfies.Ā 
For more awesome details about the Oppo F1s, visit their website: http://www.oppo.com/en/smartphone-f1s#page6
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chenniemontero Ā· 8 years
Model Diary 8
July 3, 2016: My first photo shoot after a long hiatus
Our talent manager, JM organized a photo shoot for models to have uniform set cards ready before an upcoming big event. Make-up artists (Eunice Enrera was the one who did my make-up) and photographer Matt Pingkian joined forces to make this happen. So big thanks to all of them!
*In this model diary entry, youā€™ll see behind-the-scene photos below.Ā 
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Eunice was one of the make-up artists Iā€™ve encountered whoā€™s friendly and organized. I just loved how she started asking questions about my skin - if itā€™s sensitive, acidic etc. I loved the pre-make-up products she used for skin care. I found it really interesting because not all make-up artists do that. Plus, you can see how sheā€™s so dedicated to it. So thumbs up to Eunice!
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I was happy that Matt loved my performance and made me stay to do another set of photos. He didnā€™t recognize me even if I started almost 10 years ago (probably because I was on-and-off in the modeling industry, plus I had one long hiatus). I may have been in the modeling industry for a long time but I donā€™t think I have had a wide exposure even after I represented Cebu last 2009 in Fordā€™s Supermodel of the World Philippines. Even so, I believe I have not reached the peak of my modeling career yet. I have something yet to reach and Iā€™m still not giving up on that.Ā 
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I was honestly nervous that I could not deliver. I felt that Iā€™m already rusty. But as soon as I sat on the chair and the photographer was set to take photos, it all just came naturally and I was so happy. I just love to be around art and be involved with it.Ā 
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The first set was plain and simple. The second oneā€™s couture, so they had to change my make-up to something darker. This time it involved more poses and angles.Ā 
I have no photos of it. But I will soon upload it when itā€™s up and ready. ;)
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Iā€™m incredibly happy to be back, passionately doing what I love with all my heart. Itā€™s something I will never get tired of doing. Iā€™m so blessed to have a supportive talent manager, who sees beyond appearance, who would see the potential of you growing and glowing in the future. God has found a way to meet our paths for a reason and Iā€™m really happy we did. I hope things will continue doing well as time passes.
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