cherishskies · 5 years
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cherishskies · 5 years
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dearest gerald eros jouskah, 
congratulations, on reaching ninety two days with a kirania! evendou a kirania is stubborn, crybaby and annoying sometimes, thank you for still loving a kirania still all the same, not less, more even. 
i am literally blessed to have you these past ninety two days: there are days when i am like giving up and don’t want to write another story on my page again but since there is you, i no longer want to give up on writing my story. you impacts good energy to me. for that, i feel stupendously grateful. 
gerald, yes, you already understand how much i am admiring you and how much i am wanting you stay in my life. for that, i lost words. 
so, how was it? ninety days with me? tired already, huh? i mean- i am such a super duper annoying baby, aren’t i? hahahaha well, you should stick in with this annoying baby for as long as you can!
i was so afraid about letting you in behind the door of my restricted area- i was so afraid that it will scare you and make you unwilling to stay in the same room with me again, but turned out you are not. you made me think, it is okay to be imperfect, it is okay to own one or two or more flaws in me, it is okay to be insane, it is okay to be uncontrollable, because whatever that i did or do you’ll still love me.
we finally meet an undetermined time of fight that we have never experienced before, i thought it would lessen the love, i thought it will keep us apart, i thought it will make us colorless. but, it gone the other way, the more we involved to a fight, the more we understand each other. the more i try to find where to fix and where to keep. well, i am still clueless most of times... but gerald, i swear, i want to do better for you, i really want to stay with you and i don’t really want to hurt you. i never want to, ge.
thank you for letting me growing better, thank you for giving me chance to do it. and please, if i happen to be pain in an ass again, tell me to fix it. i really want to stay with you like really really really want to stay with you. 
thank you for lessen your sleeping time just to tie the conversation with me. thank you even when you are tired, you never forgot to ask me how was today’s taste of life. thank you even when the life is overwhelmed, you still there to save me. it will be a never ending thank you s.
you are such an amazing person, ge. i hope you would understand that. and i love you, i always will. 
terimakasih sudah berjuang selama tiga bulan bersama kirania! aku seneng bisa ketemu sama kamu. aku seneng setiap aku salah, kamu selalu point out dimana aku harus perbaikin kesalahan aku. aku sama sekali ngga ngerasa risih kalau kamu suruh aku jangan deket sama cowok a atau cowok b, aku seneng karena kamu took a possesion of whats yours. selama tiga bulan ini, aku ngga pernah merasa bosen bareng sama kamu, sesibuk apapun kamu, walaupun kamu suka ngilang karena harus ada kerjaan yang diurus. ngga, aku ngga pernah bosen sama hal itu, aku ngga pernah capek, aku ngga pernah ngga sayang kamu, even in a day, i think it’s cruel not to love someone as great as you are. terimakasih atas tiga bulannya ya, a gerald! perjalanan kita masih panjang banget dan semoga kita tetep sama-sama terus as long as we are able to! terimakasih sudah menjadi lelaki yang selalu kirania kagumi dan sayangi, terimakasih sudah berjuang walau kadang rasanya lelah untuk menghirup udara yang sudah disediakan Tuhan. terimakasih, karena keberadaan kamu, kirania merasa dihargai sebagai wanita dan kirania merasa dicintai seperti seharusnya dia dicintai. pokoknya, a million of thank you s! aku sayang kamu, selalu. jangan pergi, soalnya aku ngga mau ditinggal sama kamu hehehehehe. kalau aku lagi ngeselin atau engga keliatan sayang sama kamu, buka website ini ya! karena, mau senyebelin apa aku, rasa sayang aku tetep banyak, sebanyak semua yang pernah aku tulis buat kamu. it is not just a word, but i am feeling it for real. semoga bertemu di bulan selanjutnya! dadah, aa.
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cherishskies · 5 years
i think somewhere, in a parallel world, we made love in a garden of wilted flowers. our trembling hands reaching out toward the sky, trying to grasp the last watery rays of a dying sun - two hearts colliding and shattering into a million tiny stars.
michael faudet.
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cherishskies · 5 years
our daily conversation!
yaya: i love you.
gege: i love you more.
yaya: i love you most! >:c
gege: i love twice mostest than yours.
yaya: i love you thrice mostest than your mostest!!!!!!!!!!
gege: i love you a million plus a million plus a million with another million.
gege: okay, today you won. tomorrow should be my turn, okay?
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cherishskies · 5 years
i have thought my entire life i needed seas, or mountain,  or magnificent city lights to be happy. truth is: i do not care where i am, as long as i have you.
c, poindexter. 
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cherishskies · 5 years
thank you for keep scrolling down my post! thus, here you can enjoy my gif for short awhile. < 3
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cherishskies · 5 years
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i turned all the books i have into page number twenty, our lucky number. and those all above that i got.
poetry and you, that’s sacred. 
i love poetry as much as i love you. 
but, i never get a chance to write love poetry about you because you, you are the love itself, you are the idea of love, you are the love before it was conceived. 
you, gerald. 
you are the love that i’ve been longing to come this whole time. 
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cherishskies · 5 years
i love the piece of earth you are, because in all the planetary prairies i do not have another star.  you repeat the multiplication of the universe. your wide eyes are light i have of the vanquished constellations, your skin pulses like the roads the meteor follows in the rain. of so much moon were your hips to me, of all the sun your deep mouth and its delight, of so much burning light like honey in the shade. your heart burnt by long red rays, and this is how i follow your fire - kissing you, small and planetary, dove and geography.
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cherishskies · 5 years
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and, here to celebrate our 3rd month of being together: a cake and a milk! < 3
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cherishskies · 5 years
“together, we’ll stay strong.” 
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cherishskies · 5 years
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life has been rough for me, for us, technically. there are days that i don’t have a reason to let the smile appear, there are days when i don’t feel like inhaling the air, there are days when i am suffocated with insecurities. all those days has passed or perhaps will keep coming in the future, but i carry no worries since the day you came to my life and make everything steady, be at its place again. your words and encouragements keeps me going: i was a lady with doubts running through my veins, but with you, i am fearless, i am who i should be i am. i am me, i am surrounded by flaws but i am unstoppable. it was the hardest to love myself. but since the day you taught me, it is easier to love me. those words, help me a lot. thank you, gerald. since the day you came, i am blessed.
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cherishskies · 5 years
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♡  i love holding hands with you ♡
♡  i love getting forehead kisses from you ♡
♡  i love when you sneakily kiss my cheeks when i am asleep ♡
♡  i love when i stole the cherry taste from your plump lips ♡  
♡  i love screaming out for your name ♡
♡  i love breathe hurriedly, rushing in middle of lust that surrounds ♡
♡  i love to sit and bouncing on your lap ♡  
♡  i love when you are being jealous ♡
♡  i love when you are being pouty when i said no to your offer ♡
♡  i love when you are being decisive when i am being out of control ♡
♡  i love when you choke my neck ♡  
♡  i love when you hug me with encouragement after a long tiring day ♡
♡  i love when we talk about how good old days are ♡  
♡  i love when we argue about which one of us that loves more ♡
♡  i love when we point out each other charming side ♡  
♡  i love when you said i am flawless even when you saw the worst ♡ 
♡  i love when you undress me with your words ♡ 
♡  i love our daily conversation with no stop saying i love you ♡ 
♡  i love how we laugh at almost the unfunny things ♡ 
♡  i love when you are being a total baby when you need attention ♡ 
♡  i love when you said you think of me all the time ♡ 
♡  i love when you said you miss me and you want to kicc me ♡ 
♡  i love when you call me little one, kitten, princess, babe ♡  
♡  i love when we’re exchanging our favorite line from our favorite book ♡
♡  i love when you calm me with just one word ♡ 
♡  i love it when you asked me how was my day ♡
♡  i love whenever you gives me company till midnight when the fact you have something to do in the morning ♡
♡  i love when you are worried about me ♡
♡  i love it when you give me reward for surviving in a day ♡
♡  i love it when you are being you, when you love me entirely ♡
♡  because i love you, and its all that matters for me ♡    
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cherishskies · 5 years
i love you without knowing how, or where, or from when.  i love you simply, without problem or pride: i love you in this way because i do not know any other way of loving but this, in which there is no i or you, so intimate that your hand upon my chest is my hand, so intimate when i fall asleep your eyes close.
pablo neruda, 100 love sonnets.
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cherishskies · 5 years
♡  constantly, consistently, continually, you. ♡
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cherishskies · 5 years
ㅤㅤto the dearest jouskah, 
ㅤㅤit has been 3 months since the first time i said yes to your confession, 
ㅤㅤit has been 3 months since i am suffocated by the pink skies you create,
ㅤㅤit has been 3 months since i am blooming into enchanting little petunia,
actually, ninety two is just a number. nevertheless, it has never been a number that define us. within short period of time and i am already perfectly in love with the idea of adoring someone like you. people said, it is just the beginning of the catasthrope before it begins to come over. people said, there’ll something that destroy the idea of loving each other. people said, there’ll be a time that we are no longer madly in love. yet, i said, i want create the universe of us, i want create love and lust in the middle of chaos, i want to be taken to an adventure with you, i want to destroy the destroyer that about to take the tittle mine from you, i want stay madly in love with you, amazingly mad until i forgot how to live except breathing for your name. because with you, gerald, it’s not merely about the number, but the memorable moment that counts. ups and highs will never be a wasted on, because i cherish every moment that i spend with you. thereof, to answer the etimology behind this username: cherish for i cherish you, skies for you are the one who can make me float to skies.
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