cherrimoon04 ¡ 3 years
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My version of redesigning the bullies of yanderesimulator,personally it was the the fact that they were styled as gyarus while being the innocent popular girls trope wasn’t working for me.Since the whole game is really just basing characters of stereotypes,bleached hair and tanned skin fits America’s good girl trope,not Japan’s version.Since I want to keep the crazy anime vibe overall still,the good girl trope will just been no bleached hair or tanned skin.Hana and Kashiko have a streak of dyed hair but it was for the aesthetic not to rebel.I also really just wanted them to look different from each other besides hair and scrunchies colours.Most noticeable fh age is already the different skirts lengths and styles,Saiko High School(Not Akademk anymore,never liked it) isn’t to bothered with dress codes,as long you wear your uniform neatly you won’t have any problems.So you may wear whatever socks,jewellery,jackets etc. To separate which year student are in they have different neck ties. Year one is a bow,year two a neck scarf and last year is tie
Overall fact is that their cheerleaders along with Akane is also a cheerleader but since they’re part of the student council they aren’t here with them.
So on each lady
Most bubbly of the girl,always down to hang out and have fun
Lives for the tropical vibe,also loves anything pineapple or mango flavoured
She also by far the most flirty and have every other week another boy wrapped around her finger
Many rumours float around school of her sleeping with most male student body,which is false but she allows them to keep the rumours going around
Hana has been struggling with her sexuality since middle school but pushed the feelings down so she could still fit in and not be a target
She is actually bisexual with a preference to females but rather choose that people don’t know it since she doesn’t like that people don’t know such personal information about her
She is pushed to get dirt on girls around school by ex partners or break up relationships,she personally hates it but with wanting to protect her secret relationship with her closest partner that’s afraid of her parents she plays along with the cruel acts
Will always be in to help a girl with her make up or fix her clothes
Has been into dancing since she was young
Can’t help but sneak in quick kisses or hand holding with her partner
Design wise I just wanted to have her feel like someone that’s sunny,very extroverted and just over fun to be around
The true master mind behind the bullying
Even if she might be the youngest,she’s the smartest and knows how to manipulate people and get dirt on anyone no matter who they are
She keeps blackmail on each member(besides Musume) so they don’t have much of a choice to follow her orders and uses her friendship to Musume as protection so students won’t report them
She’s simply just someone that finds pleasure in seeing other hurt,no matter if it’s emotional or physical
Easily on the top 10 smartest students in the school
Around Musume she keeps a very supportive and loving persona to keep her friendship,but behind her back will talk shit.She simply ‘teases’ the other anytime she gets with Musume around,without Musume she will insult them to their face with a bright smile
I don’t know her design looks a lot like something that could be Sailor Moon related looking at it again but it’s fine,compare to the other girls she’s the only one without a bright or pastel hair colour.It’s already a suggestion that’s she’s the bad one compare to the other with the contrast in hair colors
None of the girls actually want to bully,she forces them into it.So she’s really basically the evil one of the girls.But in game you’ll need to befriend the other three girls to find out it’s her who is blackmailing them or spy on her conversation around school
If she wasn’t in it to be popular to keep her backside safe she would have been part of Osoro’s female delinquent gang
Really likes sour gums
One of the most popular people in the whole school
The heir to a worldwide bank company,she holds already some respect over the other with such a strong future for her
She is actually nice and has no idea about the bullying that happening
She’s the type of nice that doesn’t know their words sound confusing to others .She’s always excited to compliment others band with her status students assume she’s mocking them but she has a very expressive personality so to most people she comes as mocking when she is actually trying to be nice
Is still daddy’s little girl since her mother cheated in him and left them
She is actually quite smart,she isn’t the heir of such a large company for no reason
She is the type of person that would be the sweetest person until you cross her over,then you made a deadly enemy
She takes lies very seriously,she absolutely hates when people lie to her
Her design I really just wanted to make her more girly and more butterflies
Loves whip cream
She can also play the violin and piano
The most chilled one of the group,really the only introvert that would rather chew gum then talk to someone
Absolute sweet tooth freak
She’s sent to spread rumours of students around school,weither it’s gossiping or posting on media with a fake account
She silently resents Hoshiko a shit ton
She’s a closet lesbian and in a secret relationship with Hana.Her parents are okay with the LGBTQIA+ community until it’s a family member,her uncle was shunned out after coming out as a bisexual and is scared the same will happen to her. So that there won’t be any rumours easily form of them dating she’s open to let Hana fool around with male students
Hoshiko has a picture on her phone with her and Hana kissing by the pool area,something like that would be enough to convince her parents
She’s always open to share her sweet treats with other,personally loves it to share with others something that she enjoys
Besides from spreading rumors,she barely talks and will make a few off comments between conversation but doesn’t like much talking
The only bully who has a history of been a victim herself,the bullying taking the worst effect on her
She’s the one made to beat up others for either disrespecting Hoshiko or is Hoshiko is bored
She’s the strongest among the girls,she started to join in on her boyfriend’s workouts for swimming and grew strength from there
She was heavily bullied for being a sensitive person that would easily cry
When she got into junior high she started to switch around her over attitude and other view so people would pick on her less,by high school she got free of the bullying and became quite popular herself and swore to help ever hurt others
Since she’s has been forced to bully she spent most of her nights either crying and hating herself for becoming what she hated most or make gifts to leave on the victims desk the next day
She’s a sweet person that personally hates violence which makes it hard to follow Hoshiko’s orders from time to time
She’s also a big time empath,making it harder to look into the eyes of people she hurts without crying herself afterwards
Hoshiko has a vidoe of Kokoro in middle school when she was being harassed in a bathroom by classmates,on her lowest point
She usually nap in between classes since she doesn’t sleep at night
She loves anything with strawberries
I believe it’s everything I wanted to mention about them,I’ll be doing more of either rivals or other students <3
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cherrimoon04 ¡ 4 years
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My attempt to redesigning clockwork(no hate against the creator of her tho,just how I would have made her if she was my oc)
Honestly I’mma just give headcannons I have for her(BTW!!⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️)
-Her father was sexually abusive towards her mother,verbally to her brother and physically to her
-Her father was an construction worker while her mother owned a small shop where she fixed and sold clock
-Natalie would spend anytime she had with her mother in the shop,she would either learn how to fix them or just draw them
-Her brother is 5 years older then her
-Natalie was praised in school for her art while her father would call her useless when he caught her drawing and would rip the pages
-Her stuffed giraffe was her safe haeven as she was a kid and her mother would be beaten
-As she got older she would hurt her hurt herself by scratching her thighs till her skin was raw
-She would have a holde box filled with art pieces hidden in her closet
-Around the time she was 18,with an scholarship to go to an art university,she came home to find her mother beaten to death and het dad in the kitchen eating an sandwich.She quickly went to her neighbours and asked them to call the cops
-Her father was arrested for manslaughter and she ended up living with her brother
-With the incident she couldn’t go to university anymore so her brother and her worked alongside at their Kate mother’s clock shop
-Her brother slowly started the sexually harrase her as he learned from his parents that’s how you show affection to someone
-She would listen to the ticking of the clocks on work days and when they were home to find peace while around her brother
-After an year he started to rape her,she would listen to the clocks to count when he would leave her alone
-After 3 years of sexual abuse from her brother one day she snapped and found a old pocket watch still connect with a chain and waited until her brother took his daily nap in his chair to come up from behind him and chock him to death
-After that she went the the back room to the bathroom to look in the mirror to look herself in a her forming face,she looked around and found and box cutter and cut her mouth into a smile,to see something she haven’t seen on her face in years
-She continued to stare as she held the pocket watch up to her eye,also listening to the ticking which brought peace to her mind and thus her went and ripped her eye out and place the clock in
-After that she ran away,she cut her hair just above her shoulders
-After a few weeks she got her body healed she got her tattoos and from there she started to kill
Other facts
-She makes a clicking sound when she is thinking or does it out of habit
-Always counts and memorise when what happens at certain times
-Does certain stuff of specific counts,if the counts don’t match up she redoes it until the count matches up
-Her room is filled with old times clocks
-When she doesn’t chock her victims she uses a small modified pocket knife
Thast all I got now,I might do an proper bio for her later.I’m tired now so if things don’t make sense that’s why
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cherrimoon04 ¡ 4 years
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The gardening club,basically just a club of soft girls who likes to plant
My idea was to make each more stand out by their personality and appearance and even tweaked their backstories,but just some of them
From left to right:
-Uekiya Engeika
Honestly I loved her as she is,but even then I changed a few stuff.Like her personality,she is still a very sweet and kind girl in her third year,she isn’t so innocent.Most people believe her knees is bruised from being on her knees and working with the plants while their actually partly caused by her and her boyfriend screwing around the garden when no one else is their but since both are so innocent looking and soft spoken no one believes it but a small amount of the student body caught them in the act,you can decide what act their doing
-Sumire Suzuki
I kept her as the youngest,she is a energetic young lady that is sometimes a bit to extroverted at times.She is treated as the baby sibling by the other members which she enjoys.And with the young personality,she could also be very dense and is extremely pure minded which could make for some very memorable moments in the club.But even with that she could also be very aloof at moments
-Himari Fujita
She is the most sports loving member in the club,with both her brother and boyfriend in the sports club.She could sometimes be mixed up with Asu with new members but they soon memorise the clothes Asu wears to know who she is.Himari was at first planning to join the sports club but before she could she met Uekiya and the two really hit it off which made Himari change her mind and rather join the gardening club,but still visit the sports club as much as she can ,she also wears her brother’s team jacket to feel she is in some way in the sports club
-Tsubaki Uesugi
Honestly most I did with her was change her hairstyle and made her look like the most proper among the club.She is still the most religious of the club and loves to talk of the flower symbolism if religious or just in everyday live
-Sakura Hagiwara
She was probably the most I change of with backstory.She doesn’t have a heart disease anymore but transgender now.I took the other meaning of ‘Sakura’ of them meaning the start of a new beginning.Thus why she chose it as her new name,also why her build a bit different from the other girls,she still needs to get bottom surgery but her parents,along with her working part time jobs,are trying to save enough money to do it.Everyone in her family was supportive and the gardening club welcomed her with warm arms,she also has a boyfriend who accepts her as ho she is and have supported her since their first year in high school when they started dating
Dor any confusion,the three different tie and stockings colors show what year they are in
Blue for third year
Green for second year
And purple for first year
The club use for the game wouldn’t be much like most other clubs,my idea of the game is a role play game.So joining clubs would provide new ways to kill but would also boots or lower your reputation and you would also be able to befriend them to have people that would help you if someone would spears rumors about you
I think that’s everything for now so thank you so so so much if you actually read everything until here💋🤍
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cherrimoon04 ¡ 4 years
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Here’s my attempt of remaking Hanako so she isn’t the simple annoying loli of the group
Hanako is in her first year thus making her about 15/16 years old
In my idea of the game (I would have rather made it more of a role play game then a stealth game) you could kill her as the first rival but befriending could already give you a boost to get Taro because Hanako meaning so much to him,she would get you in his good books while helping for future rivals to spread rumors of rivals easier to him and learn of him(But only after you do small tasks for her like doing her homework of buying her candy)
She does draw inspiration by Runa from Kakegurui for both personality and appreance wise
But also when spreading rumors to her about rivals would be harder the more her friendship with the rival is,like with Oka it would be easy because Hanako has no friendship with her while Osana would be terribly hard because they grew up with each other and basically see each other as sisters
She is also part of one of the rivals match makings idea (personal ship) so even keeping Hanako around for that alone could help both with keeping her away from Taro so the player could easier distract him to take out the rival of that week
That’s all the ideas I got for her today ;W;
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