Sorry for the lack of writing. I’ve been really busy this week with a project and haven’t gotten to it. But, I have a plan for 2 different stories and will try getting to them this weekend! These will probably be longer than my past one shots, so they may take longer.
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OumaSai 1 (part 2)
A few comments on the original OumaSai one-shot I posted (on AO3) wanted a part 2 and I thought it turned out pretty cute!
Pretty much the same prompt: Kokichi lies his ways into crime scenes to see a certain detective.
Shuichi sat at his desk, his body hunched over the keyboard as he read something on his computer screen. In all honesty, he could have just expanded the text, but who had time for that.
As he was leaning over, he saw someone walk over to his desk in his peripheral vision. As not to look like an idiot, he backed away into his chair, nearly falling out due to the speed of sitting back.
“Real smooth,” he heard one of the voices say. Looking up, Shuichi saw his two favorite purplnettes. Kokichi Ouma, looking smug as ever, standing only three inches shorter from the other detective, who was standing rather protectively at his side.
“Oh, uh...good morning, Kirigiri-chan,” Shuichi said, feeling embarrassed in front of his higher-ranked detective.
“Good morning, Shuichi,” she said, having no trouble calling him by his first name. “Someone is here to see you.”
“I can, uh, see that,” Shuichi commented, though Kirigiri had already turned around and was walking away.
“Well isn’t she nice?” Kokichi said, plopping himself on the corner of Shuichi’s desk. He crossed on leg over the other and looked at Shuichi.
“She’s my boss,” he said. “And it hasn’t even been a week! What have you gotten yourself into now?”
“Well, I am glad you asked,” Kokichi said, jumping off of Shuichi’s desk. He put both hands behind his back and leaned forward towards Shuichi. “I was a witness to, get this, another robbery.”
“Kokichi you have never been a witness to a robbery, nor will you probably ever be a witness to a robbery.”
Kokichi dragged out a groan.
“But I did see one! I’m telling the truth this time!” he pleaded.
Shuichi sighed and opened the drawer of his desk, pulling out a note pad and pen.
“Well, what’s the address? I can ask someone to go check it out.”
Kokichi tapped his finger to his cheek.
“You know,” he started and instantly Shuichi was starting to question him. “I can’t recall the address.”
“Then I can’t help you.”
“Buuuut, I know where it is! I can show you. It’s not too far of a walk from here,” the short male continued.
Shuichi raised an eyebrow.
“You want me…”
Kokichi nodded.
“To walk with you…”
He nodded again.
“To a potential crime scene?”
Kokichi was shocked by Shuichi’s response.
Shuichi just nodded and stood up. He snagged the jacket off of the back of his chair, the notepad, and the pen before looking at Kokichi.
“You heard me. Take me to this robbery.” He was almost one hundred percent certain that Kokichi was lying, but he had nothing better to do.
Shuichi slipped the coat on and put the notepad and pen in his pocket before heading towards the exit of the police station. Kokichi, still wide-eyed at Shuichi’s desk, couldn’t believe Shuichi agreed so easily.
“Well...that was easier than expected,” he muttered before slapping on a smile and following behind the detective.
Once they were out of the building, Kokichi started to walk in front of Shuichi, seeing as Shuichi had no clue where he was going. The two walked in silence, which was a shock to the detective since Kokichi was always talking. They passed a few buildings, the small city they both lived in not that busy as it normally was on Monday.
Kokichi started to talk to Shuichi, but he wasn’t paying attention. Shuichi, who was walking about two feet behind Kokichi, was now hyperfocused on the boy’s movement. He walked so...unique? He had a bounce in his step and swung his arms side to side every step like he had no care in the world. His purple hair bounced with his step, the subtle wind having no effect on its shape.
Before long, Kokichi stopped in front of a small cafe. It was tucked between a nail salon and some retail store, both having little customers. The same was for the cafe. It looked like the place that would be bursting with people. Brightly colored plants grew from the windows, vines snaking up the cracked, painted white bricks. It was two stories, possibly one of those places with a cafe on the bottom level, an apartment on the top type ordeal.
“Kokichi, is this the place that got robbed?”
Kokichi spun around and smiled at the detective.
“Of course, Saihara-chan! Would I ever lie to you?”
Shuichi raised a suspicious eyebrow, suggesting that both he and Kokichi knew the real answer to that.
“Okay, so maybe I’ve told you a few little lies, but they were harmless!”
“Lying in a crime scene can be considered breaking the law if the crime is serious,” Shuichi said in response, which just caused the purplenette to smile wider.
“And that means you’ve never turned me in!”
Before Shuiichi could protest, Kokichi grabbed his hand and dragged him into the cafe. Flustered by the contact, Shuichi stumbled over his feet as Kokichi practically pulled him. Before he knew it, they were inside. It smelled like freshly baked pastries and a flower Shuichi couldn’t pin his nose on.
“Kokichi, we are we really here? It doesn’t look like a robbery took place here?”
“This, Saihara-chan, is a date.”
For the second time, Shuichi was dragged to a table. He sat in the chair, Kokichi already sitting in the chair across from him.
“A-A date?!” Shuichi asked, flustering.
“Yep!” Kokichi responded with as if it were super casual.
“So...you lied about the robbery so I’d go on a date with you?”
Kokichi shrugged.
“It wasn’t exactly a lie. This place was robbed and I was a witness to it. It was just a year ago when it happened. Nee hee hee.”
Shuichi’s face scrunched up, making him look like a wrinkled strawberry.
“Why didn’t you just, I don’t know, ask me out like a normal person?” he finally asked, not really able to look at Kokichi now without blushing.
“Because silly! You’d never agree to it! I really like you, Shuichi. It’s the reason I keep lying my way into your crime scenes. And...I knew I’d have to get you here first for you to realize that I’m being serious.”
Kokichi’s attitude had changed completely by the end of that sentence. He seemed serious. And Shuichi knew he was telling the truth. He had no clue how to respond, so he just sat there, trying to gather his words.
“Look, I get it if it was wrong, and you can leave if you-”
“I don’t want to leave,” Shuichi cut him off, looking up. The two locked eyes and Shuichi’s tongue grew heavier in his mouth. “I-I mean, if you, uh, if you were serious about the date thing, that is…”
Kokichi’s grin returned and he stood up.
“I know how you like your coffee thanks to all those interrogations! I’ll be right back.”
Kokichi winked and walked to the small line of the cafe. Shuichi could see him out of the corner of his eye, watching Kokichi pump his fist in the air in front of him in the classic ‘yes’ motion. He just smiled and rolled his eyes, waiting for his date to come back with coffee.
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Hey there, I notice you've written Oumasai and Kiiruma one shots. I was just curious what other danganronpa ships you're willing to write about! Thanks!
I don’t have an exact answer for this. Seeing as I’m new to writing Danganronpa one shots, I’m pretty open to a lot of ships at the moment! If you have a ship you would like me to write about, feel free to ask! No matter who it is I will try my hardest to write as that character/pairing.
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heyy! Could you write kiiruma with human!Kiibo being nerdy and cute and Miu dying inside because of it?
I loved this idea, thank you so much for suggesting it! I had a bit of a struggle due to Miu’s character, so I hope I captured it right!
Kiibo was in the process of tightening a bolt to one of his projects when the dorm room door busted open. Startled, Kiibo dropped the screwdriver that was in his hand, it falling to the floor and missing his foot by about an inch.
“Great news!” the eager female’s voice boomed from the doorway. She walked into the dorm and slammed the door behind her, startling Kiibo yet again.
“What is it?” he asked, turning around to face Miu, who was now standing proudly in the dorm. She had a cardboard box in her arms, marked with a lot of numbers in various colored sharpies.
“I got a one hundred on my project,” she said with a wide smile, plopping her cardboard box on Kiibo’s bed. The rest of the dorm was an absolute mess, covered in robotic parts, unfinished projects, and blueprints.
“Well of course you did,” Kiibo said, giving a smile back to the proud girl. “You are Miu Iruma.”
“Gorgeous girl genius!” she completed. “Anyways, did you get yours working?”
Kiibo shook his head and turned around. On the desk propped up was a chest piece for some sort of mechanical armor.
“No,” he said, his smile dropping down to a pout. “The chest piece is too heavy, but I do not know how to make it lightweight enough. Plus, the jet pack continues to get stuck. It activates, but the metal plates keep colliding and it could start a fire, which is extremely dangerous, as you know.”
Miu walked over and leaned over Kiibo, having no problem practically displaying her chest over him. Kiibo’s face burned red as he looked directly at his suit. Miu reached her arm over him and pointed to a plate.
“Try getting rid of this plate. If you can’t get rid of it entirely, sand down the edges here,” she moved her finger to another part of the plate. “And here. It should help with the weight and the collision with the jet pack. It won’t help the weight problem entirely though.”
Kiibo nodded as Miu got off of him. He picked the screwdriver off of the ground and went to work removing the plate. As he did that, Miu walked back over to Kiibo’s bed and plopped herself down on it. She opened the cardboard box and pulled out her own project. There were two long wired pieces each with a mechanical hand connected to a backpack.
Kiibo popped the plate off with a clink.
“Oh boy, this might actually work!” he claimed, wiping his brow as he adjusted the visible parts that were under the plate. “Ooh! And if I just move this here and remove this part…” Kiibo muttered to himself.
Miu could hear him, looking up at him as he put her device on her back. She smiled, though he couldn’t see her. Whenever he muttered like that it was always adorable. Smirking, she activated her device and the hands activated. They could stretch out and retract with the flick of a valve. The handgrips on the side allowed her to control the mechanical hands.
She stretched them out next to Kiibo, catching his attention. He had just got off another plate before looking over.
Miu made one hand make the ‘okay’ symbol, the other hand making a pointer finger and doing that all to known motion.
Kiibo flustered and made a small squeak as he pushed the mechanical hands out of his face.
“Miu! I am trying to work here.”
Miu laughed and retracted the mechanical hands back to her device.
“God, your cute noises are adorable,” Miu claimed, shutting off her device.
Kiibo blushed again.
“Th-They are not. So stop talking about them,” he said shyly, going back to his project.
She jumped off the bed and walked over to him, sitting on a rolling chair and rolled over to his desk.
“They are too.” She watched him work on his project and smirked once again, rolling over to the other desk in his dorm which contained the rest of the suit.
“Did you add that vibrating feature to the gloves as I suggested?”
Kiibo shook his head.
“No, I didn’t.”
Miu pouted and slumped in her chair.
“Come on! I told you that it is going to get you a higher grade!” She picked up one of the finished gloves and put it on. “It would be the perfect feature for the gloves!”
Kiibo looked up from the chest piece and rolled his chair over to where she was, taking the glove off of her hand and placing it on the desk with the other one.
“I don’t want my suit to have…suggestive functions.” Even though that was all he said, the boy still blushed.
Miu laughed.
“If my ideas can get myself a one hundred, then they must be the best fuckin ideas ever!”
Kiibo smiled and looked at his project before back at Miu.
“Maybe they are. But I want to get a good grade on a project that I created,” he claimed before his blue eyes widened. “Not that I do not appreciate your help! I’m glad I have someone like you to help me out. So…thank you.”
Miu grinned and wrapped her arms around the boy, holding him in the tightest hug.
“You’re too damn nice for your own good. And of course, you’re glad to have someone like me. Cause I fuckin’ rule!” She let go of Kiibo, his face redder than a tomato as he inhaled a large breath. “Now get back to your project.”
Kiibo just smiled and nodded before rolling back over to his desk to finish the chest piece
~A few hours later~
“Done!” Kiibo claimed, sitting back in his chair and spinning around so Miu could see. She had been laying on his bed, reading some magazine. In actuality, she had been watching Kiibo work for almost 2 hours.
At his claim, Miu looked over to Kiibo who was wearing the finished chest piece.
“Holy shit, you did it!”
“Yes, I think I did,” he said with a proud smile.
Miu stood up and walked over to him, immediately getting close to him and running her hands along the chest piece, causing Kiibo to get flustered yet again.
“This craftsmanship is high quality! And I see you took my advice in removing the plate.”
“Mm hm. I actually took your advice to make the suit a lot more lightweight all around and not just in that specific spot. So, I really owe you a lot. Thank you, Miu.”
Mui kept her hands on his chest and looked up, her cocky ego shut down as she was the one to blush this time.
“Oh, uh, it was nothing! I’m sure you could have done it without my amazingly genius brain’s help.”
Kiibo flushed as well as he realized just how close she was to him.
“Maybe. Though I highly doubt it.”
Miu waited a few seconds, looking up at Kiibo until her confident smile returned.
“I guess you really couldn’t have done it without me,” she said, pushing back off of him and walking to the door.
“Now let’s go test this baby out!”
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Ishimaru Kiyotaka Deserved Better!
Okay, so for everyone that has seen the first Danganronpa, Trigger Happy Havoc, either the Animation or gameplay, Ishimaru deserved waaaaay better. He should have been a survivor in my mind.
(Spoilers for Game 1, chapter 2)
The only reason Ishimaru died was because of Mondo, and his (gay) love for this man. Explanation: After Mondo and Chihiro died, the group left found a laptop that Chihiro modified. AKA, Alter Ego. Alter Ego had a version of Mondo who told Ishimaru that he shouldn’t dwell on the past and that what he did was not his fault and all the sappy stuff like this. This makes Ishimaru go super sane, but we’re not talking about that. After that, Ishimaru wants to have AE for himself so he can talk to the virtual Mondo. Because of his fascination to be with AE/Computer Mondo, he gets lured into Celestia’s trap and comes out of it getting killed. And by Hifumi none the less. HIFUMI!! A fat, anime fan artist!! BS! Anyways, back to the point, he gets killed. This all could have been avoided if Mondo could have just grown some balls, admitted that Chihiro was a tiny little badass, and helped him become the man he wanted to be. But no. He had to go and fuck it all up by smashing a dumbbell over the poor boy’s head because he was a jealous turd, inevitably resulting in the doom of not only Chihiro and himself, but our favorite Moral Compass (his boyfriend) as well.
Anyways, sorry for the rant. Probably isn’t the last. I just realized all of this last night when having a conversation with my sister.
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OumaSai Oneshot #1
This is my very first OumaSai fanfic/Oneshot, so please go easy on me!
Prompt: Kokichi keeps lying his way into crime scenes so he can be interrogated by a certain detective.
Kokichi sat in the interrogation chair, his hands behind his head and his feet on the table like he owned the place. He whistled a little tune as he waited for who he knew would walk through the door any minute.
As if on cue, the door busted open and another male was pushed into the room. He held folders in his arms and had a hat on his head. 
Shuichi turned around to talk to the person who pushed him in the room, though Kokichi was unable to hear the conversation. Instead, he sat normally in his chair and smiled at the detective as he turned around.
“He is your problem. You interrogate him. End of discussion,” he heard the other person say before Shuichi was pushed more into the room and the door slammed behind him.
Shuichi turned around, almost nervously, to face the purple-haired boy in the chair.
“Saihara-chan, we must stop meeting like this,” Kokichi started, adding a little giggle to the end of his words.
Shuichi instantly sighed and sat down in the seat across from Kokichi.
“You need to stop lying your way into crime scenes,” Shuichi commented back. He opened his folder and displayed photos of a breaking and entering. He slid the photos in front of Kokichi.
“What if I’m not lying this time?” Kokichi asked with a raised brow. He looked down at the photos before pointing to the house. “See. This is totally the house I saw someone break into.”
Shuichi said nothing at first, only moved the photo of the house to show a picture of someone. She had crazy colored hair and a mean expression.
“Is this the person you saw? The person that broke into this house?” he asked as if he were talking to a child.
Kokichi leaned forward in his chair and flicked his finger under Shuichi’s hat, knocking it off of his head and onto the ground. 
“Oh no, absolutely not. You’ve got it all wrong, Mr. Detective.”
Shuichi tried to catch his hat but failed. He didn’t pick it up because he didn’t want to take his eyes off Kokichi.
“R-Really?” he asked, his face slightly pink as he was caught off guard and still trying to determine if Kokichi was lying.
Kokichi giggled and leaned back in his chair.
“Yep! Totally wrong.” 
Shuichi pulled the folder and photos back in front of him, pulling out a small notebook from the folder. He opened it to a clean page before grabbing a pen and looking up at Kokichi.
“Could you describe the person you saw for me?”
Kokichi scrunched his eyebrows, tapping a finger to his cheek.
“I don’t know…”
Kokichi groaned.
“Saihara-chaaaan, you never want to have any fun,” he dragged out, leaning forward over the table and laying out his arms. He placed his chin on the table and looked up to Shuichi. The two had a few seconds of looking into each other’s eyes before Kokichi sighed.
“Fine...but only if you say please,” the purplnette smirked.
Shuichi looked down at Kokichi, letting in and out a small breath before giving a soft, “please?”
Kokichi sat up, nearly hitting Shuichi with his hand, and placed his hands in front of him.
“Well let’s see…” he looked off as if having a flashback. “It was definitely a guy,” he started and Shuichi wrote down what he said in the notepad. 
“He was very pale. Like, probably has never seen the sun pale,” Kokichi continued, Shuichi jotting down his words selectively. 
“He had small-ish eyes that were absolutely mesmerizing, their dull gold-gray color sandwiched between very thick eyelashes.”
Shuichi stopped writing and just looked up at Kokichi, who had been looking right at the detective.
“You know, now that I think about it, he might have been wearing eyeliner. A very emo criminal, you know?”
But Kokichi ignored him and continued talking.
“His eyebrows were very thin, and he seemed to be very nervous. Maybe it was his first time committing a crime? Or maybe he just always looks like that…”
“And his lips. Don’t even get me started on his lips. They were small but looked good on his face. The kind you just wanna press your own lips against, you know? Though I feel like he’d be a bad kisser. Too passive.”
At this, Shuichi’s face flushed red and he closed the note pad.
“Kokichi,” he said one final time, and this time Kokichi stopped talking and raised his eyebrows.
“You’re, uh...you’re describing me.”
“Am I?” Kokichi laughed before shrugging. “I guess I did. Do you mean to tell me that you broke into someone’s home? I am quite shocked. Saihara-chan.”
Shuichi shook his head.
“You know I didn’t. And it’s clear you didn’t see anyone so why don’t you just-”
“Leave you to your detective work?” Kokichi finished his statement, standing up. “I know the drill.”
Kokichi walked to the door and opened it before turning around to face Shuichi.
“Until next time, Mr. Detective. I’m sure we’ll have lots of fun.”
He winked at Shuichi before exiting the room, leaving Shuichi alone with a red face and new life contemplations. 
Ahhh, this was so much fun to write. I hope you liked it! If you have any prompts, don’t hesitate to send them to me. PS, I don’t just write OumaSai...
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