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Melns rules, Balts sucks.
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Melns rules, Balts sucks.
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!!Mod 1 here;
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The group will be going under renovations and revisions and such in hopes of reviving it. Once such is done, we will be sure to let you know. Ummm, thank you for still showing interest in the group and sorry about letting things fall apart like they did.
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i'm surprised at how many accounts are actually still up
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I miss this place.. I wish we could "re-do" it..
oh, no hey it's still here. For some reason???
But if that's how you feel try talking to Mod 1 on her personal. along with giving her some sort of talk about how she should manage her group. or something.
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Thanks so much for your speedy attention to my photo being removed. :)
Uh-- no problem.
Btw you wouldn't happen to have a significant other named Lucian, or Lucy would you?
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Hi there! While I appreciate that you liked my photo enough to use for your tumbler site, I would like you to either remove it immediately or please link back to my name and work. This is not a "free image". I understand that images are on the internet, and easy to get, but this is my work and I would like some credit. If this is not either taken down or credited to me, I will have no choice but to have my attorney contact you. I am Heather Rivera on Fotoblur and DeviantArt
Ah, well--- This is 'mod 2', mod 1 is the person who used that image. So I apologize in her place for her mis-use of your work, and seeing as this group is dead I will just remove it for you. 
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♖♗ { I'm sad to admit it....} ♝♜
But I think this Group is officially dead.
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I suppose it was fun while it lasted... I figured it would have died after those two left... Maybe if I had been a better mod this wouldn't have happened, but oh well. Nothing I can do about it now. You can still keep the accounts and rp as you wish if that is what you choose. Whether it's in the group's settings or the Modern. I apologize for letting things get so dull that no one bothered to keep up with it. Myself included.
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outofchara--; Please take me off from hiatus now~ I'm back and going to be awesome as always :Db
All right, your Haitus has been removed.
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outofchara--; Excuse me ; w ; I want to take Eirwyn in to a week hiatus because I've been busy with work and all orz I'm sorry ; A ;
Not to worry. I think a lot of us have gotten busy with RL things. Please take your time.
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I'm so sorry, but I'm afraid I'm going to have to drop Kottan. School is demanding a lot of my time, and it's getting busier. This is such a cool RP, though! I hope everything goes well with it. Thank you for everything.
All right. No worries. Sorry school is getting really time-consuming. Dont be a stranger sweetie. C:
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♖♗ { Sorry for the Delay. } ♝♜
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I'm sure none of you wish to read some long-winded speech about Caissa deciding to mix things up a bit, and with so many people on Hiatus or just plain inactive I wonder if it's even smart to go through with an event, but Consider this the start of the AU!Modern arch. I will last for about a week, if not longer depending on how you all enjoy it.
Also please note that it is fine to interact with other RP accounts so long as you keep chessboard members priority. It should have stated that in the rules, but at the same time the rules did not say you could not interact with others.
Again, I'm sorry for the delay, things are a little hectic for me at the current moment.
--Mod 1
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For the event any day is fine for me as well. I am already busy as it is so the sooner the better I guess. Sorry for my late response to it though.
All rightly. We'll see about starting is asap then, since that seems to be what everyone would like.
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Hey, I'm going to have to put Rory and Crowe on hiatus for a little bit. All my muses are being a little distant lately. I'll try to kick-start them as soon as possible :3.
All right no worries.
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Any day is fine for me really as I've already started school so any day is fine for me really so far. I'd prefer it if it starts earlier than later however.
All right. Thank you for your feed back. At this rate I might have it started by this weekend, possibly Friday.
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Well for the event, both my accounts are up for it. Anyday is fine because I'm relatively busy the same all days...
Thank you for your input. I'll be sure to make a announcement post (and stick to it this time) when a decision is reached.
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