chiikitten · 5 months
If you fucks actually go through with not voting on your next USA president elections and subsequently lead Trump to power again.
Yes. Yes I'm going to blame every single American for that. Collective responsibility and all that jazz.
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chiikitten · 6 months
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chiikitten · 11 months
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chiikitten · 11 months
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chiikitten · 1 year
Maybe if I was prettier. Or maybe if I was more horrifying actually
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chiikitten · 1 year
Freelancing in technical theater means you’re on a lot of different email lists. People need a crew, they send out an email, you respond with your availability. Now, most people start these with things like “hey folks” or “hi everyone”. Neal is not most people.
His openers started off innocent enough.
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Then, he started to push boundaries.
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And as you can see, it has spiraled out of control since then.
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chiikitten · 1 year
i’m alive?
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chiikitten · 1 year
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chiikitten · 2 years
To be honest I think now that every MAGA candidate running for secretary of their state with explicit plans to fuck up the coming presidential election has lost AND it looks like Dems are going to win Georgia and thus have enough of a majority in the Senate to actually do stuff AND it's entirely possible they'll keep the House I think we can change the post election messaging from a bittersweet "it may seem like we lost and didn't achieve much but if you look at the bigger picture this was a big step in the right direction" to a loud, victorious "despite everything with the help of millennial and gen z voters we pulled off the fucking impossible and you should feel so incredibly overwhelmingly proud of and empowered by that"
This election didn't just hold the line, we crushed the far right almost everywhere that it mattered, made up for our losses flipping previously red areas, kept the margins razor thin even where we lost so they know we aren't here to fuck around, and set ourselves up for an even bigger win in 2024, so you should never again feel like you're powerless or your vote doesn't matter. Every single one of you mattered. You made and will continue to make all the difference. I mean the 18-28s voted so hard we apparently canceled out EVERYONE OVER 65. That is fucking incredible. Trust me, the GOP is scared of us for a reason and we can keep up the momentum, crush them again and again.
We didn't just barely stagger to the finish line, we ran full force over it, and we should celebrate that.
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chiikitten · 2 years
thoughts on the friendzone
[TRADUCCIÓN ESPAÑOLA] (thanks a ton, krissyraawr!)
when i was 5 years old my best friend was a boy named kyle who didn’t know how to knock on doors so he made dinosaur noises outside my window to wake me up in the summer until i demonstrated how to ball his fists and slam them against my doors.  we collected caterpillars in my trailer park and built them houses while we traded pokemon cards.  he wasn’t the only one.  there was ben, and mitch, and noah–but kyle’s the only one who hurt me, because when he tried to kiss me and i asked him why, he told me “because you’re a girl and i’m a boy, shouldn’t we like each other?”
i missed him so much and i wondered why he couldn’t just be my friend like he always was
Keep reading
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chiikitten · 2 years
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baby…. don’t cry…… you are pefrect…..
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chiikitten · 2 years
okay some of yall are just ignoring natives at this point where is the outcry??? how loud do we have to scream? how many of us have to go missing or be found dead before you start screaming with us?
please sign the petition to let us keep our children! and educate yourself on the true history of turtle island: hint, you gotta talk to real natives to get the true story. history is written by the victors.
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chiikitten · 2 years
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chiikitten · 2 years
Seeing a lot of people not from the uk not understanding who Larry the Cat is and his role in UK politics
Larry the Cat is no. 10’s official mouser. He lives at No. 10 and catches mice. He has held this position for over a decade
When shit is going down and all the news crews are hanging outside no. 10 waiting for something to happen he’s usually also hanging around outside so when there’s not much visual happening but they don’t want to cut away from the outside of No. 10 we all just watch Larry
He is often seen standing by the door waiting to be let in
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He is the most competent person at No. 10
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chiikitten · 2 years
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Please reblog this even if you don’t care
They’re trying to erase the existence of the rape victims of Japanese soldiers in World War II because they think the reminder of their crimes might make Japan a little bit cross
Duterte, the absolute coward, is more worried about women criticizing him than actually honoring the women this country needs to remember
Please don’t let these women be silenced.
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chiikitten · 2 years
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chiikitten · 2 years
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i feel so attacked
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