chikianjoy · 9 years
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chikianjoy · 9 years
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We’ll be selling our stuff at Cosplay Carnival 2016!
Title: 因縁-Fate- Series: Gintama Pairing: Okita Sougo x Kagura (Alternate Universe) Price: PHP750 Size: A5 (192 pages in total; includes 7 chapters, an epilogue, and two full-color pages) Language: English Warnings: Spoilers for all current chapters, explicit content (R-18)
Summary: Unforeseen circumstances have forced Okita Sougo and Kagura into awkward situations involving courtship, guardians, and Valentine’s Day. Based on the AU involving the headcanon, ‘what if Okita Sougo is a Yato?’.
My friends will be manning my booth on my behalf. Barya lang po sa umaga, por favor.
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Bonus laminated card is included (A6 size):
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We absolutely cannot sell this doujinshi to minors below the age of eighteen unless you have received the explicit permission of your guardian.
The booth will be providing a sample copy of the contents, so please feel free to ask any of the two persons-in-charge for a quick taste~
Lastly, please remember to bring a valid ID (government-issued, school, passport) that shows your date of birth so that we will sell it to you.. You must be eighteen years old and above on or before February 20, 2016..
See you there!
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chikianjoy · 9 years
Store is back up.
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chikianjoy · 9 years
Heads up!
Our Storenvy will be closing shop temporarily from September 14, 2015 until October 12, 2015.
Operations will resume on October 12, 2015.
Thank you for your support!
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chikianjoy · 9 years
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Happy Okikagu week! fellow Okikagu lovers
(DAMMIT I’M LATE BY ONE DAY) and I still have no net haha! 
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chikianjoy · 9 years
We’ve shipped some orders today :)
We’re taking a bit of a break, but we’ll be back releasing some stuff near the end of 2015 :)
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chikianjoy · 9 years
Oh hey, we’re working on more stuff.
Tentative release dates:
Tsukuyo OT3 - October 10, 2015 AU Okita x Kagura - November 3, 2015
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chikianjoy · 9 years
We would appreciate it if the people who ordered the okixkagu doujinshi novel would message us (Anon or otherwise) to let us know that their orders got delivered to them safe and sound :)
It would also be great if you guys tell us what you think of the novel after reading it. Your input would greatly help tangerinespectre​ and I if ever we decide to do another doujinshi collaboration, as it will help us improve for the future works.
Thank you again for buying our doujinshi!
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chikianjoy · 9 years
2 items have been sent out. m(_ _)m -Momo
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chikianjoy · 9 years
Looks like my weekend will be hectic whoops
Shipping for all orders will resume next Tuesday m(_ _)m
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chikianjoy · 9 years
Where to order your copy of 因縁-Fate- doujinshi:
Pixiv Booth (Japan customers only; payment in JPY)
Storenvy (International customers; payment in USD)
Big Cartel (International customers; payment in USD)
Tictail (International customers; payment in USD)
Google Forms (International customers; payment either in USD [Paypal] or PHP [bank transfer]); For requests like signing and what-not.
Take your pick. m( _ _ )m
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chikianjoy · 9 years
因縁-Fate- preorder options:
Google Forms (International)(Paypal)(USD/JPY via Paypal) [if you have personal requests on your orders] Storenvy (International)(Paypal)(USD only via Paypal) [for USD transactions] Pixiv Booth (Japan customers only)(JPY only via Credit Card, Convenience Store Payment, Bank Transfer) [for Japan-based customers]
Shipping starts around the week of April 6, 2015 or earlier.
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chikianjoy · 9 years
I’ve shipped out all of the orders.
Please give it 10~20 business days to get to you.
If you have any concerns, please feel free to message.
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chikianjoy · 9 years
Preorders are now open for 因縁-Fate-!
Note: Even if you’re a Japan/Philippine customer, you have the option to use Paypal instead of bank transfer, though you may only pay in USD or JPY.
Doujinshi Overview Why only those who are age 18 and above can order a copy
And finally...
Order Form (Please be 100% sure before filling out this form)
I will only bill you when it’s time to ship it out. Please do not back out of your order.
Shipping guide is here for your reference. A single item weighs around 800 grams, complete with the packaging. I shall be sending it via SAL. If your country doesn’t handle SAL, I will send it via Airmail instead.
All information written in the order form will be kept in the strictest of confidence.
Shipping starts on the week of April 6.
Thank you for your cooperation.
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chikianjoy · 9 years
因縁-Fate- Doujinshi Preview
Text preview for everyone’s convenience. Will be available at the circle table tomorrow as well.
“What do you want from me?” she asked in the bravest tone she could muster, despite hearing her own heartbeat in her ears.
When he opened his mouth, the stranger said, “The clan may deem you of no use… but I don’t.” was it just her, or did his voice drop lower than before…?
“E-excuse me…?!” she spluttered, wondering if he was mocking her.
Everyone knew, from the warriors to the ones still living in the home planet, that she was supposedly not a true Yato, despite being born from parents who were both full-blooded Yato. They all found it ironic that Umibouzu, the strongest in their clan, had a weakling for a daughter. Her brother, on the other hand, preferred that she was dead instead of living in exile.
According to him, she was a mistake that needed to be erased from existence.
According to him, having a sibling who did not possess any strength was of no use to him, and, by extension, reflected upon him. He never once considered her family upon learning that she possessed zero brute strength, and took it upon himself to beat her up when they were younger, convinced that it would somehow bring out the strength that lay dormant within her. All she got were bruises and a bloody nose whenever Papi wasn’t around to watch over them.
To Kamui, she was better off dead than living in the same universe as he was.
“You heard me; you’re of use to me.” He said, bending his head lower until his forehead was touching her own, his crimson-colored eyes boring into her. Upon seeing the hesitation in her eyes, he continued, “You wanna know how?”
She didn’t dare open her mouth; she had an inkling that this guy had something in mind… and that it wouldn’t be good.
Curiously, her instincts started screaming at her to get away from him as far as possible, puzzling her.
What did this guy have that made him more fearful than her deranged brother anyway? He didn’t look much; he looked way too skinny and lean to be able to do much damage to her. Regeneration abilities were all she had, and even if he tried, she would recover.
That didn’t mean she relinquished the thought of being his personal punching bag, if that was what he meant by her being of use to him.
If it was… she would find ways to hurt him.
Absentmindedly, she slightly raised her knee, preparing her position so that she would be able to hit him where it would hurt the most if push came to shove.
She could still do devastating damage against Earthlings, and that, at least, was an easy thing to do.
Battling a fellow Yato, however, was an entirely different story.
As soon as he had lowered himself to meet her eyes, she was on guard; despite his innocent-looking face, his eyes said otherwise. She had learned early on in life not to judge people, for the harmless-looking ones were usually the most insane and most sadistic. The possibility of this pervert doing something far more sinister than what her clan had done to her made her feel sick.
The female Yato felt her chin tilt upward, but before she could voice out a protest, she felt his lips close in against hers, sending her into a panic.
W-what the—!
Where the hell were the citizens of Edo when she needed them?!
She tried to scream, but all that came out of her was a muffled protest as the stranger deepened the kiss. Almost immediately, just when she thought of using her hands to try and slap him, he tightened the grip around her wrists.
Her heart wouldn’t stop pounding; she felt dizzy as he continued on by forcing her mouth open, sucking her tongue in the process. This time, she couldn’t help but moan in surprise as her senses had, shockingly, found it… not so disgusting.
She knew this was a normal reaction. Her body was tricking her into thinking that this was acceptable, when it was really not.
… Hell, did she just feel something hard against her pelvis…?!
This guy…!
She hated the fact that this guy, whoever the hell he was, used her lack of physical strength to his advantage; he played dirty, and she felt upset over it, but knew that in their clan, this was a very admirable trait. Using everything to your advantage not only meant that you were cunning, but also showed that you were more concerned with winning with everything you got.
She had her problems with the way the clan dealt with things, and this was one of them.
Fortunately for her, even if she lacked the strength that they possessed, she was still as cunning as the rest of them. It also fell to her favor that every one of them underestimated her, which meant they let her guard down whenever it came to her.
With that, she did the next best thing: kiss him back… only for her to bite back, literally.
Sougo nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt the girl underneath him kiss back, as he did not expect it to happen. Far from it.
He knew who she was, which was why he used her lack of strength to his advantage to make sure that she wouldn’t fight him back. He wasn’t naïve enough to think that she would easily submit to his whims; he had to keep his guard up, but for the meantime, he was thoroughly enjoying himself, and did not mind whatever it was that she was planning after this short stint.
He was so deep in his thoughts that he did not notice her attempt to hurt him by biting him, only realize it when he tasted blood on his mouth. He pulled away from her, smirking as he licked the side of his mouth where the wound was.
She, in turn, was glaring angrily at him.
“Not bad.” He remarked.
“What the hell do you mean by that?” she asked hotly.
He shook his head, though it looked as if he had been amused by her defiance, which annoyed her further. This guy was seriously underestimating her, and she was itching to punch him as soon as she had the chance to do so. She probably wouldn’t be able to do much damage, but hurting him was better than nothing.
“I mentioned earlier that you are of use to me.” He continued, as if she had not spoken.
“And why,” she growled, unable to temper down her impatience. “do you think so?”
In response, he roughly raised both her hands high above her head, making her yelp from the sudden movement.
“Because despite your sole defect,” he began. “it’s obvious that you are able to breed… which means you still have your uses, albeit in a strictly biological sense.”
She felt a burning sensation on her cheeks, embarrassed and angry at the blunt admission of his. Not only did he demean her by making her feel inadequate, but he was pointing out the sole flaw that she had as a member of the Yato clan.
She should have been used to it by now, given that Kamui himself pointed out her flaws (her brother could tell all the things that was wrong with her, all thanks to living in the same house as he did for ten years) whenever he had a chance to do so, but it seemed like after staying nearly a decade on Earth, she had allowed herself to be a pushover.
She would remedy that immediately… as soon as he gets the hell off her.
“… So you’re gonna turn me into some kind of breeding machine so that I can spawn your children.” She spat out bitterly. At his nod, she rolled her eyes. “Really now. How barbaric.”
He merely smiled at her. “Isn’t everything about the Yato culture ‘barbaric’ by Edo standards? Or have you been here for so long that you’ve forgotten everything that has been taught to you?”
She snorted. “Hardly.” It was difficult to forget just how fearless the members of the clan are, and that they killed for the fun of it. She had, more or less, an idea how courtship and mating happened in their clan, as Mami kept on tell her the story about how she and Papi got together. Now that she thought about it, they had gotten together because Mami ended up pregnant.
It made sense now. With the way the Yato conducted their courtship, pregnancy was inevitable.
Mating was, after all, the second-most important step in the ritual, just after convincing the potential mate to getting together. Even until now, the future of the clan, ironically, rested in the females’ ability to produce warriors.
Frankly, she wondered if it was going to be that way for her too… but she hoped not.
Kagura stiffened when, all of a sudden, he bent down and whispered in her ear, “Be thankful we’re not in our home planet, or I would’ve already made you mine and fucked you right here, right now.”
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chikianjoy · 9 years
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I’ll be here tomorrow! Please don’t forget to bring any valid identification card so that I’ll be able to sell to you the doujinshi. :)
See you!
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Comiket Special 6: Otaku Summit 2015 merchandise
因縁-Fate- (R-18) Series: Gintama Pairing: Okita Sougo x Kagura (AU) Price: JPY1500 (on 3/29) | PHP750 | USD16 (no shipping fee yet) Size: A5 (192 pages in total; includes 7 chapters, an epilogue, and two full-color pages) Language: English Warnings: Spoilers for all Gintama chapters, explicit content
Summary: Unforeseen circumstances have forced Okita Sougo and Kagura into awkward situations involving courtship, guardians, and Valentine’s Day. Based on the AU involving the headcanon, ‘what if Okita Sougo is a Yato?’.
I’ll be at Comiket Special 6 selling the aforementioned book above on Day 2, March 29 at space G-33a, along with other Gintama doujinshi-ka. Bonus A6-sized laminated photo card (on the right) for the buyers on that day. Any remaining laminated photo cards will be given for free to the online buyers (while stocks last).
See you there!
当日、よろしくお願いします!┏( .-. ┏ ) ┓
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chikianjoy · 10 years
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Comiket Special 6: Otaku Summit 2015 merchandise
因縁-Fate- (R-18) Series: Gintama Pairing: Okita Sougo x Kagura (AU) Price: JPY1500 (on 3/29) | PHP750 | USD16 (no shipping fee yet) Size: A5 (192 pages in total; includes 7 chapters, an epilogue, and two full-color pages) Language: English Warnings: Spoilers for all Gintama chapters, explicit content
Summary: Unforeseen circumstances have forced Okita Sougo and Kagura into awkward situations involving courtship, guardians, and Valentine’s Day. Based on the AU involving the headcanon, ‘what if Okita Sougo is a Yato?’.
I’ll be at Comiket Special 6 selling the aforementioned book above on Day 2, March 29 at space G-33a, along with other Gintama doujinshi-ka. Bonus A6-sized laminated photo card (on the right) for the buyers on that day. Any remaining laminated photo cards will be given for free to the online buyers (while stocks last).
See you there!
当日、よろしくお願いします!┏( .-. ┏ ) ┓
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