chikschikayyy · 3 years
Career Development- 03/26/21
Princess Abby Gale Duna
Every person has a purpose in life. We have a variety of goals as children. Dreams are important because without them, you would fail the strength to go further in your daily life.
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Ones goals give you lots the motivation to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. These ambitions will establish our future, guide our path, and help us succeed in our careers.
#GRADE12STEM13 #journal
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chikschikayyy · 3 years
Family Relationship - 03/26/21
Princess Abby Gale Duna
“Family- Where life begins and love never ends”
Good family relationship helps your family feel secure and loved, you can build good relationship in your family with quality time, communication, teamwork and appreciation. Good family relationship are enjoyable it just feels good to be part of a warm and loving family. Family relationship is important for lots of other reasons too, they can help to overcome difficulties, make it easier for your family to solve problems and resolve conflict, helps you and your family respect differences of your opinion. This is why it's always worth looking at the relationship you share with your family and thinking how you can improve them.
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Good family relationship has a strong family grow from the love, connection and few rules and routines too. Family quality time can happen anywhere, its about making the most of the time you spend together. When you have positive communication in your family, it helps every body feel understood and respected and valued, and this strengthens to build your family relationship.
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chikschikayyy · 3 years
Community Relationships- 03/25/21
Princess Abby Gale J. Duna
The path that wiser individuals take to lead development and stability in a community is one of peace and consistency.
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Can you just imagine how pleasant our life would be living in a community vibing with people we have the same thoughts in life? Waking up every morning with people who we go fine with or people that get along well like living in a paradise with no problem and everyone are so relaxed right? Having this kind of community is a very ideal place to live in. Having this kind of people surrounds you is like having a relationship with one another and something that we all want to develop and grow as an individual.
We all have purposes in our lives. We are free to live and have contributions in our society. Implementing peace and prosperity is very important for these are the essential elements of our lives and the ideal direction to take. Without these the political power, economic stability, and social growth are difficult to achieve. As a youth bringing our society into better one is more contributing than blaming the others without contributions.
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chikschikayyy · 3 years
Building and Establishing Relationships with Others- 03/23/21
Princess Abby Gale J. Duna
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Everyone experienced being in love but not everyone knows the real meaning of love. Sometimes being in love is not only for those people whom you like. It’s either the love you can feel through your friends, relatives, and family. Our first topic is all about building and establishing relationships with others and there are a lot of lessons I have learned specifically, in love and knowing our love languages.
As Miss KV discussed the lesson I am amazed that love has it’s different meaning and has different ways on how you deliver it. There are also stages in love and by that you will know what stage where you belong. For me, we cannot call it love if you two are not both committed. You cannot call it love if you’re entering it just for fun, because being in love is about being responsible on how you handle it, not to play with it.
knowing and understanding our relationships with others would be the foundation for developing and maintaining them. As a result, we grow to love and be loved as who we want to be or who we don't want to be in life. Simply be yourself, and the right people will come into your life at the appropriate time and for the appropriate reasons.
#GRADE12STEM13 #Journal
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chikschikayyy · 4 years
Psychological health-
Princess Abby Gale J. Duna
journal no. 6
I have gained so much knowledge over this lesson and my view of mental health has completely changed. I am grateful for all that I have learned during the lesson, and hearing my peer's mental health insights helped me grow my own understanding. My perspective on mental health was somewhat different at the beginning of the lesson from what it has now been. A great deal goes through my mind while focusing on my future mental health assignment . As I try to understand what they generally go through, I have always wanted to get an opportunity to work with someone with a mental health problem. Let's figure out what we can do to better our wellbeing. Let's take up the non-stigmatizing terms of emotional wellbeing and mental health.
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chikschikayyy · 4 years
Encountering stress as a part of adolescent -
Princess Abby Gale J. Duna
Journal no.5
From our latest lesson, it talks about encountering stress as a part of adolescent. stress is a feeling of emotional and physical tension. Stress can be vital for those who are emotionally weak and cannot take feelings seriously. But with the help of proper advices and guidance we can manage to face and surpass it. Stress can be decreased by taking time to cool down and rest. It can also be faced by sharing it to your close ones, sharing your problems and receiving advice from your love ones does help. lastly make your mindset positive, stay positive and focus on the outcome of your actions.
#journal. #GRADE12STEM13
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chikschikayyy · 4 years
Developing as an adult-
Princess Abby Gale J. Duna
journal no.4
From our latest lesson, we’ve tackled about the development tasks that are expected responsibilities to be fulfilled by an adolescent to be able to prepare you for adulthood. We need to develop ourselves so that we will know how to deal with the things we’re into. Developing is part of growing. As an adult I’ve encountered so many things I have never been into and because of developing I am now happy seeing myself that I am not ignorant about those things I’m confused to.
Second is the roles of peers in adolescence. It helps to provide emotional support, help to develop skills, and help mold behaviors and beliefs. Peers have always played a role in personality development. Sometimes peers can also give a negative and a positive result and as an adult we need to have our initiatives to choose an act that will not drove us to bad experiences. We need to have gratitude and be inspired about what we are doing and also compete with yourself.
#Journal. #GRADE12STEM13
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chikschikayyy · 4 years
The processes-
Princess Abby Gale J. Duna
journal no.3
The 3rd day meeting of personal development class taught us that knowing oneself undergoes process. We can’t say that we are in our real stage easily. Sometimes we say we are already in our adolescent stage but we still act like a kid and our attitude is not changing as a matured one.
We will not hold to the personality we now have in our lives because we are growing physically and emotionally. So as we grow, there's a shift we are going to face, changing our body's formation, our feelings, our lifestyle and our set of goals, and that's normal because things are not constant so we change as we grow and changing is part of our maturity.
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chikschikayyy · 4 years
Getting to know others is knowing oneself-
Princess Abby Gale J. Duna
Journal Day 2
Before you assume learn the facts. Before you judge, understand why. Before you hurt someone, feel. Before you speak think-Pinterest
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Those words are so meaningful that not everyone you think who they are that’s their real personality in life. Every person we met we have our own impressions about their looks and especially how they deal with us. Sometimes we have some things to say about them without asking first why they act like that and what’s the reason behind that personality they express in front of us. We have a variety of ways to socialize, especially if you are a type of person who’s not into socializing and thinking what will be the outcome of your interaction between others or you’re confused about the group where you belong to. There are many ways to avoid this kind of social problems and the answer is communication and understanding. As I have observed about what happened lately the recitation about the things that might reflect to ourselves, there are hidden grievances, facts about their lives, and who my classmates really are. By the activity given we are very thankful about that because we really encountered who they really are. We already know their problems why they can’t really be with us, afraid to socialize, can’t express their real feelings, and hesitates to ask about their confusions.
#personal_development #GRADE12STEM13
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chikschikayyy · 4 years
Getting to know yourself-
Princess Abby Gale J. Duna
Did you already know about who you are? or what kind of person are you? Did you already asked yourself why do other people know you more than you yourself? Can you say that you already know yourself better and that you don’t need another person to know what or who you really are? The thing is we need to know our self better than others.
As we grow older, we realize that there are things we need to know more about, the most important thing is knowing ourself. Sometimes we have some things to say to the people we met or associate with about the behavior we see towards them or how they behave themselves but we also don’t know what they think of us. We often say to other people that they can’t judge us because we know ourselves better, without thinking that their perceptions are part of knowing ourselves more. But, if you’re really sure that you already know yourself you don’t have to worry about the judgements of other people towards you. We need to have self-worth so we will know how to value ourselves, self-efficacy to be more confident about your doings, self-complexity so we should know how to deal in different situations, and of course don’t let other people to lower your self-esteem.
At the end of the day you will realize that all the things you’ve encountered in life you always have yourself, you should trust yourself and be yourself.
#journal(1) #GRADE12STEM13
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chikschikayyy · 4 years
“Bridging the Hindrances of Digital Divide”
Princess Abby Gale J. Duna -STEM 4
A digital divide is any uneven distribution in the access to information technologies between nations and regions especially the poor, rural and elders. There are currently more than a billion of active mobile phones. Implementing online classes falls in digital divide, it is with the students ho have stable internet connection and have a complete access to online and doing schoolworks is much easier versus the inability of students to do schoolworks at home due to lack of internet or device access, specifically the rural areas where it is hard to reach connection. Students with poor internet connectivity access, for example, could be left behind from the lesson discussed during the time she lost her internet connection. The access to computers, not all of us can afford to buy the device, is another problem. The COVID-19 crisis has shown that access to computers and the internet is now crucial to the ability of children to access education, and demonstrates the urgent need, once and for all, for a global strategy to close these gaps.
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Technology , especially in this generation, continues to evolve. Changes have arisen and people can not keep up with it with the rapidly changing technologies and inevitably fall behind. Bridging the gap of digital divide depends on how it affects you and how you handle this situation. To avoid the possibility of falling behind due to digital divide, especially in the middle of this pandemic suffering online class and not everyone has a stable internet connection and you’re already behind to your subjects due to connection loss, you can approach the school head to do modular classes so you will not struggle in learning using technologies who needs internet connection. Also for everyone to survive in this online learning, everyone should work hand-in-hand. The government should have proper and concrete plans on how to address this problem. Some people wants academic freeze because of that case the connection problems and lacking of technological access, but some says education is more important and we should learn.
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chikschikayyy · 4 years
“New Media: Engine for Tomorrow’s Innovations”
Princess Abby Gale J. Duna -STEM 4
New media became useful and the most popular trend for the last decades, and it became part of the lives of the people today. The new media strengthen the traditional print and electronic media and had a greater impact in our lives all over the world. The new media technologies extremely changed the world, although it may have a disadvantage but it has a greater advantage to many people especially to our new normal situation. New media can make a one step closer to our families, friends, colleague who lived far away. Social networking can make every heart connected to each other regardless of the distance. With the pace of technological change, gathering of facts and information evolves rapidly. It makes our life much easier of everything we need, everything we want to see and read can be access quickly. It invigorates the minds of people to think critically and can make judgments about the credibility of sources and information.
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From now on we can’t predict what will be the next innovation of new media and for the upcoming 5 years in our life’s generation. The old media represents digital platforms that are identical to magazines, newspapers, television and radio and now it is consumed on mobile phones, laptops, desktops and contain the same information of other types of media but delivered in a different style, for 5 years from now I can see the best innovation of media, the qualities of media now maybe more creative and much easier soon. The new media is accessible anytime and anywhere and become one of our news tool today, but for the upcoming innovations the innovators won’t stop discovering and creating new media and they will make this new media more accessible in just one click on the tip of our finger and will make different tools for us to make less hassle on searching credible news, it is where we are quickly notified by the latest news unlike how we wait on televisions and fake social media posts everyday to get news. As our brain become rewired to interact effectively with technology, it will benefit for us to learn more. As time quickly passes by, the technologies also grow and innovate.
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chikschikayyy · 4 years
“Understanding the Relevance of Information Literacy in the Midst of Social Era”
Princess Abby Gale J. Duna -STEM4
Nearly all people in the globe is connected to the internet and are active users of social media. Each and every false information flashed on their screen can cause bad outcomes. In relation to this, if information literacy is present on the internet, specially social media, then peace can be placed in their crowded vast field. The relevance of this in todays era is the information they relay to our social media. Technology is everywhere, innovations are mastered, and now that we have more social media around us, the fake news are spreading and we are surrounded by scammers. Social media is where we can connect to other people, meet people virtually, and get news and information. It is where the ideas and opinions are shared. The relevance of information literacy is that it tells us our ability to locate and evaluate the information if it is true or just an opinion. Dig something that is helpful and worth to share and spread to all netizens. If information literacy is introduced in our social era all of us can recognize the false information and help gather data intelligently and enables us to investigate and have more self-directed over our learning.
In our todays learner, information literacy is very important because it promotes problem solving approaches and thinking skills, asking questions and seeking answer helps us to become a critical thinkers who keeps finding information , forming opinions, making decisions and nurturing successful learners, effective contributors, confident person and responsible citizens. It is also important in our society for it helps to promote human development. Information literacy is vital for lifelong learning as it strengthen the quality of education both learning environment and educational setting. Though social media can give some of disadvantages, it also helps us to become wiser people with knowledge and prepared to find the data they need for any decision and task in life. As a student we should also be responsible about the the information we are spreading or whatever issues we hear because nowadays there are a lot of fake information that usually spread especially in new media.
// @queenlupitajones
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chikschikayyy · 4 years
"Media and Government: a love -hate relationship"
Princess Abby Gale J. Duna & Mohammad Yunus M. Balt
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Media plays a vital role in our lives, that goes also with the government. We wake up everyday with news from the media about how and what the government is doing and has done, may it for development or their lapses on their duty. Media became, unintentionally, the watchdog of the citizens to the government. It exposes the government and that became a warning to the government not to do things beyond its boundaries, and to prioritize social good above personal ambitions. The media on the other hand cannot fully attack the government because its operations also rely with it. Media is not above the government, but the government cannot fully control the media especially in a democratic country. Media with its function, to deliver and inform the citizens, its viewers, on what is happening truthfully without bias intentionally or not, exposes the government. Both cannot avoid each other because they stand with the responsibility to serve the people.
Life is good, not until some journalists turned blind-eye to the wrong doing of some politicians. Paid advertisement and promotions are done by some writers to make a good image of politicians not performing well. Some other issues about media are shown because of their conflicts with the government especially about biases. Conducting scripted interviews of their scripted plan and goal for development. But some journalists remain true and fair, exposing some politicians' wrong doings, causing the love-hate relationship between the media and the government. The media helps build the public image of the government. The government helps the media to keep on with its operations. The other needs the other that means the media needs government as well as the government needs media. When both needs to do their duties, they usually cross the line. Unplanned lines that serves boundaries are drawn. It is like a non existent contract, a non verbal agreement, or a mutual understanding not discussed but you know its their. If one crosses the line, that is when conflict arises. It becomes a duty versus boundary. Do they do their duty and expose the other, or turn blind eye and not cross the boundary drawn between them?
@queenlupitajones @mohaybbalt
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chikschikayyy · 4 years
“The Value of Being a Media and Information Literate Individual”
by: Princess Abby Gale J. Duna
Individuals who are skilled or able to understand and relay needed information effectively and efficiently are individuals that can give quality information to the public. A media and information literate individual has an important role in the world of communication. Moreover, literate individual can become a source. A source of liable information and interpretation in a right and proper way. Nowadays, many people use media as a humiliation to other people, not because we are in a democratic country we are free to do actions that can hurt other people. Individual must spread precise and prudent information to everyone. Not all of us possess a great intelligence and knowledge in the field of communication so the literates can give a big help on them. They can disseminate thought that can give clarify and eliminate doubts to the different views and opinions of people. If most of people are aware and informed in anything concerning communication then the crime rates cases will surely drop off.
Being a media and information literate is not only for yourself to understand but for us to spread the information to others. It’s purpose is to engage in a digital society where one’s need to be able to use, understand, inquire, create, communicate, and think critically. To create messages in a variety forms we need to have the ability to access effectively, organize and evaluate. The information literate can help us to identify, find, apply and acknowledge information. Becoming a media literate is not all about memorizing facts or statistic about a certain medium but it is what we learn in reading, listening and watching. As a student we need to be media and information literate because it has a very big impact in our learning process to gain more information to be used in our future endeavors and to our future and also to avoid being tolerated by fake news or issues that usually spreads.
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