myalinemoe · 3 years
Let there be light!
Ok fess up!!! How many drive after dark? As secondary question: How many know that our parents are just laughing in heaven!?!? I would drive them after dark. And yes I gave them a hard time, not knowing that it would come back and bite me. My son has let me use a car, I am not real familiar with the lights. I had spent more time in the grocery store than I had planned on. I knew that I needed…
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myalinemoe · 3 years
Did you hear me?
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myalinemoe · 3 years
Old Movies
I love old movies! The pre background music, pre gore and pre color ones. Why you ask? Well, read on. Before the canned background music, you actually got the feel of a scene by emotional connection with the actors. Sound is used to tell us how we are supposed to feel. Before it came from a good actor and let’s not forget the 🎥 camera person. When the actors got a close up they really had…
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myalinemoe · 3 years
School picture day
I don’t know if other households did this but in our family school pictures were a big deal. Does anybody remember making sure school picture day were far enough in advance so that they could be in Christmas Cards? In our family Grandpa got a carton of cigarettes (at a price that wouldn’t even buy a pack these days). Grandma, Aunts and Uncles got Christmas cards with school pictures in them. The…
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myalinemoe · 3 years
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myalinemoe · 3 years
As summer ends
With Summer gone I think back on other Summers. Way before the pandemic. I had promised my son a trip to the water park. If you have ever promised a kid anything, you know once the idea was in his head there was no stopping him. I REALLY needed to shave my legs before putting that swimsuit on. Rather than listen to the “What are you doing?!?” And “Come on already!!!” I decided that I would do a…
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myalinemoe · 3 years
And 35 years later…
When I was younger and a lot more flexible I still had trouble riding horses. I actually rode pretty decently, what I couldn’t do was get up in the saddle. My brother Harvey worked it out that he would grab the back of my jeans, on the count of three he would pull me up to the saddle. Worked fine. Remember the title? I was moving and had rented a U-haul truck. Thank you Peter! However my legs…
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myalinemoe · 3 years
And the angels sang!
Ok, all my prayer warriors!!!!!It WORKED!! Settle in for the story. I had been talking to a lady in the Burlington Housing Authority. I had a migraine when I was to meet her. I knew that She goes between Burlington and Cheyenne Wells. So I was expecting a call from her. Decided that if I got in the car and drove to Burlington. The closer of the towns. I had a 50/50 chance of getting to talk to…
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myalinemoe · 4 years
Which gray pickup?
Just another case of me getting in the wrong vehicle!! Yet another saga of wth(?) in the life of Chris Moe. Two things to remember before we proceed1) This was the first time I had driven my sons pickup.2) My son had been to the ER just a couple of days before this happened.I drove to town about, 40 miles, not far out here. I park my son’s truck, go in, get the meds and a few groceries. The nice…
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myalinemoe · 6 years
Life in the poor lane!!
Life in the poor lane!!
I don’t know how many of you receive money from the “government”. I am on disability so I get a little bit (microscopic) amount every month. This month I tried to pay rent by sending it via the wire transfer method. I sent it and even got a confirmation number. On Sunday, I did this. Today is Wednesday. After spending most of the morning on the phone, only to hear “We are experiencing a high…
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myalinemoe · 6 years
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The word prompt for today is AWKWARD!!
So let me just dive in. AWK usually the first sound I make in the morning, while having a good stretch. Well, that along with several curse words directed at various body parts that refuse to cooperate with my morning stretch. I have to admit that the list of body parts seems to be getting longer and longer.
WARD, to me it means going toward something. In…
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myalinemoe · 6 years
Killer Cleaning or Who invented gravity...
Killer Cleaning or Who invented gravity…
AND why do they hate me! All of my life I seem to be a victim of gravity. I remember even at a young age that Gravity had it our for me. I tried to ride on the handle bars of a neighbors bike. Well, gravity had other ideas. I was trying to sit still but gravity took my little ankle and stuck it through the spokes of said bike!
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Yep, just one more example of GRAVITY working against me. 
I know…
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myalinemoe · 6 years
I have fallen and I can't get up....
I have fallen and I can’t get up….
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OR how to make your brother laugh so hard his false teeth fall out!!
OK, let us set the scene. I had gone to Yuma (BIG city around here!) for physical therapy. After making my therapist happy. Not nurse Ratchet, but she does have some issues with corporeal punishment! And back to my story. My brother drove me to Yuma. I am not allowed to drive, not physically. I mean I am still able to drive. But…
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#and that purse is now hanging on my door knob. About six feet away! It was still just swinging there! Just take if from me the two sentences#as the mattress AND I were skidding to the floor. On my way down I remembered that I had started on a art project#back to the original story. I came home from Yuma. Tired and a little bit sore. I made a beeline to my my bed. I had actually forgetting tha#but she does have some issues with corporeal punishment! And back to my story. My brother drove me to Yuma. I am not allowed to drive#but still had a job in front of us! After he moved The mattress off of me I grabbed the "the sharp thing" I found it was a butter#HELP!! No answering. I then thought of using my cell phone. Yep#hoops and SCISSORS!!  I actually didn&039;t remember until some thing sharp was poking my butt!! So now I am stuck in a rather unfaltering#I have fallen and I can&039;t get up#I turned on Harvey and yelled "where were you!" He had gone to check the horses and cows. I guess checking on me was low on his pr#let us set the scene. I had gone to Yuma (BIG city around here!) for physical therapy. After making my therapist happy. Not nurse Ratchet#mattress and a scary sharp pointing object. I screamed to my brother#no luck. I finally tossed a shoe. I was hoping to hit him with it! but at least he stopped laughing. He pulled the mattress off me#not physically. I mean I am still able to drive. But when you drive a truck that just had $20.000.00 put into it#OR how to make your brother laugh so hard his false teeth fall out!! OK#that is a story for another day. OK#the cell phone I had just put in my purse#with yarn
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myalinemoe · 6 years
And the decision was made!
And the decision was made!
As I sit in a nice house, with baseboard heating, I remember the smell of the school when they first started the heating. A kind of musty smell and the lunchroom was warming up the beef stew (NO!! I don’t want to know what was in it!). It made the official start of fall. It lead me to another story. I know my readers really miss ,my stories. Both of you thanks! Anyway back at the smell fest.
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myalinemoe · 6 years
The thigh bone is connected to...
The thigh bone is connected to…
I hope this is the only BUTT you see from me!
The hip bone and the hip bone is connected to the BUTT bone. Or at least in my version they are!
For my dedicated readers…yep, the three of you! I sit with computer screen on and key board in lap to once again sprinkle the humor of my mistakes.
I recently had a hip replaced. I guess you know that because of the really bad heading of this post. You may…
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myalinemoe · 6 years
No If, And or BUTT about it!
No If, And or BUTT about it!
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NO there will be NO pictures of my butt listed with this post. I have had some pretty insistent readers and they demanded that I share yet another pics from the sticks. So to appease my steadfast readers, yes both of you. I have yet another story.
I have spent the last couple of months getting healthy… ok healthier. I have some new teeth, still working on that one. Along the way to health I had a…
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myalinemoe · 6 years
I’ve seen many disaster stories on the subject of “catfish”. No, not the kind at the end of your cane pole or even the ones in the fishing pond. The only thing that IS fishy is the awful way people are duped.
Yes I have had men (always widowed with at least one child!) try to friend me in Facebook. I have even gotten phone calls telling me that I have a lump sum coming to me from the government. I wonder just who the government is. Because I know that if it is the American government I can tell you they would NOT have to call to get my information they know it already – most of it they gave me in the first place. I must admit the accent gives it away as some where South of the North Pole. (HA! HA!).
Remember Halloween? Back when you knew the Prince would turn out to be just a horny toad. I OF COURSE wore many costumes. None of them made me anything other than a kid looking for candy, a twenty (or thirty?!) someone looking for drinks and maybe a kiss or two.
  OK, not really a costume. Just the dairy Queen.
I just watched a man who was older but still good looking (I am old not dead!). His daughters took him onto the Dr. Phil (who else?!) because he had burned over half a million (MILLION DOLLARS!!)
He had sent it to a lady who needed help. People I NEED help but no one is giving me HALF A MILLION $!! OK, my family and friends have been there in my time of need. I just wonder if this man’s daughters felt so strongly about it, why didn’t they do something before it got to this point. Instead this man is taken for most of his kids inheritance. YEP, NOW we know why they were on Dr. Phil.
I guess the one thing I just want to say is that the internet that started out as a fun, business  and some times entertaining has morphed into Halloween. All the time all the channels. Be cautious, be prepared an NEVER NEVER EVER give out your banking information.
But WOMEN and MEN you deserve better. No one should have to pay for affection. Get a pet, there are plenty ready to be your friend. Join a club, START a club, start a blog. It keeps me of the streets… HA! HA!
Kids young and old – take care to make sure your parents, grandparents even your KIDS know about rules to keep them safe. I have had to go to criteria on accepting new Facebook friends.
If we don’t have at least 5 friends in common,
If they have set up a Facebook page only in the last 6 months,
If the only pictures of them are alone. They get deleted!!
Remember when we were kids and we had the “Rules of Halloween”?
Never take any unwrapped candy.
NO APPLES (I know urban myth but still!)
If there isn’t a porch light on don’t knock
There were even houses that showed a cut out hand in the window that meant that in any emergency you could count on being safe. I know I am old enough to remember the helping hands.
Be safe. Make sure your friends stay safe.
I guess that the internet has become “HALLOWEEN” all year long. Remember no unwrapped friends!
              Kids young and old – take care to make sure your parents, grandparents even your KIDS know about rules to keep them safe. I have had to go to criteria on accepting new Facebook friends. If they don’t have at least 5 friends in common, If they have set up a Facebook page only in the last 6 months, if the only pictures of them are alone. They get deleted!!
Remember when we were kids and we had the “Rules of Halloween”?
Never take any unwrapped candy.
NO APPLES (I know urban myth but still!)
If there isn’t a porch light on don’t knock
There were even houses that showed a cut out hand in the window that meant that in any emergency you could count on being safe. I know I am old enough to remember the helping hands.
Be safe. Make sure your friends stay safe. Never let your kids on your computer.
I guess that the internet has become “HALLOWEEN” all year long. Remember no unwrapped friends!
    Catfish… and other fairy tales I've seen many disaster stories on the subject of "catfish". No, not the kind at the end of your cane pole or even the ones in the fishing pond.
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