child-of-thedarknight · 10 months
be patient with yourself. you’re doing what you can
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child-of-thedarknight · 10 months
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child-of-thedarknight · 10 months
I have done this many a time. Please, feed your friends. They will appreciate it so much.
legit the best advice i can give you: feed your friends
any time someone is in any kind of crisis or upheaval, offer to feed them. tell them they don’t have to choose what it is if they can’t make decisions, just ask about allergies and preferences and tell them you’re just gonna make food happen at their house.
friend having a baby? delivery gift certificate to order food to the hospital after the kid shows up.
someone’s relative passes away? offer to make them dinner.
buddy gets laid off? ask if you can order them lunch.
pal stuck in a depressive episode? offer to drive them to fucking mcdonalds, if that’s what they want.
people in crisis are tired and sad and angry and the last thing most of them are doing is thinking about feeding themselves. so if you have the ability or time or money, providing that is always, always a good move.
legit i do this all the time, and it is 100% always appreciated. i have taught all my friends that when something happens, we feed each other. it makes people feel extremely cared for, and I cannot recommend it enough.
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child-of-thedarknight · 10 months
Real talk though has anyone else just thrown away a whole Tupperware container bc you left food in there for way too long and now you’re afraid to open it?
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nothing is funnier to me in the acotar series than feyre throwing her fucking shoes at rhysand, a high lord, with enough precision to wack him in the back of the head, knowing full well he is powerful enough to kill her had he wanted too
i literally think about this daily and get a chuckle out of it like the gall and the audacity honestly had me floored and in tears laughing the first time
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Feyre: *threatens Rhys with her shoe*
Rhys: *slides pillow on his lap*
Feyre: Mother above, are you aroused right now?
Rhys: You're sexy when you're mad...OUCH
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List of love confession prompts
“…Wait a second, this isn’t how I wanted things to go. What the hell?” “That’s the worst confession I’ve heard in a while.” 
“I can’t stop thinking about you. Funny, isn’t it? Because while I’m thinking about you, none of me occupies even a fraction of your mind.” 
“You know you own my whole fucking heart, right?” “…Can you quieten down? We’re in the library right now, for God’s sake, and the librarian looks like they’re about to drop kick us.” 
“I wish I was them. Because they get to love you in a way I know I never could, even if I wanted to.” 
“I’ve liked you since we were wee kids, and I think the most tragic part about this is that I don’t think I can stop even if I wanted to. Because… Because we both know you don’t feel the same way.” 
“You’re a thief.” “How so?” “You stole my heart and never bothered returning it. “
“I’d burn the world down for you.” “Sir, this is a McDonald’s.” 
“Don’t look at me like that.” “Like what?” “Like you hate me. That shit kinda hurts.” 
“I don’t care if you don’t like me back. I just thought you ought to know how I feel about you, because we promised each other we wouldn’t keep secrets from each other.”
“You’re like the stars I can’t reach. I… Can adore you from afar but that’s all I can do. And it feels really, really shitty, knowing we won’t ever be.” 
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Night Court Shenanigans
Feyre: I just realized that I’ve lived in the fae lands for years now…but I still have not seen a dragon.
Rhysand: That’s because dragons are extinct.
Feyre: How do you know they are extinct? Did someone really check EVERYWHERE?
Rhysand: Pretty sure we would’ve found one in the past five centuries.
Feyre: You bitches couldn’t even find the Suriel without my help. Give me a week.
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"Stop saying 15 year olds with weird interests are cringe, they're 15" this is true however you should also stop saying adults with weird interests are cringe because who gives a shit
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One thing I love about Tumblr that wasn't a thing on Reddit is that I can just write whatever the fuck text post I want. No titles. No putting text on images. No algorithms or karma. Just fuckin splatter your mind onto the screen and people will see it. Like god intended.
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most iconic scene to ever exist is feyre throwing her shoe and rhysand’s head
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