A little about me, and my first blog!
Hello, and welcome to my blog! This is my very first blog ever, and I’m really excited to start this. I feel as though I have a lot to say, and no one to say it all to! First I am going to start by telling you all a little bit about me, and my life! To start I have 3 cats, a gray male cat with lighter gray stripes named kitty, a mixed gray and white male cat named Feline, and a calico female cat named trooper! (I’ll be going into them more in other posts!) I am really into arts and crafts, I paint, tie-dye, make things with epoxy, clay, sew, I basically do all of it at this point. I’m having the time of my life working at a garden center, I love working outside with plants all day. I use to be a janitor at a middle school, but I had to quit, (I will be getting into that later also.) I enjoy living in a decorated area, I have tapestries, and art work covering my walls with big colorful rugs to cover my floors! I can not stand being in dull areas, it really crushes the soul. I love coloring my hair, getting tattoos, and piercings! I like to keep myself decorated too. :D  Now I am going to get into why I am starting this blog, well I already said why, but I am going to go into more detail!  I wanted to start blogging because I feel like I have a lot to say, and not many people to say it to. When I do have someone to talk to I feel forgetful and never get to say everything I wanted to. The blog can help that with being that I am typing I have time to remember everything! Ok so I know blogs are supposed to be longer, but this one will not be for I have nothing else to say on this one. In the future my other blogs will be much longer I promise! Anyway farewell and have a good day!!
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