childrenxofxolympus · 3 years
oc asks that reveal more than you think
Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favorite?
Can they take care of a plant? What about a pet? What about a child?
Ask them to describe their love interest.
Do they look good in red?
Speech! Speech! Speech! Speech! Will they give one, and what about?
Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won’t they take advice from, no matter what it is?
Describe them in three words. Now let them describe themself in three words.
Do complex puzzles intrigue or frustrate them?
Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)?
What age do they most want to be right now?
They’ve won the lottery. Spend, or save?
Do they like romance in the books they read (or in the book they’re in)?
Name one thing their parents taught them.
Would they agree with the term ‘guilty pleasure’? Do they have any?
What would they consider a waste of time– other than school or work?
If money wasn’t a limit, what would they wear?
Do they like children?
Kissing: tongue or no tongue?
Do they study before tests? Practice before job interviews?
What do they like that nobody else does?
What would it take for them to break up with someone? What would be the last straw?
Do they like being called pet names? Do they call other people pet names? What’s their go-to?
Stability or novelty?
Honesty or charity?
Safety or possibility?
Talent or effort?
Forgiveness or vengeance (or…)?
Would they date a fixer-upper?
What recurring dreams do they have?
What would they do if they knew it would be forgiven?
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childrenxofxolympus · 3 years
FC Change - Keres
Karole Katarina ➡️ Ricky Aimee
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childrenxofxolympus · 3 years
Damien was on his way to the popular hang out bar that he and Amara usually hung out at. He was just running late due to finishing up a recent case. Damien took a drag of his cigarette as he rounded the corner onto the Main Street where the bar was and looked up to the stars when his phone buzzed. He saw he had a missed call from Amara. His lips curved into a smile and he quickly listened and knew she already beat him to the punch to the partying. He let out a laugh and put the phone back into his pocket, then quickly went into the alley as a shortcut and he had to take a piss.
Damien rounded the back of the club when he heard the voices. His ears perked and before taking a leak he went to go check. He rounded the next corner and there he saw Amara being approached by some men. This infuriated Damien. Damien walked up and shoved the man so hard he lost his balance and fell on the ground in a puddle.
“Who the F U C K do you think you are trying to approach a girl in the middle of the night like this you sick fuck?” Damien snapped, “Get. And I better not see you again.” His eyes darkened with anger. The man cursed from being in the mess. His friends off to the side laughed at him and took off with him. Damien watched them leave then he turned to face Amara.
“He didn’t touch you did he?” Damien asked her.
Amara felt a wave of relief wash over her when Damien chased the men off. She had always had a way of drawing in attention whether she wanted it or not. It was like a curse. Shuddering she tried not to think about what could have happened if Damien had taken any longer. 
“N-no. Not really... You came in time” Shaking her head, Amara stepped forwards and hugged Damien. “I just need a drink to put those creeps out of my mind. Thank you for helping me.” Suddenly her drunken giggles were back and she was laughing. “You’re like my knight in shining armor.” 
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childrenxofxolympus · 3 years
Send my muse some bad pick-up lines!
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childrenxofxolympus · 3 years
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Neve Caffrey 200x320 avatars (1-9)
Please like or reblog if you use. Thnx 💕
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childrenxofxolympus · 3 years
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Neve Caffrey gifs
please credit elska
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childrenxofxolympus · 3 years
Amara had been friends with Charles for a few months now. It had started normally enough with his attentions totally captured by her. She had gladly accepted her role as the girl all the boys wanted to be with and all the girls wanted to be. She had made a few romantic passes at Charles, after all he was attractive enough and part of her felt bad that he wasn’t that popular. Anyone else would have worried for their reputation but there was no de-throning Amara.
When he had not jumped on her advances or made any sexual advances of his own she just assumed he played for a different team. It was fine by her she didn’t judge but hearing he wasn’t shocked her so much she stood there speechless for a moment.
“You’re not gay? But you haven’t tried to sleep with me!” It sounded more concieted than she meant it to but she really was shocked. “Guys pay attention to me all the time Charles. But... well they normally only last a week or less before they are practically begging to sleep with me. Provided they haven’t already. You just seemed to want to be... friends.” She felt a flush in her cheeks, it was a rare occurrence for her to blush and she felt even more embarrassed by it.
Starter for @childrenxofxolympus
He couldn’t understand why his niceness seems to go over Amara’s head, he have heard of people saying that she was easy to get in bed with but Charles didn’t care about that one bit- in fact he wanted to know the real Amara. He knew that she’s smart and only acted dumb around people but for Charles it frustrated him to no end- “What?” He asked when he heard her talking about a student who has a crush on him, of course the confused him deeply.
“Amara what are you talking about?” This time he stopped in front of her, waiting until all of the students left the classroom and even waited until the professor went back into their office. “I’m not Gay..” he frowned “Wait, you thought I was gay? Amara, I’m straight.. I like you- it’s the reason why I’ve been paying attention to you so much.” He explained “Haven’t guys done that before?”
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childrenxofxolympus · 3 years
She was eager to get this over with, the sooner the better. If he wanted to drag her out of the cabin in the middle of the night just to fight her, so be it. 
The fist makes contact with her side and she stumbles just a little, wincing as she does. She purses her lips as she rolls her shoulders. The brunette readjusts her own stance, one that’s more defensive. 
“I’ve got a question… How sad and insecure of a person do you have to be to pick on small girls who don’t think your bullshit’s cute? Kind of seems like a big thing considering you dragged me out here in the middle of the night,” She muses. She’s goading him. Waiting for him to try again. “What’s the matter? Mommy and Daddy not love you enough growing up?”
He knew she was just trying to get a rise out of him, which just seemed stupid on her part. It didn’t get to him, but he would put her in her place that much was for certain. That was until her last comment. He finally understood what it meant when people said they saw red. It was like everything else had gone dark. 
“You don’t know a damned thing about my life you spoiled little brat. I’ll teach you to watch your mouth around your betters!” And he lunged at her, this was not controlled like his last move had been. This was fueled by rage, filled with all the anger at a Godly father who couldn’t be bothered to stick around, a mother who couldn’t be bothered to care, and a step father who abused and used him. 
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childrenxofxolympus · 3 years
Isabelle groaned as she was thrown to the ground, landing roughly on her other elbow as she rolls to look up at him. “Are you fucking insane, asshole?” She snarls, her brown hues going dark as her temper flares. 
She’s got a mind to oblige him though, pushing herself up onto her feet. If that’s how he wants to play, she’s not going to let him just push her around.
“Ladies first,” She motions toward him as an invitation. 
He would teach this little brat a lesson. He didn’t care who her godly parent ended up being, they probably wouldn’t even claim her at all out of pure shame. 
His fist made contact with her side and he quickly adjusted to be facing her and at a distance again. 
“I’ll show you what happens to brats who run their mouths.” 
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childrenxofxolympus · 3 years
Isabelle huffs as she pushes herself up, snatching her bag off the ground where it’d fallen in the scuffle. The young demigoddess glares daggers at the back of Axel’s head as he storms off to his cabin. 
“Asshole,” She mutters under her breath before following the other new kids to take a tour and finish at Hermes Cabin. 
Usually she doesn’t sleep heavy but she’s exhausted from her day and she’s not on guard like she usually is, though you’d expect her to be with being in a new place surrounded by strangers. She’s almost out for the night when she suddenly feels a hand on her mouth as she’s suddenly pulled from her spot and practically dragged out the back door.
She’s almost half tempted to attempt to wake someone, whether it be by putting up a fight or just trying to scream. But her attempts to get him off her while in the cabin are only half hearted until they’re outside. As soon as they’re clear of anyone else, she tries throwing an elbow into him.
Axel threw her to the ground as she tried to elbow him. “You want to fight new girl, let’s fight. One on one, face to face. And we’ll see who is better.” He had already had a full year of training at camp, not to mention he was taller and bigger than her which gave him an unfair advantage. But what was the saying? All’s fair in Love and War?
He let her get to her feet and then closed, the distance between them, throwing a punch. 
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childrenxofxolympus · 3 years
Isabelle can’t help but look up at him, not really smirking or glaring. But it’s clearly a challenge. She wants him to try her. Even if she gets her ass beat at least everyone will know she’s capable of taking it as well as giving it out. Brown hues darken before her attention is turned to the voice of someone else.
She catches a glance at the God of Wine as he approaches, raising an eyebrow. This place was something else, that was for sure. 
The brunette grunts as she’s shoved, her hands quickly catching her as her hair falls into her face. She shoots a glare at Axel, “Not like I’ll be hard to find.” She shoots back.
“Save the fighting for the arena, you will have plenty opportunities to go at each other with swords, but that is not now.” 
With a final glare at the newbie, Axel walked off to his cabin trying to cool off while planning how he would get back at her. 
Sneaking out past curfew was always a risk, what with the harpies patrolling. However, he had decided the time was right to scare this bold newcomer. Sneaking into the Herme’s cabin was hard with so many campers around but covering her mouth and pulling her out the back was easier than anticipated. 
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childrenxofxolympus · 3 years
For a brief moment Isabelle is satisfied that her hit has landed, even if her fist is sore now. Even though the satyr that’s guided them looks massively uncomfortable and is shifting, unsure if he should get help to pull the two off each other, she’s glad to have made her point. 
She gasps as he twists her arm, crying out as he uses the advantage to get her to her knees, “Then you better not tempt me,” Isabelle scoffs, craning her head to peer up at him. “It’d be a pity to know you feel threatened when your victims actually fight back. What’s the matter? You can dish it out but you can’t take it?”
The Half-blood couldn’t help but laugh. Here this girl was on her knees, and she thought he didn’t want a fight. He could feel the twitching of his muscles, aching to be used, to show her what a son of Ares could do. Prove his training. However, before he had the chance a figure rounded the corner. 
“Mr. Cooper, please release the new camper.” The man spoke in a bored drawl that those unfamiliar with the God of Wine would have took for insincerity. But Axel knew better than to ignore a direct order. With a scowl he let go of her, pushing her forwards. “I’m not done with you.” 
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childrenxofxolympus · 3 years
It’s clear she’s managed to tick him off with the way he glares at her. She can’t help but be a bit satisfied with how easy it is to get him riled up. The brunette is about to leave it at that, walk away and let him think what he will of her. But the last part catches her and she feels her fingers flex as he laughs. 
It’s clear the other kids are uncomfortable but Isabelle doesn’t really care. It’s meant to ridicule her but that’s not why she’s upset. She couldn’t care less what anyone else thought of her. But family is a bit of a sore spot with her, even her absent father. Especially him.
Rather than dignifying him with a verbal response, she rolls her eyes and acts as though she’s just going to walk away. It’s almost casual in the way she does it, suddenly curling her fingers into a fist and pulling back to punch him in the face. She takes her swing, very aware that he is more than capable of retaliating.
As she went to walk away, Axel dropped his guard for half a second, feeling smug. He had always been told arrogance was his fatal flaw, he was too sure of himself, and surly enough her punch caught his off guard. Not expecting her to attack the hit caught him in the jaw. 
That was when his battle reflexes kicked in and he saw red. Grabbing her arm as she went to pull it back he quickly twisted it behind her back and pushed her onto her knees. “Hit me again and I’ll pulverize you. Lost little girl or not.” 
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childrenxofxolympus · 3 years
Made a thread tracker for my disorganized ass. It’s only for my mythology based muses so If you wanna check it out it’s here: https://www.rpthreadtracker.com/public/mtxolympians/myththreads
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childrenxofxolympus · 3 years
Isabelle wasn’t going to lie, she thought herself just a bit clever for her age. But she didn’t need to be clever to put him in his place. The brunette almost expected it. He looked like the type to have a short fuse. 
When he stepped toward her, she squared him up, brown hues boring into him.
“Bold of you to assume you’d be the worst of them, firecracker.”
The nickname caused a wave of anger to wash over Axel, he felt it like fire was spreading through his veins. If he had inherited the fiery eyes of his father one would have seen it, as it was he just looked like a very pissed off teenage boy. 
“Whatever, newbie.” He fixed his glare on her. “You’ll get sorted out soon enough. Speaking of, is the little newbie even claimed yet.” Cold. cruel laugher slipped past his lips as a few of the other new kids shifted uncomfortably. 
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childrenxofxolympus · 3 years
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    Being the owner of his club had many perks to the name. Often he was able to pick up the right lady or man to his liking. It was a typical Friday night, still earlier on in the evening but already packed nonetheless. Aneirin stood at the other side of the bar towards the front to greet some guests as they entered if he wanted. To his surprise he caught the eyes from an attractive blonde. Aneirin made his way down to the blonde and noticed she was soon done with the drink, and began to make her a new one.
“Hello beautiful,” Aneirin greeted. “Would you care for some company or are you expecting someone?” 
It was not uncommon for men to cater to her, whether it was her goddess side, or simply the way she carried herself, she didn’t know. What she did know was she would never say no to a drink, or a very attractive man. Glancing back to the man making the drink, she wondered what his role was. He was no simple bartender, no he was more important. 
“It depends entirely on who the company is~” A faint smirk upturned the corner of her lips which were painted a pale pink, bringing most of the focus to sharp blue eyes. 
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childrenxofxolympus · 3 years
send me a  🎼  and i’ll link a song that represents my muse’s feelings about yours.
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