Lilith paced back and forth in her front parlor. She had been successful in stopping Sabrina from turning from the Dark Lord’s path during Yule, but she still felt so purposeless. It was only a few days after the mortal holiday of Christmas and she in that time she hadn’t heard anything from her Lord. Now she was growing impatient again. A knock on her front door had her jerk to a stop in surprise. She tugged at the deep green robe she wore and moved to the door. Cracking it she peered at her visitor. “Yes?”
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Sabrina pursed her lips together and gave a hesitant nod, “Yes, of course. I know that. But it also feels kind of…wrong.” She stresses. There are time where her inhibitions are low, lower than they’ve been before. And Sabrina has seen herself making decisions she wouldn’t typically make and that worries her.
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Her hesitance concerned the brunette. Sabrina couldn’t remove her name from the Dark Book, but she could stray from His path. Wardwell reached out and placed her hand warmly on the blonde’s shoulder. “I know it’s a bit scary Sabrina, I’m here to help you get used to it all.”
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The mention of her last name caused her to flinch slightly and glance around. She wasn’t too sure about the town of Greendale, but Oliver Thredson’s name had become well known for his heinous crimes.
Bloodyface was now up there with the likes of Dahmer, Manson and Bundy so the girl was always aware of what kind of reaction her last name provoke - it’s not like Thredson was too common of a last name.
“I wouldn’t say interesting… busy would probably more explain it…” The imp replied as she ran a hand through her messy locks.
Suffocating - that was a definite understatement. These people were just too nice. Who the hell is really that fucking chipper all the time?!?! She missed the lewdness of the city. Not to mention hockey - did this place even have a hockey team within a radius of a hundred miles?
The forest was a plus though - one thing Elizabeth found herself doing is wandering the woods at night. It was peaceful and it reminded her of the woods in back of her old house back in Framingham- it made her think of the days when it was just her and her dad and she was small and completely oblivious.
“Yeah… these people give me a fucking headache - no offense but where I’m from if some random stranger waves at you it’s either they are a pervert who’s gonna try to pull you into a white van or they are drug dealers wanting to sell you their latest shit…”
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“The woods? I actually hang out there a lot…”
Wardwell couldn’t help but laugh. This girl’s upfront and outright attitude was refreshing. So many of the citizens of chipper Greendale where polite to the point of vomit. Of course she got the occasional excitement from a pissed off soccer mom, or her adventures guiding Sabrina, but those were too rare.
Her real home, in the heart of hell, now that was a place like what the child described. Demons, monsters, and the stuff of nightmares roamed the sulfur filled caverns. If a creature, former human or not, smiled at you it meant they considered you food.
The more she spoke with the young blonde, the more Lilith was intrigued by her. She wouldn’t use the word fond, she rarely used that word, but she felt amicable towards her.
“The woods are a wonderful, old and full of history. Do be careful when you wander there, I wouldn’t go to deep into there at night. There are many wild things in there.“ Her smile was warm with a hint of wickedness
“I’m easy to find, if you follow the main road out of town and just into the woods, mine is a nice little cottage.“
The sun rapidly set and the brunette pulled the hood of her leather coat up. “Have you any questions dear?” She knew they had been standing chatting far longer than she had planned, but she wasn’t quite ready to let the interesting young thing walk away.
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send ‘❤’ for my muse’s reaction to a New Years Eve kiss.
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xeffie-thredsonx replied to your post: //Y’all being sick sucks so bad. My head is been a...
Same! My husband and I have been sick since Christmas Eve - Nightmare!!!!
//It’s been me and my boyfriend since Christmas so I feel you! 
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//Y’all being sick sucks so bad. My head is been a bubble of haze for several days now. I like to think I’m cognizant enough to do replies haha. I’ll post a starter and maybe reblog some memes.
My lovely Sabrinas and Zeldas, I’m craving interactions  pls!
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𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐃 𝐁𝐎𝐗 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒   /   from the netflix adapted film,   part one.
you have to do every single thing i say or we will not make it
under no circumstance are you allowed to take off your blindfold
if you look, you will die
uh… asshole, i was listening to that
wow, you literally have no food
why does your voice get so high when you get excited ?
you should be afraid of being alone, not of this
have you been sleeping any better ?
if don’t acknowledge a thing, it simply goes away
really, in front of me ?
there are plenty of couples who are desperate to adopt a child
you can’t just ignore it and hope it goes away
it’s happening now
you can wear something of mine
you’re freaking me out
oh my god, what the fuck is that ?
stop it, stop it ! please, stop it !
please don’t go
keep your eyes down
open the door, open the fucking door
whatever it is, i’m sure they’ll send someone soon
we are so fucking fucked
if you look at it, it makes you crazy or makes you want to hurt yourself
close the windows, close all the windows
if you go outside, you’ll die
what ? what in the shit is happening ?
humanity has been judged and we have been found wanting
are you in any pain ?
i feel like you may have a concussion
hello ? can anybody hear me ? hello ?
how long’s our food going to last ?
we can’t let anyone in
cover your eyes
there are so many of you
are you on your own ?
oh, we’re so fucking trapped
an image can still have power
i hope you know what you’re doing
you don’t have to do this
not a chance
the world’s ending, baby
come on ______ , focus
cover your eyes
i’m sorry, i’m so sorry
no one’s coming for us
i thought it might be good for us to be close, considering …
have you thought about names yet ?
it’s just me
that’s something you can’t unsee
i know you’re scared
i’m not here to hurt you
take your goddamn blindfold off
i’ve seen one, i’ve seen the truth
we’re running out of food
you’re just telling us this ?
we’ll be dead before we get there
why don’t i go on the first run and you can go on the second one
it’s just a speed bump
fuck this shit
fuck, we’re not gonna make it
calm down
where’s the booze ?
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Send me a ‘✉’ for a drunk text from my character.
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“Never knew my ma and my dad is in prison back in Massachusetts…” Was the simple reply that came from the girls mouth. She didn’t give any less or any more - blunt and to the point, Elizabeth didn’t see any point in lying or trying to pull off being something she wasn’t. Anyways she was sure any teacher could simply peek into her folder and find our just who’s daughter she was…
“Been in foster care for about five years now. It’s not the ritz but it’s a bed and a roof over your head…”
Adjusting her duffel once again, she figured that most people in this town were like this. Eager to find out more about the newest person in town. It was weird to a girl who normally called places like Boston and New York home but she wasn’t a complete dick so she conceded.
“I’m a freshmen… just started a couple days ago…”
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Ah, so this was the girl she had read about. “You’re Ms. Thredson aren’t you? I was told you’d be coming to our school.” The demoness removed her glasses and visibly looked the girl up and down with her vivid blue eyes. “You have had an intersting life haven’t you?”
Glancing around she noted that the streets had fairly cleared. The sun was starting to hang low in the sky. “I’m Ms. Wardwell, I teach the upperclassmen. You won’t have me for another year or so, but my office is always open.” She placed a warm smile on her painted lips. “I’m a bit of a knowledge buff of this town, so any questions you may have about it, or anything at all, feel free to ask.”
Lilith paused for just a moment. “I can tell a girl like you is going to find this town suffocating. It’s denizens are sweet but a bit much.” She detested the mortals of the town, but she wouldn’t tell the blonde that. “Should you ever find yourself in need of an escape, I live in the woods just on the edge of town. While I know we just met and it’s a tad unconventional to offer, most students know they’re welcome to stop by.”
It was a blatant lie but no student would question it if the girl fact checked. In reality the demoness was simply fascinated by the child.
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Winter & Holiday Starters ❄️
Send one and I’ll write a starter based on: 
⛄️ – our muses build a snowman together ❄️ – our muses get snowed in and the electricity goes out 🍗 – our muses have to cook a holiday dinner together 🍷– our muses wake up hungover after an office party and don’t remember what happened ✈️ – our muses go on a holiday vacation together 🎅 – one of our muses is dressed as santa and the other sits in their lap 💔 – our muses are both single on christmas 🎄 – our muses decorate for christmas 🍪 – our muses bake cookies together 🎁 – our muses exchange presents 🎤 – one of our muses tries to get the other to sing christmas carols 💋 – our muses kiss under the mistletoe   ⛸️ – our muses go ice skating 👼 – our muses go to church services   💲 – our muses go to the mall together to shop for presents ⭐– our muses get dressed up for a holiday party   
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Mary Wardwell’s next words had Zelda tensing, internally cursing herself for her slip up. If Letisha was to be just another Spellman offspring foisted off on the sisters, there’d be no question she’d be apart of The Church of Night. Something Wardwell seemed to know. ❝ Of course, she will be apart of the Church. I simply mean she is new to our family. She hasn’t been introduced to others yet. I haven’t found the right time, ❞ Zelda told her primly, hoping to keep this conversation short. She knew of course that they couldn’t keep Letisha secret but she hadn’t yet figured out all the logistics.
Zelda listened to her words about being a mother intently, brows furrowing. ❝ I’m sorry to hear that, ❞ she managed, unsure what else she could say to the information she’d been provided with. Though she was now curious.
The giggle however, had her on edge once again. It was amazing how unsettling the other witch could be and Zelda wondered if Hilda or Sabrina got the same vibes from the woman. She doubted it. They were both far too trusting. ❝ It won’t be happening again, ❞ Zelda snapped, lips pressing together to keep her anger in check. Her emotions always did rise and fall so quickly. ❝ I don’t know how you got in Ms. Wardwell. But you’d do best to not attempt it again, ❞ She told her icily, glad to see the back of the woman. She was worried if the witch stayed too long, she’d be able to sense Letisha was not of Spellman kin. 
While the brunette may have been the one at the door, it was now the ginger witch who was proverbially in the corner. Lilith knew that the child was not of Spellman blood and therefore the other witch had no claim to the child. So if she was to take the babe to the church, who knew what would happen.
Her sly smile widened, Now that sounded like a challenge. “Oh I’m still bound by word to watch over your niece.” It was a binding to the Dark Lord, not the girl’s father, but no one needed to know that. “So expect to see me quite often, or rather, not see me.” She chuckled at her own joke.
Hesitating for a moment, she looked outside then back at Zelda. “If you don’t wish to see me again, you won’t, unless it’s in a professional capacity. That being said I have intention of stopping my watch. No matter what you threaten.” Her voice had darkened ever so slightly, her sharp blue eyes flashing dangerously. Nothing would stop her from following her Lord’s orders.
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How Elizabeth managed to not fall to the floor was a miracle - the other person seemed to have every intent to take someone out.
Catching her balance, she looked at the older female with a confused expression as she was called a strange name. “Who?” The imp blurred out sounded none too nice, even when recognizing this woman as one of Greendale’s teachers.
Then she remembered the upperclassman that kind of looked like her and simply shook her head “Wrong kid…” she replied with a distinct Boston accent, as she reached down and picked up her backpack and hockey stick that had been tossed to the floor in the altercation.
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Adjusting the bag on her shoulder, she shoved her hands into the pockets of her hooded sweater. There was a shrill laugh and the blonde turned to see the girl this lady was really looking for. It still amazes the kid how she could be mistaken for a prissy dressing chick like that. The idea of a skirt was enough to cause Elizabeth to run up a tree and never come down.
“Looks like she’s the one your after… uhh Mrs… shit sorry I don’t know anyone’s name. I got dumped here a few weeks ago by social services and I’m terrible with fucking names.” Deep down she knew that swearing in a sentence you were saying to a teacher was probably a detention but the bell had rung ten minutes previous and it was hard as hell for her to not let off a curse every now and then.
Wardwell watched the young girl carefully. As she spoke, the brunette began to notice the not so subtle differences between the two girls. Apart from the age difference, Sabrina dressed more conservatively, spoke with a kind lilt, and certainly never cursed. This girl was far more rough around the edges, a thing the demoness appreciated.
Slowly smoothing the front of her coat, Wardwell gave the blonde a curt nod and smile. “I did mistake you for Ms. Spellman at first, but clearly you’re not her.” She perked up as the girl mentioned social services. “Do you not have a family?” Now that was interesting.
With the slightest movement of her gloved hand, the brunette reached out mentally, and felt the smallest spark. Now that was interesting indeed. The child clearly had a small bit of witch blood in her, just enough magic for Lilith to sense. This could be just the distraction she was looking for.
“Are you a new student? I haven’t seen you around“ If she was, the girl would be too young to be in her class, but she was definitely old enough to be at the high school and in the brunette’s domain.
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“Kiss me you fool, it’s Christmas”
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//Okee online! Gonna get to replies, like this for a short starter~
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@michellegomezofficial: A very Merry Xmas from Zelda & Satan.
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face was STERN and her lips thinned out into a line. zelda held herself upright, almost stiffly as she glared towards the brunette. 
❝sabrina TOLD me what she did, where she found the BOOK and i had to see for myself. do you ENCOURAGE all your students to take field trips to limbo, or is that just my niece?❞  
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The demoness relaxed a fraction. Now this made sense, of course the woman would be tense. “Tell me Ms. Spellman, you’ve been her protector for far longer than I have, once our dear Sabrina has her mind set on something do you have much luck dissuading her?” Lilith leaned forward, steepling her fingers, and rested her chin on their tips. “I tried to talk her out of many of the foolish things she’s done of late, but when she wouldn’t be turned away, I tried to help her be safe about it all. Is that so wrong?”
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@xeffie-thredsonx liked for a starter
Lilith hated going into town. While the original inhabitant of her new body hadn’t been particularly social, the town of Greendale was quiet and most people had known each other for many years. She’d get greeted by students, fellow faculty, and people she didn’t know. It was exhausting. Today she walked with her glasses on despite the gloomy day and her hands shoved resolutely in her coat pockets. She exuded an aura that told anyone who dared to get near her that it was not wise to strike a conversation. Thus far it had gone successfully, until she bumped into someone who rounded a corner in a hurry. The demoness opened her mouth to snap at the foolish mortal when she found herself looking into a familiar face. No, one that was so close to familiar, but younger. “Sabrina?”
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