chillininmonticello · 7 years
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why are his eyelashes prettier than mine
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chillininmonticello · 7 years
Considering writing a multi-chapter poly!hamilsquad fic
Would anyone be interested? Let me know, and feel free to shoot me some ideas!
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chillininmonticello · 7 years
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I don’t think I’ve seen any Hamilton inspired moodboards/collages around so I thought it would be cool to post some! Here’s a College Student!Alexander Hamilton to start with. I hope you like it. Feel free to request imagines/scenarios, or moodboards with specific characters/cast members with whatever aesthetic you’d like.
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chillininmonticello · 7 years
Word Count: 1,464
AUs: Modern, College, Soulmate
Genre: Fluuuuuff
Pairing: Thomas x Reader
Warnings: Some swearing, mention of alcohol
A/N: Hello everyone! This is my first Hamilton imagine, I hope you all enjoy. I'm quite nervous, feedback is very welcome. Please send in requests for characters and cast alike. Thank you!
    Life as a college student was kicking your ass, for lack of better phrasing. Exams were excruciating. You were sure that your body composition was at least thirty percent coffee at this point, on account of several sleepless nights dedicated to writing and studying. But now, that chapter has passed. It was as if the campus breathed a sigh of relief all at once. Currently, you sat across a couple of close friends, namely Aaron Burr and James Madison, in a quaint cafe you discovered during one of your several all nighters. The Schuyler sisters tagged along as well, Eliza sat at your right with her soulmate, Alexander, practically attached to her hip.
    “Alright Madison, what’s this bright idea you just had to drag us all out for?” Angelica quipped from your left, picking at the sandwich in front of her. James sat up a little straighter after being addressed, clearing his throat. “Right! As you all know, our friend Thomas has been away, studying abroad in Paris, for ages,” He began. Alex made a noise of discontent, earning a nudge from Eliza.
“What? He’s not my friend,” He returned, “don’t roll your eyes at me, Burr.” Everyone chuckled lightly as Eliza simply patted Alex’s shoulder, shutting him up momentarily. Soulmates had that effect on each other. You felt your chest tighten at the idea, shooting a quick glance to your wrist. The words imprinted there brought a wave of comfort over your being.
“What the fuck?” was elegantly scrawled across the flesh on your inner wrist– the first words you would hear your soulmate speak. It always made you laugh, daydreaming of the scenarios that could play out to elicit such words from the mouth of the one who was made for you. Your eyes returned forward, James opening his mouth to continue his prior thought.
“As I was saying,” James cut his eyes to Alexander, who remained silent, “Thomas is coming home in a week. I know we don’t all get along, but I figured it would be a good excuse to throw a party. Surprise Thomas, blow off steam after midterms, and get drunk.” He proposed, eyes dancing over the group. “Can I bring my boys?” Alex questioned, referring to Lafayette, Herc, and John Laurens, whom he was constantly with. You couldn’t blame him, they were good company to keep, and you often ended up around them when going out with the girls (as Alex could never let Eliza go alone). Burr nodded, “Bring whoever you want, we’re trying to make this as big as possible. You know how Thomas is.”
“So I finally get to meet this infamous Thomas?” You inquired. James smiled brightly. “I’m sure you’ll love him, he’s been my best friend for years.” As if his silence had a time limit, Alex piped up again, once again sharing his dislike for the man in question.
“Or maybe you won’t like him, (y/n), I mean I wouldn’t be able to blame you.” He shrugged, and you shook your head with a knowing smirk on your lips. “We’ll see Hamilton, we’ll see.”
A few days later, dress shopping was in order. Eliza and Angelica were tucked off in dressing rooms while Peggy roamed the store with you. The both of you shuffled through racks, making small talk as you went.
“So, what’s this Thomas like?” You questioned, shifting your gaze from clothing to your friend. She thought for a moment, fingers brushing over a dress made of crushed velvet. “He’s charming, but not the most agreeable guy around. Girls flock to him though, a real ladies’ man.” You laughed at her description, questioning how he kept guys like Aaron and James as friends. Perhaps there was one in every friend group, a helpless flirt. John Laurens certainly matched that description, as you recalled many harmless passes he made at you, it seemed Thomas was that way as well.
“Oh, (y/n), you have to try this on!” Peggy pulled you from your thoughts, shoving a little black dress in to your arms and herding you to a dressing room. It fit perfectly, hugging to your sides like a second skin. It exposed your shoulders, forming a straight line across your chest, the long sleeves flaring at your wrists. It made you feel confident and striking, and the light in Peggy’s eyes seemed to agree. “Perfect! Just like I thought. No need to thank me.” She winked and you smiled at your reflection, eager for the weekend.
Saturday arrived with little to no excitement along the way. You were clad in the dress Peggy blessed you with. With sharp wings lining your eyes and your lips adorned with the color the color of wine, you felt dangerous, alluring. John, without missing a beat, whistled and handed you a cup of booze. “Damn, (y/n), I bet Thomas is going to fall right on his ass when he sees you. Givin’ all those French girls a run for their money, huh?” You giggle, taking a sip of what he handed you–coke and rum.
“Tsk, tsk, Laurens, what would your soulmate think.” You teased causing him to roll his eyes. “You know it’s all talk. Gotta practice for the big day.” He reasoned, flashing his wrist with a large smile. The words “you charmer” etched into his skin, the penmanship loopy and frilly. “Keep on practicing, you charmer.” You joked, lifting your cup slightly as you dipped and headed towards Angelica. Several minutes passed and James’ voice eventually rose above everyone’s conversations.
“Thomas is just a few minutes away! The party will resume at full volume after his arrival, so please, stay quiet and get in your places. Don’t forget to yell a big surprise!” James was giddy, you could tell. Happy his best friend was finally coming home, you couldn’t blame him. You stood beside him and Aaron, talking in hushed voices about the location of the soon-to-arrive Thomas Jefferson.
A hush fell over the room as the door knob jiggled. Excitement buzzed in the atmosphere and you couldn’t resist the lively smile that played on your lips. The few seconds that passed seemed like hours as they stretched on, everyone jittering and waiting for someone to come through the door. Then he did.
He, Thomas, stepped over the threshold, a barrage of “surprise!” (including the shout that spilled from your lips) assaulted his ears. He was obviously spooked, eyes wide and darting from face to face. “What the fuck?” He awkwardly chuckled, cocking his eyebrows once his eyes settled on James, who left your side to greet his friend.
A tingling on your wrist stole your attention from the scene of reunion to the patch of flesh that was now alight with feeling. Your chest swelled. Eyes flickering back up, it was obvious Thomas was feeling it too, his gaze directed at his wrist; undoubtedly sharing the same feeling. You drank in his appearance. His curls were gorgeous, perfectly wild, framing his face like a work of art. His facial hair accented his features divinely and his height would be intimidating if you weren't already so infatuated.
Thomas’ eyes snapped to yours and you felt something within you click. Those beautiful, warm eyes bore into yours. A blush rose to your cheek as he strode towards you, a devilish grin on his face. All eyes were on the both of you as he reached his hand towards you. You obliged, letting your hand be consumed in his warmth, his lips dancing lightly on your skin for a brief moment.
“It's a pleasure to finally meet you, darlin’. What's your name?” Thomas inquires, southern accent evident in his speech. It made your heart flutter. You could see what Peggy meant by charming.
“I'm (y/n).” You responded, voice failing you in all the excitement. He grinned, squeezing your hand gently. All you wanted was to get away from the party, to get to know him in peace and quiet. But the chatter that surrounded you was a reminder that you indeed weren't alone, and this was his welcome home celebration.
“I knew you would like him, (y/n)!” James laughed, clapping Thomas on the back. Several of your friends congratulated you, giving you a brief hug, aside from Alex who was completely bewildered. “Of course you're Thomas’ soulmate, you poor girl! It's so ironic I should have seen it coming!” Alex shook his head.
“Oh hush Hamilton, this is my moment.” You pointed and you heard Thomas laugh heartily beside you. It was like music to your ears, you could listen to it all day.
“Well sugar, if there was any doubt that you were my soulmate, that settles it. Look out, Hamilton, I've got back up now.”
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