chimartyr · 5 years
“ i believe that the future holds infinite hope for all of us ” ((teen!Ace with his uncle, probably some sleepy rambling from a kid that's still scared to sleep bc he doesn't wanna get shanked in his sleep))
starters from a game i’ve never heard of ✶ accepting.
☆ « The child had simply disappeared one day: not so much as a hint to where he had gone.  No note on parchment or message relayed to the guards, no evidence that he had packed his belongings or even basic supplies for traveling.  He simply... vanished, as mysteriously as he had come, and Nerevar could only deduce that little Ace had made his way home.
And later --  years later -- he would find this to be true.
☆ « Someone had come to the gates of Mournhold, he’d been told.  An absolutely ridiculous-looking young traveler, asking specifically for Indoril Nerevar.  Of course his closer associates had recognized the boy from his youth.  Never had anyone met another Redguard with violet hair and red eyes, after all.  And so Ace was whisked quickly to the king, ready to explain everything he could not have even begun to understand as a child.
☆ « I just came back because I missed you, Uncle Nerevar.  Nerevar was not sure he would ever be able to comprehend exactly what kind of twisted fairytale the child had told him, but the meaning of those words, at least, were crystal-clear to him.  Now, as his once-small friend babbles on groggily, Nerevar smiles and pats his shoulder.
« ✯ »  ——  ❝Those are the words of a leader.❞  If it were simpler, he’d blow out the bedside candle and leave Ace to fall asleep himself -- but the child is plagued by unease and paranoia, now.  It seems he has been forced into the cruelty of politics.  The thought cracks Nerevar’s heart in two, but he smiles nonetheless.  ❝You’ve grown much since our last meeting, child.  It makes me proud to see how far you have come.❞
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chimartyr · 5 years
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chimartyr · 5 years
Haleth let her breath puff her cheeks as he sat across from her in the dirt. “Sorry,” she said quietly. “I just usually do this kind of thing by myself. It makes sneaking into tombs a lot easier.” She paused, realization dawning in her eyes a bit later than she would have liked. He was worried about the fact that they were Nordic tombs. The corners of her mouth turned up in a small, sheepish smile.
“Well, ancient Nords were pretty into people who could use the Voice, so I doubt we’ll be in trouble, unless, of course, this tomb happens to belong to a Dragon Priest. They’re not usually terribly friendly,” she said, gesturing to the iron mask at her hip. “You know, the Dragur usually pretty quiet, as long as you don’t try to steal from them. Besides, as long as we’re silent, it’s easy enough to just walk past them.” Her smile grew. “Dead people tend to be pretty stupid regardless of where they’re from. I wouldn’t be worried.”
She crossed her legs as he spoke about his past; for some reason, she had never realized that a king would start out as a lowly caravan guard. “They had trade caravans back then?” she asked. As soon as the question left her lips, she felt might kick herself. Of course they had caravans: the old Ashlanders of the Grey Quarter often bragged about their Nomadic lifestyle. “So I suppose that’s where you learned how to fight?” she asked finally.
☆ « A Dragon Priest.  His eyes follow to the mask, and Nerevar blinks in disbelief.  Has she encountered one of them before?  Undead remnants of the Merethic Era -- surely they would make for fearsome opponents.  And here Haleth is, carrying one of their masks like a trophy.  It’s not quite a surprise, given how capable he knows she is, but... it’s still very odd.
However, it’s her sudden question that completely catches him off-guard.  Nerevar can barely suppress his laughter.
« ✯ »  ——  ❝I’d be fascinated to know what kinds of things you thought we did for a living in my time.❞  It’s tempting to continue pestering her about the slip-up, but he’ll be merciful.  ❝Indeed.  Some of my earliest memories are of fending off Cliff Racers.  Terrible things, those creatures.❞
☆ « The smirk on his face grows softer; fonder.  ❝I would have devoted myself to that lifestyle, if Lady Azura had not planned other things.  When I met my dearest Almalexia, I knew things would never be the same.❞
☆ « He falls silent, then.  He hasn’t dared to ask too much of what has happened.  The Chimer had been cursed by their Twilight Goddess, Haleth had told him when they’d first met.  House Dagoth and the Dwemer seemed to have been involved -- but what became of the rest of his friends; his wife?  Where is Almalexia now?  Is she alright?  They are unpleasant things to think about; he tries to ignore the churning of his stomach and instead turns his attention back to the present.  They’re sitting outdoors, underneath a beautiful sky, about to depart into a Nordic ruin... and this should be his focus for now.
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chimartyr · 5 years
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lines taken from various characters and events in  tri - crescendo’s  game  ,  eternal sonata  ( 2007 ) .  feel free to change pronouns   ( he , she , they , i , etc )   &  tenses as you feel necessary .
“ the morning light has now come ”
“ it takes but a moment  ,  don’t worry ”
“ you do not understand ”
“ live in ignorance  ,  die in ignorance ”
“ forget the pain you felt in the dream ”
“ this is but a brief parting ”
“ bow down before me ”
“ cry me a river  ,  you wimp ”
“ sorry  ,  but i’m in a hurry ”
“ stay away from me ”
“ will somebody please take care of that ? ”
“ just shut your mouth and watch ”
“ you better beg for mercy from this one ”
“ you don’t look so good ”
“ picking on weaklings really isn’t my style ”
“ i’ll be perfectly polite when i send you flying ”
“ are you looking down on me ? ”
“ soon you’ll be dust on the ground ”
“ would you just open your eyes ? ”
“ pride goeth before the fall ”
“ anything that gets in my way is going down ”
“ transforming weakness into strength  ;  strength will surely become weakness ”
“ break free from the cage that holds you ”
“ when plants die  ,  the earth does not tremble ”
“ if you strike a person their soul is scattered ”
“ virtue does exist in this world ”
“ i will be the shield that protects my people ”
“ you gutless coward ”
“ to me thou art a bone  ,  to me thou art as limbs ”
“ the night shall become my clause ”
“ my resolve will never waver ”
“ so long you stupid bastard ”
“ this is the end of your pathetic lives ”
“ to enjoy the morning roses you must kill the insects ”
“ you will die trembling ”
“ oh  ,  i’ll hang you very slowly ”
“ there is no tomorrow for the weak ”
“ if something can not be recognized  ,  does it even exist ? ”
“ war is simply a battle of egos ”
“ at some point it’s no longer about who wins or loses ”
“ i believe that the future holds infinite hope for all of us ”
“ when a man’s consciousness is fading away he will find without fail that he comes face to face with his own soul and must challenge it ”
“ i only want a chance to do something to help everyone ”
“ ignoring the things that seem too hard to do eventually becomes a habit  ,  the natural thing to do ”
“ the time has come for everything to be settled ”
“ was this always my life’s purpose ? ”
“ no one wants to touch someone like me ”
“ do you plan to spend your whole life pretending to be someone you’re not ? ”
“ people tend to act in ways that suit their own best interests ”
“ you can’t just sit back and accept a destiny of death ”
“ you can’t hesitate ”
“ when one thing comes to an end  ,  something else begins ”
“ you can give up when it’s really  ,  truly  ,  absolutely the very end ”
“ are we only destined for destruction ? ”
“ my life is nothing compared to his ”
“ everything I’ve ever done has always just been an act ”
“ making excuses just makes you look pathetic ”
“ we learn from our mistakes and grow from them ”
“ when you eliminate all the other possibilities  ,  you cannot escape the truth that remains ”
“ there’s no use in comparing the dead with the living ”
“ he needs to remember this pain ”
“ i’ve no interest in hearing about your failure ”
“ what I want is to be adored and admired for eternity ”
“ you have a heart that sees the world with open eyes ”
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chimartyr · 5 years
((anyways go follow @haleth-dovahkiin if you haven’t already, because inky is amazing and i’m really sad that i can’t find the words to reply to our threads with nerevar))
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chimartyr · 5 years
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((changing my ooc tag because i’ve finally thought of a clever tag.))
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chimartyr · 5 years
#Positivity Protocol! 😄💙☀️ Send this to ten muns who you think portray their muses so damn well and are just generally awesome!
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((i don’t know when you sent this but i just saw it, and it warmed my cold dead heart so thank you very much.  i hope you are having a beautiful day buddy))
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chimartyr · 5 years
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((I’m not dead, I promise!  And I’ll be returning to this blog!  Eventually!  I just!  I’ve been feeling really sad and I have no muse lol.  But I will!!  Stay tuned!!))
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chimartyr · 5 years
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((gonna play P3 FES until i fall asleep at my computer and arrive late for school tomorrow go to bed now!  will get to replies tomorrow, g’night!))
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chimartyr · 5 years
@necrowrm​ ✶ cont.
☆ « Mannimarco -- it does not take exceptionally good judgement to know that he is a wicked mer with wicked ways.  His dark, malicious magic brought nothing but unrest to those who had passed on.  By all means, Nerevar should declare Mannimarco an enemy.  And yet...
« ✯ »  ——   ❝I am not good at giving names,❞ he answers with a light chuckle.   ❝Perhaps you should be the one to decide what he is called.❞  And yet Nerevar would consider him something akin to a friend, if anything.
☆ « Maybe it is because Mannimarco, despite everything, has shown him something similar to kindness in this unfamiliar version of Tamriel.  Maybe it is because when Mannimarco smiles, in the same way one of his old Chimer companions would, Nerevar is too weak to remember that he is speaking to a necromancer.
Nerevar can only continue to enjoy this moment and hope that Azura will smite him if he is errs.
☆ « He brushes the dirt from his hands and glances down at the worm wriggling in Mannimarco’s palm.  It’s almost... cute.
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chimartyr · 5 years
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((Since I’ve got a lot of new followers, let’s get a starter call up in here!))
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chimartyr · 5 years
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((nerevar is the resident Elder Scrolls Dad™.  good night))
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chimartyr · 5 years
"...Uncle Nerevar? Am I a bad person if I look like someone that did a lot of mean things to people?" Ace is following his uncle, illusions down because he's tired. "...Back home, all the humans say I'll be just like my grandpa. And he's evil... Everyone says so. That's why Mama helped make him go away."
☆ « This child says the strangest things -- not even Sil can deduce where he may be from, or what he could be referring to when he speaks of his past.  And yet Nerevar can at least understand the sorrow in Ace’s voice; form a general idea of what he’s been through.  His heart aches for the child.  Such a small creature should not have to endure that much suffering.
« ✯ »  ——  ❝You are not bad or evil,❞ he assures, taking the tiny hand in his own so their strides match.  ❝Humans -- well, everyone -- everyone sometimes makes incorrect judgements.  They have simply misjudged you, dear child.❞
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chimartyr · 5 years
@chimartyr | continued from here
Haleth huffed, staring at the ground as the elder mer spoke. His questioning shouldn’t have bothered her as much as it did– after all, it was reasonable to fear for one’s life in a place with many necromancers and many ancient tombs; but she couldn’t help but be somewhat annoyed when people seemed to doubt her abilities to protect herself. She had the power of a one of the dov, yet somehow it seemed that others still underestimated her abilities. Her ears fell as he spoke.
“I know, I know,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest and sitting back against the log she’d dropped her pack beside. It was nice to have someone so willing to accompany her where others wouldn’t; after all, she couldn’t ask Nirilhe to accompany her, and Professor Talasse would likely want to avoid ruins for a while, too. Besides, Nerevar had likely never been into a Nord burial site; while crawling with dragur, they were truely marvels of engineering, surely something he could appreciate. She rested her head on her arms, her knees pulled to her chest.
“I guess you can come with me,” she said, still looking down as she bobbed her head back and forth. Having an extra person would likely mean that she simply couldn’t sneak through the tomb unnoticed, as she so often did, but surely a legendary warrior like Nerevar would make up for it. “I didn’t know you explored,” she said, looking at him up and down, wondering what there was to explore before ruins had fallen to ruin.
☆ « He takes a seat, cross-legged, in the dirt across from her.  Again, it’s understandable that she is frustrated.  In all her youthfulness, and with all the talent and power coursing through her veins, surely she’s insulted by the idea that something as simple as a Nordic ruin could pose a threat.  But Haleth has grown up among Nords, and he’s unsure if she’s seen the savageness and brutality that these men can display.  In life they are merciless to their opponents -- in death, while their bodies may decay and rot, surely they are still just as hostile.
...And objective dangers aside, Nerevar cannot deny the fact that he’s developed a parental sort of affection for Haleth.
« ✯ »  ——  ❝I did, very often,❞ he answers, gazing up at the sky.  The clouds drift by lazily, in the same way they would all those years ago.  ❝In my youth I guarded a trade caravan -- often, they would send me to scout an area and discern whether it was safe to approach.  After meeting Ayem and joining the strife to defend Resdayn, I found myself discovering places I could never have dreamed of.❞  Amazing caves with strange plants; massive, roaring waterfalls under violent storms; towering fungi that he would set camp under -- the memory of waking up at twilight and feeling closer to Lady Azura than ever.
☆ « Those days were long gone, though.  While as king, he still made time for such wandering, there was far less of it -- his days were occupied with many more obligations and great responsibilities.  Being cast forth into this new era was a sort of blessing in disguise, wasn’t it?  For the first time in ages, he was able to live his life one day at a time, and walk freely without having to worry about anything other than Haleth and the road ahead.
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chimartyr · 5 years
☆ | Continued.
                                      ❝ That’s much too bad , dear , – ❞
               Sanguine cuts himself off , eyebrows raised almost comically , hand slipping from the mer’s shoulder. He wasn’t annoyed but the declination , but interested in the reason. Not many people declined his … offers. And when people usually waved him away , he would take that , move on - but this one seemed far too interesting. The prince wasn’t a fan of any bold , brash , ignorant warriors - they weren’t worth chasing. Not when there was a humble townsperson nearby who might’ve really needed a thrill. And , well - the mer wasn’t a humble townsperson , but … he seemed to be humble. Hubris certainly wouldn’t be his downfall.
                                      ❝ Duties ? Oh , I would be absolutely delighted if you could just indulge me in the details. ❞                
☆* / @chimartyr
« ✯ »  ——  ❝I didn’t take you as the type who would want to hear details of my work, Lord Sanguine.❞  The smile quirks into something more genuine; a little teasing, even.  As much as he would rather not go through the trouble of explaining, Nerevar obliges.  He was asked, rather politely -- and there’s no harm in simply informing Sanguine of his schedule, is there?
☆ « As he gives a brief overview, though, it crosses his mind that Sanguine may be trying to sway him into abandoning said duties -- what else would the Daedric Prince of debauchery do?  Mundane and tedious as they were, his tasks were still vital to the preservation of Resdayn in their own ways...
When Nerevar finishes speaking, he presses his lips together and nods; as though to say that is the end of it.  And hopes to Azura that Sanguine is satisfied with the answer.
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chimartyr · 5 years
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HELLO !    since  the  old  tes  masterlist  is  defunct ,    there  has  been  a  need  for  a  comprehensive  directory  for  all  the  amazing  elder  scrolls  blogs  floating  around  out  there !    there  is  also  a  group  discord  which  you  should  totally  join  >:3c    IF  YOU  ARE  AN  ELDER  SCROLLS  RP  BLOG  please  reblog    &    for  each  of  your  muses  in  the  tags  put  1 )    what  game(s)  your  muse  is  based  in ,    2 )    canon  or  oc ,    3 )    their  name ,    &    4 )  whether  your  blog  is  mutli - muse  or  single - muse !
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chimartyr · 5 years
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Akechi’s true final fate
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