chimneyhanweek · 4 years
Chimney Han Week 2020 | Day Five | Favourite Episode
Chimney Begins 2x12 | Finally by James Arthur
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chimneyhanweek · 4 years
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Chimney Han Appreciation Week
Day 5: Favorite Episode
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chimneyhanweek · 4 years
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Chimney Han Appreciation Week
Day 4: Favorite Rescue/Save
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chimneyhanweek · 4 years
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Chimney Han Appreciation Week
Day 3: Favorite Relationship (romantic or platonic)
Hen & Chim
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chimneyhanweek · 4 years
Chim tells his best friend about his impending fatherhood and realizes just how much he still misses him.
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chimneyhanweek · 4 years
“I miss you.” + death angst
Chimney looks down at the baby girl he holds in the crook of one arm, smiling down at her. She’s fast asleep, just six days old and he was so completely and utterly in love with her. Her yellow blanket (his very old, faded yellow blanket that he had kept from his own childhood) is wrapped tightly around her, pacifier in her mouth, eyelids covering her dark eyes and a matching yellow hat that hides her flock of thick, black hair.
He can’t help but stare down at her with a smile on his face; Maddie, still recovering, had stayed at home but had absolutely insisted on their daughter looking her best for her first visit to her grandmother. Chimney’s eyes finally glance over to the gravestone in front of him. He takes a moment, as he always does, just to read over the words – her name, followed by the words mother, daughter and friend. He wonders for a second if he can add grandmother to the end, even if she’ll never meet the little girl he’s holding. Amelia will grow up knowing about the woman; he hopes that she has his mother’s arty side and that she’ll inherit the woman’s carefree love of life.
“Hey, ma, I wanted you to meet someone.” He carefully kneels down so not to wake Amelia, removing the previous weeks flowers from the vase and replacing them with the fresh bunch he holds. “This is Amelia Joy Han.” The words are spoken with such pride and excitement, tears in his eyes when he once again looks down at the sleeping baby. She is perfect in every single way possible – she has his eyes (that are also his mother’s), she has Maddie’s nose, rosy red, chubby cheeks and a little dimple on her chin.
“She made quite the dramatic entrance into the world, partway through an earthquake. She couldn’t wait but I made it just in time. Do you remember when we talked about my future? About—this moment?” He remembers it as though it was yesterday, his mother dying, an arm wrapped around his shoulders as she told him of her hopes for him and his future. How she had imagined him falling in love, having a child of his own, finding a job he loves and being surrounded by people he loves and who love him. That was all she ever wanted for him – happiness and love. “You were right, you were—so beyond right. The moment she was in my arms, I fell in love. I mean, I loved her even when she was this little kicking machine inside Maddie and the two of us would imagine what she would look like and the kind of life we could give her. But now she’s here and… everything you said was right. Just six days old and I already can’t imagine my life without her.”
His eyes water up before he shakes his head, “I miss you. I miss you every single day and maybe that sounds stupid because it’s been almost thirty years. I’ve lived longer without you than I ever did with you and maybe it shouldn’t hurt as much as it does. But I wish you were here, I wish you could have met Maddie. I know you would love her, she is—I’m going to ask her to marry me, when she’s ready, I’m going to marry the love of my life and I-I wish you could have experienced that. I wish you could have… I wish you had better, you deserved so much better.” He smiles through his tears, gulping. She had always told him that he was the love of her life but he knew she needed more, she had deserved someone better than his father.
Chimney has been having these one-way conversations with the woman for years, but it hurts a lot more when he’s holding his daughter in his arms and he longs to see his mother’s face. He closes his eyes in an attempt to imagine her smile, the tears in her eyes, cooing over her first grandchild. “I wish you could meet Amelia, you’d have been a wonderful grandmother. I can just imagine the adventures you would have taken her on, the joy you would given her… Mrs Lee is amazing, she’s been wonderful and—I don’t know what we would do without her but you would have been amazing, too.”
He opens his eyes when Amelia stirs, glancing down at her fluttering eyelids as he bites down on his lip, “I’ll make sure she knows you, and I hope—I hope you get to know her, too. I don’t know if you can, I don’t know if you’re listening, if you’re watching but I hope you are. I hope you know how much you’re loved, how much she’s going to love you and how she’s going to know everything about you from me and Mr and Mrs Lee. We’re going to keep you alive for her and I’m going to be the best dad I can be. I’m going to make you proud, Ma.”
With a deep breath, he wipes at the tears on his cheeks, smile widening, “I should get this one back to her momma but I’ll be back next week. I love you, Ma. We love you.”
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chimneyhanweek · 4 years
“Awww… she’s adorable.” + future fluff
From the moment Amelia was born, Chimney was enamoured with her. Her dark fluffy hair, completely untameable and usually the first thing people noticed about her. Her big, brown eyes that reminded everyone so much of Chimney’s, her button nose, chubby cheeks and that toothless smile he could just stare at all day.
At nine months old, his favourite thing to do is make her laugh (joint only to making her mother laugh). Her eyes would light up and the sound would cause his heart to soar and joyful laughter to fall from his own lips. Really, he didn’t think there was a better sound in the world.
There’s a huge grin on his face as he pulls a silly face again when she swings towards him, pushing her back once more as she squeals in delight and claps her hands. He’s secretly glad Maddie has gone to buy ice cream (blaming the craving on her second happily unexpected pregnancy already, even if she was only five weeks gone) because she would have a coronary seeing their daughter not holding on despite the fact she was perfectly safe in the baby swing.
Amelia babbles along as she laughs, waving her hand which was her new favourite thing when another parent walks towards the swings with her own baby in her arms, “Awww… she’s adorable.”
He’s not surprised, it’s a comment he and Maddie have heard a million time over and yeah, the two of them have made a very adorable baby (not that he’s bias, at all). It still doesn’t matter how many times he hears it though, shooting the other woman a proud grin, “She really is. He is, too.” He politely smiles at the young baby when she places him in the swings before he turns his attention back to his daughter when she lets out a loud, happy scream that she always does when he dare turn his attention from her.
“I’m watching you, promise!” The excited kick of her legs as her hand waves to someone behind him lets him know that Maddie is on her way back, pushing on the swing once more, pretending to grab her feet each time she swings towards him to cause that enthusiastic giggle to fall from her lips.
He fake grimaces at their daughter, not daring himself to look at his girlfriend when he scrunches up his nose and dramatically gasps when Amelia dares to lift both her arms up in an animated wave. “Uh oh, daddy’s in trouble.” The woman next to him lets out a snort of laughter, just as Amelia tries to copy Chimney’s facial expression.
“She’s not holding on!” The overprotective whine from next to him is enough to cause him to turn his head, immediately dipping his finger in one of the ice creams she’s holding and dabbing it on her nose.
“She’s perfectly safe, should see how fast I turn her around on the—”
The pout on her lips is enough to make him stop mid-sentence, nudging her ever so gently as he takes an ice cream from her hand and turns his attention back to their very loud, very vocal daughter.
Then there’s that laugh again, made even more perfect when Maddie joins in. Chimney feels that swell of pride in his chest, the biggest of smiles on his face when he looks between the two – he could listen to the sound every single day for the rest of his life.
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chimneyhanweek · 4 years
“Aww, she’s adorable”+future fluff for chimney han week!!! 
Chimney hates waiting in lines. He always has, hates having to ‘hmm’ and ‘hah’ and tap his feet as he waits for his turn. Reminds him too much of doctors visits, he thinks. 
Having Maddie with him helps. Having little Amelia tucked into his shoulder certainly helps too. 
“Gonna go find the bathroom, I’ll be back.” Maddie plants a kiss on Chim’s forehead before she heads down the hall, leaving him in his seat against the wall. Like always, Amelia can sense when her mother has left the room, so she suddenly becomes dissatisfied with the corner of Chim’s shirt that she had put into her mouth a few minutes before. 
He lifts her up to face him, and her smile makes his heart melt just like it did the first 100 times. He holds her under her armpits, getting her into a standing position so she can bounce up and down. She gurgles, smiling again as she presses her feet into her fathers thighs and Chim hears a laugh next to him.
The two previously empty chairs next to him had since been filled despite him not noticing, two young women who were watching Amelia with hearts in their eyes.
“Awww, she’s adorable.”
Chim smiles, pride in his heart. “Thank you. She’s quiet the little superstar.”
The women closest to him coos. “Ooooh I bet she is.” 
Maddie and Chim didn’t like to brag but they had made a pretty cute kid. They frequently got stopped by other parents in the park, at the grocery store, even while they were out to eat to be told that Amelia was simply darling. With Chim’s dark eyes, Maddie’s nose, and a soft fluffy head of hair, she was as cute as a button. 
The women next to him wiggles her fingers at Amelia, who sticks her tongue out in response. 
“This is the line to get a marriage license right?” 
A name gets called and a couple a few chairs ahead go up to the window, giving Chim hope that they won’t be there waiting all day. The women nods as she sees them. “Well guess that answers my question.” 
She turns back to her partner when Maddie comes back around the corner, a smile curling on her lips as she sees her daughter.
“Did I miss anything good?”
Chim laughs when Amelia reaches out for Maddie, who eagerly takes her. 
“Nope, not really. Amelia just got more attention, as usual.”
Maddie presses a kiss into Amelia’s squishy cheek, leaving a lipstick mark. She sits, pulling Amelia close to her chest and leaning her head onto Chim’s shoulder. 
“We have to be careful, otherwise our daughters gonna get a big head.”
“Eh, there are worse things.” 
Chim feels Maddie’s hand on his knee, her engagement ring scratching against his jeans. Amelia huffs in Maddie’s arms, presumably settling down to nap.
Chim relaxes, enjoying the feeling of his two favorite girls right within arms reach. Soon they’d have their name called, and soon they’d have a license and could get married and then they’d be the Howie and Maddie and Amelia Han, and if waiting in line all day is what it takes, Chim would do it a hundred times over, just for them. 
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chimneyhanweek · 4 years
Chimney Han Week 2020 | Day Three | Favourite Relationship (Platonic)
Henrietta ‘Hen’ Wilson & Howie 'Chimney’ Han | Friends by Ella Henderson
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chimneyhanweek · 4 years
Chim stands and watches in daughter, he’s joined by someone else, bonding and fluff ensues.
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chimneyhanweek · 4 years
“You look like shit.” + angst
Its been a long three weeks since his daughter made her entry into the world an entire nine weeks before she was meant to. The birth had been traumatic, terrifying but they had pulled through and she was strong, just like her mother. It just wasn’t easy, refusing to take his paternity leave until she was home because Maddie would need help when they finally got Amelia out of the hospital and where she belongs.
He still insists he’s perfectly capable of doing his job as a father, a boyfriend and a paramedic no matter how exhausted he feels. He can’t remember the last full night sleep he actually got, the single hospital bed he spent most nights in as Maddie slept, snuggled into his side wasn’t the most comfortable. And there was still that foreboding sense of doom that would settle in his chest that would force him from his position and towards NICU, where he’d spend the night just watching his daughter’s chest rise and fall.
Before he knew it, it was always time to go back to work, maybe go home for a shower and to pick up some stuff for Maddie and the baby. His days and nights are filled with the hospital, the station and their respective nearest coffee shops. Everything inside of him was telling him to stop, his body heavy and his mind foggy. Maddie has pointed it out to him more than once, that she’s the one in hospital and yet he looks worse than she does. She begs him to take some time off work, but he insists that he’s fine, that he wants to be there when she goes home. That he wants to spend a few weeks just the three of them, getting to know Amelia and what life felt like as parents without a whole load of nurses and doctors around them to help.
“You look like shit.”
It’s Buck’s voice that pulls him from his thoughts, shaking hands wrapped around the coffee cup he holds close to his chest. He feels as though the world is closing in on him, trying to urge him to give into what his body needs most right then – sleep. He’s stubborn though, relentless in his mantra that Maddie is going to need him more in a few weeks when Amelia is in their arms as they sit in their own home.
His grip tightens on the cup, taking a deep breath before he snaps his head up at the other man, “Gee, thanks, Buck.” There’s an angry bitterness to his tone, gritting his teeth before he shakes his head – no, big mistake, the dizziness hits him first, his chest tightening before he closes his eyes. No, he has to push past it, has to keep going so he can get through his shift and then get back to the hospital. He had promised Maddie he would bring her Thai food that night, he had told her they could snuggle and watch a movie from the comfort of her hospital bed.
Chimney is quick to stand up, wishing he had known better when he feels his knees buckling beneath him and the world finally closes in around him.
There’s a stinging sensation on his cheeks when he lets out a groan, hand moving to press to his forehead before he finally opens his eyes to Buck’s worried face hovering over him, his hand falling from his cheek with a grimace, “I told you that you looked like shit.”
“I hate you.”
His pseudo little brother only shrugs his shoulders, a half-smile on his face before he stands up, “You’re about to hate me even more. Hen! Bobby! Need your help down here!”
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chimneyhanweek · 4 years
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Chimney Han Appreciation Week
Day 2: Favorite Smile
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chimneyhanweek · 4 years
[gif 1 : The group is at the call where a baby is stuck in the wall of a person’s bathroom. Off to the right side is a woman watching through the door. Everyone’s wearing the short-sleeved version of the dark-blue uniform , expect for Buck who is wearing the LAFD t-shirt. Buck is seen leaving to go grab something , passing the woman on the right side. Bobby and Chimney look on , Hen is barely seen through the doorway. Bobby is looking at Buck’s leaving figure while holding up an axe . He turns to Chimney with a face of amazement at Buck’s lack of common sense. Chimney notices Bobby’s face , before turning around to face Buck and simultaneously reaching out to grab the axe. He says something to Buck. The caption reads in white letters : Try to find some common sense while your down there]
[gif 2 :  It’s Chimney’s welcome back party from his rebar incident. The fire-house is in the loft for the party. Buck is reaching out to pet chimney’s hair. Chimney replies to him , he’s makes a stop motion with his right hand. and the people in the background make surprised faces . His left hand moves to pat Buck’s shoulder off-frame.  Bobby is standing next to Buck’s left , and Hen is standing next to Chimney’s right. The caption reads , first in yellow text : Not Even a Headache? , then in white text : Just you , Buck]
[gif 3 : Buck is showing something on his phone to an exasperated Hen. He’s trying to convince her of something , but she’s not buying it. Buck is wearing the LAFD t-shirt , and Hen is wearing a yellow sweater that has a white line going down the middle of the sleeves.The camera turns to Chimney walking from the lockers while eating something yellow. While he’s chewing , he says something , and we see Bobby come into camera view with a big grin on his face looking at Chimney. The caption reads first in yellow text : a D X A Scan measures your body weight. You can see your percentage in every part of your body. Then in white text : Oh Yeah? They measure the fat in your head?]
[gif 4 : Chimney and Buck are riding in the firetruck , the others are off-frame. Buck is staring out the window , he is wearing the actual LAFD uniform and a headset. Chimney is saying something to someone off-camera. He nods his head to point to Buck , and Buck is seen nodding in agreement to chimney’s statement. Chimney is wearing his short-sleeved uniform as well , and a headset like Buck. The captions reads in white text : I like to take always operate under the assumption that nothing he says is serious]
[gif 5 : Chimney is sitting at his dining room table , some curtains behind are behind him. He’s wearing a maroon sweater , and has a beer off to the side of the screen, To his right is the shadow of buck. He slides his hand across the table , while talking . He lifts his head to imitate screaming. The caption reads in white text : the closest you’ve gotten to turning on a woman in the past few months is shouting out “hey siri”]
The theme of this gifset is : Chimney roasting Buck , for Day 1 : Favorite One-Liners
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Chimney Han Appreciation Week
Day 1: Favorite One-Liners
Chimney roasting Buck
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chimneyhanweek · 4 years
At Least We Have Each Other
Something happened to Hen during a call and Chimney is the one to deliver the news to Karen. 
Teen and Up. Howie Han & Karen Wilson.
For Chimney Han Appreciation Week Day 2: “you look like shit” + angst
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chimneyhanweek · 4 years
a little bump (1k)
Day 1 of Chimney week - panic attack + hurt-comfort
read on ao3 here
There were some things in life Chim thought he had prepared for. He thought after all of his therapy after the accident he was going to be fine. He thought he was over any and all car accEverything was fine when he dealt with them at work, a sixteen car pile up was stressful but it didn’t trigger anything. Who would have thought it would have been a tiny fender with Karen would have been what set him off.
Keep reading
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chimneyhanweek · 4 years
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chimney han week 2020 - favorite smile
↳ “We’re pregnant? We’re having a baby?!”
[ID: gifset from 9-1-1 Season 3 Episode 18 “What’s Next?” - Chimney is wearing a white shirt under a blue zip-up jacket and Maddie is wearing a red blazer. Maddie has come out of the bathroom, she is holding out two positive pregnancy tests. Gif 1 shows Chimney examining the tests and asking, “You’re pregnant?” with a shocked expression, brows furrowed. Gif 2 shows Chimney confirming, “We’re pregnant,” with tears starting to shine in his eyes and a hint of a smile on his face. His eyebrows are raised in surprise. Gif 3 shows Chimney with a bright, watery smile as he asks, “We’re having a baby?” He moves forward to hug Maddie. Gif 4 shows Chimney embracing Maddie. He is smiling and laughing, and he closes his eyes as he hugs Maddie tightly. The shot zooms out to their full bodies hugging in the apartment.]
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chimneyhanweek · 4 years
Chimney Week Day 1: panic attack + hurt-comfort
               By now, he’s learned to recognize the signs, notice the triggers. Sometimes it’s a small comment or being in a certain place. Today, it’s a construction accident. It should be commonplace. He drives all the time. But this one has one thing that none of the others have had, rebar.
               He can feel the churning in his stomach right when he sees it. His mind begins to race with the memories from before. The sound of breaking glass. The smell of leaking gas from his car. The concerned looks on Buck, Bobby, and Hen’s faces. He feels the familiar pounding as his heart rate speeds up, senses the rapid rise, and fall of his chest as his lungs struggle to take in air. He knows what he needs to do and forces himself to pull over.
               He’s always been anxious. It had started ever since he was young, watching his father criticize his mother. It then turned to him, he could never be good enough, smart enough, worthy. Then, when his mom got sick, all the stress and anxiety was amplified. He would watch her battle treatment day in and day out. He knew that her time was running out, but it still didn’t make her death any easier. Then he would go from job to job. He finally became a paramedic, but that brought on a whole new set of challenges. If he did the wrong procedure, hit a vain, killed someone. Normally, the thoughts are at bay, but it only takes something small, like this, to bring them all back into full focus.
               He wants to lose it, wants to crumple, but he knows he can’t. He could call Hen, tell her to come rescue him, make it all better, but he knows he won’t. He’s been through therapy, worked on coping mechanisms, he doesn’t need to be rescued. He can handle this. The first step is simple, obvious, just breathe. It’s such an easy act, taking air in and out. He knows how, can talk a patient through it all the time. He slowly inhales and begins to count, 2, 3, 4. Then he holds, 2, 3, 4. And he slowly exhales, 2, 3, 4.
He feels it beginning to work. Feels his shoulders start to unclench. Feels his heart rate begin to slow, feels his chest slowly expand as more air enters his lungs. Then, he tries to take stock of the situation, to be aware of everything that’s around him. It grounds him, helps him stay present, allows the thoughts to subside.
               He hears his engine running. Looks around, sees the clean interior of his car. Tastes the mint of the gum he constantly chews to help his anxiety. Feels the leather of the staring wheel still clenched between his fingers. Smells the takeout from the night before. He feels okay, not fully at 100%, but stable enough to drive the rest of the way home.
               He turns the key in the lock, steps inside his apartment, sits on the couch. He knows he’s okay, the panic attack is over, but he still wants company. He is so used to feeling alone. He’s always felt that way, ever since his mom died. Then he lost Kevin, then, Tatiana. But he’s not alone, not anymore anyway, he has her.
               His fingers hover over her name, wondering whether to tap her number. They’ve been back together for only a few weeks; he shouldn’t bother her. But he doesn’t want to order a meal and eat alone, he wants company, he wants her. So, he taps her name holds the phone up to his ear and waits.
               Her voice is cheerful, happy, just what he needed. “Hey Chimney, I was just about to call. How was your day? Any crazy calls?” He doesn’t know how to respond, if he says no, he’ll just worry her. He must have been silent for to long because when she speaks again, her tone sounds worried. “Chimney, is everything okay?”
He struggles for words. He hates feeling needy, hates feeling like a burden, like there’s something wrong with him. But he knows she’ll get it out of him either way, so he decides to just go for it. “No, I don’t think I am. I was driving, there was an accident, I’m fine, but his voice trails off. “There was rebar, and. I know your probably busy, but, if not, do you think, could you maybe?”
“I’ll be right there in 10. Don’t worry Chim, I got you.”
He smiles. “Thanks Maddie.”
“No need.”
Then, less than 10 minutes later, there’s a knock. He opens the door and there she is. She holds out the keys and he gives a small nod. They head into the car. It was a thing him and his mom used to do when he was younger. When his father said something particularly hurtful. When he wasn’t feeling well. When the anxiety and panic just built up so much that he could hardly speak. She would take him in the car, and just drive, sometimes for hours. The feeling of just moving would calm him, help him feel better, allow him to sit in silence with someone who loved him. Even though the panic is mostly gone, he loves that she does this. Loves how she’ll drop everything to be with him. Loves how, even though she is usually so talkative, she doesn’t say a word, just looks over at him from time to time.
After about 30 minutes she pulls over and lightly takes his face in her hands. “Hey, how are you feeling?”
“Better, the driving helped. Thank you.”
“Again, no need. You are amazing. You are not defined by your anxiety. I hope you know that. You are so strong. Thank you for reaching out. I know how hard that can be for you sometimes.”
He nods. “Thanks for being there, it really means a lot.”
She pulls him in for a long kiss. As he runs his fingers through her hair, he can honestly say that he really does feel okay. He feels safe, loved, and he knows that no matter what happens, that feeling of complete loneliness will probably never hit him as hard as it did in childhood. He has his Maddie, and right now, in this moment, as she holds him, that’s all he needs.  
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