chlodineweek · 3 months
State of the Page
Surprise post from this account!
We're about 5 months out from the 7th anniversary of Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, and just trying to absorb that fact makes me realize how long this little fandom has been going, and how very near and dear this ship is to my heart. As far as fandoms go, it's been one of the most rewarding and fulfilling I've ever been in.
With that said, I have come to a somber realization that as time goes on, keeping that interest alive has gotten more difficult. Chlodine Week started out as a celebration for Chloe and Nadine, back when the game was new and fresh on our minds. But more recently, it's felt like a desperate attempt to keep a fandom alive. The last couple of years, I've tried my best to put something big out there. But other than myself and a few dedicated, consistent artists who seem in it for the long haul, I'd be lying if I said I haven't been disheartened at how much engagement has dwindled.
I guess I'm making this post to say that right now, the future of Chlodine Week is uncertain. The last year has been particularly difficult for me, mentally and physically. This movement has been a labor of love, but since it's become more of a one-woman show, I question my ability to keep it going alone.
I'm making no determinations at this moment, but I wanted to put this out there and gauge the current pulse on the fandom. Are we still alive? Is this thing still worth doing? Is there anything that could be done differently? Right now I don't have the answer to any of these questions, and maybe in a few months I'll feel differently, but just wanted to let you all know where I'm at.
I love you all. I love Chlodine. Regardless of what happens, that will never change. In the meantime, thank you for listening!
- contrivedchaos
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chlodineweek · 10 months
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“Don’t ruin the moment.”
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chlodineweek · 10 months
That wraps up another Chlodine Week!
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Thank you to everyone who participated, shared, and made the sixth annual Chlodine Week possible!!
As usual, there were so many amazing pieces this year! I will continue watching the tags for the time being for anyone who would still like to post something. Late submissions always accepted!
Hope you all had fun. Keep the Chlodine spirit in your hearts all year long! ❤️
- contrivedchaos
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chlodineweek · 10 months
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chlodine week day 5: delight for the last piece I chose to add a new family member to the frazer-ross household (meenu is obsessed with the baby)
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chlodineweek · 10 months
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😫 I made it just in time before the end of the week.
This was for Wednesday's theme: Danger/Disaster. Our ladies are in trouble here but I'm sure they'll find a way out of it.
I would love to add colour a refine this a whole lot more but I'm really short on time these days.
I wish you ALL and Happy Chlodine week 2023 😉
Special thanks to @chlodineweek for putting this together once again 🙏🙏🙏
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chlodineweek · 10 months
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(source: @dafnawinchester)
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chlodineweek · 10 months
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Chlodine Week Day # 5 - Delight ❤️
sorry i couldn't draw something more detailed! it's been an insanely busy week for me with work and everything else 😭
reference: (x)
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chlodineweek · 10 months
Chapters: 5/5 Fandom: Uncharted (Video Games) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Chloe Frazer/Nadine Ross, Chloe Frazer & Nadine Ross Characters: Chloe Frazer, Nadine Ross, Original Characters, Samuel Drake, Victor Sullivan, Nathan Drake, Elena Fisher, Cassie Drake, Vicky (Uncharted), Asav - Mentioned, Zoran Lazarevic - Mentioned Additional Tags: Game: Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, Chlodine Week 2023, Chlodine Week, Chlodine - Freeform, Post-Canon, Post-Game, Canon-Compliant, Feels, Fluff, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Sex, Consensual Sex, Lesbian Sex, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Cunnilingus, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!, Character Study, Character Development, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Abuse, Blood and Injury, Injury Recovery, Dom/sub, Light Bondage Series: Part 2 of Time Summary:
Each day spent together promises something new for Chloe Frazer and Nadine Ross. Through all the happy moments, and all the heartache and pain, each of them has learned to live again. And come to terms with the notion that, for all you give a person, the same will often come back to you, in turn.
OR: Additional Chloe and Nadine moments set in the universe of Where The Time Goes.
Chapter 5 (the last chapter) is up!
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chlodineweek · 10 months
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chlodine week day 4 sketch: dream - the finale sketch is coming up tomorrow and it'll be a pretty sweet one hehe
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chlodineweek · 10 months
Chlodine Week Day 4: Dreams
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Bad dreams aren't so bad when you're in the arms of your favourite person.
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chlodineweek · 10 months
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Chlodineweek: 4 - Dreams
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chlodineweek · 10 months
Chapters: 4/5 Fandom: Uncharted (Video Games) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Chloe Frazer/Nadine Ross, Chloe Frazer & Nadine Ross Characters: Chloe Frazer, Nadine Ross, Original Characters, Samuel Drake, Victor Sullivan, Nathan Drake, Elena Fisher, Cassie Drake, Vicky (Uncharted), Asav - Mentioned, Zoran Lazarevic - Mentioned Additional Tags: Game: Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, Chlodine Week 2023, Chlodine Week, Chlodine - Freeform, Post-Canon, Post-Game, Canon-Compliant, Feels, Fluff, Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Sex, Consensual Sex, Lesbian Sex, Smut, Fluff and Smut, Cunnilingus, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!, Character Study, Character Development, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Abuse, Blood and Injury, Injury Recovery, Dom/sub Series: Part 2 of Time Summary:
Each day spent together promises something new for Chloe Frazer and Nadine Ross. Through all the happy moments, and all the heartache and pain, each of them has learned to live again. And come to terms with the notion that, for all you give a person, the same will often come back to you, in turn.
OR: Additional Chloe and Nadine moments set in the universe of Where The Time Goes.
Chapter 4 is up!
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chlodineweek · 10 months
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Made the girls again in picrew but used the little guy maker by @reelrollsweat
<3 <3 <3
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chlodineweek · 10 months
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chlodineweek sketch #3: danger (aka chloe and meenu were trying to cook)
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chlodineweek · 10 months
Chlodine Week Day 3: Danger/Disaster
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Chloe "This is fine" Frazer x
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Nadine "No the hell it's not" Ross
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They're married of course.
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chlodineweek · 10 months
Chlodineweek 2023 Day 3: Danger/Disaster
The only good thing about nightmares was that they happened in the confines of your skull. Even if you dreamt you were in a tsunami, swimming for your life against its pull, watching a black wave gain on you, being chased by the abyss, nobody would find out.
Gunshots ringing out like strange bells. Being flanked by unnamed faces in helmets. A firearm that vanished in her hands like smoke just when she needed it most.
The scenes weren't from any particular memory. That would have made more sense. Avalanches and floods featured as often as being thrown out of the safety of a vehicle by a land mine. Sometimes she had the feeling of being too high up somewhere, and about to fall from someplace narrow she never should have ascended to. And the complete certainty that where she would land would be nothing but razor wire.
Nadine shuddered with her whole body and snapped awake. It should be illegal for that falling sensation to feel so real in dreams.
Her chest was rising and falling rapidly. She scooted down the mattress and sat on the side. Put her face in her hands. Felt the sweat.
Maybe she could throw on a jacket and get in the car and drive around until her heart rate went down. Observing Johannesburg at night and reminding herself nightmares were made up and also stupid.
The noise she thought was a loud motorcycle outside was actually the thumping of her phone on her desk. She'd put it on vibrate. Should have turned the thing off. Nadine picked it up, blinking, glad she'd had the forethought to turn the brightness down.
Late there now huh?
Of course it was Chloe. Nadine scrolled up and realized it was preceded by a photo of a goat. The animal was all ears and beard, its eyes offputting in that minus-sign way, but Nadine knew Chloe found it cute. The woman liked odd things.
Nadine could have texted 'i see the family resemblance' or 'stop bothering livestock they can't sign a model release'.
Instead, it was I'm awake now. had a bad dream.
Why did she type that? Why did she hit send? Nadine bit her lip and rubbed her eyes with one hand.
She had just put the phone down when it buzzed.
What about?
No, Nadine shouldn't start this. Talking to Chloe as the girl traveled around to whatever weird places she liked, and sent whatever photos she chose for Nadine to admire? All right, yeah, it was fun. But Nadine only spoke to her mother about her dreams.
She had only ever told her mother.
A big wave and an avalanche and a lot of bombs. It was stupid. I'm so sweaty now. Almost every night this week. It's so stupid.
Why were her fingers tapping this out on the screen in front of her? Was her mind addled by sleep deprivation?
And you didn't tell me?
Nadine bit her lip. She typed 'it's no big deal. Good night. Or day or whatever' and rolled over.
The buzzing was long-form now. It was like a little drill going at the wooden bedside table, and Nadine rolled right back over and picked the phone up.
"Frazer, forget it."
There were field and farm background noises audible through the receiver. Nadine thought she heard the wind in the trees, the bell of an animal or two eating in the pasture.
"You've been having them for...what, four days now?" Chloe said softly. "You really only told me now?"
"It's childish things."
Why did Nadine's voice break when she said it?
"You think you're the only one, Nadine?"
"What?" Nadine forced her eyes to stay open.
"I get them and I'm not even a combat veteran, mate," Chloe murmured, "Always about my father dying. Or my mum unconscious on the floor ODing. I guess 'childish things' includes the fucked up shit from when I was a kid?"
Now Nadine's heart felt impossibly tight in her chest. "You didn't tell me about that either."
"Are you watching the news before bed, china?"
Nadine scoffed. "No. Are you eating dry pasta before you go to bed?"
An Aussie chuckle. "Every night."
Nadine wanted to bite something back, but she couldn't. She swallowed. "Yours are worse."
"Like hell they are," Chloe said. "We aren't doing that. That's not why I mentioned--"
"I didn't think you did, it's just--"
"It's just that you worry twenty-four hours a day instead of only all of your waking hours? Can't just have a nice dream about monkeys and candyfloss one night?"
"Ja," Nadine wouldn't choose that combination. That amount of sugar might kill the primates in real life. "I guess we can't choose."
"I can't believe you weren't going to tell me."
"Shut up."
"No," Chloe snapped. "It's that you thought having a bad dream was embarrassing. Is it a growing up in the military thing?"
"Good night," Nadine said. "Stop trespassing on farmland before you get shot."
"Excuse me, I have right of way in this field and the goats love me."
"They need to lose the beard."
Why did that make Chloe laugh. Why did her laughter nearly make her choke. Nadine actually got worried about her after the coughing fit.
"I'm--hack--fine. Just...just don't spring one like that on me, china. Came out of nowhere."
"Ja, just like the animals will. You'll be taking a photo of a dilapidated barn and get impaled on those horns."
Chloe said. "That's my Nadine. Worst case scenario girl if I ever met one."
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chlodineweek · 10 months
chlodine week day 3: danger/disaster
they’re posted up just outside an abandoned compound
enemies just inside
no doubt waiting for them to storm in, crosshairs aimed right at the doorway
most of them have been taken out already but the last two have been evasive
chloe and nadine are each braced against either side of the entryway
nadine: all right. i’m going in. watch my six in case one of them tries to flank us, ja?
chloe readies her gun: got you, love
she does not let the attractiveness of her girlfriends commanding confidence distract her
no sir, definitely not
nadine pulls out a flash grenade and launches it right into the inner room with practiced ease
following the bang, she charges in
chloe keeps an eye out behind them
footsteps become audible as the enemy scramble, stunned by the grenade
shots go off
nadine: dropped one!
that means there’s only one left
2 on 1 is good odds
especially with nadine on her side
but chloe’s learned to never underestimate an opponent
so many have done the same to her and ended up bested or dead for it
chloe breaches the doorway of the room just to see nadine take a shotgun shot to the chest
nadine: damnit!
she goes down
chloe : nadine!
he’s firing pop shots at them
she quickly gets out of his line of fire
chloe: fuck! what do i do?
nadine: he’s in here! i got one but his partner got me
she manages to crawl her way around the corner
nadine: he’s looking this way. he’s trying to finish me. if you come in from behind him you can get him
the enemy lets off more shots in nadine’s direction
chloe: shit, i can’t do this without you
nadine: you’ve got this, bokkie
as much as chloe wants to rush to nadine’s side, the adrenaline-laden, rational part of her brain knows she won’t be of any use to her with the remaining guy and his shot gun aimed in at their position
frantic as she is with her partner down, chloe follows nadine’s directions and let’s her experience with on-the-fly situations guide her
she prays she’s quick enough
not to be dramatic but nadine’s life depends on it
she circles around the room to the doorway on the other side and sure enough the last guy is facing the other way, weapon trained right at nadine’s head
chloe unloads a clip into his back
but not before he gets off one last shot
he goes down just as nadine does
blood sprays on impact as nadine slumps to the floor
chloe: no!
the round ends
the tv screen displays the game’s score chart with nadine at the top with 20 kills and chloe near the bottom with a measly but crucial single kill and several assists
nadine: you did it! we won!
chloe: oh my god!
nadine slings her arm around chloe who is seated beside her on the couch, one leg resting over her own
chloe considers the controller she has in her hand: well, technically i won
nadine rolls her eyes and gently shoves her away: still so cocky
chloe: but i couldn’t’ve done it without you, china
she sneaks a playful kiss onto nadine’s cheek
nadine pretends she doesn’t blush a lil
even after being together for years now her heart still gets all fluttery when her partner shows her affection
nadine: you’re getting better at this
chloe: sent ‘em packing back to loser land
they look at each other and burst into laughter
chloe: ok that needs some work
she snuggles further into nadine
chloe: can we play some crash bandicoot?
nadine sighs but boots up the game anyways
nadine: i don’t know why you and drake like this game so much. bandicoots do not spin
chloe laughs: so you’ve said. try to suspend your disbelief, love
nadine relents because she is in looooooooveee
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