chloopyyy29 · 2 years
What's something you never admitted to your partner?
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chloopyyy29 · 2 years
The thing that pissed me off today
To be honest, a lot of things piss me off, and thank god I found my methods of relaxation. Some people may not like my methods, and that's completely fine!
Order of business: maths. Yes, maths pisses me off, especially when I don't understand how to do it and everyone around me is solving the problems in 5 minutes and going on saying that it's really easy. For example sequences, everyone thinks they are the easiest topic in maths, but when I went over the homework, my brain said no, and I got pissed. I tried my best to understand what going on and arrange the information given, but nothing made sense and I was lost. So, knowing that Fran is really good at maths, I asked him for help (I tried to stay calm, TRIED); I sent him a picture of the exercise, and he immediately knew what to do, he briefly explained that I just had to plug in what I knew and use my knowledge. Except that I have no knowledge because I am trash at maths. He goes on to tell me more in detail about what I have to do. What I forgot to mention is that in my responses, I got angrier because what he was telling me didn't make any sense and wasn't helping, he stayed calm (thankfully. I would have gotten so mad at myself) and eventually just told me exactly what I had to do, I managed to do the first part, but I gave up because the anger took over me. Although he was willing to continue to help me, I decided that it was enough maths for me for the evening. There was a bit of tension between us, but everything was ok, he eventually had to go do something before he had dinner, and I went my way (I wrote this). Adding some distance like so, prevented further tension and avoided a superfluous fight (healthy relationship 101).
How did I cope with this? I put my phone down, put my maths book away, sat there for 2 minutes taking deep breaths, and started writing this article.
Ideas to calm down:
Listening to music (any genre you like)
Drawing/Doodling (or any artistic activity)
Writing (jot down your thoughts, or write a story or a poem...)
Sports (personally, when I go running, I always feel great after)
Chat with someone about anything EXCEPT why you're pissed (unless it's therapy or you are willing to talk about it)
Watch a movie/series
Take a nap
Do anything that makes you happy and will allow you to get your mind off whatever is pissing you off
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chloopyyy29 · 2 years
Practical info
For starters, the origin of the nickname Chloopy comes from my mom. She's been calling me that since I was a toddler, accompanied by another nickname: pumpkin. Why pumpkin? Well, because I'm ginger...
Here is a quick overview of the people I will be bringing up in future anecdotes:
!!!Some of the names used in the descriptions are not their real names, they are pseudos so that they stay anonymous!!!
My mom is a kind and loving woman, she cares a lot about my future, but I appreciate her encouragement. Like me, she enjoys running and various sporty activities, and of course, shopping :)
Mom has dark brown/black wavy hair, slightly dark skin, dark Vietnamese eyes, and a wonderful smile. She is part Belgian (her father), Canadian (where she grew up), and Vietnamese (her mother).
My "stepdad" (aka Chris) is a patient and wise man, he gives good advice about life and how to manage certain things. He is my source of motivation for sports, and we both share the same humor. I put stepdad in quotation marks because he is not my mom's husband.
Chris has barely any hair on his head, piercing blue eyes, pale white skin, and a hilarious laugh. He is French (where he grew up), Italian (his mother), and Polish (his father).
My dad (aka Papa) is a strong and affectionate man, he cooks extravagant meals and teaches me tips on how to make good food for when I leave for university. Our definition of quality time is watching a movie together, going on walks, and sitting on the balcony chatting and playing games.
Papa has classic brown short hair, brown eyes, beige tannable skin, and a brilliant sense of humor. He is completely French (his mother, father, and where he grew up).
My big sister (aka Anya) is an independent and understanding young lady, we used to hate each other, but as we grew older, we got closer and closer, and now we simply get one another. We don't see each other very often, but we message practically every day. I get my rebellious and artsy side from her, and sometimes her attitude.
Anya has similar traits to Mom, shorter than me, she gives the best hugs and is simply beautiful. She is Canadian (nationality), Belgian (origin), French (nationality and origin), and Vietnamese (origin).
My cat (aka Leïa) is crazy and social, she loves playing with anything she finds (especially hair ties), she is very energetic and enjoys sitting around with people. Unfortunately, she was born with FIV (Feline Immunodeficiency Virus), meaning she can easily get sick (and die from it) and can transmit it to other cats, therefore she is an indoor cat.
Leïa has a pastel calico coat (grey, light brown, and white), fascinating green eyes, and the sassiest attitude when it comes to cutting her claws.
My boyfriend (aka Fran) is the most loyal and trustworthy young man, he has so much love to give, comforts me with words when we are apart, and cuddles when we are together. He is always there for me and cheers me up with his small jokes, I know I can forever count on him. We share a mind sometimes, for example, we would hear or see something, look at each other, and we would both think the same thing.
Fran has darkish brown short curly hair, mesmerizing brown eyes, the cutest smile, is very handsome, and has the biggest heart. He is Italian (nationality and origin) and French (nationality and origin).
My girl best friend (aka Lélé) is a charismatic and tactful young lady, she has a great sense of fashion and is amazing at baking and cooking. We often have lunch together and talk about everything, you don't get bored with her! We may have several differences, but it just makes our friendship more fun.
Lélé has lovely dark red hair (dyed), splendid greenish eyes, and the most unique singing voice! She is French (nationality and origin), Scottish (origin), and English (where she grew up).
My guy best friend (aka Mel) is a comical and sincere young man, he mostly jokes around and does questionable things with the guys (in a funny way), yet he becomes caring when he notices my mood has gone down. We've known each other since we were 5 or 6 years old, and we've always gotten along; our number one game was creating an imagined world where we were made-up characters and followed a storyline.
Mel is like me, ginger, pale white burnable skin, amazing green eyes, and a merry personality. He is Irish (origin) and French (nationality and origin).
Finally, me (aka Chloopy) a bubbly and over-sharer (from Lélé's pov), crafty, cute, and anxious (from Fran's pov), sweet and thoughtful (from Mel's pov), sensitive and inquisitive (from Mom's pov), smart and enthusiastic (from Anya's pov), caring and remarkable (from Chris' pov), patient and intelligent (from Papa's pov) young lady. I am very artsy and sporty, yet lazy and a big procrastinator (but that will change for this year!). My alone time is when I draw, paint, play the flute/piano/guitar, study and run.
I am ginger with natural blondish streaks, hazel eyes, a face covered with freckles, and I always try to help out when I can. I am Canadian (nationality), French (nationality and origin), Belgian (origin), and Vietnamese (origin).
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chloopyyy29 · 2 years
The content I share here, doesn't always have a theme, mostly because they are my thoughts, adventures, personal stories, etc. but also because I have things to say about every topic this world offers. However, I will do my best to include a theme here and there to help and guide you, but also entertain you in a way (I hope).
I know that one topic is me and my messy life. That part of the blog is where I share personal anecdotes of things that had happened to me ever since I was conscious of my existence (so when i was around three or four years old).
You'll see other topics such as: music, art, school, my future projects and dreams and probably even exctracts of short stories I wrote or will be working on.
I don't promise to write daily, because I am still a highschool student and I have to dedicate most of my time to studying, but I will do my best to keep my blog updated as much as possible.
Have a good one!
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