choaticpsyche · 7 years
we did not invent racism. racism existed in cultures before europe was even properly civilized. hell, several early cultures, including the egyptians, kept slaves. white people are not the only racist ones on the planet. it's totally possible to be racist toward a white person, too. there's plenty of racism toward my people out there. we're constantly being criticized for the actions of the few as well. most white people aren't even racists to begin with. the alt-right, nazi white guys aren't the majority of us. we're not inherently bad people, but all cultures across the world have exibited racism at SOME point in their history. and as the world progresses, we all leave our old ways in the past and move on to newer, brighter ideas. we don't believe in enslavement and societal superiority. in fact, a lot of us bend over backwards to make sure racism is eradicated. tl;dr racism wasn't invented by whites, and i really don't appreciate this generalization.
also, i'm still figuring out the formatting on here, so forgive me for the text wall~
There’s no such thing as reverse racism. Shut. Up. You can’t be racist against the people who set the standard for racism and colonized 99% of the Earth and destroyed entire cultures based on the idea of ethnic and societal superiority. Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.
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choaticpsyche · 7 years
Honestly, the sexism and racism on this website is insane.
People will say “kill all whites” and say it isn’t racist because apparently reverse racism doesn’t exist.
People will say “kill all men” and say it’s not sexist because apparently misandry doesn’t exist. 
What if the inverse was being spread all throughout Tumblr?
I don’t wanna know tbh.
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choaticpsyche · 7 years
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“Reverse racism doesn’t exist” -some racist jerkface
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choaticpsyche · 7 years
Reverse 👏🏻 racism 👏🏻 is 👏🏻 just 👏🏻 racism 👏🏻
No one gets a free pass on discrimination because they contain more melanin in their skin.
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choaticpsyche · 7 years
Dear Black Lives Matter:
No white person says you’re being reverse racist to them.
The race wage gap is for college majors and does not account for actual jobs.
Asians get more money than whites, why aren’t you complaining about asian privilege?
The world isn’t out to get you for being black.
-a black girl who is fed up with your bullshit
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choaticpsyche · 7 years
reverse racism is not a thing lmao
if a black person is shitting on your race, that is racism.
i dont give a fuck if you’re black, hispanic, asian. you are capable of being racist just as much as a white person. 
white people didn’t invent racism. it’s not only racism if you do it to a poc. get that through your ass.
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choaticpsyche · 7 years
Things that exist: Bulgarian culture, Spanish culture, Canadian culture, Ukrainian culture, Swedish culture, Dutch culture, Basque culture, Austrian culture, French culture, Portuguese culture, Bosnian culture, Irish culture
Things that do not exist: "White culture"
Things that exist: Honduran culture, Indian culture, Japanese culture, Mongolian culture, Venezuelan culture, Moroccan culture, Egyptian culture, Iraqi culture, Cherokee culture, Jamaican culture, Korean culture, Bangladeshi culture, Shoshone culture
Things that do not exist: "PoC culture"
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choaticpsyche · 7 years
Examples of white culture
I absolutely hate the racist notion that white people have no culture. Poc sjws usually say this type of shit, so this post provides some examples of beautiful white cultures.
 Think about these images before you spew your racist crap.
German culture
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Irish culture
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Scottish culture
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Romanian culture
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Polish culture
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Italian culture
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Russian culture
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These are just some beautiful white cultures that exist. White cultures are amazing!
If someone has other cultures to add to this, go ahead!
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choaticpsyche · 7 years
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here's some art for yall. one of my characters, paimon, a king of hell.
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choaticpsyche · 7 years
hi BLM?
why are your members so fucking racist to non-BLM member regardless of whether the non-BLM members are racist or not? 
BLM is dangerous. You riot. You loot. You burn. You take advantage of people and use your race to get what you want. 
You have good intentions but I cannot take you seriously if you continuously play to the unfortunate stereotype of being thugs and criminals.
Break the stereotype and solve the issue by putting forth policies that you would like achieved that are not “Fry them like bacon!” and “We want dead cops!” cause that does nothing. Put forth legit legislation that will help your cause in a fundamental way. 
Stop labeling cops racist cause when someone is looting your store or house, who you gonna call? Ghostbusters? Well the male Ghostbusters live in NY and are OLD and the female ones were terrible (not cause they were women but cause they were literally terrible and unfunny (and women can be funny so calm down)) We need cops. 
The KKK and Black Lives Matter have some big similarities except the KKK was 100 years ago and today is a smalllll smalll small community that everyone in America condemns from all political sides, while BLM has millions of followers and support from all mainstream media and entertainment. BLM burns and loots buildings, disrupts vigils for LGBT people, and demonizes a whole race as slave owners when in fact that most persons in America are not a descendant of slave owners and that many white people have different origins and ethnicities, except you do not hear about that do you? 
Anyhow, I like the intention and I support the issues but you people suck at getting the point across. 
I already hate myself so I can handle the hate this will get cause I know that you people do not like being criticized. 
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choaticpsyche · 7 years
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A version for tumblr that can be read without opening a new tab, since plenty of people would scroll past this story otherwise.
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choaticpsyche · 7 years
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TIPS FOR HURRICANE IRMA. STAY SAFE MY FLORIDA FRIENDS! Gas prices are already up to $3 and water is hard to find until new deliveries come in. I have to drive much farther out for supplies.
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choaticpsyche · 7 years
• this blogger is never going to judge you for unfollowing • this blogger is never going to hunt you down • this blogger doesn’t check who blocks them • this blogger doesn’t send anon hate • this blogger respects your space
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choaticpsyche · 7 years
Dear Tumblr:
You can appreciate an artists’ work, even if you don’t agree with their political views.
You can enjoy an entertainer’s content, even if you don’t agree with their political views.
You can enjoy an actor’s talent, even if you don’t agree with their political views.
You can enjoy a musical artist’s music, even if you don’t agree with their political views.
You can respect your elders/authorities, even if you don’t agree with their political views.
Last but not least, you can still be friends with someone, even if you don’t agree with their political views.
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choaticpsyche · 7 years
Why I am not a modern day first world feminist
Women are not victims.
Women are not oppressed by the “patriarchy”.
Women are not weak and I hate that feminists portray them that way.
I do not feel the need to blow everything out of proportion.
Turning everything into a gendered issue is stupid.
Modern day first world feminists haven’t really done anything to change the world.
I refuse to demonize men so women can have special privileges.
Sexual health is a responsibility. If you are having sex, you should be fully aware of the responsibilities that come with it.
Feminists shame women who don’t identify with feminism, which draws me even further away from it.
Almost all the feminists I have met judge white people, straight people and men.
If a women wants to make a sandwich for her boyfriend, husband, dad or brother you are not conforming to gender roles. You are being a thoughtful person. I thought feminism was about “equality”.
Women are protected by the constitution of this country, not by feminism.
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choaticpsyche · 7 years
Diversity isn’t just skin colour, sexuality gender.
Diversity is opinion, mental health, personality, physical health, abilities, experiences, age, religious beliefs, social status.
A room with 50% black people, 40% women and 30% lgbt is barely diversity.
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choaticpsyche · 7 years
Friendly reminder that disagreeing with someone politically does not give you the right to assault them. Political violence is never okay, no matter which side it’s coming from.
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