chococat-17 · 9 months
Fully Alive.
Where Scaramouche is truly devoted to you.
| scaramouche x gn!reader - sagau
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Scaramouche is no stranger to nervousness in this moment, being summoned by you to your throne room was something he never expected. Although he manages to look calm as he walks through the doors but his mind is racing.
“Your grace,” Scaramouches voice is shy as he bows down to address you. His face stays calm, even though his emotions are everywhere. “I am here as requested..” Only then does he look up to you. The only thing on his mind is his devotion for you.
Looking down at him from your throne, you finally acknowledge him. “Ah, hello.” you get situated to look more presentable. “Won’t you be so kind to accompany me?~” you’re teasing him. You know the impact your words have on him, and yet you want to see him crumble under them.
Looking up at you, Scaramouche’s entire body lights up. The sight of you makes his chest swell, and his breath falters. “Your grace..” He can barely speak, unable to fully process the situation. “it would be an honor..” But he does not rise to join you, only bends his head in a bow.
You hum at his actions. “Come, join me.” You scoot over, patting the space on the throne next to you. Scaramouche freezes, he knows what you’re asking him to do — what you’re telling him to do. He wants to deny himself the pleasure of sitting next to you, but he so very much wants it. The throne is for you, yet you ask to share it with him for the moment.
It’s hard for him to move from his spot, his eyes staring at you as if asking for even more permission. “Are you afraid?” you ask him. “No.” Scaramouche is not afraid, He wants you, he needs you. His whole body, his soul, is yelling at him to join you. But he can’t, He ask for permission once again. “Your grace, I ask for permission..”
“And I give it to you, come, sit with me..” Your reply finally gets him to move, each step towards you feels like treading water. Scaramouche approaches you, finally taking a seat next to you. He avoids eye contact at first, his emotions overwhelming him.
Noticing his shy demeanor, you wrap your arm around him, pulling him closer to you. Scaramouche cannot respond, only lean into you. every single one of his senses is overwhelmed, as your hands graze him. “you did good..” your whispers has him trembling. Scaramouche truly feels alive in the moment.
“Please never leave me..” Scaramouche has been broken down, now begging you to not leave him. But you only hum in response. As he clings onto you, you think that this is a moment to be alive.
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a/n: yayy! my first writing! i hope you all enjoyed (。-∀-) request are open!
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chococat-17 · 9 months
Hello! Welcome to my blog! ^_^
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This is a new Genshin writing blog! I'm new to writing and would like to post my work here. Request are open! The general rule for my inbox is no nsfw or anything of the sort. I'll post some work soon, hope you all enjoy. :D
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