chocolate-arte · 4 years
Participamos en ferias especializadas, ofrecemos talleres sobre degustación y chocolatería, online y presenciales y organizamos eventos corporativos que incentivan la creatividad, el trabajo en equipo y la sana competencia, mientras se descubren las virtudes de sabor del chocolate artesanal. Nuestros cursos online y presenciales se adaptan a profesionales en cacao y chocolate, emprendedores,…
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chocolate-arte · 6 years
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chocolate-arte · 6 years
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This is  Francoise Zarasoa, a cocoa farmer from Madagaskar who produces cocoa for Madécasse chocolate. I painted her portrait with chocolate as part of my chocolate portrait project to show the world the faces behind the chocolate we consume. Nate Engel of Madécasse then printed a photo of the portrait , framed it and brought it to Francoise who was totally caught by surprise! I never thought about the possibility of the portraits travelling back to the people who’s faces I depicted from a photo, without knowing them. This truly brings us closer and shows how there can be a more conscious connection between producers and consumers if only we show a little interest!
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chocolate-arte · 7 years
is an art project about the cultural history of cacao and chocolate. The project aims to raise more awareness about the historical and cultural values of cacao in different cultures through different artistic activities like art workshops, exhibitions and tasting sessions. 
It consists of a growing series of portraits painted with pure 80% chocolate from Ecuador. The faces depicted are of people from all over the world involved in the production of cacao and chocolate, these can be cacao farmers, artisan chocolate makers, importers and people who work for cooperatives that represent cacao farmers. The portrait project is a colaboration with ClearChox chocolate importers and retailers.
Chocolate Arte also offers art courses for children and adults about the history and present use of chocolate in different cultures. The first pilot series called ‘Zjokola’ took place in Amsterdam from april till june 2015, collaborating with “Noordjes Kinderkunst” with the support of the Amsterdam Fund for the Arts. (see also below in this blog)
In these workshops participants explore the history and use of chocolate and cacao in their own culture through different art media like drawing, painting, printing, video and photography, drama and music as well as through recipes  that make use of cacao and chocolate. The workshop series always end with a presentation and a publication that can be used as a point of departure for the next workshop.
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chocolate-arte · 7 years
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chocolate mural paintings at the Cacaomuseum in Amsterdam
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chocolate-arte · 7 years
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Workshop chocolate painting at the Chocoa festival in Amsterdam, februari 2017. “I did not know you could make so many different shades of brown with chocolate!”
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chocolate-arte · 8 years
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Live painting at the Schokolademuseum Köln
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chocolate-arte · 8 years
New Chocolate Arte website (in Dutch for now) including workshops, paintings and blog posts!
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chocolate-arte · 9 years
and we continue with the chocolateportraits this year again at the Chocoa Festival Amsterdam
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chocolate-arte · 9 years
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chocolate protraits for the “country without orphans” project in Rwanda.
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chocolate-arte · 9 years
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publication of the ZJOKOLA project 2015
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chocolate-arte · 9 years
….en hier zijn alle cacaogoden van Kazerne Z! Ze hebben allemaal zo hun eigen superkrachten waarmee ze het leven van ons mensen hier op aarde verblijden, kijk maar!
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chocolate-arte · 9 years
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Eindpresentatie Zjokola workshops bij Kazerne Z
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chocolate-arte · 9 years
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Afsluiting Zjokola workshops!
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chocolate-arte · 9 years
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De afsluiting van de 10 workshops...binnen bij Kazerne Z de presentatie van de filmpjes van de Cacaogoden, de monoprints, de kookboekjes en foto’s van de workshops en buiten heeeel veel lekkers dat door iedereen is meegebracht, een chocoladefontijn, schilderen met chocolade, cacaobonen roosteren en chocoladedrank maken.
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chocolate-arte · 9 years
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En ook nog even gekeken bij de fabriek van de Chocolatemakers om de hoek, waar ze hele bijzondere chocoladerepen maken van cacaobonen die met een zeilschip vanuit de Domincaanse Republiek naar Amsterdam worden vervoerd...heel milieuvriendelijk dus qua transport.  En de boeren hebben ook nog een eerlijke prijs voor hun cacaobonen gekregen. Daarom zijn die repen dus wat duurder, maar dan heb je ook betere kwaliteit. We hebben ze ook geproefd en vergeleken met de repen uit de supermarkt waren ze minder zoet en....daardoor proef je eigenlijk meer chocola!  Toevallig kwam het schip net aan met een nieuwe lading cacao, dus konden we zien hoe de zakken cacao naar de fabriek werden gedragen op bakfietsen en we konden een kijkje nemen in de fabriek! 
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chocolate-arte · 9 years
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De repen van Kazerne Z zijn niet zomaar chocoladerepen! Ze hebben door de combinatie van geheime ingedienten echte superkrachten. Van sommige repen ga je inzien dat eenhoorns bestaan, andere maken je onzichtbaar en weer andere zorgen ervoor dat je met iedereen vrienden wordt!
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