In exchange for power you agreed to give the fae queen your name. Due to the vague wording of the deal you managed to get her into a marriage contract, which would give her the right to use your last name as her own. Now you have both magic and a 10/10 wife.
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Reblog to curse your followers and mutuals.
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emptying and reloading a gun with practiced efficiency so you think i'm an expert marksman but you later find out that's just how i stim
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Yesterday was a bad writing day. I spent a lot of time staring at a screen. Lots of Tumblr replies. Lots of Twitter (the Netflix Sandman trailer going out didn’t help). Lots of being grumpy at myself and convinced I couldn’t do it any more. The script was a mess. I was doomed. This morning I printed out what I had to fix, picked up a pen, made a few notes and started typing. It was fun and easy and straightforward. I finished it and sent it to the people who needed to see it, and just got an amazed call from our script editor saying she was laughing while crying and couldn’t work out how I’d done everything in a day.
And I hadn’t done it all in a day. All of the being miserable yesterday was necessary for it to fly today. All of the knowing it was insoluble and awful made the work today relatively easy. I had to get out of my own way, and had to read it freshly, without being attached to anything. And then I just did the notes. And to make the thing that worked today, a lot of stuff that didn’t quite work or sort of worked had to be written too. It’s always easier to fix stuff that exists.
Anyway. Yesterday = bad writing day. Today = good writing day. I thought it was worth telling people, in case there was anyone else out there who was having a bad writing day too.
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The Blue Dragon River seen from space
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I was speaking with a friend one day when the subject came of what an ideal romance would look like.
He said that he liked the idea of marrying a childhood sweetheart, someone shy and sweet who needed him. He said he liked the idea of being needed, being relied on, being the guiding hand in a crowd, the active participant to introduce new experiences.
I thought about his answer, and said, "I don't think I want to be needed. Being needed means being kept around from necessity, even without affection. I think I'd rather be wanted, by someone outgoing and independent, who can live their life without me but chooses not to."
He didn't like mine, and I didn't like his, and so we disagreed, and talked about something else.
It is worth mentioning, I think, that he was a youngest child, and a boy, in his family, where I was the oldest, a girl, in mine.
And it's pure conjecture, but I think that for him, living the life of the youngest boy- treated as small, reliant, superfluous- it makes sense to desire being vital, needed, and looked up to.
And for myself, growing up the oldest girl- treated as a tool with a function, vital and needed but not particularly wanted- it makes sense that this would be my greatest fear, to be trapped, needed, required, but not desired.
I think we both are valid in wanting what we want. But I can't help but feel my skin crawl, just a little, imagining a partnership where I couldn't walk away. Where someone needed a hand to hold theirs, any hand at all, and not just mine- not because mine felt different.
It's interesting how we can be friends, I think. Interesting how each of our fantasies are the other's nightmares.
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Did you know Witches and cowboys actually are the same?
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I do now.
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y'all not to doxx myself too hard but irl i have spent some time in my life in mental health recovery, and i am here to tell anyone who needs to hear it that people with multiples & schizophrenia & psychosis & BPD are fun and interesting and lovable people and my friends
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For all my beloved mutuals who might need it
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I truly hate the word "unalive." There are so many other euphemisms that fictional Italian mobsters worked so hard to provide you with and you just ignore them.
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The best part of worldbuilding is making something that sucks. Magic schools with bullshit rules that don't work. Spaceships that are built stupid. My favourite thing to do is to make an inconvenient world that is full of stupid things for boring reasons, and then putting a character int here and making them live with that.
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If you write you’re legally obligated to answer this sorry I actually do make the rules and this is one of them
(PS if you say it out loud it’s even better)
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Ever since I got a job as a security guard I can’t take heist movies seriously anymore.
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Never forget, if someone asks you an invasive question, you can always reply by asking them "do you think that's a normal thing to ask people?"
Do it in a super casual and cheery tone, like you were asking about their favourite food.
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