choileon · 3 years
setting: cinq cannabis, weekend
status: open (0/3)
                    “I don’t know if I should feel honored or concerned that you’ve asked me to help you out with this, but hey--” Leon raised his hands with a chuckle as he watched his companion for a second, then proceeded to look around the store. “Alright, what do you need? Something relaxing, a little pick me up..? If I don’t know anything we’ll just ask one of the guys behind the counter.”
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choileon · 3 years
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choileon · 3 years
setting: founders’ day event, evening
status: closed | @aleynagreer​
               — Leon didn’t want to be a party-pooper, but he would much rather be at home, knowing one is going to be around to drug him up and keep him captive like the year before. Sure, it was something he was working with his therapist, but he also well-aware that this time of the year might bring some triggering memories back to surface. He was antsy and anxious and he just needed the month to be over, but it seemed to be dragging itself.
After Andrea had gone to Skyler’s place with her parents, he decided to suck it up and not let his nerves ruin his evening out with Aleyna. Hands in his pockets while his girlfriend was getting them some drinks, Leon allowed himself to get a bit distracted with someone’s costume, so when Aleyna came back, he was a little startled.
Rolling his eyes at himself, he let out a breath, before taking one of the cups from her hands and leaning down to press a kiss on her lips. “Thanks...” Another kiss landed on her neck and he snaked one arm around her waist. “Sorry, I um... yeah. You were saying something about work before we decided on drinks?”
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choileon · 3 years
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Kim Soo Hyun | One Ordinary Day Script Reading
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choileon · 3 years
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Leon had just left the clinic when his phone buzzed in his pocket. Since it wasn’t his turn to have Andy for the night and Aleyna hadn’t texted anything that seemed like she’d be held at the lab later than usual, he figured he could stop by Chidi’s place for some food, weed and to catch up. It had been a while. Leon did message his girlfriend to let her know of his whereabouts, and then started the car to make way to his friend’s. He stopped by a liquor store on his way there, then went straight to Chidi’s building.
It didn’t take long for his friend to open the door and Leon had to admit--he’d missed the other woman’s quips and jabs at him. The only other person who did that to Leon without annoying him was Charlotte.
“I’d apologize for traumatizing you with a face that reminds you of your losses, but hey... that’s something you’ve gotta work with your therapist, not me, man.” He chuckled, raising his hand to show the beer pack, then leaning into the hug, before taking off his shoes by the door and stepping further into the other man’s place. “Calling me daddy already? Pour me a drink first to get me in the mood, sheesh! What kind of a man you think I am?” Teasingly, Leon covered his chest with one arm as he looked at Chidi. “Yeah, they’re with Ally tonight. I’m getting them tomorrow, so that’s good. As for life... it’s been alright. No complaints these days, which is more than I can expect when it comes to me... what about you? Besides missing me, of course. We both know how unbearable that is.”
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— location: chidi’s apartment — date and time: thursday night — availability: closed | @choileon​
Though it wasn’t usual for him to invite people over — that wasn’t someone he was flirting with — to head to his place in the middle of the week, he decided to do so that particular Thursday night. Chidi didn’t know if it was due to the few arguments he had had with Omari back at the office, or if it was the fact that the past few days had been stressful enough due to the full moon. It was constantly like that, this back and forth, push and pull, switching from family drama to everything about the city he lived in. So, enjoying his evening with a friend would be perfect enough to let go of a few of those thoughts, and with that, before he would head back home and receive a ‘no’ from Leon, he shared the invitation through a text. 
Come by my place later, I’ll cook something for us, because I’m that nice, man. And I just got a new bud, so… win/ win! 
Cooking was one of his habits that would offer others the idea that he cared. It was also an activity that made him feel more relaxed, it was either that or boxing. And he didn’t want to head to the gym that night after work. Long minutes after a shower and changing clothes, he found himself opening the door to welcome his friend in “I kind of miss when I would only see your ugly face back at the court or when I was drunk enough to enjoy having you around.” Silly comments that were far from true and were all he said before pulling Leon close to a right and brief hug. “You know the drill already, make yourself comfortable. How’s life, daddy? Kid’s with Ally?”
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choileon · 3 years
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Leon chuckled. He didn’t always run into Taylor whenever he went the gym, but it was simply because the shifts system at the animal hospital kept him from having an actual 9 to 5 routine, but he actually kind of liked the way things worked for him. He could pick Andy up whenever he worked night shifts, and he could program vacations. It was nice.
Plus, his run-ins with Taylor made things funnier than his regular work out sessions.
“Everything you own? That’s tempting.” He chuckled, offering his hand once Taylor was done stretching. “Besides showering because I’m disgusting, I’m not doing much. It’s my day off and the kid is still at school. Why? Got any plans for me, T?”
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setting: mid-morning at Gym Winchester
status: open to friends
Yes! Another workout crushed, or at least done to the best of her ability, but she liked to think the former just to hype herself up. Starting and maintaining a routine like this can be a challenge, so any bit of intrinsic motivation she can stir up, Taylor doesn’t hesitate. “After I’m finished stretching here, I don’t think I’ll be able to move,” she admitted to her workout buddy. From her comfy position on her yoga mat, the Actor continued to run through her regular stretch routine. “I’ll give you everything I own for you to carry me out of here,” she joked. 
Taking another deep breath, she stretched her arms up in the air, then out in front of her and down to her sides. Speaking of sides, she then continued to lean to her right then she held that position for a bit. “What do you have planned for the rest of the day?” Taylor wanted to grab something to eat before heading home. 
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choileon · 3 years
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It felt nice to feel included. To feel like he had something to give back to the coven that had helped him grow into the warlock he was getting to be. So, whenever Laurel asked him to join her in the training of younger witches, he would be ready for it. It didn’t matter how early he needed to sleep either the previous evening or how earlier than usual he needed to be up in the mornings. It was all about self fulfillment, he guessed.
Leon didn’t know Rosa prior to joining Laurel’s coven, and by the time he had, the woman was already great at controlling and displaying her powers... unlike her younger sister, who still struggled to get ahold of her gift... much like Leon was at the beginning. He could see the frustration boiling in her... he recognized the signs that had been part of his own journey.
“Here.” Leon took a seat by Francia’s side, raising his palm facing up and closing his eyes. He tried to conjure a little whirlwind, but, since he had no control of that part of his powers, the gush of wish blew straight past Francia’s hair, startling her a little. “See? I’ve been focusing on my abstract magic, so my physical powers aren’t sharp enough. But if we practice--” Leon then focused on the pendant around her neck, making it levitate and guide it gently towards him, before letting it drop back on her torso. “Everyone has to start somewhere, Francia. It can be frustrating, but no one learned anything over night. Let’s start again, okay?” Leon glanced over at Laurel, before pointing towards the lake in front of them. “Like Laurel’s said... Focus on a spot in the water. Now, close your eyes and picture it moving.”
While Francia took her time, Leon got up and stood beside his head priestess, leaning in to whisper close to her ear so that Francia wouldn’t hear them. “Maybe you can give her some training exercises like the ones you gave me back then? And monitor her progress... because it’s all in her head, I think.”
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— location: quarry lake — date and time: saturday morning — availability: closed | @choileon​​
Laurel didn’t mind waking up early. It was a habit of hers. In fact, sometimes her eyes would open up and the sun was just starting to rise; it wasn’t an issue. In fact, it made her thrilled to know there was an entire day ahead of her. And this one, in particular, was an exciting one.
Despite the lack of action the past few full moons provided, Laurel had decided to focus on helping those inside her coven no matter what. After her own near death experience, she just hoped no one else would feel that way. Besides, as time would pass, she’d slowly notice how far from being like her father she would ever be, thankfully. And those examples, sometimes, would come in the form of aiding others, of being the head leader he’d never be. Looking at Leon, her eyes landed at Francia, Rosa’s young sister. “Why don’t you try something else, huh? Instead of focusing on the entire like just… try to focus on a small portion of water. It could help you get better at controlling it. Leon could show you something close to it but about his powers, can you?” Her question was directed at her friend.
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choileon · 3 years
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If anyone had told him a few years ago that this would be his life, Leon would have definitely laughed at their face. Granted, a few years ago he was still dating Aleyna, but given all they had gone through, it sometimes didn’t seem real that he’d been allowed a second chance at happiness. And now, the little bean they had made together a few years ago was turning six. Was it a concept hard to grasp? Him as a father? Sometimes. The concept was difficult, but being Andy’s dad wasn’t that hard.
He’d spent the weekend at Aleyna’s and after a tumultuous shift, followed by a good-night sleep, Leon was partially ready to face the avalanche of loud, overly excited children. He moved his head from one side to the other, popping his joints and letting out a sigh of relief once the tension left his neck. His gaze moved to where Aleyna was looking, acknowledging her parents presence. “Right...” He’d forgotten how open and close his girlfriend was with her family. It didn’t bother him, of course... but he’s never had that. Not even with the Min family. That was his own fault though... opening up had always been hard. “I haven’t received any threats yet, so do you think I’m in the clear?”
Leon chuckled while placing the balloon into the beak of the helium tank and opening to fill it. He wasn’t the biggest talker anywhere... more like an observer, but there was a smile on his lips as he followed his child with his gaze. Their laughter brought a smile to his lips. “Maybe we can leave it to before we gather everyone around to sing happy birthday?” His gaze caught sight of Skyler and her annoying parents arriving at the meeting point at the park, which made Leon close the helium tank and inhaled some of the air in the balloon as he discreetly nudged his girlfriend with his elbow, motioning his head towards the couple. “Aleyna, you look gorgeous!” He then laughed, which allowed his voice to return to normal as he went back to filling the balloons. “Do you want to go talk to your parents? I can handle the balloons.”
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— location: green ridge park — date and time: flashback | may 15th, 2021 — availability: closed | @choileon​​
The afternoon was barely starting but Aleyna could see the excitement that was overflowing from Andrea while they were paying attention to the decoration Aleyna was able to come up with for the picnic. All those years spent over Pinterest and trying to go through a few DIY tutorials was now worth it all; a dinosaur themed party, having Pedro as the main attraction since the young child couldn’t let go of their plush toy while following both their mother and father. From the moment, Andy woke up, Aleyna made sure they’d be showered with love — one of the reasons why having Leon over for the weekend seemed the ideal scenario, especially now that they were back together. Every single action that she could provide to Andy as a reminder that for their birthday, they now had both of their parents being there and appreciating the gift that was to have Andy in this world, Aleyna would go through. 
Placing a kiss over the top of their head, Andy ran straight to their grandparents. While giving Leon a few balloons for him to fill up, she chuckled. “Just so you know… they know about– us.” Aleyna just hoped that her family would be happy for her, that was all she could ask for. “Look how happy Andy is. Do you think we should leave our gift for later? So, you know… we won’t overshadow everyone else’s.”
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choileon · 3 years
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choileon · 3 years
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How many surgical residents did you beat out to scrub in on a heart transplant? All of them.
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choileon · 3 years
Sahid’s eyes went wide for a moment, realising their own tone, recognising Leon. They shook their head quickly, and gave Leon a smile. “Sorry, no, I didn’t mean it like that. I think the person who was sitting there before bailed,” they admitted, their smile a little more awkward at the thought. Going home alone again wasn’t that terrible. Right? At some point they wouldn’t. 
“So, the seat is empty, really.” They rubbed their neck then, hoping they hadn’t scared anyone away just because they were far too needy for some romantic connection. 
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Leon nodded as he returned to the empty seat, just as his pint of beer was placed in front of him. Now that he’d recognized Sahid, it felt rude to remain on his phone, so the warlock pocketed it as he motioned his thumb towards the human, but, he was addressing the bartender. “They’ll have another round of whatever they were drinking.” Leon then averted his gaze to Sahid. “Sorry your....date? bailed on you. If he can’t tell it to your face that he’s leaving, then he’s not worth your time. He’s probably shitty in bed.” The warlock joked, not really knowing if the joke would land or if it would fall flat. “You can always open Tinder and fine some fun for the night, right?”
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choileon · 3 years
Selin grinned after hearing Leon’s response, at least he could keep up with her dry sense of humour. She may not have been vocal about it, but she did appreciate the company. If it were a stranger, it would have been a difficult exit due to the small talk. However, since this was Leon and he had already gotten used to her presence, it would have been easier for her to swerve completely since there were no strings attached from their last encounter. However, she decided to entertain the conversation and do a little catch up, it’s the least she could do. “Hm, is that so?” she mused while eyeing him intriguingly. “Well you’ve got my attention now, that has to count for something.”
Nodding in response, Sel didn’t push any further since she understood what type of days he was having. She had her fair share of keeping to herself and just immersing in her work. She immediately snapped out of her thoughts after feeling Leon taking another step and brushing her hair away from her face. The gesture made her relax slightly as she met his gaze and shrugged, deciding to be honest with her response. “I’ve been alright.” Mimicking his answer. “Been keeping to myself as well, exhausted if anything…especially after the last moon…I uh…yeah.” She nodded and looked away, suddenly feeling uneasy as flashbacks of her attack came to mind. Leon shouldn’t be burdened by it, especially since he was just someone she slept with and so the she-wolf tried to think of ways to steer clear from the conversation. “Trying to get used to it all, I suppose. I’m just learning a lot at this stage. Don’t know which is tough, gruelling morning practices or waking up after those full moons.”  
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Hand on his chest, Leon acted as if her words had just shot an arrow through his heart, but the smile on his lips probably meant it was a good one. “I’ve got your attention. It’s a good day already.” The warlock teased. Neither of them seemed to be sharers, which was fine by him. Especially given the nature of their relationship, so it was a relief to see that Selin wouldn’t go around asking questions he wasn’t prepared or in the mood to answer. Leave that to his therapist. Her response, however, shed more light into who Selin was and how she had been handling things lately. Honestly, sometimes, Leon wished he could be more helpful with the people that seemed to be struggling around him, but he just didn’t know how. 
“Full moons are tough on everybody, but I guess it’s worse on you guys.” He shared, trying to sound sympathetic... because he was. The mother of his child was a werewolf, one of his best friends was a werewolf... “But I think learning is good, right? I mean, at least you’re trying to deal with what you’ve been handed. I heard it gets better.” Did that sound encouraging enough? If this was a different moment, he would’ve probably offered a massage, or something, but Leon kept those words to himself. “If you can, you should make yourself a hot bath the following morning. High temperatures help loosening the muscles. Just... I don’t know if that’s your case, but, don’t hide? We’re lucky enough to be living in a country that embraces us and respects us... no one’s going to judge you for struggling with your adaptation. We all have to learn somehow, you know?”
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choileon · 3 years
Lately, Leon had been wishing for Fridays more than any other day in the week... dare he say, even more than the days he’d spend with Andrea, simply because he didn’t have classes scheduled for Fridays, therefore, once he was done with work, he could simply rest. His finals were around the corner and the warlock had been struggling to keep his head above water these days, barely sleeping and rarely finding time to himself... hence why he had stopped by Java, his old workplace, to get his caffeine fix of the evening. Something fell on the floor as he passed by and, on his way back, Leon picked it up, offering it to the person at the table. “You can always return the cups to the counter on the left.” He had always hated those kinds of customers. The ones that never cleaned up after themselves and left all the work to the baristas, as if it would hurt to be a decent person. “But I think this is yours?” He said, offering the object he’d picked up from the floor.
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location: java cafe status: open  /  @astoriastarter​
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Catalina would never call herself a caffeine fiend but that didn’t make it not true. She had been in the cafe for what was probably hours, trying to get through her own blog post. Did she write up a post about now being a supernatural being after living life as a human? And if she did how would it be received? She had saved so many drafts and completely rewritten it time and time again. Her table was practically littered with coffee cups and she had probably taken up more than her fair share of time. After finishing what was probably her 6th cup, she felt a shadow fall over her table. Without looking up she sighed and ran a hand through her hair, “I’m sorry, I know it’s a mess. If you need the space you are welcome to it. Just uh…. move the cups? And probably ignore me. I’m just on the verge of either a breakthrough or a breakdown. I just haven’t figured out which one quite yet.”
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choileon · 3 years
“If it won’t be strange for your child, I don’t think Andy– it’s Andy, right? I don’t think they’ve ever seen myself like this,” her hand ended up brushing the locks of hair that wasn’t hers. Charlie had never using her hair this long — unless they were made with braids for a character that needed a change from the usual self Charlie would present to others in her life. This was different, every single moment Charlotte found her fingers brushing against her skin, she was touching her past, the remembrance of someone else. And it was enervating, to say the least. She just wanted her body back. 
She nodded, eyes reaching for the sky though her voice offered words to her friend next to her. “I understand, after all, you’re responsible for them. And you love your child,” the born of an offspring came with a wave of worries alongside positive feelings. In the end, it was still something Charlie didn’t want it. It was already disturbing enough the idea that she, somehow, cared about Leon and a few others. It meant that their death would mean something, that losing them would cause a pain that she hadn’t faced yet in life. “I can just leave you alone, I think I mostly needed some words of wisdom, a spell, maybe some pills that can force me to sleep. You know– strong enough to take down a shapeshifter,” she teased, a sly grin appearing over her lips. “I’ll be okay. But I can take a beer before I’ll just leave you alone.”
“I don’t think they’ll care.” Leon shrugged. It wasn’t like Leon would bring people over whenever Andrea was spending the night with him. If they asked, Leon would just be honest and tell them it was a friend who had spent the night. Neither him, nor Charlotte were the most affectionate people around, nor they had reasons to be, especially in front of Andy, so, the warlock thought his child wouldn’t care much. But, it went without saying that, should Charlie not want to spend the night, she wouldn’t have to go around trying to find excuses to do so. It wasn’t like the warlock would get hurt in any way. Also, it wasn’t like Leon to stick around trying to figure others out, but it did feel like Charlotte wasn’t feeling comfortable in her own skin, which, of course, was understandable. He wouldn’t be either if he were in her shoes.
Her following words did cause a slight chuckle to emerge from his chest. “Words of wisdom? Are you sure you came to the right person?” I mean, it was one of their inside jokes, after all. “Look, Charlie... if you don’t want to stay, that’s alright. I get it. But I’m not asking you to leave. I don’t know if this is how you’re feeling, or if you really don’t want to stay, but if this is about imposing or something of sorts, then... don’t worry. You’re not.” He said, before pressing a kiss on the crown of her head, then making his way out of the balcony in order to head to the kitchen to grab her a bottle of beer. 
Leon hadn’t been drinking much lately. Some occasional soju whenever he cooked and ate dinner alone, a beer here and there after a stressful day, but compared to last year, his alcohol consumption had decreased. Still, he decided that after such stressful day, he was up for a beer with Charlotte. “Here you go.” Leon handed her the bottle and went back to his seat, sliding further down on his chair and leaning his head back against the seat, looking up at the night sky as he drank in silence for a moment there. A minute or two, tops. “Whatever this is... I’m sure it’ll be gone once the moon loses its power. Do you think you can ask for a couple of days off? Is your shooting schedule that intense? It’s not like it’s your fault that it happened.”
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choileon · 3 years
After weeks cramming over books and essays, Leon was finally on a break from uni, which had landed him in Lyons for the night. Andrea had a birthday to go to the next day, so Aleyna and him agreed on changing the date in which their child would sleep over and, for the first time in what felt like ages, the warlock was really on his own. Not that he minded, of course. Being alone had a different feeling this time, less lonely, he supposed. 
Leon ordered a pint of brew and pulled his phone out as he took a seat by the bar, clicking on Tinder to check if there was anyone interesting around. The voice drove his attention to its owner, prompting the warlock to get up. “Shit, sorry. I didn’t know the seat was taken.” He replied, before motioning his head to the bartender filling up his glass. “I’ll just grab my beer and go. Sorry again.”
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WHERE: Lyon’s TIME: late evening @astoriastarter​
Sahid returned from the toiled with a huge smile on their face only to find the seat that had been occupied before by a young man who had spend about an hour talking to them empty. They sat down next to it and anxiously looked around hoping to spot him, but the bar was slowly growing quieter and he was nowhere to be seen. 
They really should’ve gotten his number, they realised then, leaning their full body against the bar, foreheard resting against the sticky surface. After about a minute of self-loathing, they felt a knee brush against their outer thigh, and their head shot up again, for a moment thinking he was back, but someone else had taken the same seat. “OH, hi, sorry, I thought you were someone else,” they said with an awkward smile. 
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choileon · 3 years
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choileon · 3 years
It took awhile, but eventually he noticed that it was herself. She couldn’t blame him. In her perspective it would take her even longer to actually trust someone’s words in that situation. It’d be tricky if Leon was the one appearing by her door with a different face because what did Leon know that other people didn’t know already? How much was she open about herself, past and thoughts? Though it was a wise choice for Charlotte, it showed how different she was from Leon, or even Zakary. Someone that had also taken awhile to share with Charlie bits about his past. 
“When isn’t the fucking full moon the one to blame?” Charlotte sighed, then the walk inside his apartment gave her enough information for her to assume that he wasn’t alone. There was a chance his child was there. People usually tried to refrain from sharing curses out loud close to a child, so it was for the best despite the possibility that they were sleeping, right? Maybe. Reaching the balcony, she sighed, fingers brushing against a hair that didn’t resemble hers, though Charlie was aware that not even those locks were that woman’s natural hair, it was just how Charlie reminded herself of her. “Ever since the full moon reached its peak, I was no longer– me. A werewolf attacked me, but don’t worry… I had help, I’m alive and well.” Or almost well. “But yes, I couldn’t shift myself back to who I usually am nor I was able to heal from my wounds, it was great. Everything that I wanted for this day. I’m blessed,” If it was for the possibility that his child was there, Charlie would ask him to smoke something. She needed it. “You okay? Something happened to you today?”
Not only Leon wasn’t that well-versed with magical things, but also, his magic would probably be of no help to Charlie, so he just let his friend vent. Maybe she needed that at the moment. I mean, if it were him, Leon would probably be hiding or... yeah, maybe wanting to vent, so he just let her. “Do you want to stay here for the night?” Was what he managed to offer, since, Leon didn’t know if Charlie wanted to go back home looking like someone else, and he could easily sleep with Andy while Charlie crashed on his bed. There, problem solved. 
He wanted to ask again who this person was. Charlie ignoring his question before didn’t go unnoticed by the warlock, but he didn’t ask again. If she wanted to tell him about it, she would. Leon had figured that much about his friend. “I am. I’ve just... I’ve been tense since earlier. Traffic was chaotic enough to make me almost pull over a few times because Andy was in the car with me and I could feel anxiety crawling under my skin, you know?” Hopefully she would know, because Leon had told Charlie about his traumas involving cars and he was tense enough not to want to tell her again. “You want a beer? Or... I don’t know... eat something? I don’t... really know how to help you. Because if it’s the moon, then most likely you’ll look like yourself again tomorrow or the day after. You can stay here in the meantime. If... that’s something that you’d like.”
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