choitoppo-blog · 8 years
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It was a tired old game when it comes to Big Bang, knowing each embarrassing stories and a witness to every funny events in each other’s lives, and Seunghyun will never grew sick of the members whom he treated as blood brothers, but sometimes, he just needed a break from the ridiculousness they all possess when together as five. Snorting as response to his remark, a hand waved off mid-air and the idol shook his head, dismissing him. “But I’m no average person. And trust me, if you knew the boys on a very personal scale as I do, you’d always have your doors locked.” he joked. But we all know how jokes are always half-meant. The look of worry painted the rapper’s sharp features and the glint in his eyes displayed sincerity at the shared admittance, pursing his lips in thought. And while Seunghyun barely knew the guy ( aside from his name and a little background on his music ), he still holds his manners high and was humane enough to express concern towards an acquaintance, more so, someone who he’ll spend the next six months with. “You’re on prescription drugs?” he asked, wanting to confirm it once more. “You okay though? Do you want me to help you get an excuse from rehearsals today?” 
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❝You know, the average person would lose their mind if they could say that the members of Big Bang came and bothered them.❞ The experience was still kind of surreal to him, and he had the gnawing feeling that the reality of the situation hadn’t actually settled into him quite yet. Putting things in perspective would surely put a lot more pressure on him than he needed to be in ( performing in front of a crowd was enough to have him wanting to rip his hair out ), which was probably why he avoided thinking about it immensely hard. He just needed to focus on doing well at what he had to do. ❝Oh, they’ve had me hopped up on all kinds of drugs since seven. I had to fight to earn the privilege of eating hard food.❞ He wasn’t exactly feeling his best, so his food intake consisted primarily of allergy medication, painkillers, antibiotics, lozenges, and the most revolting concoction of ginger and lemon goo they forced down his throat. Nothing had ever given him greater chills. ❝Yeah, around two and a half hours. Ish. Excited?❞
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choitoppo-blog · 8 years
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"Good friends? Who said anything about being good friends though? You’re just someone who I like to keep company to smooch of free foods and drinks from.” he teased, taking another peel of lettuce and filled it with meat before munching the whole thing in his mouth, too happy to mind the whining male. 
[open starter]
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choitoppo-blog · 8 years
scooting a seat closer to the female, the taller male leaned down a few inches till they were both on each other’s eye level, locking contact for a few minutes before seunghyun childishly pulled on her nose, giving it a pinch only hard enough to surprise her. “this shall teach you a lesson on how to respect your oppa hm?”
continuing to watch him, a more hearty laugh erupted in her throat, a hand coming over to cover her mouth. “you’re right, you’re right, i shouldn’t judge your ways,” she playfully mocked the male. “i’m sorry to have so blatantly mocked your living ways.”
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choitoppo-blog · 8 years
   Seunghyun wasn’t surprised at all by his response, he rarely was when it comes to Dante any more, especially after a few years of unspoken bond between the two, becoming a little too familiar with each of their quirks and simple exchange of looks, the older knew it all too well. The push wasn’t hard nor it would cause any pain, but as someone who enjoys teasing his younger friends, he might have reacted a bit too much and let his nudged body fall to the side, an arm propped up to support him. “Yah! Where are your manners, kid?” he asked in a playful tone, contrasting the rather pained look across his face. “And, I am not that old, punk. Ah, no matter what, you can never marry before me. That’s a command.”
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      “Oh–I see. I guess it was sudden. I tend to think about it a lot though and I think that I just like the idea of marrying but not the whole thing itself?” Dante liked a lot of things, the IDEA of things but once he had it, he wouldn’t want it anymore. Some would call that being fickle, shallow–but to him it was simple of matter of interest or disinterest. He was bracing himself for a scolding or anything of that nature but when it wasn’t anything close to that, the male let out a relieved chuckle, leaning forward to give the other a gentle push upon the shoulder. “The young ones should come before the old, no?” Eyes squinted, flickering with joy while cheeks were stretched due to the smile, dimples becoming visible. “That’s just how the world works!”
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choitoppo-blog · 8 years
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choitoppo-blog · 8 years
Everybody has gone through something that has changed them in a way that they could never go back to the person they once were.
(via kushandwizdom)
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choitoppo-blog · 8 years
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And so, I am back. As I always told you, nothing can EVER defeat me. 
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choitoppo-blog · 8 years
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choitoppo-blog · 8 years
Yeah.. things have changed, noona! So am I! I am not the same Seunghyun who’ll easily blush with your smile y’know? Ahh.. Why are you bringing that up too? I am not a bingu anymore! or at least, that of a bingu anymore..
Ah, only noona can knock the pimp off his high horse~ funny how things change, huh, Seunghyun~? I also remember when you were on family outing with us~ what was it… bingo top? Aha~~
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choitoppo-blog · 8 years
Or maybe, he was wrong. The idol can’t help but notice the kind of look the other was sending his direction, and though he was not a bit surprised nor terrified, it still felt different, and admittedly uncomfortable on his part. “Uhh, so.. from here.. I go where?” he asked, sheepishly rubbing his nape out of habit whenever uneasy. “Are you heading that way too?” he continued,hopeful that his answer would be a yes, finding it far more inclined to ask for company rather than get lost by himself again. 
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Daehwan couldn’t believe this. He was talking to the Choi Seunghyun as if they were friends. He was sure he wasn’t dreaming because he had pinched himself countless times while the other spoke. Daehwan was sure he looked like an idiot or a weirdo (or both). He stared at the male in awe as he continued his attempt in processing that fact that his idol was right before his eyes. Upon finding out the elder’s destination he nodded. “R-Right. It’s a little further down the street that way,” he smiled and pointed behind him. “They have the best treats. I go there a lot.”
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choitoppo-blog · 8 years
  Spending his time out in public had always been difficult for Seunghyun. Sure, the rapper enjoys staying at home, reading a book or two with a glass of wine to unwind, clear his mind from busy days. But still, he certainly craves for the thrill of adventure, escaping the paparazzi, avoiding fans and just visiting places he’d like to be in. And museums had always been a place on his to-go-to list whichever country or state he visits. Falling in the artistic realm of the various paintings hanging by the walls of an old museum, he had almost missed the voice beside him, curiously peering at the source of the comment. “A chicken? Why a chicken?”
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choitoppo got himself a starter after liking this post!
   A museum is a really unusual place where you could see her. Actually, she has never been in a museum, but her sister somehow managed to drag her there. It was honestly a surprise to Mina when she found out how her sister was curious about paintings and about other stuff. ❞It looks like a chicken❞, the brunette murmured, loud enough so her sister could hear but little did she knew, her sister was already staring at another painting while she was too focused on staring at the painting which looked like a chicken.
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choitoppo-blog · 8 years
“Well, I am new to acting and I’ve only ever played people who haven’t died. I see your movies and when the character you play does die. I always think ‘I want to act like that too’ so, I just  thought I would ask you since I have the chance to.” 
"Though a new actor, I’m already a fan.” he interrupted the younger quickly, a smile etching his lips at his admittance. Listening through the end, Seunghyun nodded a few times before pursing his lips out in thought, rubbing his nape along the process. “I don’t really know.. If there’s one thing for one to be a great actor, great enough to portray a dying character? The artist must be one with his character. If he dies, you have to die with him too, for you to feel it.”   
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choitoppo-blog · 8 years
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    If Seunghyun were to be honest, he wouldn’t deny the fact that the idea of marrying had crossed his mind countless of times too, already planning a family of his own at the back of his mind when lonely nights visit him, dreaming of a quiet future behind the stage and away from the spotlight. But he was never bold enough, not that daring to have admitted that in the open. Maybe it was the fear of commitment or the doubt he has on himself when it comes to taking responsibilities, but there is something he feels when the topic comes up, in the pit of his stomach, that he is not ready for it just yet. “I don’t know.. I just feel like you’ve brought it up so suddenly, that’s why I’m so surprised by it.” he admitted half the truth, allowing a soft sigh to escape his breath. “And there’s something wrong with it definitely.. How dare you marry first before me huh?”
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      “Dead serious.” And he was, for some odd reason the idea just fascinated him. Maybe it was because of the thrill that could come with it, maybe even the vague romantic aspect of it all. Perhaps it was a combination of both, the only thing he was sure about was that he wouldn’t oppose such a thing if it were to ever happen. “It’s not like that, I would obviously do such a thing with someone I was already involved with. I simply compared my fascination with the one people have when they want some color in their garden.” A brow was raised, lips pursing slightly. “I don’t think there is anything wrong with wanting such a thing? Or?”
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choitoppo-blog · 8 years
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choitoppo-blog · 8 years
Yeah, but I remember how shy said pimp was when he kissed me on-stage years ago! Hehe~ 
I— I don’t know what you’re talking about, noona. I was never shy! A kiss is just a kiss, nothing for me to be uh.. be abashed and all giddy about.. yeah..    
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choitoppo-blog · 8 years
Oh, look who it is~
The official pimp comin’ through, please make way, Hyori-ssi.
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choitoppo-blog · 8 years
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