chojimaru · 4 days
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Bold choice for a first guest. I don't like it, but I respect it.
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chojimaru · 8 days
I'm not sure if we're mutuals, but I have multiple mildly autistic, fairly Christian, and somewhat schizo friends in my baseball discord that probably would. Just lemme know what part of the country.
Arranged marriage by mutuals instead of by parents
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chojimaru · 28 days
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Logging on.
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chojimaru · 1 month
That's terminal
diagnosed with woman in her twenties disease
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chojimaru · 1 month
Of course, the mutilated porn addict pretends sex slavery isn't a major problem that is loosely covered up by legalized prostitution.
I don't know how anyone who has ever worked in customer service/retail can ever think prostitution is somehow "empowering" or worthy of legalization, especially when its legalization leads to increased sex trafficking.
Imagine your worst nightmare customer at your retail or customer service job-- the worst of the worst, the nastiest, slimiest, rudest, strangest creep who's ever talked to you.
The one whose eyes linger, or the one who ""accidentally"" brushes up against you as they walk by. The one who leers at you for far too long and make you find a friend to stand by. The one who oozes out statements just jarring enough to make you uncomfortable. The one who doesn't even bother to hide his bubbling hatred of women. Maybe there's even one who has dared to grab you, or worse.
Now imagine he's just purchased access to your body.
Does that thought make you feel empowered? Do you think it makes others feel empowered? Would you want other women exposed to that nightmare customer?
Criminalize the creeps who treat women's bodies are products.
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chojimaru · 2 months
Mint lowers T
Mint is so good y'all. Especially with chocolate. I'm so glad this is the one thing we can universally agree on < 3
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chojimaru · 2 months
It's pronounces peh kun.
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chojimaru · 2 months
He also made a genuinely great country rap album.
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chojimaru · 2 months
That's cool. The guys who shot JFK were trained by the CIA though.
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chojimaru · 2 months
hey guys can we be normal and talk things normally just once?
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chojimaru · 3 months
Sex slaves can't.
There is a reason so many leave the industry when they get sober.
I don't know how anyone who has ever worked in customer service/retail can ever think prostitution is somehow "empowering" or worthy of legalization, especially when its legalization leads to increased sex trafficking.
Imagine your worst nightmare customer at your retail or customer service job-- the worst of the worst, the nastiest, slimiest, rudest, strangest creep who's ever talked to you.
The one whose eyes linger, or the one who ""accidentally"" brushes up against you as they walk by. The one who leers at you for far too long and make you find a friend to stand by. The one who oozes out statements just jarring enough to make you uncomfortable. The one who doesn't even bother to hide his bubbling hatred of women. Maybe there's even one who has dared to grab you, or worse.
Now imagine he's just purchased access to your body.
Does that thought make you feel empowered? Do you think it makes others feel empowered? Would you want other women exposed to that nightmare customer?
Criminalize the creeps who treat women's bodies are products.
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chojimaru · 3 months
If you have to force it, it's not true.
being noninary sucks I wish I was binary so bad
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chojimaru · 3 months
Your friends are probably right.
I’m tired of my “friends” making homophobic comments, I’m tired of my “friends” telling me being queer is just a trend, I’m tired of my “friends” saying homosexuality is a sin but they still like me, I’m tired of my “friends” telling me it’s a phase, I’m tired of my “friends” telling me to grow up and date a boy, I’m tired of my “friends” disrespecting me constantly.
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chojimaru · 3 months
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chojimaru · 3 months
the great thing about preserving kink as part of pride is that it’s the one thing that rainbow capitalism can never touch. I sincerely doubt that you’ll ever see Arby’s tweeting about forcefem anytime soon.
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chojimaru · 3 months
No more plastic surgery no more botox and fillers no more anti aging no more no more filters no more drag no more influencing no more pharmaceuticals no more sex reassignment surgeries no more elective bodily mutilation no more pornography no more no more no more no more
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chojimaru · 3 months
Summer of mutuals fall in love / get engaged / get married 💕
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