choni-dale · 5 years
Prompt a big and nasty emison fight because ali was being mean to hanna and emily took hanna's side and alison get mad at emily for that but in the end they work things up. Thank you :3
Ever since Caleb had moved to California to live with his mother, Hanna had been in an odd mood. In the beginning she had cried (a lot), but eventually, the tears stopped and what was left was a clingy Hanna. It was almost as though she was afraid that if she didn’t tightly hold onto the people she loved they’d disappear right before her very eyes.
Honestly, Emily didn’t mind it, and she was glad that her best friend felt safe enough around her to lean on her in times of trouble. However, that didn’t mean that her girlfriend was okay with it, in fact, Ali was becoming hostile towards Hanna because of how often she would touch the swimmer. Occasionally harmless barbs would slip past Alison’s lips, but nothing mean enough to hurt any one.
That day at lunch, Hanna was leaning into Emily’s side with her cheek pressed against the other girl’s arm. Alison simply sat next to her girlfriend with her face twisted into a scowl. “Hey,” Spencer stood from the table. “I’m going to get some chips. Do any of you want anything?”
Smiling cutely, Hanna nodded. “I could totally go for some chips. Thanks, Spence.”
Alison snorted from where she sat. “Of course Hefty Hanna wants something. You might as well bring the whole vending machine.” She said with a cruel smirk.
At Alison’s words, Hanna reverted back to the way she was freshman year, timid and hurt. If Alison had told her something along those lines a couple months ago Hanna may have slapped her, but after Caleb’s departure something inside the blonde girl broke. “Alison.” Emily warned angrily not at all liking the ice queen’s reappearance. 
“What?” Alison replied innocently, “Don’t worry, I’m sure Lucas would totally still go for you even if you put on a few pounds.” the sugary sweet smile she plastered on her face was clearly fake.
Sitting up straighter, Hanna’s eyes hardened, “At least people like me,” she stated simply. “At least I’m capable of love, which is clearly something you will never be capable of.” Hanna said harshly, and Emily almost felt pride at the way her friend was standing up for herself… She just wished she didn’t bring up things her girlfriend was actually insecure about.
Glaring at the other blonde, Alison leaned forward. “I don’t know where you’ve been the last few months, but Emily clearly loves me.”
Not backing down, Hanna narrowed her eyes as well. “Emily doesn’t count because you’re sleeping with her. Name one person that you aren’t sleeping with that likes you.”
Intervening, Emily moved in between the two girls death stares. “Stop,” she pleaded. “We’re all friends, and we shouldn’t be fighting like this.”
“She started it.” Hanna said childishly.
Alison glared even more. “Well maybe if you would keep your grubby hands off of my girlfriend I wouldn’t have said anything.”
Frowning slightly at her girlfriend, Emily shook her head. “It doesn’t matter what she did, Ali, you should have never called her that name or said the things that you did.”
“You’re siding with her?” Alison demanded, her face scrunching up into one of annoyance.
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choni-dale · 5 years
Hi! I love your writing style! I found your blog and read all of them last night! I really love jealous Ali! Haha! I don't know why though! Usually she's jealous over Hannily which is super cute! But maybe if she's jealous over Spemily will be interesting! Since Spencer is always overprotective of Emily on the show! I'm not good at English so I'm sorry if this bothered you! Have a nice day! :) (it's okay if you don't count this as a prompt)
Okay, I want to start by saying you’re so sweet anon! Nothing from anons ever bothers me. :) Let’s mix things up, shall we? ;)
The group dynamic had clearly shifted in the time she’d been away; that much was clear. Aria and Hanna were heavily involved in their boyfriends now when before they had been all about the group. The most evident shift though was between Spencer and Emily she decided after re-discovering the girls. While the two girls were always extremely close prior to her disappearance it was obvious that they’d gotten much closer in her absence. 
It probably wasn’t even noticeable to any passive observer, but Alison wasn’t just any passive observer. She noticed things, especially when it came to Emily Fields, that people tended to merely dismiss. Which is why she noticed the sudden fondness in the way Emily regarded Spencer, how she was constantly touching her, and if she wasn’t touching her she was smiling at her, much to Alison’s annoyance (Emily should have been smiling at her). It probably wouldn’t have even bothered Alison that much… if it was one sided.
No, it definitely wasn’t one-sided. If Emily wasn’t touching Spencer, Spencer was touching Emily. It was a well known fact that Spencer Hastings’ admiration was a hard thing to come by, and from what she could tell, there was no one Spencer admired more than Emily Fields (which again, wasn’t a one-sided thing). The two girls were constantly wandering off together leaving Alison alone with the two love sick puppies who she was beginning to believe were incapable of talking about anything other than their boyfriends which usually ended with her wanting to slam her head on the table. If she was left with Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb one more time she was sure she would completely lose her mind.
Maybe if she found Spencer a new boyfriend she could have Emily all to herself… Almost as soon as the plan began to form in her mind she quickly dismissed it because she knew Spencer would never go for someone she set her up with. All she knew was that she needed to get Spencer away from Emily, and fast because she worried about what those two could flourish into if she didn’t step in.
Due to the fact that her annoyance level was at an all time high she was quickly slipping back into her snarky ways, and she knew that if she didn’t get a hold on it soon she’d snap at Emily. She’d already snapped at Spencer (She can’t recall exactly what she said, but it was something along the lines of her being a Hogwart’s reject), and Hanna and Aria (who she’s repeatedly called Dumb and Dumber). Nothing snarky or cruel had been said to Emily though, and she planned to keep it that way. At least she hoped she would keep it that way.
Her resolve was quickly slipping though as she watched Emily look at Spencer from under her lashes with a shy smile on her face when Spencer whispered something in ear. That was her smile… Emily used to only smile like that at her. In her lap, her hands were clenched so tightly that her nails left crescent marks in her palms. Luckily for everyone at the Hanna decided to speak in that moment. “Hey, Em,” she began, “When’s your next swim meet?” 
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choni-dale · 5 years
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Cheryl Blossom & Toni Topaz | 3x12: Bizarrodale
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choni-dale · 5 years
Anyone remember this Choni story on Wattpad
It’s about Choni and Toni breaks up with Cheryl because Cheryl gets really possessive they broke up twice in the book.....and that’s all I can remember its completed Fanfic I wanna reread It but idk what the title is 😩
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choni-dale · 5 years
Anyone remember this Choni story on Wattpad
It’s about Choni and Toni breaks up with Cheryl because Cheryl gets really possessive they broke up twice in the book.....and that’s all I can remember its completed Fanfic I wanna reread It but idk what the title is 😩
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