choosexyourxfighter · 3 hours
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My keychains came in!
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choosexyourxfighter · 5 hours
Stargate: Atlantis — Identity  {Sentence Starters}
“Here, why don’t you sit down?“
“You just seem a little confused.“
“Oh, I did, didn’t I? What did I do?“
“You are not taking me anywhere.“
“No, no, you don’t need to do that.“
“Have you been sleeping all right?“
“No witnesses, no sign of struggle.”
“Better yet, why don’t you lie down?”
“Hey. Heard you weren’t feeling well.“
“Of course I can! That’s not the point.“
“Been pushing yourself real hard, lately.“
“You did it, didn’t you? You stabbed him.“
“How long have you been feeling like this?“
“here you are! Been looking all over for you!“
“You’re acting weird. What’s wrong with you?“
“Let’s make this simple. Who the hell are you?“
“Oh! Sorry, I didn’t know anybody was in here.“
“Okay, move fast. Take only what we can carry.“
“I already told you: I am not who you think I am.“
“If you do not say anything, it should not be a problem.“
“I need to remove the bullet and then stop the bleeding.“
“You were supposed to meet me, like, half an hour ago.“
“You see? I told you. There is all kinds of treasure in here.“
“We’re not gonna know until we get a good look at this thing.“
“Your death will be far less painful than those of your victims.“
“Look, whatever’s happening here, I had nothing to do with it.”
“We’re just gonna go talk to these people and ask ‘em for help.“
“Stabbed? What do you mean, stabbed? Like, with a knife stabbed?”
“It was self defense. I didn’t want to hurt anybody but he attacked me.“
“Yes, well, I mean, you know me. I’m always pushing myself real hard.“
“You looked frightened out there. What, you didn’t think we’d save you?”
“You seem distracted. Is something bothering you? Did I do something?“
“Look, I don’t know what is wrong with you, but you are clearly not yourself.”
“Believe me, I’m just as confused by it as you are. But I am telling you the truth.“
“Shh. You’ve been shot, love. Don’t worry, we’ve removed the bullet. You’ll be just fine.”
“He tried to grab me. I thought he was gonna turn me in and I was afraid of being caught.“
“Look, I’m sorry for hurting one of your people but I felt threatened, and I only know of one way to deal with threat.“
“You are also said to be a highly effective liar, willing to fabricate any story, broker any kind of deal, to get yourself free.“
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choosexyourxfighter · 6 hours
I changed my mind on the new blog cause I was overwhelmed by all the work i have to do and my ribs and back hurt too much to fight with my laptop to do it all.
I might revisit it someday but not right now.
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choosexyourxfighter · 17 hours
Ikari vs Her parents vibes
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choosexyourxfighter · 17 hours
Listening to music and getting oc ideas like I don't have enough blogs already ughhhh
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choosexyourxfighter · 19 hours
Character Headcanon Generator (the other muses edition)
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"I'm dyslexic! Not Illiterate!!"
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"On accident!"
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"You can't get me out." Someone is having fun with this.
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"Once, when I was a teen. It was intentional to distract from our getaway."
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choosexyourxfighter · 20 hours
Character Headcanon Generator
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"I have not, this machine is broken."
Tagged by: @erxsxre
Tagging: anyone who wants to!
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choosexyourxfighter · 21 hours
B. Dylan Hollis’s baking TikToks (continued) - sentence starters
1. “Boy, ______, this sure does smell like a cake, huh?” 
2. “Are you ready for bologna? Good, because there’s a pound of it!” 
3. “Your friends are going to love the circles of indistinct mammal.” 
4. “This is giving me emotions previously unknown to man.” 
5. “Are you supposed to eat this on crackers or on drugs?” 
7. “Normally I’m quite comfortable handling meat, but this is physically disturbing me.” 
8. “You know, a lot of things start with potatoes. French fries, hash browns, famine, communism…” 
9. “Now, I say that disrespecting doughnuts should carry a life sentence, so let’s see if we’re going to jail today.” 
10. “If I have to beat anything else in this recipe I’m going to be charged with domestic violence.” 
11. “Not sure if I’m curious or scared.” 
12. “I wanted to make this last year, but I couldn’t because there was a toilet paper shortage.” 
13. “Don’t look at me. I couldn’t tell you where this is going, I just know it’s the wrong destination.” 
14. “This has to be the most complicated laxative on the planet.” 
15. “You see this? This is concern.” 
16. “The author calls this her comfort food. I call it a mistake.” 
17. “It doesn’t need salt, it needs help!” 
18. “If there’s one thing that I’ve learned, it’s that Jell-O is inevitable!” 
19. “How am I supposed to survive the apocalypse if I can’t survive oats?” 
20. “In my personal experience, depression and ice cream are a match made in Heaven, so I have high hopes for this!” 
21. “I’m going to assume we have the same size package - although, the last time I made that assumption, I ended up stunned and quite self-conscious.” 
22. “Just like my relationships, candy is inevitably unhealthy.” 
23. “This recipe only has three ingredients, so I’m a bit scared.” 
24. “Are you a sorcerer?” 
25. “Well, at least you specified the appliance. I was going to bake this in the dishwasher!” 
26. “It tastes like an identity crisis on a plate.” 
27. “Celery’s just like your parents - dirtier than you think.” 
28. “Good morning, it’s time for mayonnaise.” 
29. “If I cut off my feet, do we still have to do this?” 
30. “This stuff is great, you know, you can run your tractor on it!” 
31. “This is from _____. It’s only electrocuted me twice.” 
32. “What is it with dead people and their obsession with this?!” 
33. “I hereby sentence you to be overcooked.” 
34. “Is this bread going to space?” 
35. “Yes, I know it’s hot, you git, it’s an oven!” 
36. “Just imagine cooking this and trying to tell yourself that everything is okay.” 
37. “There is no suitable amount of lard! Never has been, never will be!” 
38. “How long does sadness take to cook?” 
39. “Now we seal and shake vigorously, preferably to kill whatever demon we’ve summoned.” 
40. “It tastes like sunscreen!”  
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choosexyourxfighter · 21 hours
Idk but Yume vibes
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choosexyourxfighter · 21 hours
bullying the traumatized
we don't wear kiddy gloves here.
"Who told you it wasn't that bad?"
"Who told you that?"
"I'll fight anyone who says otherwise."
"Yeah, well, news flash: it fucked you up. I can tell."
"It's okay to have shit that fucks you up, you know."
"Ohhhh noooo, you're feeling an emotion."
"God forbid something hurts and you do something about it."
"That's trauma for you."
"Get angry about it."
"I don't know. I expected you to feel something."
"In case it escaped your notice, I care about you!"
"Do you have a death wish?"
"And you decided you were going to stoically suffer in silence and not tell anyone?"
"Got some 'main character syndrome' in you, huh?"
"We're meant to be a team!"
"Then they can go to hell! They don't tell us what we're capable of."
"I'm going to try. I don't care whether you're gonna try with me but I hope you do."
"We've seen worse odds."
"What did you expect? Me to stand there and do nothing?"
"Oh, you have trauma? I didn't notice."
"Oh, grow! Up!"
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choosexyourxfighter · 22 hours
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Thorn vibes
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choosexyourxfighter · 24 hours
Thorn: you piss me off so quickly it's impressive.
Yume: ????
Yume: I just said "good morning" ????
Thorn: and here I am pissed off!
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send me a 💿 and i'll shuffle my music and write a starter based on the first song i get!
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Baldur's Gate 3: Astarion Prompts
Part I An assortment of dialogue lines taken from the character Astarion in the game Baldur's Game 3. Adjust as necessary to fit pronoun and/or descriptor. In case of Multimuse, don't forget to specify which one/s. Reblog, please do not repost or add.
“ You can kill it, can't you? Like you killed the others. ”
“ I was hoping for a kind soul. ”
“ Let's try to keep that lovely neck of yours in one piece, hm? ”
“ And to think I was ready to decorate the ground with your innards. Apologies. ”
“ I'm out of wine and flowers, so I hope an introduction will suffice. ”
“ Is that so? We clearly move in different circles. ”
“ You know, I was ready to go this alone, but maybe sticking with the herd isn't such a bad idea. ”
“ Wait, that's it? 'You're doomed, sorry,' and then off to the next adventure?”
“ My my, you've been busy. ”
“ Curling up in the dirt and resting is... a little novel. ”
“ You sleep. I'll keep watch. ”
“ We're all doing surprisingly well, given the circumstances. ”
“ I am open to suggestion. Knives, poison, strangulation - whatever you'd prefer. ”
“ If the last day taught me anything, it's that the impossible is more likely than you think. ”
“ Quite a sight. The stars, I mean. I could take or leave your chin. ”
“ Good. I don't want you to run off just yet. ”
“ I'm not easily impressed by people, but you're stronger than I gave you credit for. ”
“ You have your charms... more than you think. ”
“ No, no - it's not what it looks like! I swear! ”
“ It's not what you think - I'm not some monster!. ”
“ No, I needed you to trust me. And you can trust me. ”
“ I need you alive. You need me strong. ”
“ I shall be gentle as a babe. ”
“ Shouldn't take long. So many people need killing. ”
“ This is a gift, you know. I won't forget it. ”
“ Good morning. How do you feel? ”
“ Someone - or something - wants me alive. They've changed the rules. ”
“ As for my other quirks - well, we can figure those out in time. ”
“ I was worried people might turn up with torches and pitchforks. Although there's still time. ”
“ We're bound together, no matter what comes. ”
“ There now, we're all friends again. ”
“ Oh, you're such a sweetheart. ”
“ I'm here in the spirit of openness and honesty, to work together as a team. ”
“ I've never killed anyone! Well, not for food. ”
“ Do you think you could trust me just a little further? ”
“ I only need a taste, I swear. ”
“ Let's make ourselves comfortable, shall we? ”
“ Oh no. Something's terrible happened! ”
“ You're - you're here! Thank goodness, I was worried about you. ”
“ I understand you're upset, but let's not get carried away. ”
“ I can fight with all my weapons - teeth included. ”
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Go on Anon and ask my muse your burning questions!
About them, about their world, about their friends- Anything!
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sentence starters inspired by bdylanhollis on tiktok (part two)
- “Just like my relationships, candy is inevitably unhealthy.”
- “Cups?! CUPS?? Eight is the low end?? There shouldn’t be eight to ten cups of ANYTHING!!!”
- “Every turn in this recipe has been a left.”
- “Are you a sorcerer??”
- “Depression and ice cream are a match made in heaven.”
- “I’m going to assume we have the same size package – though the last time I made that mistake I ended up stunned and quite self-conscious.”
- “I would take this camping.”
- “How am I gonna survive the apocalypse if I can’t survive OATS???”
- “You know, the other word for ‘al dente’ is CORRECT.”
- “It doesn’t need salt, it needs HELP.”
- “Not sure if I’m curious or scared.”
- “Don’t look at me. I couldn’t tell you where this is going. I just know it’s the wrong destination.”
- “We’re gettin’ bougie today!”
- “You’re diluting peanut butter. To the GULAG.”
- “If I have to beat anything else in this recipe, I’m gonna be charged with domestic violence.”
- “I say that disrespecting donuts should come with a life sentence.”
- “You’re putting your faith in the wrong man.”
- “Normally I’m quite comfortable handling meat, but this is physically disturbing me.”
- “This is giving me emotions previously unknown to man.”
- “Are you supposed to eat this on crackers or on drugs?”
- “Yes, I know it’s hot, you git, it’s an OVEN.”
- “I hereby sentence you to be overcooked!”
- “What is a flitter? I don’t know, nobody knows.”
- “There is no ‘suitable’ amount of lard; never has been, never will be.”
- “And then we just try not to die.”
- “How long does sadness take to cook?”
- “It’ll just take twelve years.”
- “I hate zucchini. It doesn’t taste bad, it just makes me feel insufficient.”
- “I don’t make the rules!”
- “Goodness gracious, CEASE AND DESIST!!”
- “I promise I’m not making this up.”
- “Thanks for the tip. I was in danger of using a spoon.”
- “Because why not go FULL manic?”
- “Just another day in America!”
- “At least it’s HOT garbage.”
- “That’s not a typo, this is deliberate. Someone PUBLISHED this. And got PAID for it!!”
- “Can I start making assumptions now?”
- “It’s just disrespectful.”
- “At least nothing hatched.”
- “Well drained, of course. Like my hope.”
- “You know what stings more than a knife? Rejection.”
- “It looks like it’s listening to me.”
- “It is distinctly different, but good.”
- “Easy there, Shakespeare.”
- “I have no idea what’s going on.”
- “Whatever I was expecting, it wasn’t this.”
- “That would be very indecent.”
- “Look who’s fallen from grace. Shame.”
- “Aren’t you fluffy??”
- “What are we making, glue?!”
- “Good evening. It’s dark.”
- “Because America is unsupervised, and they can’t be stopped.”
- “For what?? Solidarity?!”
- “You come into MY HOUSE.”
- “Are you ready to die??”
- “Are you sure this wasn’t meant for a bird??”
- “Have you no mercy?”
- “Tastes like a bookshelf. Books included.”
- “This takes a while to come out. Don’t worry, I did, too.”
- “Never been down here, have you? Welcome.”
- “It’s not bad, it’s eclectic.”
- “Bake it wrong? TO JAIL!!”
- “Fall has fallen, and it can’t get up.”
- “I’m not making fun of the Great Depression. I AM making fun of the Great Depression.”
- “Those are for psychopaths.”
- “So they look dead, but my house smells amazing!”
- “This is NOT worth it. It’s NOT!”
- “This would make me enlist.”
- “I don’t always like to destroy my tastebuds, you know.”
- “I chose this one. To die.”
- “Hello, little ones. It’s time for icing.”
- “I bet you thought there was more. Nope. There’s not.”
- “I tell you, I could never be a millionaire. I’d end up buying, like, three thousand Pop-Tarts. Or ducks. I quite like ducks.”
- “Uniformity is of utmost importance.”
- “Just get out of the box. Please.”
- “You are misshapen. Stop it.”
- “Nothing says ‘the holidays’ like ambiguous meat.”
- “Now that’s just vulgar.”
- “Wonder what demon we’ll summon today!”
- “Is life insurance expensive?”
- “You know what that’s called? Criminal intent.”
- “It’s a sugar cookie with a bachelor’s degree.”
- “I’m going to start needing blood pressure medication.”
- “Oh by gosh, by golly.”
- “Sorry, my cauldron’s in the dishwasher.”
- “Be very careful with this. This stuff’s stronger than my desire to drop out of college.”
- “I feel like I’m exhuming a body.”
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I present: Tea Discourse!
The shitpost made me need to do an edit of it with the muses
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