chovmbna · 3 years
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chovmbna · 3 years
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The day he left me, was the day that I died.
But then I was reborn... AS A WITCH!
> Bina’s Halloween costume! <
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chovmbna · 3 years
She sings into the night as she stumbles upon the empty streets of the Seoul City. The night was young when she first had sip of liquid courage and now it’s turned into a bottle of insanity. Cassandra should have known better, at least a psychologist student should, right? Shaking her head to avoid self analysis, she continued to sing aloud to fill the void of silence.
“Mama I just kill–!” Her rendition of Queen‘s infamous story is completely interrupted when another voice calls out into the night.  Squinting into the dim lit alley, Cass leans forward, almost falling over as she catches a sight of a beautiful angel. Fuck, why does Seoul offer such exquisite beings. For the nth time since her trip started, she thanks her lucky stars that she’s been given the chance to study abroad here. 
“I good.” She whispers in broken hangul. Despite studying and speaking the language of the past year, she still stutters and stumbles upon her words during certain occasions. Such as her drunken state, for instance. “I live Seoul- urm… Gangnam district…?” She claims completely oblivious of her current locations and whereabouts yet confidently walking about her way. 
Bina didn’t expect to meet a drunk on the streets but then once she got a look at the staggering stranger, it became a little more clear as they turned toward her. It was hard not to giggle at the young foreign woman but also applauded her silently for even trying to communicate.
“I don’t think you are good.” She says to the woman but doesn’t think she was heard when the next jumble of words were a bit hard to pick up, “Gangnam... Uh you are kind of a bit off course if you’re looking trying to find Gangnam.” Bina is now standing next to the woman with a hand under one arm trying to keep her on her feet.
She sighs in realizing her night just got a bit busy, “It is easier for you if I speak English?” Bina has half a mind to just call her driver over since she isn’t that far from home but first she needs to figure out if this woman is lost or just too drunk to comprehend anything, “I’m Bina and I live nearby. Should I call you a cab or maybe call a friend?” Worse case Bina will need to use her healing abilities but she rather not waste her energy on a drunk.
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chovmbna · 3 years
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Old world gothic ♕
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chovmbna · 3 years
— “Halloween is soon and I’ve started getting some flowers in for the season. I hope this fall season is as nice as last year. Maybe I’ll go to a costume party even. Kind of wanna be a witch this year, dress up, have some fun. Hopefully someone throws a party and its not super crazy.”
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chovmbna · 3 years
Halloween/Fall Starters
-“Did you cut yourself carving the pumpkin? Let me see it.” -“Stay still I’m almost done with your costume.” -“What do you say if we take the kids early and have some treats of our own tonight?” -“Is there some pumpkin type of flavor or cooking thing you want me to make?” -“That costume you’re wearing is super sexy.” -“It’s warmer under the blanket cave I’ve made.” -“Hold my hand before we go in.” -“You shouldn’t go out there!” -“Stay here with me until the sun comes up?” -“The colors this year on the trees are beautiful and vibrant.” -“Is this fresh made cider?” -“If you bob for one apple and get it on the first try I’ll give you a kiss.” -“I prefer you without the costume on.” -“I’m not going as that. Nothing you say or do will convince me otherwise.” -“I cant even see your head hardly, you’re buried in a mountain of an oversized sweater.” -“You got a little too into this holiday didn’t you?” -“I’m not going in a graveyard.” -“It’s surprisingly warm out today for being autumn.” -“Don’t scare me please.” -“(insert other muse’s name) I know you’re in the closet.” -“Please take a jacket on our walk or stand near me.” -“This is super good can I get the recipe?” -“Are we doing this? I mean really doing this? Because I hate haunted houses.” -“OK but if someone pops out at me and I punch them its not my fault.” -“I can help you with decorations if you’d like?” -“Why are you so hell bent on giving me a good scare?” -“Stop putting the blanket on and going boo.” -“Did you see a creepy figure in the yard?” -“A bonfire in the late fall is super nice.” -“Lets go out of sync with tradition and make something non pumpkin related to eat please.” -“What should be go as?” -“We’re a little too old to go trick or treating.” -“Why did you give the pumpkin such a stupid face?” -“You’re a little too obsessed with Halloween.” -“Gory movie marathon. You, me, and my couch. Right now.” -“Lets go to a costume party.” -“You’re going to win the contest for sure.”
(feel free to add more)
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chovmbna · 3 years
— oh look a plot call LMAO!
Did an update on my plot/relations page. Still a bit basic but I added some common but wanted relations for anyone interested. I would love to make some pre-established relationships and even first meetings~
Here is her profile, headcanons & navigation to see more.
If you see something you like you can reply to this post or if not but would still like to write something together, go ahead and leave a like on this post. I will come to you!
 for mutuals and others as well <3 (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 
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chovmbna · 3 years
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THE LOVE WITCH (2016) dir. Anna Biller
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chovmbna · 3 years
Her arms had gone across her chest, relaxed, during their conversation as she tried to pick apart the strangers words. It was compelling and almost annoying to hear him speak about her ‘thorough work’, dancing around with his words like he had a reason to judge her. The man in there wasn’t severely beaten and was on his way to the authorities. she had no reason to answer to him. 
When he showed more of his presence into the city lights and nightly shine, she was quiet surprised. It was hard not to let out a little laugh, in no way mocking him but compared to who she has dealt with in this line of work; “Well it’s not really a type but you could say I can read people fairly well.” There was no point in exposing her kind with the scent he gave off but now examining him further... could really have been his curiosity as to why he is here. “Now looking at you, your demeanor is relaxed; If anything it tells me you know how to take care of yourself and in this lowlife of work, you can see the tension off their shoulders.” It was all a matter of fact, even Bina could feel that same weight, thought it was much lighter than before. Not to mention he is too handsome...
He had a fair point but Bina has watched too many western movies not to question everything out of precaution. “Hmm... You’re not wrong but it’s such a strange turn of events that we find myself and yourself here, in this lowly lit alleyway nonetheless.” It was such a strange evening and Bina really didn’t know what to make of it at this point. Neither of them have tried to kill each other and the stranger isn’t pressing detailed questions... maybe for once the night would be calm. 
She sighed with her hands coming to rest back on her hips and unconsciously  returned his little grin with one of her own. What was she going to do with the rest of her night? It wasn’t super late and there was no reason to follow her goons with their orders so the night as at her will if she wanted it too, other than the bit of mess on her boots. “Looks like I’m a bit off guard because I honestly have no idea. Maybe clean my boots before getting a drink. Or even a bit of late night shopping. Could go to the office for shits and giggles. I’m open to suggestions.” Now her statements had turn into a bit of rambling whether they were to the stranger or herself she couldn’t really tell with ideas racking through her brain, maybe I should just go home... 
Another thought ran by her when in the midst of her own as she reached for her phone to check the exact time rather than try to make an estimate, “Anything you are practically doing yourself this fine evening? I take it you don’t make it a hobby to sit in the shadows randomly.”
“Matter?” Samael repeated, his eyes never once leaving the young stranger. No, it did not matter - and to convey the thought without speaking out loud, the archangel shook his head and took a long breath through his nose, only to let out a long heave through his mouth. Very few things mattered to him; fewer still affected him or his existence or purpose. However, in a sea of meaningless affairs and in an ocean of trivial occurrences, Samael had to find something - anything - to entertain himself with, even for a short while. And it just so happened that this particular event was of certain interest, at least in regards to his private contemplation.
“It was far from it being my concern. It was, admittedly, an unsolicited opinion. Though, from the sound and look of it, I wouldn’t call what happened in there a punch in the face. Something tells me you were somewhat more thorough than that.” Her grandfather, he thought. Well, there was one man who did not let a woman be cornered into uselessness in this world. Bravo, Samael thought, tilting his head to the side.
“You are right, on your hunch, that I’m not…working for anyone, but tell me, what do you mean by type?” Finally stepping out of the remainder of the darkness that had kept him partially hidden from the young female, he took several long steps only to pause about a metre or two away from her. “I didn’t know there was supposed to be a type.” For violence? For whatever clandestine, underground operations that she - and perhaps the likes of her - were undergoing. “I don’t think one needs a reason to venture out into the night. Don’t you think?” Samael offered a hint of a smile, at last, a rather taut, minute twitch of each corner of his mouth. “Where are you off to, now that you’re done with your…little…familial retribution?”
He was sure her options were endless - the night was as of yet young and promising.
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chovmbna · 3 years
gonna disappear for the rest of the week. been feeling down so i’ve consumed myself with stardew and ff14. i’ll have the replies i owe and such in a couple days~
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chovmbna · 3 years
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chovmbna · 3 years
𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃 & 𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐅𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄: night terrors [[ since we're getting in that kind of spirit ahem ]]
It was a night of drinking and Bina not being the responsible lightweight she is that had her passed out on Yoo’s couch. She remembers his persistence but if there was anything she knew about her habits, it could turn into a disaster. But what she didn’t expect was to be woken up by distant whimpers and mumbles of nothingness. Bina had risen from her place, following to sounds to evidentially Yoo’s room, peaking between the door and its frame as she saw the man in a cold sweat, oh my god. Her steps led toward the man’s side who was lost in whatever nightmares' took his peaceful sleep. She went to place a on his should but her immediate touch brought him out of the terror and into the silent darkness of the room. “Yoo?” His breathing was heavy and he didn’t answer; he looked cold, pale even if he was practically sweating, staring at nothing.
The only thing she could think of at that time was to wrap herself around him as tight as she could, a hand on his back and another nestled in his bed hair to sooth him down. He had a much bigger build than she but Bina made it work, nestling him along her own position. Bina maneuvered enough to where she sat on the bed but not on his legs, to hum a soft tune. It was something her mother did when she had her panic attacks as a teenager. One of the few ways she ever felt safe from the world, from the pain that haunted her. The rapid beat of his heart could be felt and she placed a small kiss on top of his temple, “You’re okay.” Whatever plagued Yoo’s dreams cause him those same emotions and it only made her hold him closer, wanting nothing more than to take it all away.
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chovmbna · 3 years
Words or actions can not even fathom what the hell was happening, other than Bina was trying to grab something to hold onto her life. She knew there was more to life than those of humans and the supernatural but now this was just on a different level of what the hell. Bina heard Yoo’s cries just enough to realize the danger and immediately heeded his words in jumping behind a counter but whatever force was coming from that box had strength in it. She could see the room pulling apart, pieces of wall falling into whatever blackhole was in the middle as it began to reveal what almost looked like cosmos.
What is happening?! Words were deaf in the noise of swirling wind and debris flying about the space. Her vision catches Yoo in distress, watching his every action as she holds for dear life as she can feel herself being pulled. It was like in a blink of an eye she watches him lose his foot and taken toward the void. Her only reaction was to reach out, to grab him as hard as she could to pull him to her but in her own desperation, Bina lost her grasp as they both were consumed by the void.
The quietness of darkness was all Bina could feel, it’s what she was dreaming until her eyes shoot open to the color of white. Her reaction had her shooting up from her position and franticly looking about the space. She could feel herself shifting in her own distress, mainly her eyes turning into their common black hue to reduce the light levels. Bina looked around the padded walls and flooring, seeing if any of her things had made it but all there was seen a singular door with no handle, and a small window. There was a drowned noise that caught her attention, that sounded like my name...She turned to the window and saw Yoo on the other side, running to the door and hitting it in desperation. “Oh my god your okay!” Yelling through the glass hopping he could hear her. It seemed it was a hallway that separated them but she couldn’t figure out where or why they were hear; it felt like a mental hospital, something that was a little to close to home. 
Bina heard him again and this time at first couldn’t understand what he meant until she saw his fist connect with the small window. If his strength couldn’t penetrate it then Bina would be no match. He then asks if there was anything in the room so she turned to examine the space. It was like a white prison cell; there was a bed connected to the wall, the something that looked like a sink and maybe a toilet but there was nothing viable to get them out. “I-I don’t see anything really!” Bina turned back toward the window and even glanced at the keyhole thinking she could risk trying to fit inside but then she wouldn’t have the strength to complete the sequence. “Are we in some kind of prison?! What the hell happened!”
Pandora Paradox * Bina
“Oh, you know, just open an ancient 1000 year old door. Nothing could go wrong!”
Ethereal swirls of clear ectoplasm and ghastly screams alike create an array of vivid colors, as cyan streaks mix with magenta lines and tangerine clumps. Golden-trimmed and obsidian black, the box no bigger than a baseball animates to life as it starts gorging on olden, mahogany chairs and dusty desk lamps. Clear on its path, it nearly consumes his leg as he loses his luxury dress shoe to the storm inside the dank cellar. “Bina! Get behind something!” He screams, though unsure if heard as the roaring of the cursed coffer continues its rampage, taking another hefty chunk, this time of the wall. Behind the brick and mortar lies not of the soft ground that surrounded them, but rather a streak of cosmic insight, as starry landscape replaced the earth before them. The tornado aims for the ceiling, ripping apart the floorboard to expose not the living area nor the kitchen, but of galaxies and nebulas as Yoo rushes for the peach door in hopes of an escape. As the wind intensifies, he almost loses his footing, grabbing the knob at the last moment to brace. Turning in desperation, he opens, to find a distant sun in his view rather than the ground floor of the haunted house. In shock, he missteps and becomes victim to the eye of the monstrous suction, losing his gaze of gaseous space and turning it all into the void of darkness.
What felt an eternity passes before he opens his eyes again, clear in a white-walled room from top to bottom. A slit upon the wall remains beside a door with no latch nor handle, however a key hole, with no key in plain sight. Surprised, Yoo pats his body, assuming any injury and finding none whatsoever. Another door across this one, with a clear window in which he spots Bina. Tap! Tap! Fingernails meet the glass, as he calls for her attention, “Bina!” Feeling the soft cushion of the floor against his shoeless foot, he recalls similar layouts in mental institutions, as to avoid any possible harm to the one locked up within. They are those prisoners now, and yet, the door with no key beckons a chance. A spellcaster’s prison, for sure… He makes up logic to justify and calm his mind.
Unraveling his jacket, he balls it up into a fist, sharding up his arm and hand with draconic scales and readying a punch in retaliation to the poor glass in front. “Stand back!” Gesturing her to step away as he finishes covering his arm, the man slams the transparency once, then twice, then thrice, realizing that this is no mere one way. He does so once more for good measure, to little avail, before giving up the aggression. He drops the blazer unto the floor, cupping his mouth to better vocalize instruction to her, “Do you see anything in the room?!” Unsure what lay inside hers, he leaves her to it as he turns around to rescan his own cell.
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chovmbna · 3 years
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THE LOVE WITCH 2016, dir. Anna Biller
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chovmbna · 3 years
The guts of Choi Bina
You just know, don’t you? You feel everything so deeply. Your power is instinctual, primal. Your power is only ever obvious when you need it to be; but it’s never failed you. You always know when something has turned sour, you can always feel the shift in the atmosphere. you just do.
Tagged by: @gongyoohoo​
Tagging: i know i do these a lot so no spam today. anyone who would like to do this please feel free!
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chovmbna · 3 years
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chovmbna · 3 years
Her abrupt retreat and reaction startles him, propping his neck as he is taken aback. “Ah, ar- are you—” Wide eyes meet wide eyes, Yoo nearing her to catch her in case the worst came to fruition. Alas, his worries are for naught as her nervous manner manifests in her chuckle, assuring him that she is at least able to breath. The man paces back to his original spot, affirming her concern, “Yes, marriage,” nodding firmly to reinforce that the idea means a lot to him.
Taking advantage of the quaint awkwardness now in between, he ponders on the thought some more. Had it been wrong to talk about it so openly? Between an honest two obviously looking around? For him, this is the prime time to use his keenness to search, to discover himself and the potential that lay in front of him. To find that one that understood more than mere secrets, Yoo looks far and wide for one that can peel back the layers and find the time to give affection to each one. Had it been wrong to expose his identity? Between a hidden two not-so-obviously intermingling with the mundane? It stands as an obstacle for him to realize, and so, he pushes to break this little barrier in hopes of finding a deeper connection. Bina remains a candidate, and his logical little heart and mind press on for answers.
A speech replays in his head: Perhaps, I can provide fo- no. No. No. I would love to learn more a— Would love to find out your ever— I would love… In sudden synchronicity, his personal blabbing aligns with her words, reflecting on her sudden turn of emotion. It tugs at him, as empathy, sympathy, and curiosity meld into a hodgepodge of confusion. “I- I- I- ahem,” he clears the lump in his throat once more, sharing the mutual emotion. His chest rises in tandem with his blood pressure, but a deep breath relieves him as he retries, “I am scared, too, honestly.” Rubbing his arm for self-comfort, he explains himself, “I always thought, ‘The one will just one day walk into my life,’ a-and for a long time…” He bit his lip, looking glum at the ground after the railing.
“For a long time, I had thought that I found that ‘one,’ you know?” More relief enters him as he stares up at the skyline, settling his peace with the past as he shares, “I agree that everyone deserves that chance… I think destiny has given me plenty of chances, haha,” now rubbing his nape, Yoo rambles, “I only recently realized… that ‘the one’ might have already walked in. Into my life, that is. I might have just been too busy looking at all the flowers in the field to appreciate the ones in my hand.” Suggestive as it is, Yoo keeps skeptical as he stares up at her, more than hopeful that he might be wrong about the whole thing, hopeful that there could be more to the budding. He brings his gaze to his clasped hands, repeating himself in the process, “I think about it too much and it honestly haunts me, hahaha, but,” again turning his head to peek at her, “I suppose I would be doing myself a dishonesty if I felt like I had rushed something.” Raising his drink again for a dismayed toast, he grins at her before taking another sip.
“I think I need something heavier for this kind of conversation,” stupid laughter escapes him, still unsure about the drink as a whole and enjoy it for her sake. “Forgive me,” he chuckles.
She told her piece and now it was her turn to hear his, the same emotions she expressed now almost mirrored through him. Though she did not express it just yet, it was strange that they had the similar thought of ‘their one would come to them’. It was a very fairytale kind of thinking but that’s why Bina desired it so much, for her one to come and sweep her of her feet in an array of happiness. But it seems both have not experienced it just yet. 
Bina remembers his identity, that he has been on this earth much longer than she and to hear of his one possibly slipping from his grasp tugged at her heart strings. It funny to hear this coming from a man she thought was so stoic and calm but its like another side, a form of realness that probably isn’t for everyone to see. Bina feels grateful that he has opened up to her and if anything she knows exactly how he feels. The clasp of his hands gains her attention and she brings her own hand to lay on top of his and to return his gaze with a soft grin.
“You are not the only one that feels like this... I was in love with someone I held dear. Turned out I told them my feelings too late and I was stuck in a mantra of ‘it could have been’... all because I was too scared to say something sooner.” Her eyes now met with the sky before them and a wave of nostalgia flowed through her being. This wasn’t to bring in anymore sorrowful memories but Bina wanted Yoo to know that he was not alone, that she focused too much on the wilted flower in her hand than looking at the meadow that surrounded her; a twist on his own metaphor. “You are an amazing man Yoo and whether it is your will or the will of destiny, you will find that one. I know it.”
The petite grasp of her hands did not leave his, only squeezing his hands a bit more in reassurance with moments later a hardy chuckle at the mention of a heavier drink. “All is forgiven, though you may be right for the need of alcohol... but then I am a lousy drinker.” She waves the sugar cane juice in her hand before going to take another drink in refreshing bliss. Though heavy topics do fit well with drinks, she wouldn’t trust herself not to become a blabber mouth and express every emotion she had kept inside or say something that was never suppose to be said.
“...Thank you for sharing with me. Not just your time right now but your thoughts, your life... I’m happy to hear it and happy I got to share some of mine with you as well.” It may have just been a piece of her 30 years of life but she was more than willing to tell more. There was a sudden boldness that came over her suddenly, remembering his little micro affections when they first met and how it made the butterflies in her stomach flutter. So Bina went to unravel his clasp hands, grabbing the one closest to her as she brought it to place a small but soft kiss on top of his knuckles. Her lips left the skins with her other hand coming rest on top of its placement, hold his hand as she brought it back to their original placement before him, “We should do this again. Have drinks even, no juice.” It was hard not to laugh at her own words but right now she just felt happiness.
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