Life in PDX, New York, USA, Earth: Cop Axtion
Who knew it could be so lonely. 
Thinking about an incredibly frightening incident I had with a cop earlier today, and how Portland has always attracted America’s freaks, circus performers, daily costume wearers(like myself), for many reasons. That is how the city began, as the place on the west coast to stop fore carnivals, circus attractions, some of the first-ever roller coasters-rollercoaster is a stupid phrase-. The energy of a place stays 
It’s somehow d/evolved into the weirdos and slutty creeps - hence tons of kink and strips clubs/sex work here - drugs - art - and musix - and beer
And then you’re stuck with these weird fuckers like me. All pierced/tatted up and don’t know where the fuck to go, but you sure as hell can’t stay here for too long, it could collapse at any second...
         (she was some tattooed hard ass with red hair, who literally yelled at me and told me she almost rammed my car for: haphazardly skipping through a stop sign, and when she pulled me over, I cruised slowly to the nearest stopping point just around the corner. If it matters to anyone at all I’m 1/2 white American, 1/4 Mexican, and 1/4 Black, dark natural hair and thick but sharp natural eyebrows, dyed blonde hair, young face, but I do have immediately noticeable facial piercings, 19 years old, never been pulled over before. I got off with a ticket for running a stop sign. This was at 2:15 am Portland, Oregon, the town where I have grown up, and I was driving less than 1 mile over to a friend’s house in my own neighborhood. )
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babes do you have any questions for us
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Barbie: how does rain become glitter?
Big Ben: Rain contains trace amounts otter sneeze. When the rain hits the ground it mixes with the hydrochloride in the soil and phosphoureses. As the rain phosphourese it melds with the hydro chloride particles and creates glitter.
Do you have anymore questions for our panel?
Barbie: How do you fit your penis into a balloon?
Big Ben: ...
Piney Squirrel: spread the mouth, bite the end, tie the loop, pull the dick, stuff the head. It's that simple
Barbie: Real Simple.
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