christ2056 · 4 years
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Блокчейн, иногда называемый технологией распределенной книги (DLT), делает историю любого цифрового актива неизменной и прозрачной благодаря децентрализации и криптографическому хешированию.
Простая аналогия для понимания технологии блокчейна - это Google Doc. Когда мы создаем документ и делимся им с группой людей, документ распространяется вместо копирования или передачи. Это создает децентрализованную цепочку распространения, которая дает всем доступ к документу одновременно. Никто не заблокирован в ожидании изменений от другой стороны, в то время как все изменения в документе записываются в режиме реального времени, что делает изменения полностью прозрачными. Благодаря особенностям технологии блокчейн это меняет способы оплаты и делает его более эффективным и быстрым. Вот почему я хотел бы познакомить вас с Crypto Commonwealth.
Crypto Commonwealth - очень хороший проект, который состоит из издательства и инвестиционных фондов, предоставленных сообществом участников, ученых, исследователей и инвесторов, в которых прибыль перераспределяется между его членами в экосистеме. Это экосистема с очень мощным фоном на мировых фондовых рынках и приобретя некоторый качественный опыт в управлении акциями. В будущем COMM намерен создать продуктивную и благоприятную среду для управляющих портфелями на разных рынках и других, чтобы участвовать в своей экосистеме. Это научный издатель и управляющий активами на блокчейне, который стремится к благосостоянию большинства. Они разработали богатую токеномику для нашей издательской и инвестиционной экосистемы. Глобальная платежная сеть COMM наделяет все исследования новыми знаниями стоимостью, революционизируя процессы поиска ценности в обеих отраслях справедливой компенсацией. Crypto Commonwealth имеет профессиональную команду управления портфелем в обычных активов и криптографии. Платформа позволяет количественным исследователям сосредоточиться большую часть времени на альфа-моделировании. Деятельность фондов и издателей, а также альфа-и контент-майнинг продвигают различные варианты использования нашего токена COMM.
Экосистема Crypto Common Wealth будет предлагать исчерпывающую, ясную и профессиональную информацию, которая поможет пользователям принять наилучшее инвестиционное решение, и прибыль будет поступать в экосистему справедливым образом, из которого 50% вознаграждения будет делиться между отличные авторы, исследователи, соавторы и менеджеры портфелей. Авторы на платформе COMM могут выбрать внешних или внутренних исследователей. Внутренним исследователям поручено провести тестирование на платформе и представить альфа для централизованной пост-обработки, которая включает в себя комбинирование и оптимизацию портфеля.
Он имеет сильный фон на мировых фондовых рынках, накопив большое количество стратегий с низкой степенью корреляции в их распоряжении. Проект стремится маркировать их, как только позволят обстоятельства. Те, кто следит за рынком криптовалют, признают, что токенизация других финансовых рынков, таких как товары, фьючерсы, акции, валюты, облигации и недвижимость, обещают быть еще больше в капитализации, чем все текущие криптовалюты. COMM, пионер в разработке стратегии, безусловно, создаст благоприятную и продуктивную атмосферу для участия управляющих портфелями на разных рынках в своей экосистеме. Он ориентирован не только на то, чтобы стать ведущим издателем всего, крипто или нет. Это также предполагает, что он станет цифровым и традиционным управляющим активами, который потенциально может опередить BTC и рост фондового рынка в долгосрочной перспективе. Его стратегия построения следует «трилемме в управлении портфелем». В рамках этой модели рассматриваются три переменные: высокая доходность, низкий риск и высокая производительность. Те, кто имеет некоторый опыт инвестирования в традиционные или криптоактивы, будь то IPO, ICO, IEO или непосредственно на вторичных рынках, узнали, может быть, нелегким путем, что невозможно принять эти три вершины одновременно. Для COMM наличие двух из этих факторов исключает и третий. Именно при этом понимании высокая доходность и низкий риск исключают высокие мощности, такие как в альфа-каналах и высокочастотной торговле. Само Crypto Commonwealth включает хедж-фонды, в том числе альфа-фонд «Сфинкс» и «умный» бета-фонд «Стоунибрук» по классификации с высокой доходностью и низким риском. И наоборот, вы можете иметь любую из двух других конфигураций. В этот момент метафора треугольника сама себя объясняет.
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CBND представляет собой конвертируемую криптографическую облигацию, которая разделяет некоторые определенные особенности с традиционной рыночной облигацией. CBND основана на блокчейне. Для продажи COMM будет 3 разных периода блокировки, некоторые CBND будут заблокированы на 6 месяцев, а некоторые будут заблокированы на период 3 месяца и другие будут заблокированы на 1 месяц. По окончании периода блокировки CBND будет открыт для конвертации в соотношении токен COMM 1: 1. Преобразование будет проводиться либо через смарт-контракты, либо через биржи.
Во время ICO / IEO будет проведено 6 основных сессий, каждая из которых будет длиться 5 дней, в то время как токен будет продаваться с различными скидками, основанными на текущей рыночной цене .IEO будет проводиться на ChainX. 5 этапов продажи токена будут предлагать некоторые продажи скидка 10%, 8%, 6%, 4%, 2% в зависимости от суммы покупки соответственно.
CBND будет перечислен на бирже ChainX после листинга.
Website: https://cryptocommonwealth.io
Telegram: https://t.me/Crypto_Commonwealth_Europe
Telegram channel: https://t.me/CryptoCommonwealth_ANN
Twitter: https://twitter.com/CryptoSmartBeta
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Crypto-Commonwealth-102262581218579/
Medium: https://medium.com/@CryptoCommonwealth
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cryptocommonwealth
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpsI9ikWg7HKobrj_1Zq38A
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/CryptoSmartBeta
Bitcointalk Ссылка на профиль: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1120501
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christ2056 · 5 years
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The art  world is balanced for an insurgency, it simply doesn't have any acquaintance with it. Online networking and spilling services have totally changed the Art world industry, yet they haven't satisfactorily tackled its most serious issues. When building another organization you have to likewise manufacture it for what's to come. It appears to be extremely counterproductive to construct the foundation to serve a system just to be promptly obsolete when you begin getting speed. This makes me wonder, what's into the great beyond in the Art world. ArtCoin is a financial specialist driven collective, makes genuine change for investors. Directing clients through transactions utilizing digital forms of money, ArtCoin empowers investors to profit by the expanded security and transparency of the Smart Contracts platforms. ArtCoin collects information to which common investors don't approach, while democratizing the Art works market and going about as a connection among investors and the Artwork industry. ArtCoin plans to cover all regions of the workmanship industry. Their verification strategies are completely appropriate for both individual collectors and enormous associations.
Improved security
Rearranged transactions
Approved clients
General and fixed information
The platform underpins blockchain-based registries. The platform dependent on the blockchain and based on profiles shielded from unapproved access makes uncommon registries where there will be information about the starting point of crafted by craftsmanship, its history and even digital fingerprints.
On account of the VR ALL ART platform, factors, for example, the size of gems, space, area and time can't be a deterrent. The mission of ArtCoins and VR ALL ART is to unite every one of the specialists in the craftsmanship world and increment individuals' enthusiasm for workmanship with the assistance of property and a beneficial methodology. Through the system platform, the client is prepared to exchange workmanship and partake in open markets in the Artwork house.
The token will be upheld by immortal things of craftsmanship which may exclusively be executed in Artcoin. The craftsmanship world is verifiably something however clear, and that is any place ArtCoin, A financial specialist driven collective, makes genuine alteration for investors. Any site or platform that exchanges craftsmanship still as each creative individual or gallery would all be able to be prepared to apply ArtCoins to deal with transactions – even on smartphones.
The fund’s assets backing the ArtCoins are diversified during a basket of crypto-currencies (ETH, BTC, LTC) and by the artworks that may be severally vetted and appraised. ArtCoins may be divisible up to 0.0000000000000000001 (18 decimal places) and can be issued through a wise Contract Token Sale that may be control in AN Ethereum case ERC20 compatible. ArtCoins square measure issued with a cap of 750,000 tokens.
Tokens go on sale at $0.01, by invitation only
Sale lasts until March 15 2019
Only initial investors who are in close contact with ArtChain can purchase Stage 1 tokens. These investors have a deep involvement in the project and their valued feedback has helped to shape our work. The invitation to the initial offering of tokens at the lowest possible price is a reward in gratitude for their contributions.
Tokens go on sale for $0.03
Starts in April 2019
This is the lowest possible price for investors who were not part of the invitation-only Stage 1 offer. They’ll receive the highest return for their investment, and it’s the ideal time to make large-quantity purchases.
PRE-ICO EARLY BIRD Begins in May 2019
Tokens go on sale for $0.05
A great middle ground for those investors who preferred to ensure the ICO was a success, but don’t want to wait for the public sale as they wish to capitalize on higher bonuses.
ICO – Tokens go on sale for $0.10
Starts in Sept 2019
The general public gets access to tokens during this most published sale. Support is growing, development is racing ahead, and we’re ready for a large investor influx. The ArtChain app is rolled out, with the first works of art being recorded on the blockchain.
Tokens will be listed on cryptocurrency exchanges following the ICO.
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Token Name : ARTCOIN
Token Symbol : ARS
Token Standard : ERC20
Jurisdiction : Zurich
Legal Qualification : Utility Token
Hardcap : 100,000,000 USD
Number of Tokens : 30,000,000,000
Softcap : 5,000,000 USD
Burn Unsold Token : Yes
Accepted Currency : ETH, USD, & BTC
For further info, please visit link :
Situs web : https://artcoin.ai/
Whitepaper : https://artcoin.ai/mt-content/uploads/2018/11/whitepaper_oct.pdf
Telegram : https://t.me/artcoinai
Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/artchain.ai20
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Artcoinreal
Medium : https://medium.com/@artchainai
My bitcointalk profile URL:- https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1220403
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christ2056 · 5 years
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There is dependably a great deal of babble encompassing the utilization of blockchain innovation in different segments. Be that as it may, minor piece of the exchange fixates on what blockchain can accomplish for the advertising business. While it might appear to be probably not going to have an application for the innovation in the genuine advertising world, blockchain is refuting a lot of doubters.
A principal reason why blockchain could demonstrate fundamental in advertising is the manner by which the business is organized. From the installments to the advertising traffic, everything deals with brought together structures which are regularly not all that safe or dependable. A genuine model is advertising misrepresentation cases that as of late hit Facebook.
Be that as it may, with blockchain-based advertising, we can at last redesign our framework with publicists getting the capacity to lead business legitimately with the advertising publishers. Best of all, all these will be conceivable on a distributed premise.
About Cryptomarket Ads
Cryptomarket Ads is a decentralized, distributed market for automatic advertising. Cryptomarket Ads gives sponsors and publishers capacity to exchange straightforwardly without the requirement for incorporated promotion trades. Cryptomarket Ads is the response to negative patterns in cryptocurrency advertising and marketing. Absence of straightforwardness enables delegates to charge high expenses. Expanding centralization gives huge players capacity to blue pencil undesirable substance. The time has come to end these patterns with the assistance of blockchain innovation.
Addressable Market
A great many dollars are spent on crypto advertising each year. An ever increasing number of ads are exchanged without human collaboration.
Expanding centralizations. Absence of straightforwardness. Shut source frameworks. High expenses. Separation of questionable substance, Fraud and trick
Crypto market ads utilizes blockchain to associate Publishers and Advertisers and let them make direct arrangements utilizing cryptocurrency.
Upper hands
The fundamental upper hand of cryptomarket ads is the capacity to defeat different problems in the advertising business. The platform offers another, more secure idea by using blockchain innovation. Crypto Market Ads will likewise unite publishers and promoters in a single spot.
A second zone of progress is that Crypto Market Ads will be molded as a free market with the goal that each publisher can have solid challenge in the biological system. Publisher will be able to impact, so the price offered is the most reduced price. Crypto Market Ads will likewise give appealing services to sponsors. Each gathering that is associated will profit by a quick exchange.
The Third advantage is the way that cryptomarket is based on blockchain innovation, the blockchain innovation actualized on the Crypto Market Ads platform makes installment frameworks secure and quick. It will utilize CMA Tokens where offers of tokens have begun, and you can get them rapidly. Each trade of products and ventures in the environment will utilize CMA Tokens. That will likewise be a protected trade over square chain innovation.
Crypto Market Ads marketplace can profit clients through its three qualities:
Promote or offer marketing services.
Give counseling services.
Purchase/Sell services identified with existing or new crypto/blockchain ventures.
Conveying predictable advantages, crypto space is producing open doors for the individuals who are drenched in the progressive business enterprise. The people group and substance makers require great benefits to have the option to keep playing out their undertakings with no stresses. Subsequently, the estimation of substance, sites, gathering movement, recordings, online courses, email crusades, and numerous other related services are combined. Currently, there is no merged platform. Crypto Market Ads opens the way to the on-screen characters of the part to offer their advertising and marketing services. The mentality of the originators is to empower the promoters discover comfort in discovering all service suppliers in a single spot at aggressive and objective market prices.
Token: CMA
Type: Utility
Price in preICO 1 CMA = 0.005 USD
IEO launchpad IDAX Launchpad
Price in ICO 0.0100 USD
Country: Latvia
Whitelist/KYC: None
Restricted areas USA
For more information visit the links below
Whitepaper – https://www.cryptomarketads.com/CMA_whitepaper.pdf
Website – https://www.cryptomarketads.com/
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/cryptomarketads
Twitter – https://twitter.com/cryptomarketads
Medium – https://medium.com/@info_85454
Reddit – https://www.reddit.com/user/CryptoMarketAds
Discord – https://discord.gg/vQ7hmTd
YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuxX-rPnrI4j2KqybFk_-jQ
Telegram – https://t.me/CryptoMarketAdsOfficial
MY BITCOINTALK PROFILE URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=895424
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christ2056 · 5 years
MYCRO JOB Revisión de la plataforma
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Hoy en día, en el mundo, las personas ricas no tienen suficiente para hacer trabajos como limpiar la casa, la ropa, el jardín y algunos otros. Pero algunas personas tienen demasiado tiempo para perder en actividades de ocio, por lo que la plataforma Mycro ayudará a los usuarios que estén dispuestos a hacer un trabajo a tiempo parcial para hacer crecer su estándar de vida. Algunas personas, como los hombres de negocios, no tienen tiempo para dar a su familia o disfrutar de la vida, por lo que las personas que no tienen tiempo comprarán su tiempo a través de esta plataforma.
Mycro resolverá los problemas de tiempo y dinero mediante la creación de una plataforma innovadora descentralizada que ayudará a los usuarios a crear un equilibrio entre el tiempo y el dinero. Para los usuarios que no tienen tiempo para ciertos tipos de trabajo, podrán publicar su trabajo y otros que quieran monetizar su tiempo encontrarán un trabajo a través de la aplicación Mycro. Su plataforma satisfará tanto a los proveedores de empleo como a los empleados mediante la creación de confianza y el suministro del trabajo adecuado a la persona adecuada. El solicitante de empleo tiene que simplemente deslizar la página para encontrar un trabajo que coincida con sus habilidades.
Mycro es una plataforma de interfaz intuitiva diseñada para personas que no tienen tiempo ni habilidad para realizar su trabajo en el hogar. Por ejemplo, si desea limpiar su apartamento pero no tiene tiempo, puede poner su trabajo en su aplicación que le permita conectarse con otros miembros que puedan ayudarlo.
Mycro Job utilizará Mycro Token (MYO) para lograr una mejor posición en el panel del proveedor de trabajo. Esto le permite determinar la cantidad de sus propios costos. Lo llamamos workshopping.
Obtenga MYO de una colección de premios de la comunidad para clasificar bien después de un trabajo exitoso y construir la comunidad Mycro, controlada por contratos inteligentes.
Puede usar tokens Mycro (MYO) para pagar el trabajo, de manera confiable y segura utilizando un contrato inteligente de custodia. (planificado).
El algoritmo inteligente de Mycro puede hacer coincidir el trabajo correcto con el buscador adecuado muy rápidamente. Puede publicar sus necesidades de trabajo y los solicitantes de empleo ver trabajo en cualquier momento.
El dinero es retenido por un contrato de depósito inteligente que se descentraliza cuando se realiza el trabajo. Tanto los proveedores de empleo como los que buscan empleo no tienen acceso. El contrato de custodia se hará cargo de los beneficios de los empleados solo si el trabajo tiene éxito.
Mycrojobs Token & ICO Details
Mycro quiere resolver un gran problema de la sociedad. A través de nuestra red de igual a igual para trabajos simples, les devolvemos a las personas el control de su balance de tiempo y dinero. Durante nuestro ICO, se creará un máximo de 100 millones de MYO. La tapa blanda se alcanzará en € 3,5 millones. Los tokens sin usar serán destruidos en un proceso de grabación.
Ficha: MYO
Plataforma: Ethereum
Tipo: ERC20
Precio en ICO 1 MYO = 0.25 EUR
Aceptando: ETH
Distribuido en ICO 40%.
Tapa blanda: 3,500,000 EUR
Casquillo duro: 14,000,000 EUR
Fichas en venta 40,000,000
Website: http://www.mycrojobs.io/
WhitePaper: http://www.mycrojobs.io/
Medium: https://medium.com/mycrojobs
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mycrojobs/
Telegram: https://t.me/mycrojobs
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mycrojobs
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mycro.jobs/
MI PERFIL DE BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1885691
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christ2056 · 5 years
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The transport industry as found as coordinations and products conveyance frameworks, to customized ride-hailing encounters has developed. In any case, it doesn't generally make a difference the structure, the matter of mobility ends up being a major business and a rewarding one at that.
'As everything moves,' the worldwide mobility service chain industry is one which has had a standout amongst the most particular transformational slants ever of, Today I will discuss a crypto transport platform called DRIFE.
DRIFE is a ride-hailing service fueled by cryptocurrency and blockchain - and I will demonstrate that it can protect security, pseudonymity, and trust, at the same time. Besides , by utilizing blockchain technology, crypto transport matches riders with vehicles in a decentralized manner, without depending on any organization or association to deal with the framework
DRIFE is a blockchain based Raid hailing platform situated in UK. DRIFE plans to eliminate excessive transaction fees, reduce censorship (reduce interference from DRIFE side) and redistribute an incentive back to the community, upgrade straightforwardness and return administration obligations back to the community.
The DRIFE platform is created with the goal of settling the momentum worries in the drivers' community, nearby improving the nature of rides for the client. Drivers are offered motivations to acquaint new drivers with the DRIFE platform; which will thus shape a social community of drivers, claimed by the drivers themselves. The outcome is a disintermediation of installment to any middle person between the driver and the client. This will rouse the new drivers to prescribe different drivers until a basic number of drivers as characterized by the system are available on the DRIFE platform.
Drivers utilizing the DRIFE platform will most likely form and cultivate the development of their own armada of drivers. This energizes all drivers on DRIFE to begin another business for themselves, as business people by turning into a DRIFE accomplice increasing individual salary, without yielding any profit as commission.
1. Mental Test for each Driver – Following a productive fulfillment of the KYC system, every driver must experience a wide mental test before being recognized as a DRIFE Driver Partner.
2. Shared Emergency Management (SOS)- This will empower customers to manage any emergencies they may involvement. This will be actioned in a decentralized way by calling upon totally trustworthy people amid need, from their framework.
3. Motivating forces for Community individuals for helping others amid a crisis - Depending on analysis from the person in need, each system part who helps in the midst of crisis and will get repay propelling powers for the organizations they have given.
DRIFE ecosystem comprise of 3 sections
It enables the drivers in ecosystem to get the total toll paid by the travelers on account of no commission include.
• Stable and maintainable Income
• No Commission pay-out
• Network Building and easy revenue generation.
It engages the rider through dApp to have the best encounters per ride both as far as platform different choice highlights and amid their voyage.
• Economical Fares
• Safety
• A preferred list of Drivers
• Community Support
It boosts developers to make helpful instruments and highlights to grow the platform's economy.
• Bug and security bounties incentives
Drife token, DRF is a utility token that will also function as a currency within our platform. It will be used to execute ride payments, access loyalty rewards and staking functions on our platform.
Blockchain type: EOS
ICO Token Type: ETH ERC-20 Compliant Token
Token symbol: DRF
Total supply: 325 Million DRF tokens
Economic model: 1-3% annual Inflation (depends on decision-making by the community)
Whitelist: Yes
KYC: Yes
ICO Model
DRF tokens will be pegged at the value of $0.25 USD 50% of token supply in ICO for sale: 162,500,000 DRF
Soft cap: 32,500,000 DRF (20%).
Hard cap: 162,500,000 DRF (100%)
After the ICO these utility tokens are not just restricted for services but also sold on exchanges. The Driver and rider bonus tokens are to encourage loyalty from DRIFE customers, this will be distributed in form of free miles to the early adopter of DRIFE APP for commuting, and this is given to both rider and drivers for adding new people to their network
For further information, please visit the following link:
Website : https://www.drife.one/
Whitepaper : https://www.drife.one/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Drife-Lightpaper.pdf
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/drife.official
Twitter : https://twitter.com/Drife_official
Telegram : https://t.me/drife_official
My Bitcointalk profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1120501
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christ2056 · 5 years
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Your initial step into the cryptocurrency world will doubtlessly happen through an exchange. There are two primary kinds of exchanges that we will examine in this guide. The main sort of exchange is the thing that the vast majority call a fiat exchange. These exchanges permit the immediate change of US Dollars, Euros, and most government-supported currencies into cryptocurrency. The second kind of exchange are cryptocurrency to cryptocurrency exchanges (C2C), that enable cryptocurrencies to be exchanged with one another.
The decentralized IDAP platform opens new chances - it's a perfect decision for sheltered and quick work with cryptocurrency. Today, the developers figured out how to draw in a few financial specialists without a moment's delay, to allow IDAP to exist.
IDAP is presenting expanded trading and venture apparatuses together with an institutional exchange and improved trading instruments, just as giving day in and day out client backing and top-level security.
The IDAP worldwide digital resources platform is the main self-sufficient ecosystem for trading cryptographic money subordinates . This ecosystem incorporates the IDAP exchange, the work area IDAP application with cutting edge trading devices and, above all, the IDAP devices for trading and putting resources into cryptocurrency subsidiaries. By joining individuals and foundations that need to oversee hazards or decide benefits in the wake of tolerating dangers, the task endeavors to turn into a marketplace for a wide assortment of digital currency subsidiaries for buyers and sellers.
The subordinates market is massively famous for conventional trading instruments like stocks and securities, yet so far cryptocurrency subsidiaries are exceptionally elusive. IDAP plans to turn into the most broadly utilized marketplace for crypto subordinates. Subordinates are a significant piece of trading and hazard the executives. IDAP plans to offer prospects, choices, swaps, spreads including date-book spreads and butterfly spreads, and crypto records. Their trading platform will have the upside of low inactivity and an institutional quality requests framework. Join that with cutting edge investigative devices and diagramming, and you have an extraordinary trading ecosystem.
IDAP will likewise be of extraordinary advantage to financial specialists. With the IDAP stepping stool, financial specialists will most likely observe value developments, best offers, last exchanged costs and sum, all out trading volume at each value, high and low cost, and profundity of market orders. The IDAP Matrix is an instrument that will empower financial specialists to follow all fates market instruments in a solitary window. What's more, the IDAP test system will be prepared for use to recognize the market for newcomers to prospects trading. Obviously, IDAP means to unite the best thoughts, business visionaries and the important assets, with a brooding system dependent on an open blockchain for mind practicing and conceptualizing. IDAP will help extends by giving administrations, for example, starting financing, specialized and foundation support, legitimate and different issues identified with promising undertakings.
1. low Charges: the charges on this exchange is low contrast with effectively existing exchanges.
2. Open: this platform is available to individuals from all aspects of the world. Clients can without much of a stretch access the platform utilizing the cell phones (android and iOS ) or computer.
3. The platform has its own token which clients can utilize the platform to approach gigantic advantages on the platform.
4. Security: the platform is secure in light of the fact that it utilize blockchain technology and new components to shield clients reserves.
ICO And Token Details
ICO will last until August 30, 2018
Name of the token - IDAP
Type of the token - ERC-20
The price of the token is 1 IDAP = $ 0.03
Softcap - 200,000,000 IDAP
Hardcap - 750,000,000 IDAP
Total supply - 1,000,000,000 IDAP
For ICO participants who bought more than 20,000 IDAP tokens, lifetime free trade is provided on the idap.io platform
Website https://www.idap.io/
📘 Telegram https://t.me/idap_io
📘 Facebook https://www.facebook.com/idapio.exchange
📘 Twitter https://twitter.com/idap_io
📘 Whitepaper https://www.idap.io/docs/idap-io-whitepaper.pdf
📘 Ann https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3431151.0
My Bitcointalk profile URL:
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christ2056 · 6 years
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Alongside the approach of blockchain, artificial intelligence is an advancement that could change the world. As cryptocurrencies have developed progressively well known being used and application, so too are the quantity of tasks concentrated on intertwining these two innovations together.
For those of you who don't generally know the advantages of AI in a blockchain platform here a portion of this advantages are:-
Simulated intelligence and Blockchain are exceptionally helpful when consolidated together
1. Artificial Intelligence and encryption function admirably together
Because of the cryptography inalienable in the documenting arrangement of Distributed Ledger Technology, the information put away in a Blockchain is secure. Consequently, Blockchains are perfect for the capacity for individual and touchy information. Since Blockchain databases store data in an encoded state, thusly it is important that the private keys are remained careful to guarantee that every one of the information on the chain is kept secure.
2. Choices made by AI can be comprehended with the assistance of Blockchain
Artificial intelligence settles on choices by breaking down an expansive number of factors. Such choices can be hard for people to get it. These choices wind up less demanding to be reviewed when they are put away on an information point by information point premise on the Blockchain. One can be sure that the data put away on the Blockchain is carefully designed.
3. Blockchains can be overseen proficiently with Artificial Intelligence
Up until this point, PCs have been inept as they are not ready to play out any undertaking without express guidelines. It implies that activities with information on the Blockchain would require a lot of computing power. This is the place Artificial Intelligence becomes an integral factor. Simulated intelligence makes PCs smart. A Machine Learning based mining calculation would most likely learn at work, and in this way hone its abilities.
Simulated intelligence fueled undertakings speak to a standout amongst the most energizing parts in the cryptocurrency space — yet with such a large number of to browse, it's elusive the ones most deserving of your consideration. Dread not! We're here to isolate the good product from the refuse. In this article I will discuss a standout amongst the best AI-based venture to pay special mind to in 2019, this task is called MINDSYNC.
MINDSYNC is essentially a platform and a worldwide community of artificial intelligence and AI experts that will help organizations of different types flourish. It is an AIaaS (AI-as-a-Service) and ExaaS (Expert-as-a-Service)platform that assistance take care of business problems identified with clients through artificial intelligence based solutions that is effectively accessible and moderate to a wide scope of organizations. Vital association with decentralized supercomputer ventures and crypto mining ranches by Mindsync will make computing power accessible to community individuals and clients. They will likewise gain rewards for utilizing this platform, trade involvement and speak with people of same mentality for individual and expert development. Mindsync capacities with blockchain shrewd contracts innovation.
There are three noteworthy kinds of Mindsync keen contracts which are;
1. AI Contest. A savvy contract can be made by any client of the Mindsync platform utilizing its formats he will make rivalry principles and challenge term for which he should pay contingent upon the length of the challenge.
2. Mindsync Platform Contract. This agreement comprise of the information notoriety of clients, as it will be given great vote or not, this will help the respectability of the platform as deceitful exercises will be limited and the guilty parties being conveyed to book and rebuffed.
3. MAI Token Contract. This agreement will store the parity of clients of the platform and direct where the tokens will be distributed to either for rivalry prize or master charges.
At the point when a business is confronting a specific issue they can post it as a test on the Mindsync platform which will be obvious to all the community individuals, and each one of the individuals who are intrigued and are experts in the platform will enroll for the test in the wake of tolerating the terms and conditions include. The group of experts or person that make the solution to the issue will present their work for survey by the client in need and different experts in the community. Also, if the audit is effective the client purchases the solution. Be that as it may, for a person to be a piece of the community he needs to make a record with Mindsync which is absolutely free and after that he is subject to appreciate every one of the advantages related with the platform.
So as to take an interest in the MindSync environment, engineers, experts, computing power and huge information suppliers, volunteers and scientists are required to have the MindSync Coins tokens. The tokens will likewise be utilized to rewards members on the biological system.
Token: MindSync Coin (MAI)
Token protocol: ERC20
Total token supply: 1,000,000,000
Token supply during ICO: 500,000,000
Token price: $0.14
ICO date: March 01, 2019
Accepted currencies: ETH, USD, BTC, LTC and 120+ altcoins
Soft Cap: 30,000,000 MAI
Hard Cap: 500,000,000 MAI
Website: https://mindsync.ai/
Whitepaper: https://mindsync.ai/
Telegram: http://t.me/mindsync_ai
Facebook: https://fb.me/mindsync.ai.official
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mind_sync
My bitcointalk Profile link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1120501
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christ2056 · 6 years
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Bitcoin has been an amazingly intriguing issue in the payments business over the past couple years, without any indications of backing off. Regularly neglected in the bitcoin dialog, nonetheless, is the promising innovation that powers it: blockchain.
A blockchain-run payment system would enable more businesses to really utilize the assets they have in cryptographic money for genuine business exchanges. Our organization at times pays contractual workers with bitcoin, yet we can't at present use it to pay producers or other production network members.
A productive payment processor would furnish organizations with almost moment, differing approaches to utilize their benefits, taking into consideration improved liquidity and diminished risk.
but a sector that is quite promising is within advertising. An estimate indicates 2017 saw the digital advertising sector experiencing an investment of more than $550 billion to fund the global digital ad ecosystems. And yet, with all the investment there still exist well-documented inefficiencies and transparency problems raging that rage within the systems.
The use of blockchain is offering an independently verifiable and decentralized way that verifies the transaction process throughout the ad supply chain. The system within blockchain does not act as another layer but rather parallel and completing the existing ad delivery mechanism. Participants within blockchain-powered ad ecosystem gain a greater transparency level into understanding how their payments are going from the initial release. Take a look at SaTT, a blockchain based advertising platform.
SaTT (Smart Advertising Transaction Token) is a platform for advertising efforts utilizing blockchain technology. Because of this platform, the sponsor has the chance to advance products and services of his organization without delegates, just as to dissect and securely store past advertising efforts.
With SaTT Smart Contract, ads and exchanges are administered by modules of self-sufficient creatures verified by the Ethereum blockchain. In case of a breakdown of a module or Oracle, the honesty of other sponsors' ads is protected. The exchange cost is separated among encryption and Oracle modules as per the necessities of utilization. There is no base month to month charging. The challenge between Oracle modules ensures an abnormal state of service and focused rates. By utilizing SaTTs, payments are quick when the achievement criteria are met. Payments are not expose to exchange expenses or money transformation charges.
SaTT Advantages
The SaTT platform has a few favorable circumstances that are significant for clients:
payment for effectiveness - sponsors pay just for those advancement battles that truly brought outcomes;
utilizing smart contracts - they robotize the advertising effort, and its coordinator keeps on controlling the circumstance;
information security - all data is put away in the blockchain, which avoids unapproved get to;
numerous retransmitters of advertising - you can pick any current channels of advancement on the Internet, including interpersonal organizations and other prevalent platforms for advancement.
SaTT Token
SaTT is an ERC20 token with a total volume of 420 000 000 tokens. Tokens are used to simplify all transactions in the ecosystem. The token allows users to purchase package applications and their mail service. The token itself is used as payment for advertising services and products.
ICO SaTT Token
Token Sale: ICO start date 01 May 2018 ICO end date 31 Mar 2019
ICO token supply: 68,000,000
Soft Cap: 3,360,000 USD
Hard Cap : 28,560,000 USD
Ticker: SaTT
Price 1 SaTT = 0.42 USD
Product Type: App
Registration Country: USA
For more informations about SaTT visit links below:
Website: https://www.satt-token.com
Read Whitepaper: https://www.atayen.us/satt/files/ico_satt_en.pdf
ANN thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3407522.0
Telegram: https://t.me/satttoken
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SaTT.Token/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SaTT_Token
Medium: https://medium.com/@satt.atayen
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/user/NicolasROY/
GitHub: https://github.com/Atayen/satt
My bitcointalk profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1967720
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christ2056 · 6 years
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Blockchain technology is broadly known as the innovative premise on which bitcoin is fabricated. This technology has made exclusive requirements, as transactions of each sort are executed in a decentralized medium, without the need of a confided in outsider. Blockchain genuine business applications are as of now constrained for the most part to monetary administrations yet numerous R&D extends in organizations and companies endeavor to enhance the regions of blockchain usage. In this paper, we direct a methodical study with the point of pointing out the zones in which blockchain technology applications and administrations are being produced both in people in general and private part. In the outcomes, we talk about the problematic impact that this technology could bring to different business segments just as the worries in regards to the advancement of the blockchain technology. I need to discuss another blockchain organization that brings business proprietors and customers and enable at that point to lease resources.
RENTO is a worldwide exchange platform for businesses and people that enables you to lease resources. In contrast to rivals in the market, Rento gives rental of any item to any individual, rather than simply concentrating on one market (autos, condos). What's more, Rento utilizes blockchain technology to present a hearty economy through smartcontracts that uphold rent terms and that the gatherings can depend on one another to convey and restore an item or administration. Rento tries to insert the exchange economy in the everyday lives of individuals around the globe, diminishing waste in the economy and enabling more individuals to utilize an assortment of administrations and items without accepting the expense of owning each sort of thing they use.
The organization Rento offers a few portions of items and administrations, concentrating fundamentally on undertakings and specialist co-ops to finish the platform a huge supply of accessible assets to guarantee that the platform will at first be sufficient assets for customers to locate her appealing. Rento will be propelled with essential posting fragments, for example, family things, yard trimmers or snow blowers, to the detriment of increasingly business offers, for example, joint workplaces and meeting rooms, development hardware, parking spots and even HR. Notwithstanding building up an exchange platform, Rento wants to make no less than one physical rental store as verification of the idea for sharing an ecosystem.
The reason for Rentois to extend the sharing economy to immaculate enterprises. She is probably going to confront hardened challenge from built up players. AirBnB, working in the field of rental/rent of land, and Turo, working in the field of leasing an individual vehicle, are among the fundamental contenders. In any case, these contenders are restricted both in their range and in the scope of things advertised. For instance. AirBnB is just centered around leasing space for amusement, while numerous individuals likewise need transitory office space. Turo isn't legitimate in numerous geographic districts. Moreover, none of them serves businesses. All through the business there are numerous kinds of hardware that can be shared between individuals however there is no chance to get for individuals to get to other individuals' gear, and there is no certain method to test the believability of frameworks. From horticulture to development to office hardware, the potential for an exchange economy is gigantic.
Token Name
Token Standard
Token Price
1 RTO = 0.12 USD
Start Of Public Sale
October 16, 2018
End Of Public Sale
February 28, 2019
Total Token Supply
600,000,000 RTO
Tokens For Sale
264 000 000
For more information please visit the links below:
Website: https://rento-app.io/
Whitepaper: https://rento-app.io/assets/whitepaper.pdf
ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5074644.0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Rento_app
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rentoapp/
Telegram: https://t.me/rentoapp
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rento.app/
Medium: https://medium.com/app-rento
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Rento/
My Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1220403
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christ2056 · 6 years
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The emergence of blockchain and the relative level of success enjoyed by a number of blockchain-based enterprises in such a short amount of time has created a paradigm shift in the consciousness of some people. By applying blockchain technology to the energy market, the industry can move from its present centralized architecture to a more decentralized peer-to-peer energy trading market. If there is one thing that the blockchain has revealed, it is that just about anything can become a tradable asset once it is put on a blockchain.
Blockchain Technology in the Energy Market
Already, there are a number of startups that have invested heavily in incorporating blockchain technology into the energy market across different sectors of the industry. One of the most promising platform is bluenote.
BLUENOTE is a zero carbon emission block chain base energy platform
that will help identify, implement and finance environmentally replicable projects to achieve economic, social or environmental benefit. The platform will operate through a transparent structure where building projects (“Blue”) will get the chance to upload their raw performance energy data onto the community-verified calculator for carbon-emission reduction, with BLUENOTE PROTOCOL an open-access network that will enable users data sharing, analysis, and building energy services for them to have energy sufficient strategies for their buildings.
The Bluenote Protocol is the largest means of climate change through energy consumption, which accounts for almost 35% of greenhouse gas emissions in the world. All facilities will be able to reduce the level of energy consumed by intelligent control, rational analysis of information, the addition of innovative technologies in the field of energy. With them, you can improve the usefulness of buildings. When launching the platform, Bluenote receives buildings where the method of reducing energy consumption, reducing emissions, increasing the price of buildings is specified. The Bluenote platform processes and identifies sources of information, tracks access control, and uses metadata and content. Bluenote manages microservices or even stores collected data. The platform represents a typed structure for processing information flows.
December 2015 - Launch
Blue City Solutions (“Blue”), the global coalition that helps improve people’s lives by testing, sharing and implementing the best smart city solutions, officially launches at COP21 in Paris.
May 2016 - Discuss
Blue hosts an open innovation debate for stakeholders from the international energy world at the Blue Horizon event in Amsterdam, where commercial real estate is discussed as the largest singular source of carbon emissions in cities.
September 2016 - Focus
Blue initiates a project to develop a protocol that enables the global real estate market to track energy efficiency live: the Bluenote project.
February 2017 - Open
The Bluenote project team is formed with the goal to develop a protocol that powers an independent, decentralized economy that helps to optimize energy efficiency for commercial real estate around the world.
Fall 2018 - Share a token generation event
Everyone who passes the KYC process can participate in the Bluenote token investment pool and in the economics of Bluenote token performance. Bluenote tokens are based on the Ethereum blockchain ERC20 Token Standard.
2018 - Build real-time energy reporting
Bluenote will launch the world’s first open-data, real-time building performance protocol to benchmark and verify each building’s energy, emissions and financial data
Token Symbol : BNOW
Total Supply : 12,500,000,000 Tokens
Tokens for Sale : 6,250,000,000 (50%)
Blockchain/Token : Ethereum - ERC20
Token Issue : Immediately - Trading
starts after IEO Start / End of Sale : December 21, 2018 / TBA
KYC : Document KYC IEO Token
Price 1 BNOW = USD 0.01
Private Sale : USD 10,000,000 - RAISED
Public Sale Cap : USD 10,000,000
Total Fundraising Goal : USD 20,000,000
Accepted Currencies : BTC
Website: https://bluenote.world/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/bluenote_world
Facebook: https://facebook.com/bluenote.world
Telegram: https://t.me/bluenoteworld
Bitcointalk ANN thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5079953.0
My bitcointalk URL:
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christ2056 · 6 years
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Ethereum va au-delà d'une simple plate-forme pour le transfert de devise numérique peer to peer et offre une plus grande flexibilité et une application plus large de la technologie de blockchain par le biais de contrats intelligents. Cela en a fait l'une des blockchain les plus populaires et a entraîné une augmentation exponentielle du trafic sur sa blockchain ces dernières années. Avec le contrat intelligent, plusieurs autres crypto-monnaies ont été développées en plus de la blockchain d'Ethereum et de nombreuses entreprises s'appuient sur cette technologie pour leurs transactions commerciales et leurs transferts quotidiens. Le principal problème de ces développements est qu'elle a eu une incidence négative sur la vitesse de traitement des transactions. la blockchain Ethereum, qui constitue à son tour une menace viable pour l’extensibilité de cette technologie.
Il s'avère que le nombre de transactions par seconde sur la blockchain Ethereum est très faible. En effet, l'encombrement rend la vérification des transactions plus longue et les utilisateurs doivent souvent attendre des heures. Avec la croissance de la blockchain, la taille des blocs augmente également et chaque nœud devant disposer de l'état complet de la chaîne de données pour la vérification et le traitement d'une transaction, il devient de plus en plus difficile et long de traiter les transactions. Les défis pour rendre les transactions plus rapides et transparentes sont bien définis et complexes par nature. Cependant, il existe des solutions exploitables au problème. Bien que certaines solutions compromettent le niveau de décentralisation offert par la plate-forme, elles rendent néanmoins le traitement des transactions plus rapide et plus sécurisé. Il existe un besoin urgent de développer des solutions innovantes et testées pour rendre la Blockchain d’Ethereum évolutive en améliorant la vitesse de traitement des transactions.
Qu'est-ce que Ethereum Classic Vision?
L'ETCV est une impasse d'ethereum qui aura lieu le 11 janvier 2019. Tous les détenteurs d’Ethereum qui ont 1 Ethereum recevront 3 ETCV après la prise d’un instantané (rapport 1: 3). Votre ethereum ne doit pas faire l'objet d'échanges car vous n'êtes pas éligible pour recevoir un ETCV, vous devez disposer de votre ethereum dans (MetaMask, Jaxx, MyEtherWallet, Ledger Nano, etc.).
Un protocole d’exploitation minière plus efficace, sûr et rentable qui maintiendra le réseau totalement décentralisé.
Le réseau ETCV sera en mesure de traiter plus de 25 000 transactions par seconde, contre seulement 25 en ETH.
Stockage de fichiers décentralisé bon marché pour votre dApp.
Les mineurs de l'ETCV n'ont pas besoin de craindre que leur récompense soit réduite arbitrairement - dans notre système, les intérêts des mineurs et des commerçants sont soigneusement équilibrés.
Le lancement d'un contrat intelligent entraînera des frais uniques minimes; contrat inutilisé peut être placé en état de sommeil temporaire à la suite d’un vote.
Q3-4 2018 Idée et développement de fourches dures ETH; formation de l'équipe; négociation
avec et inscription des premiers conseillers
11 janvier 2019 Instantané du réseau des EPF et distribution d'Ethereum Classic Vision
pièces de monnaie
T1 2019 Introduction de la plate-forme dApps (initialement avec les nouveaux dApps résidant sur le
chaîne principale et prise en charge de la migration à partir de la technologie virtuelle Ethereum et Ethereum Classic
Machines); établissement de partenariats technologiques clés; annonce Ethereum Classic
Vision à un certain nombre d’échanges numériques majeurs; test du module d'échange P2P
VisionDEX; audit de sécurité des contrats intelligents VisionDEX; élargir l'équipe et
ajouter plus de développeurs; lancement d'une campagne marketing à grande échelle.
T2 2019 Mise en œuvre du module d'échange décentralisé P2P; à bord d'un
conseil consultatif spécialisé dans la technologie de sharding et de stockage décentralisé; travailler sur
le protocole de partage; développement du système de stockage décentralisé basé sur IPFS;
tester le protocole de consensus PoS; roadshow couvrant les principaux événements de codage et
hackathons en Europe et en Asie.
T3 2019 Passage au protocole de consensus de PDS; intégration de la plate-forme dApp avec
VisionDEX; Mise en place d'éclats; test du module de stockage de fichiers et de la
système de récompenses associé; attirer des conseillers du domaine du mouvement zéro code.
T4 2019 Intégration IPFS avec récompenses pour les fournisseurs d’espace de stockage, lancement d’un
campagne de marketing pour le système de stockage; établir des partenariats avec blockchain
fondations en Amérique du Nord et en Asie de l'Est; augmenter le nombre d'échanges numériques
où Ethereum Classic Vision est répertorié.
Test bêta Q1 de fonctionnalités supplémentaires pour VisionDEX (prêt sur marge, ordres limités, etc.)
T2 2020 Intégration de nouvelles fonctionnalités boursières: stop-loss, ordres à cours limité, trading sur marge;
implémentation d'un kit de développement Sidechain pour la plate-forme dApp
T3 2020 Mise en œuvre du trading de dérivés de crypto-monnaie; introduction d'un
outil de migration pour les applications développées hors EVM (NEO, EOS, Lisk, Stratis)
T4 2020 Intégration d'un module de développement dApp sans code et par glisser-déposer
Fourche dure Ethereum - Ethereum Classic Vision - 11.01.19
Livre blanc: https://ethereumcv.io/whitepaper.pdf
Site web: https://ethereumcv.io/#subscribe
Mon lien de profil BitcoinTalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1967720
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christ2056 · 6 years
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Die AIDUS-Plattform möchte globale Investoren (eine Gruppe von Vermögenswerten für das Asset Management) mit professionellen Asset-Management-Unternehmen verbinden, während sie das Quant Trading System (QTS) an Asset-Management-Unternehmen liefern wird, damit sie verschiedene margenstarke Produkte entwickeln können, die alle darauf abzielen wirklich zu revolutionieren und ein neues Ökosystem des globalen Vermögensverwaltungsmarktes zu schaffen.
Die wichtigsten Neuerungen, die AIDUS für die aktuelle Kryptowährung und den Asset-Management-Markt bringen wird, sind:
Schutz von Münzinhabern (Anlegern) durch ein Münzenmodell, das die Münze mit Grundlagen ausstattet;
Realisierung des realen Währungswertes der Münze durch Ermöglichung der tatsächlichen Verwendung in der Vermögensverwaltung (Real Economy);
Ermöglichung eines dezentralisierten Fondsmarktdienstes, der einen kostenlosen Zugang für die Unterzeichnung globaler Fondsprodukte und die Nutzung verschiedener Dienste im Rahmen des ADFP ermöglicht;
Bereitstellung verschiedener Fondsportfolios, die für die gesamte Welt sicher sind und eine hohe Rendite bieten.
Auf diese Weise soll ADFP eine echte Innovation darstellen, die verschiedene Probleme angehen würde, die den bestehenden Kryptowährungen innewohnten, sowie verschiedene Probleme bei den Anlegern und Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaften.
Was ist AIDUS?
AIDUS ist eine dezentrale Fondsmanagement-Plattform, Aidus ist im ETH-Netzwerk tätig und führt Transaktionen durch intelligente Verträge aus, die für das ETH-Netzwerk spezifisch sind. Die AIDUS-Plattform, basierend auf der Peer-To-Peer-Logik, bietet eine Vielzahl von Lösungen für sehr wichtige Themen wie Geschwindigkeit, Sicherheit, Transparenz und Benutzerfreundlichkeit.
Die Entwicklungsphase des Aidus-Projekts hat mehr als ein Jahr gedauert und wurde nie unterbrochen und wird niemals gegeben. Die Erfahrung des Unternehmens und seines Teams im Hintergrund basiert auf den in den letzten fünfzehn Jahren geleisteten Arbeiten. Erst nachdem alles getan und umgesetzt wurde, hatte das Team die Gelegenheit, diese Idee und dieses Projekt der Welt vorzustellen ein ganzes.
Die AIDUS-Münze, die die entscheidende Rolle im ADFP-basierten Markt für dezentrale Fonds spielt, wird durch den Token-Vorverkauf in Form eines ICO (Initial Coin Offering) erworben. Die im ICO angebotenen Token basieren auf dem ERC-2o-Token-Format und können auf dem Fondsmarkt verwendet werden, sobald der dezentrale Fondsmarkt der AIDUS Global D-Fund Platform aufgelegt wird. Wenn das AIDUS Main-Net in späteren Phasen gestartet wird, muss das Token im Verhältnis 1: 1 in AIDUS Coin geändert werden.
Token-Name - AIDUS
Token-Symbol - AID
Gesamtfreigabe - AID
Token-Verkaufsskala - AID
Hard Cap - 100.000.000 $
Softcover - 10.000.000 USD
Preis - 1 AID = USD 0, 06
Verkauf von Münzen - ETH
1. Quartal ~ 2. Quartal
Gründung des AIDUS Projektteams
Forschung zum ICO-Geschäftsmodell mit QTS
Rückblick auf das AIDUS-Münzenmodell
3. Quartal
Rechtliche Beratung in Bezug auf ADFP-basierten Fondsmarkt und AIDUS Coin
ICO Investment Review und Kooperation arbeitet mit strategischen Partnern
AIDUS ICO Website Eröffnung / AIDUS Whitepaper
Vertragsvereinbarung über die QTS-basierte Fondsfreigabe
4. Quartal
Geschäftspräsentation / Privatverkauf
Privatverkauf / 1. AIDUS-Vorverkauf
2. AIDUS Pre-Sale / ICO (Crowd Sale)
AIDUS-Notierung an den Börsen (erstes Halbjahr 2019)
AIDUS-Notierung an den Börsen (erstes Halbjahr 2019)
Markteinführung des AIDUS-Fonds auf ADFP-Basis
AIDUS Main-Net Eröffnung & AIDUS Coin Listing
Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie einen der folgenden Links
Website: https://aidus.io/
Tokensale / ICO: https://aidus.io/buytoken
Weißes Papier: https://d2ao5bnwtor39o.cloudfront.net/pdf/White_Paper_PDF/AIDUS_White_Paper_eng.pdf
Bitcointalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5074580
Telegram: https://t.me/aidusofficial
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AIDUSofficial
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AIDUSofficial/
Medium: https://medium.com/@AIDUSofficial
Mein Bitcointalk-Link: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1220403
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christ2056 · 6 years
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About Noiz Chain Platform
NOIZ is een AI met een blockchain-netwerk voor uitwisselingen van advertenties dat transparante gegevens biedt voor alle partijen, waardoor een optimale gebruikerservaring wordt geboden en campagnes met sociale impact worden verbeterd.
NOIZ gelooft in het einde van transparante advertentieruimte, waardoor gebruikers zich kunnen bevrijden van de invloed van adverteerders, uitgevers en bemiddelaars die persoonlijke informatie willen gebruiken.
Het NOIZ-project combineert het AI-systeem met blockchain-technologie om een ​​hybride concept van interoperabiliteitstests te creëren ‘om reclamefraude te bestrijden, een consensusgericht ecosysteem te creëren dat adverteerders en uitgevers verantwoordelijk houdt voor hun zakelijke acties en praktijken. En als gevolg daarvan een nieuw advertentienetwerkplatform dat het volledige advertentie-ecosysteem zal updaten.
Dankzij de gedecentraliseerde structuur en de blokechnologie voorkomt NOIZ datadiefstal.
Het platform maakt gebruik van de zogenaamde cognitieve bot - NIKOLA, om gespreksdialogen in elke advertentie te initiëren. NIKOLA wordt geleverd met de typische taalverwerkingstechnologie, hoe meer consumenten communiceren met NIKOLA, hoe meer het NIKOLA-systeem zal worden ontwikkeld. Het kan ook met meerdere talen werken, met freestyle tekst of spraakberichten.
Het NOIZ-ecosysteem maakt gebruik van het NOIZ-symbool. Dit vergemakkelijkt alle advertentiecampagnes en het maken van slimme contracten en het token fungeert als een kortingsbon die door adverteerders en uitgevers aan consumenten is aangekondigd.
Bestrijden van oplichters (voor adverteerders)
Het stimuleringsprincipe: NOIZ gebruikt twee methoden om de interactie met klanten te vergroten. Maak eerst een dynamisch gespreksvenster, zodat klanten direct kunnen communiceren met adverteerders. Ten tweede biedt dit aanbod klanten prikkels om directe conversie of verkoop te stimuleren.
Zorgen voor de transparantie van digitale advertenties (voor adverteerders en uitgevers)
NOIZ faciliteert het peer-to-peer advertentienetwerk, waar adverteerders en uitgevers weten met wie ze te maken hebben. Ze kunnen de geschiedenis van publicaties controleren en alle mogelijke manieren van fraude bij alle transacties bekijken. Alle informatie wordt opgenomen in de blockroom.
Voorkomen van gegevenslekken (voor consumenten en uitgevers).
NOIZ biedt adverteerders en uitgevers de mogelijkheid om nauwkeurig en eerlijk consumentengegevens te verzamelen en te delen met behulp van een blockbuster, verzamelen en delen van consumentengegevens met behulp van een blockbuster, waardoor consumenten de mogelijkheid hebben om te bepalen welke persoonlijke informatie zij bereid zijn aan adverteerders te verstrekken en uitgevers.
Uitbreiden van maatschappelijke kansen en vergroten van verantwoordelijkheid voor het reclamemodel (voor consumenten).
Het NOIZ-platform zal consumenten in staat stellen om een ​​consensus te vormen over of op te treden tegen adverteerders, uitgevers en organisaties met sociale impact, waardoor adverteerders, uitgevers en maatschappelijke organisaties met een lage rating van het gebruik van het NOIZ-netwerk worden voorkomen.
Verantwoordelijkheid dragen voor activiteiten op het gebied van maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen (voor adverteerders en consumenten)
NOIZ stelt adverteerders ook in staat automatisch deel te nemen aan SALT-evenementen (sociale impactorganisaties) en een deel van hun advertentiebudgetten te schenken aan SALT-campagnes, terwijl de consumentengemeenschap begunstigden - sociale impactorganisaties - biedt met toegang tot deelname aan SALT-evenementen
Token details:
Er zullen in totaal 400 miljoen NOIZ-tokens worden uitgegeven tegen 0,25 USD per token. Ze zullen worden verdeeld over aankopen, marktdeelnemers en het NOIZ-team. 180.000.000 (45%) NOIZ-tokens worden tijdens de tokenverkoop verdeeld. 60.000.000 (15%) worden bewaard als reserves. 8.000.000 (2%) NOIZ wordt uitgezonden naar early adopters en leden van de community. 32.000.000 NOIZ (8%) is gereserveerd voor de adviseurs en 40.000.000 (10%) NOIZ wordt gehouden voor liefdadigheidsinstellingen die deelnemen aan het platform. 80.000.000 NOIZ (20%) zal worden verdeeld onder de leden van het Founding Team.
Token: NOIZ
PreICO prijs 1 NOIZ = 0,1875 USD
Prijs 1 NOIZ = 0,25 USD
MVP / Prototype beschikbaar
Platform Ethereum
ETH accepteren
Minimale investering 100 USD
Zachte dop 15.000 ETH
Harde kap 60.000 ETH
Land Hong Kong
Whitelist / KYC KYC & Whitelist
Verboden gebieden: USA, China.
Openbare verkoop: 15 juni 2018 - 15 augustus 2018
ANN Bitcointalk Thread: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3641176
Twitter: https://twitter.com/NOIZchain
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NOIZchain
Website: https://tinyurl.com/yaybuwov
Telegram: https://tinyurl.com/ybpanqxc
Whitepaper: https://tinyurl.com/ycoxymhv
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christ2056 · 6 years
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FanChain intends to create a decentralized global sports entertainment ecosystem that uses unique token platforms to stimulate and encourage active participation, content production and ecosystem growth. Using SportsCastr platform, broadcast in real time, FanChain tokens can be paid to commentators who submit their own individual comments to their own amateur base, giving consumers a choice of television to choose their favorite commentator.
FanChain will be first integrated into the SportsCastr platform, allowing users to pay premium subscriptions and access exclusive content. The corporate SDK from FanChain will allow integrating its technologies with online publications, fantastic sports, social networks, sports teams, leagues and stadiums.
For each user will be given a simple and easy-to-use interface FanWallet. The wallet will provide an opportunity for each participant to send, receive FanChain tokens, convert the FanChain token in Tix, and monitor revenue and expenses in the application.
FanChain can act as a bridge between existing sports characteristics, which currently do not have the ability to interact with each other.
Presence of its own currency, which was created specifically for the world sports market. What allows SportsCastr and other members of the FanChain ecosystem to reward fans for creating value for their favorite teams and allows brands and organizations to navigate and reward their most passionate fans. Users will be able to exchange their tokens for rewards, prizes and access, including subscriptions to premium channels and content, digital products and sports memorabilia for the teams and leagues that they follow.
Ability to comment on fans' comments, which will be integrated directly into sports broadcasts via SportsCastr, opening the door for incentives and solutions based on crypto currency.
Token FANZ and ICO
Since FanChain is a fuel that controls the digital economy, and the SportsCastr user program rewards the user, SportsCastr will act as a powerful addition to the new FanChain token adherents. SportsCastr will provide incentives and rewards for its users - both creators and viewers - through a two-currency system. This two-currency system includes the In-App currency, "Tix", which simulates the common currency used in social games and the FanChain tokens, which are tokens created on the Ethereum blockbuster.
Studio-quality graphics
Real-time scoreboards
Virtual reality integrations
Fast delivery
FanChain ecosystem including all of the following:
Digital goods will allow viewers to reward sportscastr’s with FanChain tokens. Viewer can use these digital goods to tip their favorite contributors throughout a broadcast. Viewers who send the greatest value of digital goods climb the fan leaderboard for that sportscastr, earning notoriety and garnering attention for their own streams.
Viewers will be able to use FanChain tokens to unlock pay-per-view (“PPV”) streams and other paywalled content. This premium content may include live sporting events, private chats, behind the scenes footage, or select user-generated-content that is not publicly available.
Apps, websites, media publishers and other entities will be able to easily accept FanChain tokens for goods, services and access by integrating a FanChain token payment gateway called “FanPay”. The software-plugin will allow third-parties to easily offer discounts or offers to holders of specific team tokens, both online and on-location.
SportsCastr plans to develop a web-based trading exchange where users may exchange the stamped FanChain tokens of one team for FanChain tokens stamped with a different team. This will allow users to build a collection of stamped FanChain for their favorite teams while reducing tokens stamped with teams they have less allegiance to.
A wallet for web and mobile devices will be developed that will provide a visual breakdown of FanChain tokens by team, the ability for users to select and send team specific tokens, the ability for users to send specific stamped FanChain tokens to other users and to see and consume offers available to those who hold specifically stamped tokens.
All users of the SportsCastr platform will be exposed to an easy-to-use, highly-secure integrated FanWallet. The wallet will allow users to send and receive FanChain tokens, convert FanChain tokens to Tix, and track their in-app earnings and purchases… all from within a single app.
Official links
Website: https://www.qryptos.com/ico/FANZ
White Paper: https://qryptos.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/ico_project_info/white_paper_file/9/QUOINE_FanChain_WhitePaper_1.0g.compressed.pdf
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/SportsCastr/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sportscastr
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/HMX3kA5Y_7f1BO7i_jRqSA
Twitter: https://twitter.com/sportscastrlive
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sportscastr/
My bitcointalk profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1009777
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christ2056 · 6 years
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Destream is a global financial ecosystem built on the blockchain. Destream is a decentralized ecosystem that has been created for the streaming industry, I.e both the content streamers and their audience will get to benefit from an improved financial gateway for the exchange of monetary value in respect of the value of content that is been exchanged.
They are building a creative stage that will end up being an ecosystem for Streamers. The utilization of Blockchain Technology will enable them to diminish exchange costs dramatically. Because of decentralization, they will exclude payment systems from the process and decrease much exchange costs. In that capacity, they will enhance the quality of the content and the streamer will be permitted to focus around the creation, not the operational exercises.
Many of those centralized solutions are faced with problems, and due to the young age of the sector, there hasn’t been much time for competition to develop. Patreon and Flattr take more than 10% away from each creator’s donations in fees and processing.
YouTube’s and Twitch’s in-house solutions also charge hefty fees and more-over lack worldwide availability. Some creators have thought of turning to cryptocurrency, but the issue with this aside of adoption lies in the fact that a subscription-based model with crypto hasn’t proved hard to develop but with Destream the project’s team aspires to build a feature-rich platform to receive donations on low commissions by utilizing decentralization and blockchain technology, also creating a robust and censorship-proof platform in the process.
The project’s ideology presented in two or three phrases is as follows: DeStream intends to create a hub which would allow the donors to continue paying in any format convenient – meaning currency, payment system and jurisdiction, while streamers receive all the proceeds in a unified format (internal DST tokens) on a unified wallet, same for all platforms the streamer operated and all transaction he or she receives;
Consolidated accrued funds are free to be withdrawn into fiat, sold for other cryptocurrency, or spent for goods and services available from DeStream partner.
DeStream platform guarantees a fixed transaction fee of 0.77% of a transaction amount. To date, no payment service is working under these conditions.
Artificial intelligence, which is the basis of Destream, has justified itself and provided its users with the opportunity to work on several tasks at once through patented algorithms. Designers meet the latest requirements in the field of advertising and are constantly updated by the creators.
Work on the platform is carried out through a multicurrency wallet, where both cryptocurrencies and fiat money are accepted as payment and exchanged at a favorable rate into DST platform tokens.
Destream platform is also beneficial for advertisers. With its help, an advertiser will be able to analyze the profitability of advertising, the effectiveness of its content and the level of return from its placement.
The platform is developed with the use of smart contracts and guarantees the transparency of all transactions, the security of their performance and a low commission.
Destream platform token is used to purchase digital goods and services between a customer and a streamer, and to pay for additional functions on the platform.
Fees Reduction
The platform's commission fee is reduced to 0.77%, which allows streamers to make more income in the process. There are no restrictions in that there are uniform conditions for the making of deposits or withdrawals using the same commission with no regards to the currency or the method used for making deposits.
Low Transaction Costs
Blockchain technology allows system transactions to be reduced to up to 0.77%, which is two times lower than any other system. There are no restrictions put up by the platform in that there will be equal rules applied for inputs and outputs operations with no regards the type of currency.
The platform's smart contract regulates the relationship among streamers, advertisers, and viewers thus leading to their protection from a partner failing to meet their obligations in terms of payment. Smart contract ensures that terms of making transactions are followed promptly.
Free Marketplace
The marketplace forum allows streamers to purchase new equipment and sell their customized merchandise in the system. The user does not have to start thinking of withdrawing their funds for usage since relevant goods are readily available at the marketplace.
Token Details
Symbol: DST
Platform: Ethereum (for ICO), Stratis (for the platform)
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 (1 billion)
Private round until July 15th
Stratis Crowdsale July 15th - August 1st
Crowdsale August 1st - September 30th
Soft cap $5,500,000
Hard cap at $12,000,000
Target cap aimed at $9,000,000
Token price: 1DST = $0.006
Max supply: 6,000,000,000 DST
Hard Cap: $12 million
Whitelist and KYC: N/A
Pre-sale: up to 50% bonus, discussed individually.
20% discount on the first two days.
15% discount from the 3rd to the 5th day.
10% discount from the 6th to the 15th day.
5% discount from the 16th to the 21st day.
0% discount from the 21st day to the end of the crowdsale
The Distribution of Tokens:
Token sale: 60%
Fund: 20%
Team/Advisers: 19%
Bounty: 1%
Website: https://destream.io/?referralId=adf52557d7994818a3bf8131262f2179#action=bountyreg
Whitepaper: https://destream.io/media/1101/whitepaper_en.pdf
Telegram: https://t.me/DeStreamEN
Twitter: https://twitter.com/destreamproject
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/destream
My bitcointalk profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1220403
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christ2056 · 6 years
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La plataforma MPCX se creará en tres fases:
MPCX es una plataforma de servicios financieros impulsada por blockchain digital. El objetivo a largo plazo de MPCX es combinar todos los servicios criptográficos en un solo lugar. La plataforma está diseñada para satisfacer las necesidades de entidades e individuos en las áreas de administración de patrimonio digital, intercambio de divisas y comercio, banca digital, investigación criptográfica y promoción de ICO, y criptografía. En el corto plazo, MPCX creará un ecosistema descentralizado de cadena de bloques para administrar una cartera innovadora de activos criptográficos. En función de la situación actual del mercado con una gran demanda de servicios y soluciones de gestión financiera muy limitadas, decidieron crear la plataforma MPCX.
Enero de 2017 a diciembre de 2018: etapa de la administración de las riquezas informatizadas.
Dic 2018 - Nov 2019 - el comercio de divisas digital.
Diciembre de 2019 - julio de 2020: la administración computarizada de dinero y las etapas de administración de las riquezas controladas.
El escenario reunirá a todas las administraciones criptográficas acompañantes en un solo lugar:
Incorporación de clientes completamente avanzados para disminuir los costos y brindar a los clientes las administraciones amistosas.
Comercio de dinero digital computarizado en liquidez recolectada en las 100 formas de dinero criptográficas por escaparate. Cuotas de cripto, intercambios y arreglos de dinero. Respuestas de atención y billetera para brindar protección segura a los activos de los clientes. Tres registros crypto invertibles, crypto AI finance, crypto ETNs, ICOs. Las soluciones de comercio de MPCX brindarán acceso completo a la etapa de elementos y el cripto comercio, el marco de arbitraje, el intercambio de terminales y el anuncio. Una plataforma digital de gestión patrimonial ofrecerá robo advisory Digital Smart Investment Mandate, reequilibrio de cartera programado, metodologías de criptografía y anunciar.
La etapa de avance e investigación de ICO de MPCX ofrecerá acceso de dos niveles a ICO con alcance completo de la industria. La etapa de préstamo de criptografía de MPCX incorporará la puntuación de los prestatarios y los créditos de los partidos con el potencial de los prestamistas. Guía Tenemos planes ambiciosos para alterar y cambiar la industria relacionada con el dinero y queremos reconocerlos en tres fases.
Gestión de riqueza digital (DWM)
Plataforma 1Q - 2017: investigación e idea 4Q - 2017:
Primer arreglo de infraestructura con recursos criptográficos Dic - 2017:
Comenzó el proceso de planificación de
ICO mayo - 2018:
Tapa dura Pre ICO 1 000 ETH Jul - 2018:
Primera ICO Round Pre ICO:
Hard Cap 12 500 ETH y MVP descarga antes del final de Q2 Dic - 2018:
Digital Smart Investment Mandate, 3 archivos de Cryptocurrency invertible, AI Crypto Fund, Crypto ETN, Custody y Wallets, ICOs Second Stage:
Intercambio y comercio de criptomonedas de MPCX: diciembre de 2018:
Segundo techo duro redondo ICO ETH 25 000 2Q - 2019:
Digital Crypto Exchange 4Q - 2019: MPCX Trading Terminal Tercera etapa:
MPCX Banking, Regulated Wealth Management y P2P Crypto loaning: diciembre de 2019:
Tercer techo rígido de la ICO ETH 40 000 2Q - 2020: Pagos y soluciones bancarias 4Q - 2020:
Regulated Wealth Management 2Q - 2021:
MPCX P2P Lending Platform MPCX primera etapa extraordinarios productos MPCX Investable Crypto
El token XDMC será un token funcional en la plataforma MPCX y ofrecerá oportunidades únicas para participar en el desarrollo de la plataforma. El token XDMC se usará para pagar los servicios dentro de la plataforma. Una vez que el Token XDMC se vuelva líquido y popular, se usará como moneda interna para nuestros servicios bancarios. En MPCX, creemos que la sabiduría de la multitud es parte de una nueva realidad en la que los individuos pueden contribuir al bien común de la comunidad y son recompensados ​​por su contribución justa. Creemos firmemente que la "sabiduría de la multitud" nos ayudará a crear nuestra plataforma para servir a los mejores intereses de nuestra comunidad. De esta forma, el titular del Token XDMC tendrá la oportunidad de participar en el desarrollo de la red.
Nombre del token: XDMC
Precio actual: $ 0.03
Tipo de suministro: fijo Tipo de token: Símbolo de utilidad
Suministro total: 999 950 416
Min. Inversión, ETH: 0.10
Para obtener más información, visite los siguientes enlaces a continuación
Sitio web: https://mpcx.co/
Papel blanco: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gKlwCkRAS_2y3gqyda_DfoZayHw-Qfe9/view
Bitcointalk ANN: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3443279
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MPCXPlatform
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MPCXPlatform
Medium: https://medium.com/@mpcxplatform
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJrgPLexmtA4hA6ux5GTpQQ/featured?view_as=subscriber
Github: https://github.com/MPCXPlatformLTD
Mi URL de perfil bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1013364
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christ2056 · 6 years
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В настоящее время WPP ENERGY разрабатывает блокчейн-приложения для энергетического сектора. Эти приложения предназначены для создания прямой связи между поставщиками и потребителями энергии, помогают в возобновляемых источниках энергии. Технология Blockchain может стать крупнейшим игроком для дальнейшей децентрализации энергетических систем.
Технология блокчейн приобрела большую популярность в последние годы. Уникальные особенности блокчейна создают новые возможности для различных секторов, включая энергетику. Децентрализованное хранение данных о транзакциях повышает безопасность и обеспечивает независимость от правительства или любого другого посредника.
Ранее я говорил об этой теме, но есть несколько многообещающих вариантов использования блокчейна в энергетическом секторе, о которых стоит упомянуть.
Итак, каковы возможные варианты использования блокчейна в энергетическом секторе?
Технология Blockchain имеет широкий спектр применения. Например, блокчейн может помочь нам совершать платежи с использованием криптовалют, проверять транзакции, заключать цифровые контракты, заключать сделки, управлять цифровым контентом и т. Д. Предполагается, что следующим большим шагом станут интеллектуальные контракты.
Новые бизнес-модели, основанные на блокчейне, больше не требуют сторонних посредников. Системы Blockchain инициируют и отправляют транзакции, записывая их безопасным и надежным способом. Все транзакции, совершенные между отдельными сторонами, выполняются напрямую через одноранговую сеть. Можно считать, что децентрализованный энергетический сектор и система снабжения представляют собой конечный уровень связанных с энергетикой блокчейн-приложений.
Технология блокчейна способна создать децентрализованную систему энергоснабжения. Существует огромная вероятность того, что блокчейн напрямую свяжет поставщиков энергии с потребителями энергии, и это упростит сегодняшнюю систему, где каждая сторона в энергетическом секторе работает на разных уровнях.
Концепция WPP ENERGY является лидером в глобальном секторе возобновляемых источников энергии. Президент компании Rafael Ben имеет 30-летний опыт работы в этом секторе. Он также выступает на «Зеленых энергетических саммитах» (всемирная конференция по использованию возобновляемых источников энергии). Миссия WPP ENERGY заключается в использовании инновационных и разрушительных технологий для производства и предоставления наиболее доступной и дешевой энергии в мире. WPP ENERGY хочет создать оборудование для возобновляемых источников энергии. WPP подписала контракты со многими странами мира на федеральном уровне для получения «зеленой энергии» в течение непрерывного 35-летнего периода. Контракты включают соглашения PPA (соглашения о покупке электроэнергии), которые превращают ТБО (муниципальные твердые отходы) в электричество и в продукты, которые будут использоваться для местных рынков.
Планета Green Energy Energy WPP ENERGY создана для снижения стоимости зеленой энергии во всем мире, изначально благодаря использованию технологий WPP, партнерских отношений, лицензий, филиалов и сторонних отношений. (См. Схему поставщика энергоресурсов).
Платформа WPP EXCHANGE Планета Green Energy Energy WPP ENERGY
создана для снижения стоимости зеленой энергии во всем мире, изначально благодаря использованию технологий WPP, партнерских отношений, лицензий, филиалов и сторонних отношений.
Платформа WPP Exchange вскоре будет выпущена cryptocurrency exchange с акцентом на крипто-криптографическую торговлю криптовалютами с энергией и криптовалютами и цифровыми токенами. Это приведет к увеличению ликвидности для всех участвующих криптовалют, позволяя различным валютам торговать друг против друга. На платформе будет продано по меньшей мере 20 различных криптотермий, связанных с энергетикой.
Поставщики этой платформы могут изменить отрасль энергетики в интересах муниципалитетов, корпораций и потребителей. Наши разрушительные энергетические технологии способны обеспечить значительную экономию. Развертывание новой Глобальной зеленой энергетической платформы будет способствовать расширению возможностей WPP по дальнейшему сокращению затрат на производство энергии, что позволит платформе стать центральным центром в мире для торговли возобновляемыми источниками энергии.
Natur Ahmad Zuhir Mohammad - генеральный директор - Его Превосходительство Достопочтенный Natur Ahmad Zuhir Mohammad назначен директором WPP ENERGY для проектов в области экологически чистой энергетики в марокканских регионах, Северной Африке и странах Ближнего Востока. Он нести основную ответственность за выполнение и поставку 272 крупных строительных проектов.
Robert Cohn - финансовый директор - он был президентом FTZ Energy Exchange, запустив различные бизнес-компании, используя Интернет для расширения глобального распространения.
Он был основателем и президентом Entrade, Inc. и председателем entrade.com. Он также был основателем и генеральным директором Utiliparts.
Grace Duke Don Christian Fritsch старший вице-президент - Он имеет более чем 25-летний опыт работы в качестве юриста в Mexican United States, Княжество Святого Стефана, в Короне Святого Стефана. Grace имеет опыт консультирования и защиты как национальных, так и международных компаний и правительств в следующих областях: международное право, дипломатия, финансирование национальных и международных проектов, криптоконверсии, слияния и поглощения активов и бизнеса.
Детали токена
Токен - WPP Общее количество токенов - 5 миллиардов Частная цена продажи - 1WPP = $ 0.16 USD
Общая цена продажи - 1WPP = $ 0.20USD
Soft Cap - $ 5 млн USD
Hard Cap - $ 50 млн USD
Дата предварительной продажи - с 1 июля по 1 сентября 2018 года Продажа толпы - с 7 сентября по 7 декабря 2018 года
Цель продажи Pre ITO - начать разработку двух цифровых платформных платформ и запустить программу Green Energy Rebate. WPP Energy считает, что наша инициатива по шифрованию должна быть самофинансируемой.
Следующее ITO CROWD-SALE привлечет капитал в более широких масштабах, чтобы ускорить развертывание наших трех физических решений HHO по всему миру и инвестировать в наш бизнес правительственных проектов, а также построить наши две цифровые платформы.
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Техническая документация: https://wppenergy.io/pdf/Whitepaper.pdf
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