christcasper0-blog · 5 years
AI For Every Day Mobile Apps
It is very evident that artificial intelligence is the future. Even today there is considerable amount of penetration in the field and it is important we realize the how it can impact us. Even now we are using AI in many ways which include Google Assistant, Apple’s SIRI, Amazon’s Alexa and a lot more. Some of the bigger applications include self driving cars and automated production processes in heavy industries. From the minimal to the biggest levels AI can have a great impact and literally change our lives for better in various aspects. In this article we will see the use of AI in every day mobile apps. 
Voice Search
This one the most common use of artificial intelligence is the voice search. The surprising fact is that most of us do not even realize that it is AI that we are using. It would not be an understatement to say that the prominence of voice search is increasing day by day. It is also said that voice search will also be one of the important parameters for SERPs.  Some of the most important AI for voice search includes Google Assistant, Apple’s SIRI, and Amazon’s Alexa. 
Ride hailing 
Ride Hailing Using of apps like Uber and Lyft has become very common in our ever day life. Artificial Intelligence has a very integral part to play on it. From locating our location and to determining the price of the ride artificial intelligence plays a very significant role. The concept of surge pricing is only possible because if artificial intelligent. If not there is no possible way that a human can monitor the demand of the ride and 24*7 and regulate the price accordingly. This is one of the best examples of AI. 
Google Spam Filter
No one wants unnecessary mails to flood in our inbox. Did you know that Google is successfully filtering more than 99% of the spam mails and sends it to spam folder. It is only possible through the application of AI. It constantly keeps track of the emails and filters it there is spam detection. Just imagine that this AI is actually tracking million of accounts on a daily basis. It would be even difficult for a person to maintain more than one account. In this near future it will not be surprise if there are zero spams that are in your inbox because Google is working on perfecting it. 
Facial Recognition
Facial recognition is one of latest features that help in many ways in terms of security. In a time where data breach and cyber attacks AI comes in handy to protect any device being compromised. On the crust it might seems to be a very simple idea. But the complexity that goes into creating such thing is something that cannot be explained in words. Today even smart phones have facial recognition that helps in protecting it from a third person accessing our mobile devices. 
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christcasper0-blog · 5 years
Features We Wish Were There In Apps
We are living at a point where mobile apps are playing a very important role in our everyday life. Survival without smart phones and mobile apps will be a difficult task. Both Play Store and App Store are flooded with thousands of apps. Each app is different in their own ways. Some apps have a lot of utility value and some apps just serve the entertainment purpose. There are certain mandatory apps that everyone must have like certain messaging apps. No matter what is purpose of the app every user will expect certain features in an application. We will see them in detail in this article. 
One of the most important and the most common thing that every user is expecting from an app is the state of the art security. We are living at a point where data breach and cyber attacks have become very common. People are well aware of the importance of data. The vulnerability of a single app is all it takes for the entire device to be compromised. It is mandatory that every app has the best security features so that user’s data is not lost to the wrong hands. It is something that cannot be taken on a lighter nite.
Easy Recovery 
At the end of the day we are human beings. There are good possibilities that we might forget the log in credentials. In that case the recovery of the account must not a process filled with a lot of hurdles. It should be a simple process with which the user can access the account again. At the same time it should not be a very easy task where anyone can get their hands on other’s accounts. This is actually one common complaint that many raise. 
Referral Bonus 
Referral Bonus is one the best ways to market the app. The bonus need not be monitory. It can be a discount coupon, movie ticket or something on those lines. It is more like a win-win situation where both the use and the app get benefitted. At the same time rather than spending the money to market the app it would be better to opt for this method. It is effective and the existing users get benefitted by it. It is way more effective compared to any other method. 
Voice search
We are at a point where artificial intelligence and machine learning is playing a very important role in tech industry. In just a few more years we will not be using finger to do the search or operate the app. Everything will be done using voice command. Hence it would be better if the apps have the option of using voice command. We know for a fact that is going to be the future and voice search is definitely going to take the front seat. 
The above mentioned are just a few of what people expecting. Hence it is important for the app developers to take into consideration these things while developing the app. It will contribute for the betterment of the app in many ways especially in having better UI/UX. 
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