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Trembling || Open
Christopher drummed his fingers on his thighs as he walked through the halls of Waverly. The beat he played didn't match a song, or at least to him it didn't. It was just a rhythm, for the man couldn't carry a tune if his life depended on it. There was no background guitar, bass, or vocals in his head, only the rhythmic pounding of the drums which were reflected in the movement of his fingers.
His hands had become much more restless since entering Waverly, and he found this small habit grow much more common as the days passed in the sanatorium. The drumming was only a small distraction, and could barely make him forget how much he hated it here. Though he found comfort in the fact that a few of the residents have admitted (and, in some cases, shown) that they were out to get him, it only made them fear him more. Back in Missouri, there was always that small bit of sanity in the back of his mind telling him that no one would actually harm him. Here in Waverly, that was nonexistent. Everyone was here for a reason, and there were a good amount of them who had a record of violence. He doubted that, with the people here, he would ever get better, for there would always be someone who would easily erase all the progress he'd made.
The rhythm of the drums grew faster as he neared the kitchen, somewhat following the beating of his heart. He feared the kitchen, due to the numerous amount of knives and other dangerous utensils. Someone could easily take hold of a dangerous weapon and use it against him, though he'd only come into the kitchen to get a cup of coffee. Though, coffee seemed a bit too strong for him at the moment, so he pushed through the doors with the goal of living another day and leaving the room with a mug of tea.
Christopher's eyes scanned the kitchen, hoping no one too dangerous was lurking.
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Actually, I think it's more the opposite. People hate me.
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I hated it. Everyone had to know everyone's business.
I personally love people.
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I could never live in a small town. 
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I'm not a big fan of people in general.
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I grew up in a town with about 700 people.
It is. It’s quite nice, although, I understand not liking crowds.
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I’m from Detroit, so, I was raised in a crowded area. 
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I don't know... it's too crowded for me.
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It sounds like a nice place for others, though.
It’s beautiful. Honestly, you should go sometime. The culture is just…amazing.
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Really? What's New York like?
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That’s always fun. I did the same thing with Rent and Spring Awakening, before I saw them live.
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I took trips to New York every holiday break. 
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Wow. That sounds great.
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I've never seen a show. *shrugs* I tend to make up the story myself to fit the music, because of that.
Yep. It was utterly electric. Honestly, one of the best productions I’ve ever seen.
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Mine too. I can't really pick a favorite.
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Have you seen it on stage?
Quite true. One of my favorites.
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Les Misérables. A classic.
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There is a castle on a cloud, I like to go there in my sleep, nobody shouts or talks too loud, not in my castle on a cloud..
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I don't, but I know it will happen eventually. Everyone hates me, and everyone's against me.
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This is why I don't trust people.
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Y-You don’t realize how difficult it is for me to h-hate someone.
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No... you have to hate me... it's how things work....
No, no, I-I can’t hate someone f-for being right..
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Shit... no, no I'm not. You're supposed to disagree with me, a-and hate me for saying that.
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Y-You’re right…
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Oh my god, you’re right…
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