#if anyone
potter-solomons · 1 month
this sexy guy with the cutie haircut. and the boopable nose. and the eye crinkles. and the ears. and the forehead lines. and the freaking grey in his beard.
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angelpuns · 8 months
Reblog this if you would not be mad when someone talks during a movie/showabout the voice actors or fun facts I just wanna know
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chaoscallsdummies · 10 months
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I don’t know who’s more excited for #67; surge/kit redemption arc fans or shippers.
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featherlouise · 2 years
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Not really in the fandom anymore but felt a sudden and intense urge to draw a techno so I present,, HE
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lunanight2012 · 4 months
Was about to go to sleep but wanted to do ANOTHER POLL about the Thriller Bark 2-3 chapter story.
Also for this story if ya'll want my oc in it... she would've passed around the time Sanji left germa. I dont wanna write here what happened incase yall want her in the fic in that way. If you dont know who Luniju, my oc is, i made her Reiju's twin. Her canon stories at The Tale of the Other Vinsmoke & TTotOV Whole Cake Island.
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virtchandmoir · 5 months
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Photo: 芝麻开花54686
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wiirocku · 9 months
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John 8:51 (NKJV) - Most assuredly, I say to you, if anyone keeps My word he shall never see death.”
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calkale · 1 year
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Mother 😳
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angelkissiies · 1 year
all pussy is pretty pussy🫶🏼 pretty pussy supremacy (totally not bc im gay...)
exactly ,, all pussy !! is !! pretty !! pussy !!
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camillepretzels · 2 months
I got a little something goin on my AO3 mwehehehe
Here's a snippet of the latest chapter:
"Anya mentioned you might be concerned about my parents," Lexa began, her voice soft and soothing. "And I understand just how intimidating they can be." She reached for a tissue, surprising Clarke as Lexa gently wiped away a stray dab of dressing Clarke had missed earlier from the corner of her lip, a gesture so tender it sent a fresh wave of tears prickling Clarke's eyes.
"You haven't changed a bit, Clarke," Lexa continued, her voice laced with affection. "Still as pretty and fierce as I remember. They'd love you for that. Trust me, if anyone's going to get the brunt of their disapproval, it'll be me, not you."
Clarke couldn't pinpoint the exact trigger. Maybe it was the way Lexa so effortlessly understood her unspoken anxieties. Maybe it was the unexpected compliment, the reminder of a time before burdens and responsibilities weighed them down. Maybe it was the progesterone and the hCG among the many hormones coursing through her, who knows? Or maybe it was simply the innocence that shone in Lexa’s eyes.
Tears welled up in Clarke’s own, spilling over and tracing glistening tracks down her flushed cheeks. Lexa's reassurance had struck a nerve. It wasn't just the fear of Indra and Gustus' reaction; it was the raw vulnerability of being seen, truly seen.
"What? I'm crying—What am I doing?" Clarke mumbled to herself, blinking rapidly as if trying to clear her vision. The confusion in her voice was laced with a touch of frustration. Here she was, a sobbing mess in a public diner, all because of Lexa's unexpected empathy.
Grasping for composure, she fumbled for a napkin, wiping her nose with a sniffle. Lexa simply watched, her own expression unreadable. The silence stretched, thick and heavy, making Clarke even more self-conscious.
"Don't look at me like that," Clarke blurted out, a touch of defiance in her voice. Lexa's unwavering gaze felt like a spotlight, highlighting her emotional unraveling.
Lexa, however, merely shifted in her seat and reached for her fries. She picked one up, her movements precise and controlled as if she were attending a formal dinner, not a roadside diner with a distraught, ketchup-stained Clarke across from her. Yet, despite the return to her usual composure, Clarke couldn't help but notice the way Lexa's eyes kept flicking back to her.
"Don't look at me like that either!" Clarke cried out, a fresh wave of tears threatening to spill. The public setting, which had initially bothered her, seemed irrelevant now.
Lexa didn't respond with words, but a soft chuckle escaped her lips. The sound was rare, a melodic chime that struck a chord deep within Clarke. Unlike Lexa's tears, which were already few and far between, her laughter was almost mythical. Sure, there were smiles and moments of amusement, but this genuine, full-bodied chuckle was something special, reserved only for specific moments.
Seeing Lexa's reaction, a strange comfort washed over Clarke. The tears subsided a little, leaving behind a dampness around her eyes.
"Fine, you can look," Clarke relented, sniffing as she resumed eating.
If you get the meme reference, thank you🙇
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commissionsdarian · 1 year
He wanted a slushie 😔
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dxringred · 2 years
robin running into the castle, closing the doors looking like a wet cat.
nancys at the top of this like grand staircase staring at her with the most ‘what the fuck im gonna kill u’ look
no, but that's basically what happens. robin goes into the castle to get out of the rain, she closes the doors and finds the place deserted. she starts trying to look for a candle, and then one comes hopping the fuck up to her, and she's like, "woah boy, i musta ate some bad shrooms." then the teapot shows up, and they take her to get warmed up by a fire, and just as they're all getting along, nancy thunders into the room like "BITCH WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY CASTLE, I WILL STAB YOU RIGHT NOW, BET"
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lab1rynth · 10 months
Im sitting and twiddling my thumbs waiting for some requests. I cant think of anything to write. 😩
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theydrewfirst · 11 months
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And yes, I have a new obsession with Cosmo from the movie,, along with his brothers
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skxrbrand · 1 year
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something i wanna point out before i go...
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pangolinheart · 1 year
What things does Rhiki look for in a partner?
This one is also a little difficult to answer, because Rhiki could fall in love with pretty much anyone if she put her mind to it. There are a ton of traits that she likes and admires in people, and only a few that are total deal-breakers.
If I had to narrow it down though, here are a couple that I think she would find particularly important in a partner:
Rhiki likes people who care. About her, sure, but also about other things, other people, the world, etc. Her biggest turn-off is apathy or indifference.
Related to this, she appreciates people who are genuine in their emotions, at least most of the time. Everyone hides their feelings at some point. But when someone puts on a mask of impassivity it's hard for her to really know they care. She'd rather have a partner be angry at her than act indifferently towards her.
Like most people, she likes being with someone that makes her laugh, either intentionally or unintentionally. Saving the world is grim work, so someone she can relax and joke around with is ideal.
Independence and support are also good qualities. Rhiki is happy to help her partner or be there for them when they need it, but she doesn't want someone who's overly reliant on her. She already feels a lot of pressure to be "the strong one" in her day-to-day life, so having to do the same thing in private with her partner would be exhausting. What she would really appreciate is someone that she could lean on from time to time, at least for emotional support. Even if they can't really help, it's nice to have someone who's willing to share some of the weight.
Finally trust and safety are really important to her in her relationships, especially after becoming the Warrior of Light. She doesn't need a partner to keep her safe physically, she's more attracted to the feeling of emotional safety. She wants to feel like she could tell her partner anything and trust that they wouldn't judge her or be disappointed in her. And she'd want them to trust her with their own problems. Playing the perfect hero is stressful and difficult, so she wants to be with someone whose sparkling image of her she doesn't have to preserve. Someone who doesn't mind the messy parts. Someone who won't think less of her because she's sometimes selfish or angry or scared. She gravitates towards people she can be herself around.
(As a side-note, a trait that I think would benefit Rhiki in a relationship but that I don't know if she would actively seek out is consistency. Rhiki experiences a lot of intense emotions, which can sometimes make her act erratically or feel unmoored, so having someone with a more stable, though not necessarily good, disposition would help her even out a bit and feel less adrift)
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