My 1st Book. I have no money or means to market these books, but I wouldn’t take a penny anyway. So...here you go world. You can’t say I never did nothing for you...or at least that I didn’t try...(if you don’t count 8 years of military service, or 3 plus years volunteering between numerous Churches and nonprofits, including 2 missionary missions to Suriname and Maryland helping build Churches and a voluntary humanitarian aid mission to Kurdistan, ). 
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Free Book. Enjoy :)
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Earth ‘Quakes’ are really Implosions
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(If you live near the ‘Ring of Fire,’ you’ll want to read this) 
I’m someone who likes to dabble in a little bit of everything, and seismology is another one of those subjects which interests me. I monitor earthquake activity almost daily, and ’m a supporter of ‘Dutchsinse’ a YouTube seismologist/geologist who has been leading the globe in earthquake forecasting for years now, something leading experts have been denying until recently. I’ve also spent many many hours monitoring ‘Spectro Net,’  a Youtube channel which provides seismic data displays (around 100) from all over the world putting one in touch with the pulse or heartbeat of our planet. And I might be the first one to have figured something out, something no one else is talking about, something I can’t find anything about online. Until just this year, the USGS was even denying that earthquakes were related, and seismology is still a pretty new and developing field thanks to evolving technology, so it should not be a big surprise that people are still figuring things out and learning. I’ve only been into seismology and geology for half a year now, but it’s already OBVIOUS to me that  Earth ‘Quakes’ are really IMPLOSIONS.
So here is an excerpt from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) explanation of an earthquake:
“An earthquake (EQ) is the ground shaking caused by a sudden slip on a fault. Stresses in the earth's outer layer push the sides of the fault together. Stress builds up and the rocks slip suddenly, releasing energy in waves that travel through the earth's crust and cause the shaking that we feel during an earthquake. Faults are caused by the tectonic plates grinding and scraping against each other as they continuously and slowly move.”
However, what they left out or haven’t figured out is 
A.) What is causing these movements of plates and stressing of fault lines, and 
B.) That these ‘slip’s’ are the result of deeper implosions resulting from volcanic activity, as I propose to explain below.
Think about it:
As volcanoes erupt and spew lava, earth/dirt deep down below and around these volcanoes is sucked into the magma stream and transferred from the inside of the Earth to the outside. This movement would end up creating or carving out large voids or caverns down below. Over time, these deep voids increase in size, which would explain the building up of pressure along fault lines, until they end up collapsing from the weight and filling in! This massive amount of shifting dirt and implosion of large voids in the Earth’s interior would explain the origin of ‘Earth-quakes.’ As these deep large voids implode, Earth’s surface is sucked in which would explain continental drift. Unfortunately, this also might mean we are in a vicious cycle because there is evidence to suggest that these implosions can end up applying more pressure to volcanoes and in turn actually inducing an eruption (see below).
This correlation between volcanoes and earthquakes should be obvious when one considers that 90% of earthquakes are where 90% of Volcanoes are -the ‘Ring of Fire.’ The fact that 90% of continental drift is into the 'Ring of Fire,’ demonstrates that the Earth really is imploding there. This explains why California has experienced significant ground shifts of up to around 30+ feet after major quakes and appears to be sliding into the ocean. Therefore, it would be just as accurate to think of these ‘earth-quakes’ as ‘earth-implosions.’ You can’t have earth-implosions without volcanoes, otherwise there’s nowhere for dirt to move around inside the Earth’s interior. So long as volcanoes are spewing out Earth’s guts there will be interior movements and thus quakes. Consequently, the bigger the volcanic eruption, the bigger the movements inside the Earth, which means the bigger the quakes one can expect afterwards. However, as the evidence suggests, these movements can take years after an eruption as voids build up before collapsing under the weight of gravity.
So does this means ‘The Big One’ is really coming?
Unfortunately, for several reasons the answer is – absolutely. First off, evidence does show the implosions getting worse (see attached picture). It’s almost as if a catastrophic event, like a meteor strike, occurred thousands of years ago starting a chain reaction which is only going to end with most land under water. Secondly, volcanoes are not stopping. There are approximately 1,500 active volcanoes with around 50 erupting annually. It should be little wonder why there are thousands of earthquakes every single day. Think about it, our (Earth) guts are literally spilling out right now, and lava is literally melting Earth’s insides, causing collapses, which is what then forces an eruption. How can that end well?! Thirdly, but most importantly, the human population is exploding right along these dangerous areas as global leaders remains clueless. California, with a population of nearly 40 million, is literally breaking off into the ocean, yet leaders remain silent! Therefore, costly and deadly earthquakes will definitely increase.
If I wasn’t sure when I first surmised this theory, I was after doing the research. See below for a small compilation of data correlating top volcanic eruptions with top earthquakes. Maybe someone can take what I’ve started and run with it to produce something more professional and educational.
*All noted eruptions are with a VEI of 4+.
From 1990 to 1997, there were 7 large volcanic eruptions. One was thee largest of the 20th century, the other was ranked in the top twelve - Mount Pinatubo (Philippine/June 15/VEI=6) & Mount Hudson (Chile/August/VEI=5). Meanwhile…
5.6 EQ rocks California 13 days after Mount Pinatubo erupts
o   Notable EQ’s have been rocking the United States every year since, including the…
o   1994 Northridge earthquake - L.A.’s 4th costliest EQ in history
o   1995 Great Hanshin earthquake hits Japan with 2nd costliest EQ in history
o   14 countries experience their largest EQ ever (Sudan, Madagascar, Costa Rica, Georgia, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Guam, Bolivia, Egypt, Trinidad-and-Tobago, Antarctica, Slovenia, Serbia, Taiwan)      
 9th costliest EQ ever hits Turkey (1999)
12th costliest EQ ever hits Taiwan (1999)
[Interestingly, 2 months prior to the Mount Pinatubo eruption, within 9 days of each other, 3 countries, not nearby each other, all experience their largest EQ’s in history – Georgia, Costa Rica, Madagascar – from which we may be able to deduce that as Earth implodes into these magma streams, it ends up applying more pressure to a volcano.]
From 1980 to 1989 there were 11 large volcanic eruptions, including Mount St. Helens -most deadly and economically destructive volcanic eruption in the history of the U.S.- and Mount Redoubt -2nd costliest volcanic eruption in U.S. history. Meanwhile…
5th costliest EQ hits Italy (1980/6.9)
5 notable EQ’s rock the United States over the course of a decade, including…
16th costliest EQ ever – the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake
14 countries experience largest separate EQ events in their history (Algeria, Iraq, Yemen, Laos, Poland, Guinea, Uzbekistan, Czech Republic, Sweden, Australia, Armenia, Paraguay, Malawi, Djibouti)
From 1973 to 1976 there were 4 large volcanic eruptions, one per year consecutively. Meanwhile…
United States is hit with 3 notable EQ’s in 1975
2nd deadliest – 6th costliest EQ ever hits China in 1976.
7 countries are hit with their largest EQ on record (Gabon, Guyana, Mauritius, Malaysia, Estonia, Burundi, Montenegro)
From 1955 to 1966 there are 7 large volcanic eruptions, including Bezymianny, one of the top 12 most powerful volcanic eruptions of the 20th century (1955-1957). Meanwhile…
20th largest EQ hits Alaska (1957/8.6)
The 1960 ‘Great Chilean earthquake,’ the most powerful EQ in history (9.4-9.6)
1963 Kuril Islands earthquake – 33rd most powerful EQ in history (8.5)
The 1964 Alaskan earthquake – 2nd most powerful EQ in history (9.2)
1965 Rat Islands earthquake – 17th most powerful EQ in history (8.7)
8 more (10 total) countries experience largest EQ in their history in 9 separate events (Bosnia/Herzegovina/South Africa/Albania/U.S./Brazil/Macedonia/Iceland/Chile/Tunisia)
From 1930 to 1950 there were 13 large volcanic eruptions, including one of the four largest eruptions of the 20th century –Cerro Azul (VEI 6), and Kharimkotan (VEI 5) a top twelve. Also during this time...
10 notable EQ’s hit the United States, 2 causing several hundred deaths
 32nd largest EQ on record hits Indonesia (1938/8.5)
 13th deadliest recorded EQ hits Turkmenistan (1948/7.3)
13th largest EQ on record hits China (1950/8.7)
5th largest EQ on record hits Russia (1952/9.0)
 23 total countries hit with their largest EQ on record in 20 separate events (U.K., Panama, Libya, Vietnam, Ghana, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Bhutan, Guatemala, Pakistan, Dominican Republic, Myanmar, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan)
On June 6, 1912, ‘Novarupta’ becomes the largest volcanic eruption of the 20th century, and over the next decade there are 7 more large volcanic eruptions During this time-
1915 Pleasant Valley earthquake - strongest EQ in Nevada’s history
1920 Haiyuan earthquake - 3rd deadliest EQ in Chinese history
1922 Vallenar Earthquake hits Argentina – ranked 31 largest EQ
Japan is hit with 14th deadliest & 15th costliest EQ in history (1923/7.9)
 9 different countries are all separately hit with the largest EQ in their history (Afghanistan/Vanuatu/Ethiopia/Zambia/Tonga/Fiji/Philippines/Samoa/Eritrea)
From 1902 to 1911 there are 7 large volcanic eruptions, including Santa Maria (near Guatemala) – ranked a top 4 eruption of the 20th century. Over the next several years…
9 countries experience 7 separate EQ’s - each being the largest in their history (Bulgaria – 1904, Mongolia – 1905, France – 1909, Tanzania – 1910, ‘Kazakhstan-Kyrgyzstan 1911 Kebin earthquake,’ & Palau 1911)
–which includes the 11th most powerful EQ ever to hit Ecuador-Colombia (1906/8.8)
California hit with one of the worst and deadliest EQ’s in U.S. history (1906/7.9)
1908 Messina earthquake – 12th deadliest EQ ever recorded
If you or someone you know is living around the ‘Ring of Fire’ or a volcano, you should definitely get away.
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MAGA/Change? LOL!
Nothing will change until the majority of Americans wake up to the reality that both political parties are corrupt and controlled by a very small very wealthy very powerful few who control elections through manipulations of mainstream media and use government both to provide the illusion of control in order to placate the masses but also to divide us and turn us against each other. Divide and conquer is an age old and very effective strategy, and if you look at society you can see mankind divided EVERY possible which way, from religion to politics to race to education to income classes and more recently now even gender. 
This country is spiraling quickly downwards as divisions grow and as our debt continues to skyrocket, which is a monumental and critical threat to our national security and anyone who says otherwise is either a liar or a fool. We are one bubble away from a government takeover and a country of indentured servants-debt slaves. Soon, ya’ll won’t be making fun of ‘Preppers, you’ll be looking for them because you’ll be starving. But I won’t feel bad for most of you selfish assholes.
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King of Idolatry, against Idolatry.
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Isn’t this hilarious...the current KING of idolatry, a man in the most idolized position in the world, a position which requires others to literally carry him around, bow down before him, pray to him, obey him...a man with tons of idolizing merchandise, whose very religion encourages the idolatry of dead people...speaks out against idolatry. Hilarious. Maybe he’s just jealous that the world is increasingly idolizing other people/things rather than him, especially since people are literally running from the Catholic Church after so many horrible scandals and rampant boy raping. The irony.
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Great Quote
Just heard this GREAT quote:
“The opposite of courage, is not cowardice, it’s conformity. Even a dead fish can go with the flow.”
What a better world this would be if people actually thought and acted for themselves instead of just conforming to the broken corrupted status quo. This quote reminds me of another great quote which feels like it was directed towards me personally:
Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes, the ones who see things differently. They're not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them. About the only thing you can't do is ignore them. Because they change things - they push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
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Why are people so dumb...
Maybe having an IQ of 137 and being very well educated gives me a rare perspective. Maybe the real problem is that the dumb people have literally out-populated those with brains by a gigantic margin, like a million to one. It appears that those having babies are the exact ones who shouldn’t be allowed, and they’re popping them out like rabbits. And everyone is suffering as a result because we are now all regulated by laws which were passed because of dumb people. Meanwhile, those with brains or talent forgo the hassle and burden of children to pursuit of fame and fortune. It’s not good. Especially in a democracy where the majority RULE and have the ability to enslave you.
Even worse is the fact that these idiots don’t even realize how dumb or uneducated they are, and actually believe that they know things that they don’t actually know. 
Even worse still is the fact that these fools actually have the arrogance to be both vocal and adamant about their ignorant opinions or beliefs, completely closed minded to even the possibility that they could be wrong or ill-informed.  And I find this problem everywhere.
1.) The majority of Muslims don’t understand Islam and don’t realize that Islam is NOT a religion of peace, but war and domination.
2.) Catholics actually believe they are ‘Christians’ completely clueless as to what that actually means, and are completely unaware of the fact that the majority of their now ‘sacred’ and critical doctrines and practices literally violate the teachings of the Bible.
3.) The vast majority of Protestant Christians today don’t even understand what being a Christian means and are actually NOT Christians either. Many are now rejoining the Catholic Church and supporting the pope, completely clueless as to why the real Church split from Rome in the first place. And entire denominations teach corrupted or false doctrines. 
4.) Atheists don’t even realize that atheism is just another religion of non-religion, another belief, failing to grasp the very fact that science is knowledge and not theories. These fools champion theories as science yet reject any real science which does not fit with their preconceived beliefs. These simpletons know nothing about real science, yet everything about fake fantasy pseudoscience. Even worse, when confronted with facts they ALWAYS resort to ‘Ad Hominem’ attacks.  Atheists are completely clueless to the fact that atheism is already dead, scientifically destroyed by real science. Atheists fail to even grasp the profound ignorance of declaring a belief in the non-existence of something in a vast universe we have barely explored, or the profound ignorance of declaring the non-existence of something 2 BILLION people are trying to tell you exists.
5.) Since the vast majority of evolutionists are atheists, I could repeat many of the same fundamental problems with their intelligence and ignorance to believe something that has failed to produce one shred of evidence in more than a century, a belief which contradicts nature and observation, but yet call that belief scientific.
6.) Politicians and citizens, if you ask them if they support slavery, they’ll laugh and tell you of course they don’t, completely clueless of the fact that democracy is a form of slavery, the enslavement of the minority by the majority, a system which forces anyone who disagrees to flee their home and country should they wish to attempt living in peace and freedom. Unfortunately, every country is under the same or similar type of enslavement. 
7.) In America both Republicans and Democrats still buy into this corrupt and manipulated system providing an illusion of control we call democracy, completely clueless to the fact that the key leaders of both parties work for the same ruling families. 
8.) Those who support Capitalism champion the very system allowing the corruption of their democracy, literally enslaving them and their families through debt, literally leading to the poisoning of their communities for profit, and literally stealing their friends and family members away for wars of greed.
Most everyone I meet now a days seems unable to even listen or read or comprehend basic concepts. For example, I recently posted about an architectural/engineering project I’m working on to an online engineering forum for advice or tips. And the responses I’m getting from these guys are...worthless. Have you ever had that happen to you where you talk about something, and then someone makes a comment or asks a question essentially telling you that they completely failed to understand what you said? It’s happening to me with...almost everyone. It’s no wonder I’m reduced to venting online....
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Men <3 Balls
I don’t know what’s more sad...the fact that so many grown men love playing with balls (football, basketball, etc), dedicating their entire life towards a GAME...or the fact that so many more enjoy watching these grown men playing with a ball.
Worse yet is the fact that these men make millions of dollars...for playing a game...while actual heroes, soldiers, sacrifice EVERYTHING for this country and get out broke, homeless, and turn to suicide daily. Reality is FCKED.
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United States vs Nazi’s
What’s the difference between the United States and the Nazi’s? 
Not much. 
One was openly evil (Nazi’s) while the other pretends to be doing good (United States). Both are responsible for the deaths of millions of innocent civilians (U.S. - Vietnam/Iraq/Afghanistan,20+ others). The Nazi’s invaded numerous countries and killed countless civilians, and the United States has invaded and bombed dozens of countries killing countless civilians. The Nazi’s were open about their thirst for power and dominance, while the United States pretends they are fighting evil. The Nazi regime was a dictatorship which enslaved its people, harassing and kidnapping those who disagreed with their ideology, and the United States is a dictatorship which has enslaved its people and harasses, kidnaps, and punishes those who disagree with their ideology. 
Some are quick to tell someone like me who sees this evil to just leave, but this does nothing to solve the problem. And why should I leave just because evil men have taken over this land. Isn’t it better to stay and fight? If we all just give up and leave...the countless brave men who fought and died for the freedom of this country will have died in vain. Cowards run. 
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Let’s face it...I’m a Rebel...an Outcast...it’s just in my DNA I guess...
This blog will serve as a running list of my escapades.
I’ve been:
-Kicked out of 2 Schools (Bob Jones Academy/Clearwater Christian College
-Kicked out of the Army (my choice)
-Kicked out of 3 Churches (Fullterton Pentecostals/Trinity Rescue Mission/Southside Baptist)
-Kicked out of city/state court on my wedding day
-Fired from at least 13 jobs, ran through 65+ total
-Banned from numerous online communities (ChristianForums.com 2x’s/PCPartPickers)
-Blacklisted by Media
-Arrested 9 times (1 misdemeanor stuck) 
-Wanted w/ warrant out for my arrest (traffic violation) (Come get me bastards)
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The 2nd Time I SHOULD have died...
It is only by some miracle that my head didn’t get blown off eight years ago by an exploding 5-gallon metal-can of gasoline I was holding right next to my head and which had just been filled. There’s no way that ball of flame racing towards the opening of the can of gasoline would have caught and burnt the gas vapors 5+ feet away only to stop and blow out the last dozen inches, right in front of my face, where the vapors would have been strongest, with no wind. There were plenty of trees around, and they weren’t moving. 
I had been doing my mothers tree service, and had made a large pile of branches in the depression of an old pond. The pile of wood debris was about a dozen feet across. I threw some gasoline on a section and threw a match down on top, but I didn’t get the fire I was expecting. So I went to the other side, knowing how foolish it would be to pour more gas onto the flame, but my dumb-butt accidentally hurled the gas too far across the pile and onto the fire. As soon as the first drop of gas touched that flame a ball of fire jumped up and consumed the remaining several feet of hurling liquid gas mid air in a split second. But the fire didn’t stop there. That ball of fire then jumped from the liquid to the vapor and starting coming right at me, or more precisely, towards the 5-gallon can of gasoline I was holding, in shock, maybe a foot from my head. There must have been nearly a dozen feet of vapor which burnt up mid-air in a split second. It all happened so quick, there was no time to react. All I could do was watch in horror. But somehow...when that ball of fire reached to about a foot in front of my face, it extinguished. I remember standing there for a second in shock, dumbfounded, but then immediately looking at the numerous trees around me and realizing that there was no breeze. And in that moment, I just knew...I had a guardian angel.
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Arrested in Church
Imagine sitting in a circle of several dozen people in Church when half a dozen officers come storming in and yelling with stun guns pointing at you....Yep, that happened to me...for a traffic violation. Well, apparently I looked like a suspect who had shot at an officer the previous day. And technically a warrant had been issued for me because of several traffic tickets last year. Here’s the story:
I’ve been driving motorcycles for over four years now, they’ve been my only mode of transportation. I love motorcycles because they are affordable, easy to maintain, cheap on gas, easy to maneuver threw heavy traffic, and no mandatory insurance or restrictive seat-belt. I’ve never had a motorcycle license or tags/plates because those restrictions are a violation of my religious freedom. I guess I’m lucky I made it 4 years without an incident. 
So last year, I drove home from work one day, and pulled onto my property to park. The next thing I know I hear someone yelling at me, and I turn around to see and hear a police officer threatening to shoot me if I didn’t drop my bike. Of course I’m not just going to drop my bike so I parked it. I guess I’m lucky I didn’t get shot because I turned the whole bike around and backed it in. He then cuffed me, ran a check, and then wrote me 5 tickets -2 for violating something, another for driving in the emergency lane, and a court appearance for reckless driving and driving without a motorcycle license.
As far as I’m concerned, this whole thing is just another form of extortion and slavery and I’m not supporting it. I never consented to this slavery or these rules. I never voted any of these people in power, or consented anyone to rule over me. This country was founded on freedom, especially religious freedom, and any restrictions or taxation  (mandatory D.L./insurance/plates/tags/Speed limits) on my God-given right to travel freely, including public roads, is a violation of my religious freedom and therefore null-and-void. I do agree there needs to be order, but there are much better ways of creating order than slavery enforced at the point of a gun. No one has the right to force anyone to do something they don’t want to do. No one has the right to lord over public roads. And no one should ever have the right to kidnap or hold someone hostage for any reason. I can’t help my deep religious convictions and I refuse to let someone enslave whom God created FREE.
So I ripped up the tickets and missed court. I thought all that would happen would be a suspension of my drivers license, which was OK with me because I was done driving in a world where I could be randomly harassed, kidnapped, held hostage, blackmailed, and even killed on public roads heavily patrolled by state-sponsored thugs. Immediately after this incident, I quit my nice job as a heavy equipment operator for a pool construction company, I destroyed my commercial drivers license, and I sold my ride. A warrant was issued, but it never demanded or even requested me to turn myself in, it was just a notice. So I ignored it. 
The worst part about this experience is that my partner and I have a 4 year young 12 pound pup, a pom-mix -the one in my main picture. And I had left him at home to go to Church. And my partner just left Thursday for a vacation in Europe with her family. And being a severely anti-social introverted war-vet with PTSD, I didn’t have anyone I could call. So the entire time I’m in jail I’m picturing my baby starving, at home, alone. I tried calling my girl, but she was in Europe and her cell phone can’t take calls from the U.S. It is only by either a very slim chance, or Divine miracle, that I was able to get out within 24 hours. Not one person in that police station was going to help me. I had no one to turn to. It was a very horrible feeling and mentally excruciatingly painful. 
So the charges were dropped and I was placed on probation for 9 months with required ‘Anger Management classes,’ Advanced Driver Improvement,’ classes, random urinalysis, a letter of apology to who I don’t yet know, and an order to re-acquire my drivers license. And they want me to pay them 60$ monthly supervision fees (totaling $945.30) and a 303$ fine. The only reason I agreed to probation was because it was the only way to get out that day. I get back to find the lock had been changed, and soon after someone from my girls work showed up to take care of the dog. When I finally contacted my girl through email, she was so angry she told me we were done and that she wanted her co-worker to take the dog. I let her co-worker take my baby so she could calm down. We’ll see what happens with her. 
But concerning my probation, here’s the thing with that...First of all, I don’t have any money or income. I’ve spent most of the past year volunteering on a veteran nonprofit project. Even if I did have the money, I certainly wouldn’t give them a penny. And technically, on both a deeply personal and spiritual level, I can’t legally generate income because supporting baby-murdering pedo-terrorists in D.C. is against my religion. So I’m forced to barter for a living. Secondly, I’m not a slave, nor will I consent to be ordered around like one. I sure as hell don’t plan on peeing on demand, and I sure as hell don’t need anger management. I have every right to be angry at this evil corrupt system that is enslaving me and making my life, and everyone else, miserable. And I sure as hell don’t need driver improvement classes. I’m 35 years young, and I’ve never been in an accident. So I guess I’m about to be in violation of probation and have another warrant issued for my arrest again real soon. Maybe I’ll pick another church to stage a raid this time. My life is awesome. 
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July 4th = LIE
July 4th’s night sky is filled with countless explosions of fireworks by many who are celebrating what they really believe to be America’s ‘Independence Day.’ Unfortunately, these fools are completely clueless of reality because July 4th is a lie used as propaganda, pushed upon Americans from an early age, to create the illusion of freedom and independence in order to control the masses and maintain power discretely. We may have won the battles known as the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812, but what most seem not to have realized is that America lost the war. The British Empire didn’t simply give up, there was too much at stake. They became smarter. Instead of trying to take America directly by force, they took over indirectly from within through covert corruption of politicians -starting with Woodrow Wilson who was bought and bribed into election upon agreeing to sign the fraudulent Federal Reserve into being, a treasonous act which A.) created a financial funnel for our enemies into America, B.) established a central banking system our forefathers came to this country to escape, and C.) gave control of our currency to our enemies. Woodrow Wilson later admitted:
"A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is (now) concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men (foreign bankers = our enemies). We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."
If this is new for you...ask yourself, how can America be independent while in massive debt to someone? Who is more powerful, the borrower, or the lender? The average American’s share of the national debt is over $200K. News Flash: Debt is the new slavery! If the dollar collapses, which could easily happen a dozen different ways tomorrow, everyone would be forced to sell themselves as slaves just to eat, except for those who were prepared -’Preppers. 
If you think this is ridiculous and could never happen, it already has. A rarely told piece of history is that Egypt became a superpower after a global 7 year famine which forced everyone to sell everything, and eventually themselves, just to eat. By Divine Providence, Egypt had been warned 7 years earlier and had used those years to stockpile food. And the rise of this first superpower was a foreshadowing of the last superpower, the coming New World Order, something many top global leaders are calling and pushing towards.  
So stop celebrating ‘Independence Day’ because this country is not free. YOU ARE NOT FREE! If someone is stealing from your paycheck (Income Tax), YOU’RE A SLAVE! If the government has the right to TAKE or even regulate or tax your property (Imminent Domain/Civil Forfeiture/Property Tax), YOU ARE A SLAVE! If someone is regulating and taxing your natural born freedom to travel (D.L/Insurance/Plates/Tags/Tolls/etc) YOU ARE A SLAVE! If ANYONE has the power to force you into obedience at point of gun, YOU ARE A SLAVE! If ANYONE has the power to throw you in a hole in the ground (jail/prison), YOU ARE A SLAVE!  The Draft PROVED Americans are nothing more than property. So if you really think America is free or independent...think again.
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My Out-of-Body + Near-Death Experience
When I was only five years old I had an insane near-death, or rather ‘should-have-died,’ experience when I fell out of a minivan while traveling 45/mph on a major multi-lane road. As a curious child at five years of age, my dumb-@ss pulled the sliding door handle down while my mom was driving somewhere. The combination of the vehicles velocity and force of wind immediately yanked the sliding door all the way back and wide open as soon as I released the lever holding the door closed. Somehow this action also led to me tumbling out through the door, where I probably should have died. 
Miraculously, in an out-of-body experience, I only really remember one brief moment where I was aware of myself holding onto the outside door handle like superman with my body horizontal, parallel to the road, as the minivan flew down the highway to my mothers horror. It must have taken at least a few seconds for her to realize what happened, switch lanes, slow down, and pull over. The next thing I remember, we were standing on the side of the road with my mother rushing towards me and crushing me in a desperate embrace. And this wasn’t to be the last similar experience...if you don’t believe in God....it’s because you haven’t seen a miracle (as well as ignorant/naive concerning history, real science, current events, and prophecy). I’ve seen plenty.
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Nationalism = Racism
Here’s a truth most seem not to have realized, a truth which is counter-culture under these brainwashing propaganda pushing dictatorships we call democracies: Nationalism IS a form of TRIBALISM, which IS a form of RACISM....and it’s DIVISIVE! We are ONE PEOPLE AND ONE RACE - THE HUMAN RACE. There is NO such thing as an illegal alien, only travelers/migrants/nomads/refugees. Instead of branding these travelers as criminals and throwing them back among the wolves they are fleeing to escape, the human thing to do would be to help them forge a new path.
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Creates inequality as most wealth inevitably ends up concentrated into the hands of a few, who, because of greed, dominate and enslave the rest. There will never be true equality until there is income equality, and there will never be income equality under Capitalism
Creates Greed and profit driven lifestyle which turns people into worst versions of themselves -corrupt lying backstabbing blackmailing murderous thieves
Incentivizes back-stabbing, double-crossing, lying, cheating, harassment, and every other evil necessary to make a buck, even murder 
Propels impoverished women into life of prostitution and abuse
Facilitates baby murder; instead of expanding an adoption/foster program for unwanted/accidental babies, only possible in a capitalistic society if leaders can designate available funds -mother’s, in fear of costs, turn to killing their own babies, which is embraced by leaders because baby killing is a profitable business
Leads towards slave labor and sweat-shops
Facilitates human trafficking
Discriminates against the poor regarding housing; Decent housing becomes accessory only for those with the money
Facilitates homelessness; Instead of building/providing housing for all, even with millions of homes sitting empty, provision is only based upon greed (profit). 
Discriminates against the poor regarding education; A good education becomes accessory only for those with the money; Public education is now more of a daycare facility where illiteracy rate is rising and intelligence is declining
Acts as roadblock or impediment for education
Discriminates against the poor regarding healthcare; Good and proper Healthcare becomes an accessory only for those with the money
Acts as roadblock or impediment for healthcare
Discriminates against the sick or injured and creates financial hardship for them and their family
Discriminates against the disabled and handicapped and creates financial hardship for them and their family
Discriminates against the pregnant and creates financial hardship for them and their families; Many mothers, especially single mothers, are forced to work during pregnancy and incur a potentially devastating financial setback during time off for delivery and recovery
Prioritizes profit before and at the expense of human life and decency
Incentivizes the criminal neglect & abuse of humans 
Prioritizes profit before and at the expense of animal life and decency
Incentivizes the criminal neglect & abuse of animals
Prioritizes profit before and at the expense of nature
Incentivizes the destruction of nature
Has led towards rampant scamming, lying, and stealing in every facet of society
Has led towards rampant pollution of air, earth, and water 
Has led towards rampant animal abuse
Countless animals suffer and die because their parents were killed by poachers trying to make money
Has led towards many wars and massive human casualties
Has led towards enslavement, poisoning, and abuse of mankind in every land by evil corporations
Allows and Incentivizes the corruption of Government for power and profit
Has led to the hijacking and corruption of every government
NO honest government/leadership is possible because greed will always corrupt positions of power for personal gain. Those who cannot/will not be corrupted are assassinated
Incentivizes and prioritizes representation of the wealthy few by leaders at the expense of the common folk
Has led to hijacking and corruption of religion by greedy men
Incentivizes the control and dumbing down of education in order to control and manipulate consumers
Has led to hijacking and corruption of education for manipulation of consumers
Incentivizes the control and manipulation of media in order to control and manipulate consumers
Has led to hijacking and corruption of mainstream media outlets for manipulation of consumers
NO honest flow of information is possible because greed will always buyout/takeover and corrupt information highways for personal gain. This especially includes education systems and news outlets, but also includes any source of information on which consumer decisions are based 
Has led to hijacking and corruption of Healthcare into profit-driven industry capitalizing on treatments while ignoring actual care of health through education and prevention (cancer/AIDS is preventable through education and healthy lifestyle choices)
Has led towards deliberate mass poisoning for profit through treatment (thimerosal)
Profit driven Healthcare system simply treats symptoms of depression, anxiety, substance abuse, or suicide while ignoring the actual problems behind these symptoms
Incentivizes the suppression of beneficial medical products like medical marijuana and stem cells
Incentivizes the early and hasty push-through of untested/barely tested medical products which sacrifice well beings of patients for profit Incentivizes the corruption of medical testing and processes in order to push to market harmful medical products for profit
Only allows production of what can be sold instead of producing in abundance for security so this demand for profit leads towards famine/starvation
Impediment towards employment – Businesses can only hire whom they can afford
Impediment towards jobs creation -can only be created based on capital 
Incentivizes frivolous lawsuits now rampant and burying our court system
Incentivizes harassment and extortion of civilians by State/Federal officials desperate to raise capital
Incentivizes annoying and abusive guerrilla marketing campaigns which lead to endless spamming of mail, email, phone, computer (pop-ups), and harassment just walking in public, or even while at home
Incentivizes market manipulations which cause depressions/recessions
NO stable honest market system is possible because corruption and greed inevitably create secret elite inside groups who manipulate and even crash the markets for gain
Incentivizes monopolies which over-charge for poor products/services
Culminates in complete loss of privacy with 24/7 monitoring and logging of all activity as greedy marketing companies desperately jockey for every scrap of marketing information to corner markets and maximize profit.
Capitalism results in a complete loss of security as a result of #28
Stifles and Restricts Life, particularly growth, everything takes money, especially kids
Stifles and Restricts Creativity/Innovation & Art. As poverty increases in stale/stagnant economy, creativity and art become an indulgence most cannot afford.
Incentivizes the restriction of innovation in order to only allow those with money to create and develop new technologies
Literally restricts innovation. I’m sitting on numerous ideas and inventions which would significantly improve life for everyone, but without money I am helpless to do anything.
Capitalism is why we pay a %50-100+ mark up on products
Consumers are forced to pay $65 for TV/Internet bundle containing basic internet and only a meager dozen channels when all they want is internet
Incentivizes the overpricing of products where pricing is based on perception and not actual value 
People are kidnapped and killed for their organs or debts
People are robbed daily by those desperate to eat
Many live in poverty while a few amass enormous wealth they don’t need
Many starve while technology exists to feed everyone
Facilitates isolation and loneliness and thus depression, and therefore, suicide -everything takes money!
Creates competition which is COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE! How much money is wasted as numerous companies and countries spend money on the SAME THINGS?! For example, research and development, whether it be military or other technology as numerous entities race against each other trying to out-do each other
Has led to rise in cost of living through the politicization of ‘safety’ by puppet-politicians representing corporations pushing safety products, such as seat-belts, smoke detectors, helmets, etc. (It’s not the job of the State/Federal government to protect us from ourselves or each other. Part of freedom includes the freedom to be unsafe and live dangerously)
Restricts freedom through mandated regulations requiring safety products, such as seat-belts
Induces discomfort through mandated regulations requiring safety products such as bicycle/motorcycle helmets and loud and annoying smoke detectors which not everyone needs
Has led to rise in cost of living through the politicization of ‘security’ by puppet-politicians representing corporations pushing security products, such as insurance now required to do anything, from driving (auto), to living (home), to employment (business)
Has led to strangulation of small businesses from politicization of business regulations by puppet-politicians representing corporations using congress to restrict and impede competition
Incentivizes the leeching out of technological developments slowly over time, particularly with smart-phones, while they sit on technology years ahead of what they are releasing
Incentivizes the sacrifice of durability over affordability
Incentivizes the sacrifice of quality over quantity
Incentivizes false advertisement; Companies are incentivized to tell consumers what they want to hear which too often today seems to be a false inflated inaccurate depiction of reality
Incentivizes the creation of problems in order to sell solutions
Incentivizes false marketing in order to sell more product
Incentivizes the creation of false products in order to trick and land buyers
Incentivizes the deliberate production of inferior and poor quality products designed to quickly break down forcing repeat purchases
Incentivizes terrorism to start wars for profit
Incentivizes the sustainment of wars for maximization of profits
Incentivizes defamation of competitors
Incentivizes the defamation, true or false, of high profile figures in attempt for quick cash settlement (Stormy Daniels/mistresses/hurt girlfriends) or online as ‘clickbait’ for advertisement dollars through defamation of popular figures
Incentivizes online defamation, gossip, and spreading of rumors or lies of anyone popular by media for generation of advertising revenue
Incentivizes stalking and invasion of privacy of celebrities by media/journalists/press/paparazzi
Capitalism is why many women now marry men only to divorce later and steal half that man’s possessions, earnings, and savings
Incentivizes the burying or suppression of activists/activism against profitable companies
Incentivizes addicting and even harmful products, like gambling, social media, over-prescription of pain pills paid by insurance, medical procedures, etc. 
Incentivizes bad decisions, such as mortgaging the family house
Incentivizes/Facilitates creation of ‘bubbles’ such as the housing bubble
Incentivizes the fabrication and politicization of issues/events for profit (Global Warming, Opioid Crisis, 9/11, Cancer Charities, etc)
Incentivizes the suppression and oppression of ‘green’ technologies, such as electrical vehicles, solar, nuclear fusion, water collection and storage (rain barrels have been outlawed in some areas), home gardening (some areas ban front yard gardens), etc.
Incentivizes the suppression and oppression of independent thought and communities (Waco, Ruby Ridge, The Garden of Eden hippie commune in Arlington Texas, ‘Off-grider’s)
Has led to the pollution of many rivers/waters (Erin Brockovich), including the Flint water crisis, as corrupt criminally negligent corporations take short cuts in order to save a buck
Has led to ‘for-profit’ prison systems which incentivizes harsh and unfair punishments by corrupt puppet-judges in bed with the prison industry
Incentivizes inhumane life sentences in this ‘for-profit’ prison system era which is a torture a hundred times worse than death
Incentivizes hoarding and selfishness; the top %1 own the infrastructure and finances to house, clothe, feed, and educate everyone, but they sit in their high towers looking down at mankind believing they are gods and we their slaves
Facilitates the enslavement of mankind. In a capitalistic world money = power. Also, capitalism creates A.) Greed, and B.) a world where money is needed to do anything, which leads towards easily corruptible men. So capitalism creates power and facilitates corruption of men through greed and power, which without, no man could enslave another except through sheer force. In the past, evil men ruled through force. Today, evil men rule through democracy corrupted and greased by capitalism; democracy simply creates the illusion of control
Life is amazing and invaluable, yet Capitalism creates potential value for death thereby devaluing life. How many have been killed over money? How many wars have been fought because of GREED?!
Mankind is being turned into slaves through debt. If the dollar collapses with you in debt, you become a debt-slave! Although, considering all the taxes and regulations one must abide by simply to live (unless you're a complete vegetable), we basically already are slaves. If you didn't know, the dollar IS on the way out to give way to a new global currency which will be instated with the coming New World Order, or rather rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire.
The inevitable natural conclusion of Capitalism will be the end of civilization as we know it through the automation of nearly every 'J.O.B.' Capitalism drives demand for increasing profit, which will eventually lead to the removing of the 'human factor' from every job possible. Let's face it, we humans are unreliable, incompetent, distracted, lazy, slow, and stupid; we can't compete with technology. What will happen when technology forces most into unemployment? How will people eat if they can't work? Will that mean a mass welfare system? In case you don't realize how serious the situation is....we are only a few years away from numerous major industries ending up almost completely automated and sending 10+ million into unemployment...including: Transportation (taxi/delivery), Military, & Cashiers -why is why there has to be a financial collapse soon paving the way towards a New World Order and new electronic currency allowing the ruling class to remain in power and full control as the money lenders
Capitalism prevents society from reaching its fullest and best potential -creation of a utopia where everyone has everything they need in abundance with purposeful and fulfilling employment driven by interest or passion instead of need or desperation
One common flawed logic passed around today is to attribute modern success to our Capitalistic system. The logic - 1.) Look at how far we came so fast, 2.) We arrived here through capitalism, therefore, 3.) Capitalism is best or good. The problem with this logic not only is a lack of imagination but the assumption that capitalism is the best simply because it drove us here. News Flash: There's always more than one way to skin a cat. Just because you're naively satisfied with the results, does not mean one way was the best. We didn't and don't need this failed, corrupt, and evil system which is destroying us and our planet. We can and should do better. I see a better way. Why can’t you?
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