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Morning Y'all beautiful people, "Name calling only shows ones level of maturity...so stop it you "butt heads",#cyjokes Please be good to one another today and everyday, please take care of one another today and everyday. Please do not hate one another today or any day, also be sure to laugh ..#cyjokes #nohate #dontbelievelies #orliars https://www.instagram.com/p/CDbGSJtAUvS/?igshid=13f0b50p4ijvz
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It is said in the bible that "This too shall pass"...I said yeah like a kidney stone....#CYJOKES Please be good to one another today and everyday, please take care of one another today and everyday. Please do not hate one another today or any day, also be sure to laugh ..#cyjokes #nohate #dontbelievelies #orliars https://www.instagram.com/p/CDXe8Ibgxr4/?igshid=lxwaq15b6wqh
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Have agood day y'all. Every politician I hear is going to go "fight" for something... I for one am sick of "fighting" and would like to see a lot more "getting along"....#CYJOKES Please be good to one another today and everyday, please take care of one another today and everyday. Please do not hate one another today or any day, also be sure to laugh ..#cyjokes #nohate #dontbelievelies #orliars https://www.instagram.com/p/CDTg-5hA_kP/?igshid=1hdexj80vixl7
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PROVERB= If man does not wish to become "hooked" on fishing then man should never give fishing pole to kid while man is still trying to bait hook. #cyjokes #ouch.... Please be good to one another today and everyday, please take care of one another today and everyday. Please do not hate one another today or any day, also be sure to laugh ..#cyjokes #nohate #dontbelievelies #orliars https://www.instagram.com/p/CDQ0XPCg6yP/?igshid=1edcnd7brmfe2
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Remember tell those you love, you love them. Please be good to one another today and everyday, please take care of one another today and everyday. Please do not hate one another today or any day, also be sure to laugh ..#cyjokes #nohate #dontbelievelies #orliars https://www.instagram.com/p/CDOPCgMAXhE/?igshid=krmuth0pwxy2
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"Make people glad that they saw you today." Please be good to one another today and everyday, please take care of one another today and everyday. Please do not hate one another today or any day, also be sure to laugh ..#cyjokes #nohate #dontbelievelies #orliars (at Unadilla, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDL1Z_QgOsL/?igshid=gel9nj4it6pg
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Please be good to one another today and everyday, please take care of one another today and everyday. Please do not hate one another today or any day, also be sure to laugh ..#cyjokes #nohate #dontbelievelies #orliars https://www.instagram.com/p/CDJrjcxAY4P/?igshid=1mckzeuzcjyij
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Saddened....our Religious leaders are condoning.. Please be good to one another today and everyday, please take care of one another today and everyday. Please do not hate one another today or any day, also be sure to laugh ..#cyjokes #nohate #dontbelievelies #orliars https://www.instagram.com/p/CDJT7tbA8BA/?igshid=c3etogx37h77
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Let's stop being so ugly to one another, it's just so ugly...#cyjokes Please be good to one another today and everyday, please take care of one another today and everyday. Please do not hate one another today or any day, also be sure to laugh ..#cyjokes #nohate #dontbelievelies #orliars (at Unadilla, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDGogFHADrV/?igshid=187wo9k50kvjg
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"By this they will know you are my disciples, if you love"one another " John 13 :35 Night friends, our Nation, and earth ... Again I pray for softened hearts , clearer heads and comfort and healing for all of us because we all are in desperate need. Lord , you know our hearts , please hear our prayers. (at Unadilla, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDFjKMFAMU_/?igshid=hq4u9ngmytc3
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Tell a joke , don't be one. #cyjokes Please be good to one another today and everyday, please take care of one another today and everyday. Please do not hate one another today or any day, also be sure to laugh ..#cyjokes #nohate #dontbelievelies #orliars https://www.instagram.com/p/CDERh3qAoNL/?igshid=1lo1z1et45d2n
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Once again the problem tries to become the solution. Please be good to one another today and everyday, please take care of one another today and everyday. Please do not hate one another today or any day, also be sure to laugh ..#cyjokes #nohate #dontbelievelies #orliars https://www.instagram.com/p/CDBZo31gEwF/?igshid=ed1zfg44zlca
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Cheesy Joke of the day. Was a person who painted pictures for Genghis Khan known as a "Khan Artist" #cyjokes. Please be good to one another today and everyday, please take care of one another today and everyday. Please do not hate one another today or any day, also be sure to laugh ..#cyjokes #nohate #dontbelievelies #orliars https://www.instagram.com/p/CC-9LAtAoiz/?igshid=150m429b7aqk7
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The next house I have will be built with a tilt feature, so I do not have to pick up kids toys, I can just hit a button and tilt the toys to one side or the other. #cyjokes Please be good to one another today and everyday, please take care of one another today and everyday. Please do not hate one another today or any day, also be sure to laugh ..#cyjokes #nohate #dontbelievelies #orliars https://www.instagram.com/p/CC8U_t5ASjg/?igshid=1plpfehdc4grf
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When I was a kid we did not have a lot of money to take exotic vacations like some of the other kids did, but my mom never let a little thing like money stop her from talking me on a world class guilt trip every now and then. #cyjokes #myoldjokes Please be good to one another today and everyday, please take care of one another today and everyday. Please do not hate one another today or any day, also be sure to laugh ..#cyjokes #nohate #dontbelievelies #orliars https://www.instagram.com/p/CC6t_qFAETd/?igshid=c4b1tfbfu48u
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Seems like the more barbie clothes, barbie has to wear ,the less clothes barbie actually wears . #tiredofdressingbarbie #nakedbarbie #cyjokes Please be good to one another today and everyday, please take care of one another today and everyday. Please do not hate one another today or any day, also be sure to laugh ..#cyjokes #nohate #dontbelievelies #orliars https://www.instagram.com/p/CC6AlGaAs9r/?igshid=o54b62mj5c63
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