chrmdnbeautiful · 2 years
Reblog if you’re 30 or older
This is an experiment to see if there really are as few of us as people think.You can also use this to freak out your followers who think you’re 25 or something. Yay!
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chrmdnbeautiful · 4 years
It’s not hard to be aware of bikes and bikers around you. Don’t be a jerk. Just make sure everyone gets home at the end of the day... do your part!
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After spending the weekend at a biker rally, I felt the need to share this. I’m fairly new to motorcycle riding, but my hubby has been doing it awhile, and we ride most often with guys who’ve been doing it all their lives. But for those who don’t ride, can I please offer a few helpful tips?
Do not ride a motorcycle’s bumper! If you see a bike on the road, keep your distance. Nothing makes a biker more nervous or frustrated than some asshole riding his tail. It’s dangerous. Remember that we don’t have a steel cage to protect us. If you hit us, we’re going down, and our injuries will be severe!
Make room! If you see a group of bikes trying to merge into traffic, get in the other lane and make some room for them. We were riding as a pack, and some jerk in a truck refused to let us in, causing us to get separated from our group. This is rude and dangerous, and there’s no excuse for it. 
Look twice, then look again! Before you try to change lanes, be absolutely sure there is not a bike coming up beside you. They are easy to miss. Do us all a favor, and be triply sure that the lane is clear before you move over. 
Do not cut us off! It’s hard for bikes to stop on a dime without going down. Please do not pull out in front of a group of bikers just to save yourself a few minutes of time. Ask yourself if getting to your destination is more important than the rider’s life. Besides, it’s pretty freaking cool to watch a large group of bikes barreling down the road.
Be aware that the majority of bikers are NOT gangsters! Most of us are regular joe’s who enjoy riding bikes, and most of the bikers I know are actively involved in their communities, lending a helping hand, raising money for community projects and civic organizations. Show a little respect and appreciation, please. 
Remember that we have families who want to see us again! An afternoon of riding for fun shouldn’t end with a family who never gets to see their spouse or parent again. I’m a mom. My youngest child is only 9 years old. He needs his parents. And all bikers are someone’s spouse, parent, sibling, or child. Keep that in mind when you see riders out and about. 
Most of us just want to ride our bikes and enjoy the day. Most of us are not out to cause trouble. All of us want to make it home at the end of the day. 
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chrmdnbeautiful · 4 years
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👏🏾Education 👏🏾is 👏🏾a 👏🏾right,👏🏾 not👏🏾 a👏🏾 service 👏🏾
Pass along and use the shit out of them
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chrmdnbeautiful · 4 years
Three names I go by
1. Katie
2. Kay Kay
3. Muneca
Three places I lived
1. California
2. Nevada
3. Illinois
Three places I have worked
1. Babies R Us
2. Pac Sun
3. MC Sports
Three things I love to watch
1. Once Upon a Time
2. Criminal Minds
3. Peaky Blinders
Three places I have been
1. Texas
2. Mexico
3. Arizona
Three things I love to eat
1. Chinese Food
2. Mexican Food
3. Chicago Mix Popcorn
Three things I am looking forward to
1. Getting out of Illinois
2. Being closer to family
3. Moving on to bigger and better!
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chrmdnbeautiful · 4 years
In case anyone wanted to know lol
• Snuck out: I did but only at nights I spent out bc of you knew my mama you wouldn’t wanna either lol
• Broken a bone: No
• Cried myself to sleep: Yes 😔
• Been arrested: Yes
• Felt lonely: Yes
• Been depressed: Yes #childhood trauma lol
• Birthday: August 7th
• Biggest fear: Losing one of my babies
• Dream job: Getting paid to write books or read them
• Dream car: 2001 Camaro SS
• Dream house: House on the beach
• Like someone: Yes
• Love someone: Yes
• Have tattoos: yes
• Have piercings: Yes
• Party: Not in a long time
• Artist: Currently... Five Finger Death Punch
• Movie: Too many to list
• Song: Too damn many to list
• Netflix series: Ummm... again too many to list
• Book: Haha There’s even more of these
• Color: Blue
• Twitter or Facebook: Facebook
• Twitter or Instagram: Instagram
• Facebook or Instagram: Facebook
• Coke or Pepsi: Coke
• Tea or coffee: Both sweet and iced
• Tacos or pizza: Tacos
• Winter or summer: SUMMER!
• Have kids: Already have 2 and I think I’m done lol
• Swim with sharks: Idk about that
• Eat rotten food: Eww not willingly
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chrmdnbeautiful · 4 years
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chrmdnbeautiful · 4 years
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Only kind of marathon I do.
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chrmdnbeautiful · 4 years
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Rare af.
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chrmdnbeautiful · 4 years
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You’ll know when I’m being mean.... there will be no question in your mind as you go running from the room. lol
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chrmdnbeautiful · 4 years
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I miss you!
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chrmdnbeautiful · 4 years
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I’m dangerous lol
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chrmdnbeautiful · 4 years
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So if you ever wonder why I am the way I am through the day.
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chrmdnbeautiful · 4 years
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They say what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
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chrmdnbeautiful · 4 years
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chrmdnbeautiful · 4 years
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I’m pretty sure these actual words have come out of my mouth before.
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chrmdnbeautiful · 4 years
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Never learned to take compliments.
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chrmdnbeautiful · 4 years
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Idk how to keep my mouth shut, especially when I’m mad. 
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