chroniclers-rp · 7 years
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Shirogane Ward 7 Starlight Party
We spent a wonderful evening entertaining our neighbors, hanging out, and exchanging presents!
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chroniclers-rp · 7 years
Shirogane Ward 7 Starlight Story-Go-Round
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[19:52]Zhan'a Rakhin: "Starlight dawns where it all began, in a city now forever covered in snow... Probably not the best place to be when you're underpriviledged. Or a kid. Or anyone, really. NooffenceRee. Probably lucky just to be in one piece and not starved. But there was one shining hope in the cold night, jumping roof tops in a hurry. I would say silent as a thief, but I've seen some dodgy thieves in my time so... Yeah. ~
[19:52]Zhan'a Rakhin: She wears red head to toe, stands out in the moonlight like a sore thumb, really. Have you seen Ishgard? It's all grey. Red is terrible if you're trying to keep eyes off ya. Anyroad, she has a mission. She has those presents. Those kids needed them. She's dodging coppers left and right, but she won't quit until the job is done."
[19:55]Syranelle Ironleaf: "She leapt with all the envious skill of a dragoon in their prime, bounding from rooftop to rooftop.  A large, velveteen bag was slung over her shoulder and jostled against her back with every leap.  However, as she landed on a rooftop near the Jeweled Crozier, she stopped and peered down into the night darkened street."
[19:57]Syranelle Ironleaf: "A child slept, huddled in a corner with some worn-out crates, shivering from the bitter cold.  The red-clad Saint eased down from her perch, landing soundlessly near the child.  Reaching into her satchel, she drew forth a thick yak-skin blanket and gingerly drew it over the child, protecting them from the elements and providing wooly warmth.  As she did so, she heard the bag get pulled away from her!  She turned to see the thief running away down the street...!"
[20:04]Ambaghai Iriq: "She... chases after the thief with at shout, one loud enough to wake the child she'd just covered with a blanket," he pauses, "But she is already after the theif, so..." again he glares at Tajih, "The child is left confused, but grateful for the extra warmth. When she catches up with the theif she reaches out to take back the bag. They have a good grip, and after a short struggle she notices that the theif is also a child. Thin, and covered in dirt."
[20:19]Zhan'a Rakhin: "Just as she lands on the nearest roof, however, a shout cuts through the silence. Spotted already, and so early in her work! With a flourish of her cape, she disappears the from childrens' sight as a pair of shadows give chase. The Saint knows the inquisitors will not easily give up the chase, but she is swift on her feet and clever in her planning. Mostly."
[20:19]Zhan'a Rakhin: "She abandons the roofs in favor of the twisting alleys, hoping to knock them off her scent. She waits in the shadows. Lost them for now, it seemed. Then she is on the move once more At one particularly large gap, however, she descends to a snow-covered garden for a moment's respite. A creaking sounds from above..."
[20:23]Syranelle Ironleaf: "From overhead, a shadow descends with purpose and vigor.  Hellfires, she hadn't escaped after all!  Abandoning the bag of gifts behind a rickety crate in one of the alleys, she takes off running with the shadow close after.  'Damn those Inquisitors,' she thought viciously. There was little room left for thought.  She shed the bright red coat, hoping to meld into the shadows and lose the hound at her heels, but to no avail.  Before long, she found herself at a dead end!"
[20:25]Syranelle Ironleaf: "Turning to face her pursuer, she panted for breath. A dark shadow filled the end of the alleyway, coming closer and closer to her.  In defiance, however, she gathered her legs and called the aether to her that was a dragoon's birthright.  With an explosion of power and skill, she launched herself skyward to the rooftops overhead.  A vehement curse followed her up as her pursuer stared after her.  "She's on the roof!" came the cry from below.
[20:34]Zhan'a Rakhin: "They just really wanted those blankets apparently. Heretical blankets. Must have offended their mothers or something. See, now that would actually make sense. Someone smacks their gob about their mum, bam everything involved is a sin. Granted, it's a by proxy sort of thing because it obviously wasn't the blanket themselves doing any sort of talking..."
[20:34]Zhan'a Rakhin: "Oh my gods, why does Starlight make absolutely no sense." The miqo'te grabs at his ears, at a loss. He glances briefly to Syra then. "Ah. Sorry. Just... why." He clears his throat once more.
[20:34]You burst out laughing at Zhan'a Rakhin.
[20:34]Zhan'a Rakhin: "Anyroad, it's a grand ol' thing seeing a dragoon hopping about, but just one against so many pursuers? As she reached the Brume, she count a half dozen, nay, a whole baker's dozen of the lot just standing there along the roofs. They stared at her. She stared back. And then rocks start pelting those inquisitors from the street because I don't care where they're from, street kids are vicious when they've got a weapon in their hands. And these had a whole broken street of cobbles at their fingertips.”
[20:38]Syranelle Ironleaf: "Again and again the rocks pelted the Inquisitors.  A veritable army of beggar-children was assembled below, each of them pelting a rock at one of the shadowed figures.  'You leave 'er alone, y'bast'ds!' the boldest of them yelled. 'She ain't done nothin' but bring a bit o' kindness to us what has none!' One of the Inquisitors looked down at the children.  'Silence, rats, or you'll suffer the same fate as your hero!'  He took a step forward and suddenly the hail of stones shifted."
[20:40]Syranelle Ironleaf: "They all focused on him.  Large stones, small ones, they came down in a deluge of fury as the children doubled their efforts.  From head to toe, he was clonked again and again until he lost his footing and slipped, nearly falling from the roof.  As the others turned to assist their leader, the Saint took that moment to make good her escape!"
[20:48]Zhan'a Rakhin: "In the spirit of Starlight, the inquisitor winds up not falling and breaking his neck and probably is actually a fairly decent guy off the clock. Just doing the job, got a family to feed, that sort of thing. But we all know that in reality if he were a decent sort he'd definitely be dead now. Just keep that in mind. Okay. So, our Saint has escaped from the Inquisition! She returns to her bag of gifts, as she still has so much work yet to do.
[20:48]Zhan'a Rakhin: "She works through the night, bringing warmth and hope those in Ishgard that need it most. And, as she hands her last blanket to the last child, she sees her red coat gliding down the street. Or, the coat draped over the head of a child, at least. She sees a grin underneath as the coat passes her by. It would do him more good now than it would her. And there we go, everyone is happy and no one died that day."
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chroniclers-rp · 7 years
Two broken vase don’t make a full one...
Karaan waked up when a small black mass jumped on his lap. He blinked at the small cat and pet it gently, trying to make sure not to wake up the Twin sleeping in the bed near them.  He raised the chin of the feline, named Noireau, to examine the old injury he suffered before J’maaira found it.
Like its master, the small kitten was missing his left eye, always making Karaan wondering if his wife thought about it when she gave him the animal two years ago, at the difference of Lump who the Twin can almost ride or pushed aside, the nervous little black cat passed most of his time trying to dodge the evil children prank, leaving his hideout only if its master was alone or near.
“You are nervous around stranger and people, Noireau.” Said Karaan while petting the fragile animal, resting on his lap. “You are a real night owl, like me, enjoying the peace of the night to think and make sure thing doesn’t break around this place. “He gently caressed behind the ear of the kitten, making him purr happily for a moment. “We are both broken vase, glue to survive another duty.”
He shook his head, expelling long sigh, while the brown eye of the small Noireau raised to glare at its master, almost judging its words. “Don’t look at me like that, Noireau…” He whispered softly, turning his eye toward the beds of the twin, two small bed, lodged in the corner of the room, while the two children sleep quietly. “Broken and twisted, but still able to keep myself on my two feet, until my last breath.” The ears of the small black cat raised while Karaan was speaking.
A few seconds later, a bigger and louder sound can be hear coming from the small kitchen of the apartment. Karaan frowned and stood up, hoping that it wasn’t any strangers or trouble coming from his past or J’maaira’s job, he wasn’t in the mood. The cat in his arms, the Chronicler slowly travelled toward the kitchen, letting the small light of the moon light the room.
He narrowed his eye and scanned for any intruders, seeing a mess on the floor near the shelves. He leaned on the side, and frowned seeing a pot broken on the floor, a more obese and bigger cat eating treats rapidly, ravenously. “LUMP!” He expressed sharply, but the man only received a indifferent glare from the obese cat, before it continued to eat its treasure. “Well…” Karaan tried to push aside the cat with his left foot, trying to keep it away from the teats. Seeing too well that it was a lost cause, the young whispered “And I thought you were getting slimmer. “He shook his head and glanced at his own cat, in his arms. “I shouldn’t have known that she would be able to get them, right Noireau.” In defeat, the other cat purred and looked at his fellow feline.
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chroniclers-rp · 7 years
[ RP ] Migrant Mender
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Migrant Mender 8pm to 10pm Eastern Balmung Server
Private, on-call healer available for all your mending needs!  Contact me via in-game tell, Moogle Mail, or Discord!
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chroniclers-rp · 7 years
Clawing for air (Mature theme)
Ellisorielle looked around her, the Black Shroud spreading for a thousand of trees around her. She sighed and clenched the rope that was around her arm, a kweeh came from the bird behind her. She smiled at Zhee and nodded, knowing too well, that the chocobo couldn’t understand the gravity of the moment. She knotted the bird at a tree beside her and shivered, she had removed and left the Zhan’a’s gift at their house, hidden somewhere, in hope nobody will ever find it. 
The young girl threw the rope over the biggest branch of the tree near her, making sure that it wasn’t to too close of her chocobo. She climbed the trunk, feeling her bruised ribs hurting on every step she was making toward her goal, a few tears of pain and freedom rolling down her cheeks.
For her, this was the goal, a rare thing she could finish for once, she sat on the branch, making sure to knot correctly the rope around the big branch, checking even it twice, a calm and distant smile glued on her lips, focusing on the task in hands. She pulled the rope up until she reached for the end, studying it, her hands trembling from the nervousness of the task she was about to do. She made a small loop, enough to pass it around her neck and closed her eyes, picturing her friends, her lost memories, her lost life, and her determination fading away.  
A distant voice coming from the forest around her break the silence. “Better break your neck over strangulation, young girl.” Elliosrielle got startled from the voice, raising her gaze around her. “Believe me… I know it from the experience.” The girl chuckled nervously. “I heard a voice, this isn’t real…only my fear and imagination…I must do it, free them and myself.”
The distant voice chuckled back. “Imaginary friend, voice, advice, who knows, but I can tell you, the feeling of suffocation will burn your lungs, when you will dream for air, dreaming one more time that you would have not make that decision. I will be here, watching you and laughing at your pathetic end.” The voice stopped, and the silence filled the air around the young girl.
She nipped her lower lip, letting the metallic taste fill her mouth, to ground her back into this reality. “I have to!”  She screamed around her, making her chocobo raised his head and a flock of bird feared the area. “Oh really, why…YOU have to die, what is your tragic story that make your life worst then anyone else.” The hatred in the voice made her shivered, the voice was angry at her, or at the situation. “You can’t understand…” replied Ellisorielle while she passed the loop around her neck, closing her eyes.
Before she could say or reacted, something or someone pushed her off the branch, her fall was stop by the rope, locking itself around her neck. The rope didn’t do its job, so Ellisorielle’s feet started to fight against the lack of air, fidgeting and moving in every way, her hands around the loop, clawing at it, and trying to remove it; pleading silently for air, while the burning sensation filled her lungs, and her own vision diminished. The void crawled around her, the emptiness swallowed her, a silent last word escaped her last breath before the end.
A sharp pain waked her up after an eternity, she blinked and frowned, she was resting under the tree, the branch broke beside her, the rope removed from around her neck.  She stood up slowly, glancing around her, wondering if the voice was still there, laughing at her own demise.  Her answer came a few second after. “It seems the Twelve still have something for you, girl…”
The voice laughed coldly at her.  She looked at the branch, it broke by a spell, or something strong enough to force it to snap. She shivered and sighed. “Why?” She inquired, knowing too well that she may never have that answer. She grabbed her rope, her chocobo and walked toward the ferryboat toward Limsa, like she had promise at her friend, the voice of the forest chuckling at her, rubbing her left cheek, feeling the sting of a slap on it.
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chroniclers-rp · 7 years
I’ll be available tonight from 8pm Eastern to midnight!  If you need some healing done, send me a tell or Moogle Mail!  
[ RP ] Migrant Healing Service
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Need a little healing?
But don’t want to go to a public clinic or prefer to be treated in your own home?  We’ll travel to wherever you need!  Our knowledgable healing staff uses both aetherical healing and traditional medicinal alchemy, whatever your preference!
Every Tuesday Night (Starting Oct 31) from 8pm to Midnight (Eastern) if you need us, just send a tell or a Moogle Mail and we’ll get to you as quickly as we can!  Our services are on a first-come, first-served basis so please keep that in mind!  
(( Brought to you by @ironleaf-rp, @yokasaris, and @chroniclers-rp ))
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chroniclers-rp · 7 years
[ RP ] Migrant Healing Service
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Need a little healing?
But don’t want to go to a public clinic or prefer to be treated in your own home?  We’ll travel to wherever you need!  Our knowledgable healing staff uses both aetherical healing and traditional medicinal alchemy, whatever your preference!
Every Tuesday Night (Starting Oct 31) from 8pm to Midnight (Eastern) if you need us, just send a tell or a Moogle Mail and we’ll get to you as quickly as we can!  Our services are on a first-come, first-served basis so please keep that in mind!  
(( Brought to you by @ironleaf-rp, @yokasaris, and @chroniclers-rp ))
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chroniclers-rp · 7 years
[ PVE ] Seven ... Again?!
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This is really kind of unheard of for us! Another trip behind Door Seven with plenty of visits from Abrahamu along the way! Seriously, that elephant guy must really like Zhan’a Rakhin ( @yokasaris )... Two more Thief Maps to add to our collection along with myriad treasures and plenty of gil! One of these days we’ll actually brave one of those Thief Maps.  Someday. Whenever Syranelle Ironleaf ( @ironleaf-rp ) actually gains some iLevels...
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chroniclers-rp · 7 years
Of Teatime and Travels
Word came ‘round that Faye Covington ( @fair-fae ) had transformed the old Harbinger house into a teahouse of sorts; naturally, my own curiosity got the better of me, so I made my way back to those distantly familiar paths that eventually led me to the new Shroudrose Teahouse & Tavern. 
I have to say that Faye and her compatriots did a wonderful job of transforming the old Harbinger house into something really quite lovely.  Thanks to Raisan Arcmantle and his usual small army of helpers, the tea, service, and foodstuffs all proved to be sublime. Especially the Brownie Earthquake he concocted.
It was a pleasant evening with live entertainment from a rather talented bard. Most of it, though, I spent in conversation with Zhan’a Rakhin ( @yokasaris ) about The Chroniclers ( @chroniclers-rp ) upcoming move to Shirogane. At first, the miqo’te seemed quite hesitant, but after convincing him of the adventure and the new botanical samples we might find, I think he warmed up to the idea.
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If only I could get Zhan’a to warm up to Karaan Nolan. Whatever feud exists between them continues unabated; each of them sniping and snarking at the other until one of them leaves the room in a huff. It worries me, especially now that we’re going to be abroad with no one but ourselves to rely on. We need each other, now more than ever, we can ill-afford to be so divided.
Perhaps that’s why I’ve taken it upon myself to work with Zhan’a more regularly, in order to help him feel included in the Company’s endeavours.  He joined the Chroniclers for Irridias Velnyx and I, after all. It falls to us to ensure that he’s made welcome here and that he has things to do. That’s the point of a Free Company, isn’t it?
After a rather long airship ride, we now find ourselves on new and distant shores. Hingashi, Doma, Othard – names and places I’ve only read about in books or heard of in passing conversations.  Zhan’a and I took it upon ourselves to explore Kugane proper and see if we could find the market for some necessary supplies.
The more time I spend with Zhan’a, the more I like him. He has his quirks, to be sure, but there’s an underlying intelligence and cunning about him, a sort of street savvy that most of us would likely take for granted. Like haggling with one of the vendors in Kugane this evening, he made quite a show of it, but saved us a fair bit of gil.
Once we’d successfully purchased supplies for repairing the house Karaan found us in Shirogane, Zhan’a and I found some tasty food samples in a stall farther down the market lane. Food here is certainly different, though, I knew that already from visits with Saraj Malqir and my time at Ryuusei Tea Room ( @ryuuseitearoom ). It made for a nice, simple introduction to the new world we’ve found ourselves in, though. I look forward to getting to know this place even more.
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chroniclers-rp · 7 years
[ PVE ] The Infamous Seven
We finally made it to the infamous Door Seven in the Lost Canals of Uznair! Ree even won a Thief's Map!  More adventures await!
Historically, our luck is to never make it past Door Four.  XD So this was some pretty epic luck for us!
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chroniclers-rp · 7 years
A New Home!
We are over the moon at having *finally* gotten a home for ourselves.  Once it’s all decorated and settled, of course it will be open for RP shenanigans and events we have planned! Shirogane, Ward 7, Plot 15 -- Northeast Aetheryte
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chroniclers-rp · 8 years
I offer my character up for interaction and plot-hooks!  She's put out a number of want ads for various things, or can be called upon as a botanist, researcher, historian, or healer.  In particular, she specializes in Gelmorran and Nymian history and herbal healing salves/ointments, along with Arcanima. Just look for me in-game anytime as Syranelle Ironleaf!
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What: Drop-in, casual RP Who: Everyone! When: Jan. 10th, 7-10 pm EST Where: Coffer & Coffin; Central Thanalan Hosted by: The RP Levelers Linkshell
Open world RP? Yes, please!
This is a casual, drop-in RP session and everyone is welcome!
Looking for suggestions for why you would be there?
Travelers looking for a meal & drink
Merchant caravans passing through
Scholars studying the Sil’dih ruins
Bar staff
Dancers, card sharks, and other saloon types
Hope to see you there!
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chroniclers-rp · 8 years
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What: Drop-in, casual RP Who: Everyone! When: Jan. 10th, 7-10 pm EST Where: Coffer & Coffin; Central Thanalan Hosted by: The RP Levelers Linkshell
Open world RP? Yes, please!
This is a casual, drop-in RP session and everyone is welcome!
Looking for suggestions for why you would be there?
Travelers looking for a meal & drink
Merchant caravans passing through
Scholars studying the Sil’dih ruins
Bar staff
Dancers, card sharks, and other saloon types
Hope to see you there!
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chroniclers-rp · 8 years
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January Gridania Story-Go-Round Mih Khetto’s Amphitheater January 12th @ 8pm Eastern (Hosted by: @chroniclers-rp) Join us for more shared story-telling shenanigans!  For full details on how you can join in the fun, visit:  http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=16894 (( Feel free to reblog and/or copy-paste our flyer to your Company websites and forums! ))
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chroniclers-rp · 8 years
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Gridania Story-Go-Round: January Edition Join us again January 12th at 8pm Eastern for yet another evening of rousing, rambling, story-sharing fun!  We’ll be back in our usual place at Mih Khetto’s Amphitheater, so look for us there!
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chroniclers-rp · 8 years
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December’s Gridania Story-Go-Round Courtesy of our friends at @daystar-ffxiv for providing the venue! Read the story of Special Pomvestigator Mogshu’s second-ever case to solve the mystery of Ramuh’s missing beard!
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chroniclers-rp · 8 years
Our very own Syranelle Ironleaf (@ironleaf-rp) will be speaking here tonight, along with several other guests!
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Eorzean Victory & Unity Celebration http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=17695 A wide cast of guest speakers will be making speeches and celebrating the end of the Dragonsong War!  A great way to draw the expansion to a close.  I hope to see many of you there!
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