#ffxiv ch-rp
dragonsongmakhali · 1 year
Send 👑 to see them in something they might wear to impress others.
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When you need to dress to impress, look no further than the Ultima Fabrications Mark VI Combat Skin.
A marvel of engineering, Makhali only wears the full suit for the toughest of battles and the fanciest of tech demonstrations, often choosing to wear just the sollerets and gauntlets for everyday adventuring. Crafted to exacting specifications by U'lani herself, the full skin can withstand temperatures beyond 320 degrees and up to three atmospheres of pressure with no damage to the wearer. There's a helmet that makes the suit airtight, but Makhali generally won't wear it unless she's actively going underwater.
Thank you for the ask! :D
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chroniclers-rp · 7 years
[ RP ] Migrant Mender
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Migrant Mender 8pm to 10pm Eastern Balmung Server
Private, on-call healer available for all your mending needs!  Contact me via in-game tell, Moogle Mail, or Discord!
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ironleaf-rp · 7 years
Of Teatime and Travels
Word came ‘round that Faye Covington ( @fair-fae ) had transformed the old Harbinger house into a teahouse of sorts; naturally, my own curiosity got the better of me, so I made my way back to those distantly familiar paths that eventually led me to the new Shroudrose Teahouse & Tavern. 
I have to say that Faye and her compatriots did a wonderful job of transforming the old Harbinger house into something really quite lovely.  Thanks to Raisan Arcmantle and his usual small army of helpers, the tea, service, and foodstuffs all proved to be sublime. Especially the Brownie Earthquake he concocted.
It was a pleasant evening with live entertainment from a rather talented bard. Most of it, though, I spent in conversation with Zhan’a Rakhin ( @yokasaris ) about The Chroniclers ( @chroniclers-rp ) upcoming move to Shirogane. At first, the miqo’te seemed quite hesitant, but after convincing him of the adventure and the new botanical samples we might find, I think he warmed up to the idea.
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If only I could get Zhan’a to warm up to Karaan Nolan. Whatever feud exists between them continues unabated; each of them sniping and snarking at the other until one of them leaves the room in a huff. It worries me, especially now that we’re going to be abroad with no one but ourselves to rely on. We need each other, now more than ever, we can ill-afford to be so divided.
Perhaps that’s why I’ve taken it upon myself to work with Zhan’a more regularly, in order to help him feel included in the Company’s endeavours.  He joined the Chroniclers for Irridias Velnyx and I, after all. It falls to us to ensure that he’s made welcome here and that he has things to do. That’s the point of a Free Company, isn’t it?
After a rather long airship ride, we now find ourselves on new and distant shores. Hingashi, Doma, Othard -- names and places I’ve only read about in books or heard of in passing conversations.  Zhan’a and I took it upon ourselves to explore Kugane proper and see if we could find the market for some necessary supplies.
The more time I spend with Zhan’a, the more I like him. He has his quirks, to be sure, but there’s an underlying intelligence and cunning about him, a sort of street savvy that most of us would likely take for granted. Like haggling with one of the vendors in Kugane this evening, he made quite a show of it, but saved us a fair bit of gil.
Once we’d successfully purchased supplies for repairing the house Karaan found us in Shirogane, Zhan’a and I found some tasty food samples in a stall farther down the market lane. Food here is certainly different, though, I knew that already from visits with Saraj Malqir and my time at Ryuusei Tea Room ( @ryuuseitearoom ). It made for a nice, simple introduction to the new world we’ve found ourselves in, though. I look forward to getting to know this place even more.
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talechaser-ffxiv · 4 years
New OC Spotlight: Daidukul
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Name: Daidukul Sagahl Occupation: Blue Mage Age: 28 Height: 6′5″ Gender / Orientation: Male / Unknown Race: Au Ra (Xaela) Nameday: 30th Sun of the 3rd Umbral Moon Patron Deity / Guardian: Azeyma, the Warden Place of birth / Residence: Azim Steppe / Transient
Daidukul was born on the Azim Steppe to the Sagahl tribe, known for seeing beastkin as equals.  Daidukul was known for sneaking off with his twin brother Khaishan to observe the beasts of the steppe, learning their ways through study and imitation.  Not much is known about why Daidukul left the steppe, as he has told many stories as to the reason--a tragic accident involving his brother, a desire to see the beasts of the world, whispers of a mythical blue magic that would allow him to become more like them... Perhaps a hint of truth can be found amidst the tales.  All that is truly known of this wandering Xaela is that he has a thirst for knowledge and a desire to learn more of what it means to be like the beasts he admires, with an added love of showmanship which has earned him the coin he has needed to fund his travels.
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heirsofdiscord · 5 years
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This screenshot pretty much encapsulates the current spirit of my blog
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dragonsongmakhali · 1 year
🐾 (with a favourite pet or (animal) mount)
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That would be Mokka! She's Makhali's beloved pet dodo who follows her nearly everywhere. Though her diet consists mostly of small insects and seeds, she is often fed table scraps by her doting owner - Makhali often calls her "my little steamed dumpling", as that is her favorite treat.
When Makhali feels that a particular excursion is too dangerous for the young dodo, she leaves her at the Ultima Fabrications stables to feast on oats and terrorize small lizards.
Thank you for the ask! :>
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dragonsongmakhali · 1 year
Send 💀 to see them in something they wouldn’t be seen dead in.
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'Ta-daah!' [said with barely controlled rage]
Some people look great in fancy frills and long gowns. Makhali is not one of those people, nor does she have the capability of being one of those people - this dress would usually be torn to shreds within a bell. However, a bet is a bet, and so she wore this particular number for an entire day. It surprisingly sustained minimal damage.
Thank you for the ask! :>
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dragonsongmakhali · 1 year
Send 🕳 to see them somewhere they really don’t like to be.
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Of all places, it had to be Coerthas.
More specifically, it had to be the arse-end of nowhere in the frigid Western Highlands, so far from civilization that she was more likely to run into a polar bear than a person. Not that said civilization had been all that welcoming to a woman who bore a marked resemblance to the creatures they had been at war with for hundreds of years, but at least they had fires.
Though she had to survive most of the year in the high peaks of her homeland, Makhali detested the cold and the memories it ushered forth. Whenever her travels brought her to the frozen lands of Coerthas, she could never bundle up quite enough to withstand the biting temperatures without shivering like a wet coerl, something she hadn't been able to stop doing since she left Falcon's Nest. The winds whipped around the diminutive Auri woman, and for a moment she was transported back to her childhood in the Tail mountains, feeling her mother's grip on her shoulder as she was forcefully turned away from Samga's inert form lying half-buried in the snowfall. Her parents had been quick to find her, but not quick enough - there were times where she could still see her best friend's eyes frozen open, forever gazing up at Nhaama, as if begging for an answer to her suffering. Did she ever get one? Was there even one to be had?
Makhali shook her head to clear her thoughts, letting out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding. A contract was a contract, and leaving one unfulfilled would lead to a reputation. The gale could bluster all it wanted - she would not be known as a coward.
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After all, she had survived worse.
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dragonsongmakhali · 1 year
Send 🏔to see them in their favourite zone.
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There really is no place like home. No matter how far Makhali roams, she finds that she still favors the Steppe. Whether it's browsing the market stalls in Reunion, scrambling up the banners hanging around the Dawn Throne, or visiting her parents and siblings in the Tail mountains, the Auri woman finds herself most at ease there.
(thanks for the ask! :>)
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dragonsongmakhali · 1 year
ooh, 🍾! for the ask prompts
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🍾: Does your OC believe in luck? If so, do they have any charm or ritual they do before a stressful event?
Makhali absolutely believes in luck! She doesn't attribute all success or failure to it, choosing to believe mostly in her own strength and in the abilities of her allies, but she definitely considers it a factor.
The night before an important event, she'll venture out into the darkness, rain or (moon)shine, to pray beneath the stars to Nhaama from the highest point she can physically climb to. Makhali's tribe believed that the closer you were to the night sky, the better the chance that Nhaama would grant you her blessing. In the high peaks, being able to balance on the tallest and thinnest of ledges was both a necessary skill and a sign of prowess - and therefore it was thought to please the Dusk Mother to see her children so close.
Thank you for the ask! :D
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dragonsongmakhali · 1 year
🌽: How does this OC feel about acts of affection? What's their favourite act of affection, physical or emotional?
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Makhali's pretty comfortable about showing affection or receiving it from others. She's a very gregarious and outgoing individual.
She's a big-time hugger (with consent, of course. She gives crisp high fives if the person isn't a fan of hugs) - she hugs friends hello and goodbye, and it doesn't take all that long until she considers someone a friend. When it comes to a significant other, she straight up attaches to them as much as she can - some joke that her and Khasan are actually glued to each other with gripgel. She also likes to intertwine her tail with his - though she has tried to do this while walking and it did throw them both off balance. He'll get used to it.
Thank you for the ask! :D
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dragonsongmakhali · 1 year
It's that day of the week again. I hope you are prepared for Friday Facts!
Everyone's gotta make gil, and Makhali is no different. Though contracted on a near permanent basis to Ultima Fabrications, she takes on smaller jobs from all over Eorzea, mostly for security on more dangerous excavation efforts - you never know when that accompaniment node will decide that you're no longer authorized to be there (or alive).
With a flippant attitude towards the laws of the city states, she'll take on jobs of varying legality, though never anything that causes physical harm to innocents - but if she got there first, what harm is there in swiping the latest find for her employer? If the "official" excavation team had been better, they wouldn't have missed out. For this reason, she is a favored choice of Astral Acquisitions, although their reckless treatment of their own Allagan relics makes her balk.
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dragonsongmakhali · 1 year
What is one thing your OC cannot leave the house without?
Her linkpearls!
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Contained in an Ultima Fabrications model number 05-032 that is stamped with the personal insignia of their master craftswoman U'lani Yhisa, they go everywhere with her. The outer shell is wrapped in a layer of hardened, aetherically conductive Allagan metal, which should in theory allow it to operate even during exceptional circumstances - the fall of Dalamud, the aetheric instability of Azys Lla, or just a day of being handled by Makhali.
Used for both business and pleasure, the earpiece has all of the latest features offered by the company - and even some that haven't been released yet. Proprietary technology controls switching between linkpearls as well as "encrypting" the outgoing aetheric signals to prevent eavesdropping.
Whether it's getting new contracts from the various excavation efforts around Eorzea and the Far East, planning sparring matches and adventures with her friends, or wiling away the night hours talking to Khasan, she counts on them for all of her most important tasks.
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dragonsongmakhali · 1 year
It's time again for a Friday Makhali Fact: this time, it's about food!
Makhali's favorite food is buuz made with dzo meat, like the kind she would get on trips to Reunion with her family (and would poorly try to imitate with salted goat meat the rest of the year). She claims she can handle spicy foods, but the reddening of her face proves that she cannot. This will not stop her from trying even the spiciest dish. She isn't big on desserts, usually preferring heartier meals that would keep her full on the mountain cliffs - but she does have a soft spot for citrusy things. Being very resourceful, Makhali wastes practically nothing from a hunt, and also with her meals - even when she detests certain ingredients (i.e., radishes).
If you're down, she will offer you dried jerky from her hunts as you would an egg in these trying times :)
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dragonsongmakhali · 1 year
👀 "something that would make people stop and stare" for the screenshot meme!
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"It'll bring in business!" The Mi'qote grinned mischievously as she motioned to her newest creation, and then to Makhali. "You always did say you like freedom of movement!"
"I don't know if I meant that free." The Auri woman frowned, looking over the high-cut panties and thigh-high stockings U'lani had designed for "classified investors", whatever that meant. Even the usually-armored chestpiece was decidedly skintight, with only a semblance of protective metallic greebling.
Makhali wasn't a shy woman by any means of the word, but this was beyond her ken, and nothing she would choose to wear for herself - at least not in public. She looked back to U'lani and back to the outfit again, and considered the guest list of the night's event. If she was recalling correctly, it boasted a few reserved spots for members of Astral Acquisitions - and the expression on Khasan's face would be well worth any embarassment she felt. Really, it was no different than wearing a bathing suit, when she thought about it. She gave the engineer a shrug. "But I guess I can give it a try."
(Thank you for the ask! :D)
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chroniclers-rp · 7 years
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Shirogane Ward 7 Starlight Party
We spent a wonderful evening entertaining our neighbors, hanging out, and exchanging presents!
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