churnmedown · 5 years
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I was walking home after work, when I saw him across the street. Normally I’m not one to stare, but something wad different about this guy. He was the model of perfection, and I just couldn’t drag my eyes off him.
Then he saw me. Our eyes locked, and h smirked. As if possessed, I lost control of my body. Internally I panicked, as I dropped the bag I was carrying and jaywalked across the street. It was like he was controlling my every move, as I walked right up to him.
“Don’t worry, you’ll enjoy this. And if you don’t… I still will.”
My heart jumped into my throat, even fury than it had been. What could this mean?
Against my own orders, my body followed him for about two blocks, until he turned and walked up the steps of a run-down apartment building.
As I closed the door behind me, he began to undress. First his shirt slid off revealing a toned 6 pack. Next he pulled down his jeans revealing a sizable bulge in his grey boxers. He looked up at me, and winked. As if by command, I followed his actions, undressing myself . As I did so, I could see the tent in his boxes rise.
He looked at me, and smiled. I could feel control coming back to my face. Still paralyzed from the neck down by whatever spell I was under, I began you cry for help.
He frowns, and my lips force themselves shut.
“Dude, nobody’s gonna help you. Might as well sit back and enjoy this.
With those words, he dropped his boxers to reveal a huge cock. Easily the biggest I’d ever seen, the monster hung like a third leg, easily 14 inches and still growing by the second. In about half a minute, it’d grown to the size of my arm, and was still not erect.
Before long, his cock was as long as his legs, and three times as big around. It was so big he was forced to sit down, so that he wouldn’t fall over.
“Last chance, bitch.”
Once more I felt control returning.
“There’s no way that’s going inside me… just let me go!”
“Oh ho ho!” He laughed, “no, it doesn’t go in you… you go in it…”
Against my will, I walked toward the colossal cock. I placed both hands into the head, which was easily the width of a basketball, and massaged it.
“In… it?” I asked, fearfully.
He nodded, and my body once again moved against my will. I lowered my head to his piss slip, and tongued the entrance. Then, suddenly, I pushed my whole head inside. I could feel my legs pushing me further in, until I was up to my waist in his cock. Then, I suddenly felt control return to my entire body.
“Let the struggle begin…” my captor said, stroking his gargantuan member.
I kicked and squirmed as much as possible, but the forces were too great. In a matter of minutes, i felt the opening close around my feet. The hot slimy walls compressed against me, as I slid down his shaft further. Before long, I slid into a reservoir, filled with hot sticky white cum.
I must be in his fucking balls I thought to myself.
Before long, I could feel my body melting, and my consciousness began to fade.
Cum… jizz… that’s… all I …. am…
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churnmedown · 5 years
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“And you’re sure they aren’t going to try and fuck me…” I trailed off nervously, looking around the prison yard, trying not to make eye contact with the men in the windows looking down.
The team captain just smiled patiently, it sounded like he’d explained things a million times.  “Of course not.  That would be rape, which is what a good number of the convicts are behind bars for.”
My brow furrowed.  “But isn’t this murde…”
“We don’t use that word,” he said, suddenly stern.  “Also it’s not.  The Overpopulation Act legalises this method of execution for repeat offenders, or those of capital crimes.  We are helping the law enforcement of our country.”
I nodded numbly, not particularly comfortable with this whole situation.  Ahead of us was most of the rest of the team.  Twenty plus guys who’d come straight from our last game, sweaty and stinking to fuck, but our physio was always telling us that after a big workout was the best time for a dose of protein.  And you didn’t get much bigger doses.
About every ten minutes, one or two of our teammates were called through the door ahead of us.  Occastional sounds of struggle came through each time the door opened, but a while later they’d come back through another door.  Each walking a bit gingerly, with bulging abs which seemed to ripple on those who were topless.
As I neared the door myself, my captain once again reminded me of the rules.  “Remember, the prison helps fund our team so long as we meet our quota of prisoners.  We get a fuck tonne of muscle, and they get to meet their targets.  It’s win win.”
Ahead of me, I could hear one of my teammate’s stomach rumble loudly and the rest tease him that he’ll be fed soon.  I was the only first timer today, the rest had… helped their country, a few times.
When my name was called I almost panicked till I was guided forwards by my teammates, them cheering and trying to encourage me.  Though the door I was faced with some prison vans on one side, a lot of guards, and one of my teammates pulling his pants up and heading for the exit.
“Stand against the wall and assume the position please, we don’t have all day.”  A tired-looking goverment offical said, holding a clipboard.  “Well, they certainly don’t.”
I gulped, but did as I was told.  Pulling my pants down to reveal the slabs of my arse and bracing myself against the ironically signed Loading Bay.  The one instruction all the team had told me was not to look around until told to get dressed.  Whatever we heard, what ever we felt, just power through it untill it was over.
I heard a scuffle me, and the temptation to look was killing me.  It sounded like someone was being dragged towards me from the vans, and wasn’t going easy.
“Matthew Legsworth, 35, male, born in North Carolina,” the clipboard guy read out in the same tired voice.  “Imprisoned for petty drug dealing ten years ago, followed by two more short sentences for similar offences after release.  Failure on parole and two attempts to escape have resulted in a sentence to temporary imprisonment followed by digestion.  Please proceed guards.”
The fighting continued, getting closer, the sound of someone shouting through a gag.  Don’t think, I told myself.  Yes, it’s a petty crime.  Yes, I’ve smoked pot too.  But the law is the law, and he got caught.  Don’t think.
I started humming a song under my breath as I felt hair brush against my butt, a nose move up my sweaty crack before it was pushed deeper.  The practice I’d had to do was something to focus on as I opened my hole slowly, responding to the pressure and trying not to picture a man’s head entering my rectum.
At some point, he must have chewed through the gag, as I heard a gruff, “Please, I’ve got kids!” Before the guards clearly gave him a brutal shove.  His head shunted up me in one go, my hole around his neck, and I think the lessening air supply started to deminish his stuggles.
Don’t think.  Just clench.  Don’t think.  Just clench.
I recited the mantra over and over, trying not to moan at the increasingly full feeling and the painful but oh so sweet stretching as my butt opened up, and eventually closed tighter than any prison bars.
As I left some time later, still a little dazed and my prisoner still fighting weakly as he was puleld up to my stomach.  I was greeted by my teammates, all with full guts themselves, them cheering and congratulated me as we headed for the pub.  Patting my gut, I couldn’t help but think a carreer in the prison service didn’t look that bad after all…
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churnmedown · 5 years
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“URRRRRRRRPPP” Jesse rubbed his aching gut, unable to believe what happened at the party last night. Things had gotten a little out of hand with the drinking, and he had gone upstairs with some twinky guy. Jesse had been balls deep down the twinks throat when some big guy walked in. “What the fuck?! What are you doing with my boyfriend” Jesse grabbed the back of the twinks head. He hadn’t even looked up. “Shit man. I didn’t know.” The football player charged towards jesse and slocked him in the head. When he tried to hit again, jesse caught his arm in his mouth, and started swallowing. The football player was soon squirming for his life and his boyfriend hadnt even stopped sucking jesse off. Jesse couldn’t move under the weight from the contents of his gut, and the twink took full advantage by playing with his cock all night long. “PRRRRRRRRRFFFFFFTTTT” Great, now he was gonna have to dump out some dudes remains. Jesse has got to quit partying.
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churnmedown · 5 years
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“And you’re sure this will get me more votes in the election?” Peter sounded nervous, another student in his college had convinced him that he could guarantee Peters victory as president of the gsa club. “Of course, once everyone sees how hot you become theres no way theyll vote for anyone else! Now pull down your pants. And underwear… cmon don’t be shy.” Reluctantly Peter complied, and he quickly felt pushing on his ass. As he turned his head he groaned as the smaller boy pushed his feet into Peters ass. “What the hell are you doing?!” Peter groaned “Winning you the election.” The other boy had slid in up to his knees. “I knew you were a pred as soon as i met you. Now youll have the nicest ass in the whole school” He was up to his waist now. “Wait! Ive never digested anyone, it’s wrong! Slide yourself back- ummghhh- out!” “Oh you love this, and don’t worry about me. I flunked out last semester. Looks like my time is almost up” he said as he reached his neck. “Feel free to jerk off~ see you tomorrow, sexy”
Peter pulled up his pants and sat down, visibly trouble. He would wake up the next day with an amazing bubble butt. And full bowels.
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churnmedown · 5 years
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Massive. Even his underwear was in awe of the length of Jacobs cock. In the city for a modeling job, Jacob walked around with his underwear showing, to the attention of several people. One of these people, a twinky man named Mike, decided to approach Jacob when he made a wrong turn down an old alleyway. “Massive, huh?” Mike rotated his hips as he walked towards Jacob. “Prove it, sexy.”
“What the hell? Dude leave me alone, i have a boyfriend.”
Not one to be deterred, Mike got on his knees and licked the clothed bulge up and down. Jacob knew this guy would only get worse, and decided to get rid of him.
“Want me to show you how big i can get” Jacob held the back of Miles head as he sucked slowly on the bulge. Mike nodded frantically, and in the old alley, pulled down Jacobs underwear. He began to suck and worship Jacobs cock, and as he grew hard he became an impressive 13 inches, nice and thick.
“I feed my snake well. Thats the secret.”
Mike barely heard Jacobs words as he joyfully licked and sucked. But jacob held him firmly in place as his cock hole widened, and started sucking back.
“What th- mmmMMMMPHHH” Jacob smirked as mikes face was enveloped in meaty cock. He pushed the struggling man deeper and deeper into the confines of his python. When only mikes legs were still in the outside world, kicking frantically, Jacob laughed. “Wont be long now. Oh you feel so good. This is what you get, you know.”
Jacob pulled off mikes shoes and gave his feet a tickle as he was completely sealed off from the outside world.
Jacob pulled up his underwear as best as he could and bucked his hips, throwing his temporary passenger around.
“Would you rather be added to my cock, or just become a cumstain for all eternity?”
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churnmedown · 5 years
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churnmedown · 6 years
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I cough and sputter in my dads gut as cold milk splatters on me from above. Weirdly enough, I’m actually grateful for the cooling liquid splashing over my itching and burning skin. I’ve been in my dads stomach for over an hour and a half, much longer than he’s ever kept me or my brothers for one of his “punishments”.
My older brother Erik got the longest sentence a couple years ago when he’d failed one of his classes at school. He’d been in there for 45 whole minutes before our dad released him. Later he’d told us that Dad’s gut had started churning and squeezing him in a rough, painful way and that after a little bit his skin had started to tingle. He hadn’t gotten anything below a B since then, not wanting to experience even the beginning of our fathers digestion again.
Up until this point, the longest I’ve ever been in here was 15 minutes, and the only thing I’d ever felt was the soft, almost pleasant squeezing of the stomach walls. If it hadn’t been so disgusting and foul smelling in there, I might’ve enjoyed it. But then it wouldn’t have been much of a punishment. Now though Im long past what Erik had felt; he was right about how rough and tight the stomach walls churned about. I feel like every pulse of powerful muscle squeezes me into a tighter and tighter ball, making my bones and joints ache with the pressure. He’d also been right about the tingling, but he hadn’t stayed in dads stomach long enough for it to become the itchy, burning sensation that I’m now feeling.
My eyes and nose sting in the rancid, acidic air. That’s also something none of us have ever experienced; yes it’s always been foul smelling in here the few times dad felt the need to punish me, but it’s never been actually painful to breathe as I inhale each breath of the acidic air. I guess the punishment fits the crime though, I mean I got drunk and crashed my car into a tree, which is probably the worst thing any of us boys have done over the years, so it makes sense that dad leaves me in here for way longer than he’s ever done before.
I feel my prison jostle a bit as my dad sits down in his creaky recliner chair and flips on the tv, turning up the volumes extra loud so he can hear it over his loudly churning belly. I’ve got no doubt that my brothers are probably sitting there on the couch, eyeing Dad’s stomach and glancing at the clock watching the seconds tick by and probably thinking about how long I’ve been in here too. It’s going on an hour and 45 minutes now.
I just grit my teeth as the burning starts to go from unpleasant to downright painful. Fuck he must be really mad this time, I mean he’s actually letting his gut start to digest me! *Just a little longer* I tell myself, trying to shut out the pain, and waiting for the familiar feeling of the stomach forcing me back up my father’s throat.
“Umm dad?” I hear one of my younger brothers say hesitantly. “Ty’s been in there a reeeally long time… I think he’s really sorry now and he’s learned his lesson. You know he won’t do it again.”
My father just grunts and I feel a hand rubbing over the bulges I’m making. “Yer damn right he’s never going to do it again… because he’s not coming back out again.” He says gruffly, as my brothers stare wide eyed. “This is a lesson for the rest of you boys that your old man’s more than willing to leave you to stew in this gut of mine if you fuck up badly enough.”
No… No I must’ve heard him wrong. Did he really just say he’s gonna leave me in here?? I start to struggle, calling out to my dad. “Please dad, no!! I’m sorry I’ll never do it again, please just don’t leave me in here!!”
“Sorry Ty, but you fucked up and now you have to face the consequences, maybe your brothers will learn from your mistake and I won’t have to digest any more of my boys.” He says giving me a pat.
“Nononono!!!” I continue to scream and thrash as my dads gut began to churn and gurgle even more loudly. My skin feels like it’s on fire and the walls around me squeeze me so tight that it’s like I’m trapped in a rancid, slimy trash compactor. I begin to sob and beg, but my dad is ignoring me now. He belches instead of replying and the last of my foul, acidic air is snatched away from me, rushing back up my dads throat and leaving me behind to stew in the dark, stinking, churning pit of my father’s stomach.
“Uurrrrp! Shh that’s it son, just sleep and let daddy’s belly take care of you” is the last thing I hear from Dad before I finally gave in and pass out while his stomach churns and gurgles contently around me, happy to finally be claiming one of the meals that has escaped its grasp so many times.
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churnmedown · 6 years
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“And you’re sure they aren’t going to try and fuck me…” I trailed off nervously, looking around the prison yard, trying not to make eye contact with the men in the windows looking down.
The team captain just smiled patiently, it sounded like he’d explained things a million times.  “Of course not.  That would be rape, which is what a good number of the convicts are behind bars for.”
My brow furrowed.  “But isn’t this murde…”
“We don’t use that word,” he said, suddenly stern.  “Also it’s not.  The Overpopulation Act legalises this method of execution for repeat offenders, or those of capital crimes.  We are helping the law enforcement of our country.”
I nodded numbly, not particularly comfortable with this whole situation.  Ahead of us was most of the rest of the team.  Twenty plus guys who’d come straight from our last game, sweaty and stinking to fuck, but our physio was always telling us that after a big workout was the best time for a dose of protein.  And you didn’t get much bigger doses.
About every ten minutes, one or two of our teammates were called through the door ahead of us.  Occastional sounds of struggle came through each time the door opened, but a while later they’d come back through another door.  Each walking a bit gingerly, with bulging abs which seemed to ripple on those who were topless.
As I neared the door myself, my captain once again reminded me of the rules.  “Remember, the prison helps fund our team so long as we meet our quota of prisoners.  We get a fuck tonne of muscle, and they get to meet their targets.  It’s win win.”
Ahead of me, I could hear one of my teammate’s stomach rumble loudly and the rest tease him that he’ll be fed soon.  I was the only first timer today, the rest had… helped their country, a few times.
When my name was called I almost panicked till I was guided forwards by my teammates, them cheering and trying to encourage me.  Though the door I was faced with some prison vans on one side, a lot of guards, and one of my teammates pulling his pants up and heading for the exit.
“Stand against the wall and assume the position please, we don’t have all day.”  A tired-looking goverment offical said, holding a clipboard.  “Well, they certainly don’t.”
I gulped, but did as I was told.  Pulling my pants down to reveal the slabs of my arse and bracing myself against the ironically signed Loading Bay.  The one instruction all the team had told me was not to look around until told to get dressed.  Whatever we heard, what ever we felt, just power through it untill it was over.
I heard a scuffle me, and the temptation to look was killing me.  It sounded like someone was being dragged towards me from the vans, and wasn’t going easy.
“Matthew Legsworth, 35, male, born in North Carolina,” the clipboard guy read out in the same tired voice.  “Imprisoned for petty drug dealing ten years ago, followed by two more short sentences for similar offences after release.  Failure on parole and two attempts to escape have resulted in a sentence to temporary imprisonment followed by digestion.  Please proceed guards.”
The fighting continued, getting closer, the sound of someone shouting through a gag.  Don’t think, I told myself.  Yes, it’s a petty crime.  Yes, I’ve smoked pot too.  But the law is the law, and he got caught.  Don’t think.
I started humming a song under my breath as I felt hair brush against my butt, a nose move up my sweaty crack before it was pushed deeper.  The practice I’d had to do was something to focus on as I opened my hole slowly, responding to the pressure and trying not to picture a man’s head entering my rectum.
At some point, he must have chewed through the gag, as I heard a gruff, “Please, I’ve got kids!” Before the guards clearly gave him a brutal shove.  His head shunted up me in one go, my hole around his neck, and I think the lessening air supply started to deminish his stuggles.
Don’t think.  Just clench.  Don’t think.  Just clench.
I recited the mantra over and over, trying not to moan at the increasingly full feeling and the painful but oh so sweet stretching as my butt opened up, and eventually closed tighter than any prison bars.
As I left some time later, still a little dazed and my prisoner still fighting weakly as he was puleld up to my stomach.  I was greeted by my teammates, all with full guts themselves, them cheering and congratulated me as we headed for the pub.  Patting my gut, I couldn’t help but think a carreer in the prison service didn’t look that bad after all…
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churnmedown · 6 years
So about Tumblr
I have been more or less inactive for a while now and only just saw the mess Tumblr made so I'll be making a Twitter soon to keep my fellow preds and tasty prey happy
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churnmedown · 6 years
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churnmedown · 6 years
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This isn’t how I imagined it at all. The trip down his throat was almost painfully constricting, and the man’s stomach was even worse. It’s so fucking cramped in here and I’m in such a tight fetal position that my face is pressing into my knees. I can barely breathe at all and the air is so acrid that it’s making my lungs burn and my eyes water. And the smell… Oh god the smell is so foul it’s unbearable. Ah fuck! The walls around me keep pressing me tighter and tighter, I feel like I’m being crushed rather than gently squeezed by them like I pictured would happen. Oh god this is awful why the fuck did I let him do this, why did I think this would feel good?! “I WANT OUT I WANT OUT PLEASE LET ME OUT” I begged, but I knew he wouldn’t. He’d told me as much before we started, told me that it was a one way trip and I couldn’t change my mind once I got to my destination. I’d stupidly agreed thinking I wouldn’t. He doesn’t even reply, instead letting loose a deep, satisfied belch. I didn’t think it could get any tighter in here, but after that belch, it does. The walls are pretty much skin-tight on me now and- oh fuck my skin, it’s itching, almost burning! Fuck fuck fuck am I starting to digest?! No way! I’ve only been in here for a few minutes there’s no way he could already be starting to digest me! I was supposed to pass out before I digested, that’s how it always was in the stories! Guess that’s another thing they got wrong. F-fuck it’s starting to hurt- oh god IM DIGESTING IM DIGESTING IM DIGES- “Uuuuurrp!” A final belch and I have no more air, thankfully, mercifully, I pass out, avoiding experiencing the worst of my own gurgling demise.
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churnmedown · 6 years
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Okay yeah I kinda felt bad. When I found out my date loved big bellied guys, I’d asked my buddy Matt to fill me up a bit. Just to make my gut a bit rounder and more solid y'know? Of course he’d been reluctant, to say the least, but he came around after I’d begged again and again saying how I thought this guy was the One, and swore at least 30 times that I’d let him back out again after my date.
I had everything planned out: I’d meet my date at the restaurant we agreed on, eat a light dinner so not too much food was surrounding Matt in there, then I’d pay for dinner, make plans for a second date, and get back to my place to let my friend out. What I hadn’t anticipated though was that my date would invite me over to his place to watch a movie and spend the night. I’d agreed and soon we were back at his apartment, sitting on the couch and a half hour into a cheesy romantic before I even remembered my friend still stewing in my gut.
I’d instructed Matt not to move around too much in there during my date, and to his credit he hadn’t. But now as I relaxed on my dates couch, I felt him start to stir and shift a little in discomfort while my gut began to emit low groans and gurgles just a bit. He’d been stewing in there for at least 3 hours, an hour and a half longer than we’d planned, and I had no doubt that he was already feeling the effects of staying in my gut too long.
Guilt sank into me as I realized I had no options here. I obviously couldn’t let Matt out at my dates place, and I couldn’t just up and leave and ruin my chances with this guy. I sadly came to the conclusion that I only had a couple choices, and neither of them involved Matt making it out of my stomach alive.
I could A) sit here and do nothing as Matt began to digest, which would be excruciating for him since id made sure he had plenty of air in there, plus he’d no doubt be screaming and thrashing in pain whole time, an action that was almost guaranteed to draw my date’s attention, or I could B) let out a massive belch, expelling the air from my stomach and only allowing Matt a few moments of panic before he ran out of air and passed out. Hopefully my date wouldn’t from notice the couple seconds that my gut was bouncing around and also wouldn’t judge me too much for the crass belch that would erupt from my mouth. B seemed like the best option for both me and Matt.
A couple more sharp squirms from my friend told me my gut was already starting to have its way with him, the powerful acids no doubt starting to cause his skin to itch and burn. He didn’t have long now before it became truly unpleasant. With a heavy heart, I forced the air from my stomach, the walls no doubt tightening up on my friend in a crushing embrace as air vacated that gurgling pit. “Uuuuuuuurrp!!”
My date turned to me, eyebrows raised and an amused smile on his face. I just forced an apologetic grin and shrugged while placing a firm hand on my belly trying to hold it still as it began to bulge and bounce as my friend struggled in panic, no doubt wondering in shock and terror why I’d done this to him. I tried not to think about that though, and soon it was over, my gut was still and a wet gurgling and churning rose from the dome of flesh as it got to work on my former friend. “Sorry.” I whispered quietly, one hand rubbing over the bulges Matt’s still form made in my gut.
Yeah, I felt pretty bad about how things turned out. I hadn’t planned on or even wanted to digest my friend, it was just out of my control. Good news is though, about half way through the movie, my date ended up giving me a very hot blowjob, and I was strangely very turned on by the fact that just above his bobbing head, one of my best friends was busy stewing away and digesting in my gut, and my date had no idea. I shot my load almost immediately after that thought popped into my head.
Two good things came out of me digesting Matt though. First, I got a boyfriend out of it. And secondly, at least my round, solid gut wouldn’t be fake anymore, my friend turned meal adding to my midsection and giving me the perfect belly for my boyfriend to enjoy.
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churnmedown · 6 years
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churnmedown · 6 years
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Been out partying all night when I happened to run into a cute guy. Guess we hit it off good beause we soon took things to a less crowded place and started messing around in the rest rooms. Much to my surprise my little one night stand asked to be gobbled up before i could make the first move, but he wanted me to do it in front of the mirror so he could watch himself going down.
Dude made my gut spill into the sink, that’s how nicely he filled up my tank. Kinda nice to have a belly rest like it, because boy, he’s a squirmy one. Probably rubbing a few more out, given by how turned on he was watching me swallow him down… *urp* yeah, Keep going buddy.
Now I just gotta lift this bad boy out of the sink. If I am quick enough, I can find him him a friend to play with before he tires out…
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churnmedown · 6 years
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One of my bigger recent meals- I’ve been doing some home improvement projects on my house before the winter and was at Home Depot getting a bit peckish- when I laid eyes on an extremely handsome, tasty looking man. I stalked my prey through the aisles waiting for the perfect moment to pounce; finally in the lumber section he seemed to be alone. Just a quick chug and he’ll be packed away. I ran up behind him and with a big chomp, shoved him into my jaws up to his chest- not even carrying about his clothes- I was salivating so much over this guy I could still taste him through the bland fabric. Tossing my head up I started to gulp quickly, each large swallow claiming more of him, until just his calves hung out of my mouth.
Just then, a burly older man came back to his cart, looking around for his friend/boyfriend/son before noticing me plucking his sneakers off his feet, and quickly slurped down the rest of course 1. I had to act fast- Just as soon as the first man slid into my belly, I had the second’s head on my palate and lifted him up as best I could as the first struggled in my stomach. This was old hat of course, I’d eaten two, three… even six men at once, but didn’t want the risk of having to suspiciously lug a vore belly that big out of the store. The more bearish guy didn’t struggle as much as the more slender appetizer so I was able to chug him down in even less swallows, finally giving a satisfied sigh as I laid my hands on my finally satisfied belly, rubbing the globe as the men inside shouted futiley for help. Abandoning my cart, I quickly left the store, and rushed home to digest my two for one meal- ripping monstrous, car-shaking belches all the way home, of course, and struggling to turn the steering wheel with my bucking belly in the way.
You know, five trips later I finally got my supplies- after making nine different guys cumulatively vanish into my gut each time I returned. What can I say, I get hungry!
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churnmedown · 6 years
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Carl hadn’t meant to swallow his younger brother, but the little dumbass hadn’t even waited for him to get out of the way before he dove headfirst down the slide. When Carl looked up all he saw was his brother shooting down of the slide toward him. He’d opened his mouth to shout and the next thing he knew his little bro was plunging headfirst into it. Carl hadn’t even know what was happening as he swallowed reflexively a few times and his brothers wriggling feet were sticking out of his mouth. He’d tried to gag and pull them out, but he didn’t budge. With his brothers added mass weighing him down, Carl struggled to get to where he could touch. He then realized he couldn’t breathe with his brother still blocking his throat, and as his lungs burned he did the only thing he could think of. He tossed his head back and swallowed.
As his brother slid fully into his stomach, bulging it out, Carl heaved himself out of the pool and collapsed onto one of the deck chairs. He gazed in awe at the squirming fleshy mass that was his stomach, filled with his own little brother. Without warning, he belched and got a surprisingly delicious aftertaste of his brother. Now he was at a loss, he knew he had to get his lil bro out of there, but he couldn’t fathom just how to do that. Hell, he hadn’t even know how he’d swallowed his brother whole in the first place. What if he hurt himself or choked trying to cough him up?? The more he thought about it, the more practical the option of just doing nothing sounded. But could he really do it? Leave his little brother in his stomach to digest? As Carl lay back on the chair and slowly began to doze he realized: yes, yes he could. Hours later he awoke to find his stomach much smaller than before and a lot smoother and rounder. Tentatively he pressed a hand into his slightly bulging belly and felt it squish and slosh wetly. He’d done it. Carl had slept the afternoon away while his little bro was reduced to mush in his gut. He had no idea how he’d done it, or why he’d thought digesting his own brother was the best course of action, but it didn’t really matter at this point. His brother had been stewing in there for hours and there was no getting him out now. As if to hammer that point home, he felt a pressure move up his throat and Carl opened his mouth and released a massive belch. He felt something wet fly from his mouth and splat into his belly. Looking down he found that it was his brothers swim trunks, covered in saliva and digestive slime, they had a few acid burns in them but were otherwise intact. The same could not be said for Carl’s little brother unfortunately.
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churnmedown · 6 years
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