GO on for Good Ol’ America
There was nothing spectacularly stand out with this man. Blonde hair, blue eyes, glasses, bomber jacket, pretty usual guy. But then he would speak. Such loud attention-drawing energy. His personality made it almost impossible to not notice him. Could there be anything better than that? To draw such attention? Just who was this guy? Go loves to show off, others like him could make good rivals or good friends. These two needed to meet.  Carefully planning moves out Go made it so he could do a turn out behind a corner to be in front of the man. Perfect ambush greeting. “Hey.” With a small nod Go greeted Alfred. Hands in his pockets Go carried himself with pride. “You seen any standout guys around here?” What he really wanted to know was if other Kamen Riders were around this place. If there were, surely one of them had to have shown themselves by now. This city didn’t seem brand new, Go couldn’t be the only rider.  “Masked type guys?”
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Going around the city let you see some pretty eye catching people. Those with horns, ridiculous hair, odd skin colors, and then there’s this guy. That’s a lot whole lot of yellow.  Go had followed this kid for a bit, waiting to see if he’d done anything of interest. Nothing so far, he seemed pretty innocent. Maybe he had some information on this city? Worth a shot.  Go approached the boy, positioning himself against a wall. Getting closer he recognized this person. One of the weird ninja people from another universe yeah? He hadn’t really talked them while they were there, but they seemed alright. Maybe yellow guy remembered him too, they could get along alright. “Yo!” Go called out with a small wave at Nagi. “Long time no see! Your universe alright?”
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[[ Hey everyone!! Finally getting around to doing starters I’m so sorry for the delay!! They’re likely going to be shorter/minis considering I got over ten people wanting starters so I apologize!! ;x; ]]
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Send me 'I want the K' and I'll generate a number
1: Hot, Steamy kiss
2: Cheek Kiss
3: Nose Kiss
4: Forehead Kiss
5: Firm Kiss
6: Gentle Peck
7: Romantic Kiss
8: Eyelid Kiss
9: Jawline Kiss
10: Neck Kiss
11: Collarbone Kiss
12: Chest Kiss
13: Stomach Kiss
14: Kiss Along the Hips
15: Kiss in the Rain
16: Upside-Down Kiss
17: Goofy Kiss
18: Underwater Kiss
19: Forceful Kiss
20: Any of the Above
21: Then there’s tounge
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♥ Spread the Love! ♥
Send me a ♥ and i’ll generate a number!
Spider kiss
Kiss on the cheek
Kiss on the forehead
Kiss on the eyes
Kiss on the nose.
Kiss on the neck
Kiss on the chest
Kiss on the stomach
Kiss in the rain
Kiss on the hand
Kiss on the shoulder
French kiss
A playful bite
Hug- kiss 
Spider Hug.
Hand shake 
My muse will write a love/friendly letter to yours.
My muse will get yours flowers.
My muse will get yours chocolate
My muse will get yours a gift (can’t be any of the ones above)
My muse will take yours out for a night on the town.
My muse will cook yours dinner.
Our muses will have a movie night.
My muse will have to sing to yours (Even if they aren’t an amazing singer)
My muse will compliment yours.
My muse will take yours to a fancy ball.
My muse will groom yours (Brushing hair, doing make up etc. for them)
Our muses will snuggle.
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nonsexual acts of intimacy - select from the following for my muse to respond to:
♔ : Finding your muse wearing their clothes
♕: Holding hands
♖: Having their hair washed by your muse
♗: Your muse falling asleep with their head in my muse's lap.
♘: Cuddling in a blanket fort
♙: Sharing a bed
♚: Head scratches
♛: Sharing a dessert
♜: Shoulder rubs
♝: Reading a book together
♞: Caring for each other while ill (specify which party is which)
♟: Patching up a wound
♤: Taking a bath together
♧: Your muse playing with their hair
♡: Accidentally falling asleep together
♢: Forehead or cheek kisses
♠: Your muse adjusting their jewelry/neck tie/ etc.
♣: Back scratches
♥: Your muse crying about something
♦: Slow dancing
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Go has just perfectly executed a back flip, nothing too fancy. But this girl seemed pretty impressed, which made him well with pride. Hell yeah he’s cute and awesome and a soothing picture. Perfect person to show off lots to. Posing causally against a wall Go looked to Roxy.  “Oh lots.” He grinned. Pushing away from the wall Go did another ridiculously unneeded triple flip. Sticking the landing he flourished as every performer should.  There was reason to him being here though! Showing off is amazing and all, b but so is collecting information. Walking back over to the blonde Go got a slightly more serious air.  “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about this city would you? Or where someone could buy a camera?”
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        “Whoa! Shit, did you just do like a backflip? I don’t know what that junk is called. Is like hells kindsa awesome though. And you’re a real cutie too. Not too bad on this chill as fuck babe’s eyes, tbh. Like if my eyes were on fire you’d be a soothing picture to cool them the fuck down, calm that eye fire real tight. So what else do you do?”
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Gotou We’re GOing Down
Go walked throughout the town causally. Keeping low key for the time being would work well. He wanted to scope out this place and get a better handle on it before making his proper debut.  The board had said he was in District Zeta, that can be checked out later. It would be annoying to not have a camera, or phone, or no easy internet access. Good old fashioned human communication would need to pull through for him now. Go easily approached a good amount of people. Picking up on lots of little info bits of interesting events. One in particular struck him. A fairly intense fight went down between two people. Descriptions weren’t the best, “curly blonde man in red with a fucked up arm” and “dark clothes, bit of a nerd?” won’t get you too far. Work with what you got he guessed.  Hands in his pockets Go carefully threaded his way through crowds. While walking he ended up in a quieter area with not too many people. Making mental notes of where he went was a bit tricky. Getting lost would be terrible. Not that Go wouldn’t just scale a building and get a better look. It’s not too hard to do, especially with a driver. Nevertheless learning the city is a better for the future.  Finally Go spotted someone he felt the need to talk to. He looked exhausted, like you could take him out in one punch. That’s the definition of a nerd, dark clothes too. Long shot for sure, but worth questioning. Go jumped smoothly right beside the man.  “Hey, you know anything about a fight that happened between a kid and a blonde with weird hair?” 
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It’s Go Time
Applying... roleplaying... both done at mach speed! Kamen Rider... Mach! Skipping an intro and cutting right to the chase Like for a starter, no cap since I need to get used to rping this nerd! 
▒▒▓█▇▅▂∩( ★∀★ )∩▂▅▇█▓▒▒
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kamen rider x parks and rec [7/?]
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impress in distress
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