cidr-monologic-trials · 2 months
cartoons in danganronpa scene redraw :D
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Original scene :P:
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cidr-monologic-trials · 2 months
"Our culprit...is one of you."
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btw this drawing is based off this:
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cidr-monologic-trials · 2 months
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cidr-monologic-trials · 2 months
I can't belive it actually happened, but the first half of the trial is actually out. At the time of writing this, currently been 17 hours since it come out, the reason I didn't make this post earlier (aside from timezone shenanigans) was because I wanted to leave some time for everything to settle in before giving any thoughts.
Now, I want to start by taking a look back at some points from the trial and comparing them with my original theory.
How Star's Portals work!
While I correctly guessed that Star used her portals to move to the kitchen undetected, I backfired on how they work.
My original theoiry was that the Portals allowed the user to move through the floors as normal, but coudn't teleport the user anywhere else.
The actuall way they work is that they allow the user to temporally, create holes in most walls (depending on the thickness.)
I actually remember seeing someone theorize that the portails might work that way, so while I got it wrong, props for those out there that correctly guessed it.
Cartman is the second witness!
While I did mention my suspictions of Cartman saying the truth uncontolably being a side effect of the sauce on previous responses to ASKs. I completley ignored it on my OG theory, and as such, I think a mention is necesary.
That said, I still maintain that he used the Monosauce to alter the scene of the crime.
While this might not seem posible at first due to him deniying seeing any of them or Star in the kitchen, with him still being under the side effects of the Monosauce confirming he isn't lying.
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Cartman has shown that unless he is specifically asked about something, he does have some controll over the truth serum by means of saying half-truths.
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Meaning that while we know he didn't see any of them, we still don't know what he saw in the kitchen. Him making sure to not mention seeing Cupcake, seems to me like an small hint that he did see something in the kitchen. Why try to hide it if by that point it had been confirmed that Cupcake saw him?
I think the important part in Cartman statement here is that he didn't see ANY OF THEM. He coul've perfectly seen Star's body, unrecognizable by either the darkness of the room, the killer covering Star with the Sweater and Sky mask, triying to hide her in the cabinet etc... But since he didn't know it was specifically her, he was able to loophole his way out of being forced to say what he saw.
And talking about Star...
This was the last point that was brought up in the trial as a means of creating suspense for part 2 as now our main suspects are Jenny & Mabel, the only ones without their Monokallers.
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In my originall theory I theorized that the Monokaller originally belonged to Jenny, before it fell off during the scene in the Gym. And the fact that she dosen't have hers seems to indicate I was correct in my guessing.
Mabel also not having her, I think is just a red hearing sice, most people where expecting her to be the culprit due to her close conection with the main character.
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Ultimatley both of them being presented as irrefutable culprits I think is just suposed to be something to draw our attention away from the real culprit and into the two characters most voted as guilty, so we can have a twist later on about who the real killer is.
And speaking of later, I'll like to point out some things that got mentioned but didn't get a full answer.
I'm guessing this will be covered in the second half as while the posibility was mentioned, the conversation was quickly derailed to Catman being a suspect due to him being in the kitchen last night.
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This was one of the most discused about points, before Gaz redirected everyone's atention towards the Monokallers. As such I think is pretty safe to say we will be coming back to this in part 2.
But for now the thing we landed on, was the fact that the killer went around the entire floor just to drop the sky mask in it's place.
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My theory for this, is that the killer returned the sky mask in case someone noticed that one was missing and decided to investigate in peoples rooms in search of it, returning it now, intead of during the investigation where there's more chances to be caught. And also using that as an oportunity to leave Jenny's monocaller on Mabel's lab as a means of incriminating her. The knife as I mentioned on my OG theory, I think it was Carman meddling with the Crime scene.
Also, we know there's a secret passageway that conects that floor with Dipper's bedroom, who at thay point was empthy. The painting that acts as an exit can't normally be opened from the outside, but that woudn't be a problem with Star's scissors, so if the killer discovered that that was there he could've have used it to move between floors.
And... I think that's everithing I wanted to talk about!
My opinions on the case haven't changed that much to be honest, after seeing everyones interactions during the trial I still think Morty did it, with a very slight suspiction towards Bubbles.
Although at this point, I don't care if I was right and Morty is the Killer, I just need Mabel to be inocent.
I've been triying not to get personal feelings for the characters get in my way of analizing the case, but I'm sorry, Mabel killing an innocent person just to save Waddles, specially at the very begining of the Killing game when the characters are suposed to be closer to their OG counterparts is just no.
I'm sorry but that sound more like the version of Mabel that the internet made up, and led to the "You are extremly selfish, die" meme. And i'm really hoping that's not the route CiDr takes with her character.
As allways, feel free to leave any coments or send any asks about what you thought of the trial or my own theories.
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cidr-monologic-trials · 2 months
Hi there! I have a question about your master mind theory In https://youtu.be/mxQq36Gixzw?si=R7MKFzZ2w-QbjFA7
(aka mortys introduction) it said that he was excepted into hopes peak. Unless this is fabricated i think this nagates him being the master mind. But i could be missing something what are your thoughts :)?
Well, Monokuma is being controlled by the Mastermind, so him lying about it is always a possibility...
But also one thing I found really curious is that Morty is the only one he specifically mentions getting accepted into Hopes Peak. (The closest thing we have to another one is Bubble's and he only mentions that she is one of the youngest applications)
But I'll admit that that is a bit weak of an argument since only 4 introductions were made.
But still, I have a hard time believing that he was admitted just because Mono"Only 15 students were accepted into Hopes Peak ignore the extra seat on the court"Kuma said so...
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cidr-monologic-trials · 2 months
5 hours remaining
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I am so scared rn
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cidr-monologic-trials · 7 months
Gaz: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat*
Star: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents.
Gaz: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you.
Morty: Actually I did the math, Star would have $225, not $0.15.
Star: Dude I’m right here….
Charlotte: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :)
Star: While you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please?
Charlotte: Sorry I only have a dollar.
Star: :(
Morty: Hey, so Dib pointed it out to me, Star would have $22,500 because it’s a dollar for every pixel, not a cent.
Charlotte: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice!
Morty: You can buy anything you want with $22,500.
Star: Yeah and she wants soda and apply juice.
Mabel: Apply juice to what?
Eddy: Directly to the forehead.
Kyle: Great chat guys.
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cidr-monologic-trials · 7 months
Ok ok hear me out if Morty is the killer…
Kyle would be the one in the bullet time battle and not Morty.
Think about it, imagine the only guy you were friends with murdering a person, you wouldn’t believe it. To make things even worse your worst enemy helped out with the murder. You would be pissed.
And yes, Morty isn’t a the one to give up on surviving a killing game. He is the one to see where he lost.in the start of his “interrogation” he would be upset and come up with reasons for why he isn’t a murderer. But I feel at a point he would realize that “yeah I’m not gonna make it” and try to tell everyone which ends up like this:
“Y-yeah…I sorry, I killed-“
“No you didn’t.”
“You. You didn’t kill star. It was Carman. It HAD to be Carman! You’re not a killer! You’re a good person! anD I REFUSE TO LET YOU DIE!”
~bullet time battle starts~
Anyway thank for hearing me out! Stuff isn’t mine. Cartoon in Danganronpa belong to that cheesy B on YouTube.
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cidr-monologic-trials · 9 months
Eddy: I've become a bread crumb dealer for 4 crows at the lake. They pay me with a bit of everything. Like shiny things, fabric, or pens. But recently they paid me with a 20 dollar bill they found somewhere. So I decided to but them some more expensive bread. They loved it. So they understand what to do. Give me money. I've probably racked up about $200 at this point. Is it morally wrong though? I mean, they're the ones who steal the money from others. Or perhaps they just have a big pile laying somewhere. Should I keep on doing this?
Kyle: You sound like the start of a Batman villain.
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cidr-monologic-trials · 11 months
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You guys remember the sneak peak i posted like last year? Yeah i finally finished that.
CiDR made by ThatCheesyBastard on youtube
(Click image for better quality)
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cidr-monologic-trials · 11 months
Gaz: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat*
Star: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents.
Gaz: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you.
Morty: Actually I did the math, Star would have $225, not $0.15.
Star: Dude I’m right here….
Charlotte: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :)
Star: While you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please?
Charlotte: Sorry I only have a dollar.
Star: :(
Morty: Hey, so Dib pointed it out to me, Star would have $22,500 because it’s a dollar for every pixel, not a cent.
Charlotte: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice!
Morty: You can buy anything you want with $22,500.
Star: Yeah and she wants soda and apply juice.
Mabel: Apply juice to what?
Eddy: Directly to the forehead.
Kyle: Great chat guys.
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cidr-monologic-trials · 11 months
Eddy: PSA: If you spell skeletons backwards, it still spells skeletons.
Gaz: (sarcastically) Man, I can't wait for Halloween to see some snoteleks.
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Mabel: Hey guys, you wanna go get some d-e-s-s-e-r-t?
Eddy: Yeah, I need me a t-r-e-a-t.
Ed: Whatcha guys talking about?
Kyle: Yeah, why did you guys just spell dess-
Mabel: Nonono Shh!
Eddy: Shut up! Don't say it!
Kyle: Uh, why?
Mabel: Ok, how do we tell you this?
Eddy: Ed… can't spell.
Kyle: …What?
Eddy: He can't spell, so whenever we talk about something he wants, we spell it out loud so he doesn't get too excited.
Kyle: He's in, like, middle school. He can't handle hearing the word "treat?"
Ed: Treat?!
Eddy: No treat!
Ed: Treat?!
Eddy: No treat!
Ed: Treat?!
Eddy: No treat!
Ed: Aww…
Kyle: Ok what is happening?!
Mabel: We told you; he gets excited when he hears the word t-r-e-a-t!
Ed: Whatcha talking about?
Mabel: Homework.
Ed: Aw, shucks!
Kyle: What, so you guys just treat him like a toddler?
Ed: Treat?!
Eddy: No treat!
Ed: Treat?!
Eddy: No treat!
Ed: Treat?!
Eddy: No treat!
Ed: Awwwwww…
Eddy: Dude, you gotta spell if you're talking about f-o-o-d.
Kyle: Ok so, are we getting an s-n-a-c-k?
Ed: Snack?!
Eddy: Oh come on man!
Mabel: Dude, really?
Kyle: Oh come on! I spelled it!
Mabel: Well he knows how to spell "snack!"
Kyle: So he can spell "snack" but he can't spell "treat?!"
Ed: Treat?!
Ed: Treat?!
Ed: Treat?!
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Kyle: Our work should go into reaching some sort of peak!
Bubbles: Some sort of beak?
Kyle: Huh? N-no like-
Bubbles: Oh! Climbing a tall tree all the way to a birds nest, birds have beaks, and from there, we'll be able to take flight.
Kyle: …You know what? Sure. You took the long way around, but we got there.
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"killer had to have known about kitty" anon here, i realised after writing that that stars situation (if she died instantly) isnt confirmed, my bad lol
Also if Star survived the attack the mask would have helped cover the attackers identity
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i feel like the killer HAD to know about the "kitty can recognise faces" thing and had a mask on purpose otherwise their plain would have failed, but i dont know how they would have known unless vendetta had told them earlier (which i honestly doubt, and its neither charolette or vendetta for sure) i think its interesting how (atleast what ive seen) no one online is talking about this part
most likely its a coincidence but i like to imagine that they overheard it at some point? probably?
Not necessarily, as a mask to cover their face is something that they could have done in case they came across any of the other characters, not only Cupcake.
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random question but out of all the characters, which would you hope to survive the most? mine would be jenny, one of the two making fiend characters, bubbles and mable (and if a double murder doesnt occur which probably will, gaz)
Honestly a part of me wants Mabel to survive just because absolutely everybody (including me) is waiting for her to die either as victim or as killer.
Apart from that, I Want Zim, any of the 2 Ed's, Vendetta & Jenny.
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