cindy0031-blog · 7 years
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cindy0031-blog · 7 years
This is cool
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cindy0031-blog · 7 years
1. write down how much you study over time, then write down how you did on the quiz/test. this will help you see the amount of studying is nessecary for you to get a good grade and fully learn the material!!!
2. make your study space smell fresh, preferably of mint. mint helps you focus and stay sharp. other good smells would be lemon, etc.
3. after studying for a long amount of time, go exercise for ~30 min. shower, get dressed, etc then review the info you had just been studying! you should come back fresher, and your brain is able to remember the info even better!
4. don’t always study in comfy/pj clothes. if you study a lot after school or classes, then it’s ok. but if all you plan on doing is studying for that day, for part of the day get dressed up! put on some business casual wear, that’s cute yet functional and do your hair, etc. this will put you in a “get shit done” mode.
5. after studying a unit/chapter, record yourself explaining it, as if to a person whose never heard of it. this helps SO MUCH. one, explaining/teaching helps you learn so much better, and two, you have a little video to review just before the test!!
6. study on the floor. if you have a carpeted area in your home, spread out all study materials, a white board, etc and study! it helps so much because you are comfertable and everything is within reach. do this if you need a break from desk studying.
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cindy0031-blog · 7 years
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cindy0031-blog · 7 years
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♥ Hey world♥ I am Cindy, a 14 yr old student of a private school. I decided to start this studyblr because i wanna share with you all my pro tips of studying as well as my knowledge cause there’s no harm in it. The subjects which i can help y'all out are: • Physics • Chemistry • Maths • Geography • History • Computer Science ♥ My hobbies and interests ♥ ∞ Studying ∞ Taking notes ∞ Painting
My favorite studyblrs are: @applesstudy @emmastudies @studyign @revisign
@studentsandlattes @jennystudy
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