cinnamonnnbear ¡ 4 months
Unchained Melodies
Part 2: Friends
Well, I fucked that up, who the fuck would ever invite a CHILD to get drinks with them. Matthew sat in the back seat of his bassist’s car. He was too drunk to drive, and the last time he did, he got a DUI. Matthew took a deep breath and looked out the window. He didn’t even know the kid’s name. “Hey Matthew,” His drummer grumbled out.
“What?” Matthew looked at the drummer, who was reading some book.
“Who was that guy you were talking to earlier?”
“Oh, one of the guys from the band Or After, they won the award WE were supposed to get,” Matthew slurred the one word on purpose; the guy he met was excellent, but that was supposed to be their award of the night. 
“Eh, they have better music than us and are more diverse? I don’t know,” The drummer shrugged, never looking up from his book.
“What do you mean by diverse?” 
“Oh, the lead singer is openly gay, the drummer is deaf, and I think the bassist is like autistic or some shit,” the drummer looked unamused. 
“I mean, the bassist is cute,” The bassist of Matthew’s band hummed. Matthew had forgotten all of their names at this point. He had nicknames for them, but that was it. He called the bassist Bloody Fingers due to one time he started bleeding on stage during a show. He called the drummer hard hitter cause he broke his drum kit once due to hitting it too hard.
“She’s eh…” Matthew slurred out, thinking about the lead singer, “What’s their names anyway?” 
“I think the lead singer is Fennick Abernathy. The bassist and drummer are Montana and William Florance siblings,” Hard Hitter huffed out. Matthew nodded; he was thinking of Fennick. He thought about his blonde hair with streaks of orange highlights and his hazel eyes. Matthew sighed and smiled before realizing what he was thinking.
What am I doing? He’s a guy, and so am I. Matthew thought, Plus, I have a girlfriend; I can’t think things like that about someone I just met. He took a deep breath and looked out the window. 
Weeks later, Matthew saw Fennick again. Matthew went to a coffee shop down the street for a date with his girlfriend, Clarissa. Matthew walked into the coffee shop and saw Fennick waiting for his coffee at the counter; next to him stood Montana and William. He listened to their conversation.
“Monnnnn, I swear this one is different!” Fennick whined to Monica, but she just shook her head.
“Are you sure? He seems like every other cracked-up rockstar,” Monica crossed her arms, “I just don’t want you to get involved in all that stuff…”
“I won’t! I swear! I would never do any of that, yknow that,” Fennick smiled at Monica; God, Matthew wished that smile was to him.
“I know…It’s just what fame does to people,” Monica sighs and grabs a coffee off the counter, “This is yours, Will.” William smiled and took the coffee.
Matthew wanted to listen in more but was up at the counter, “Uhm, just a chamomile tea, please,” The barista nodded.
“That’ll be 2.50.” She sounded bored with her life; he couldn’t blame her. Matthew took the cash from his back pocket and handed it to her, “The name for the order?”
“Matthew,” He looked back where Fennick was, and just like he thought, Fennick was gone. Matthew walked to a table and looked out the window. Where was Clarrisa? She was usually late but never this late. 
“Matthew!” Clarissa yelled with a Valley girl accent, “There you are!!” Matthew looked at her and smiled.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Matthew stood up and pulled out a chair, “Come sit down, please.” 
“No! I’m not sitting down!” Clarissa raised her voice, God she’s high again, “You’re an asshole! You hid all of my stash!” 
“Yeah, for your good. So baby, just calm down,” Matthew put his hand on her shoulder. 
“How the fuck can I calm down?! I’m done with you!” Then he felt the sting of his cheek and her storming out of the shop. 
He looked around at his surroundings, and everyone was staring at him. “Sorry for the scene,” Matthew grabbed his tea from the counter and left the shop. He began the walk home; He felt a hand on his shoulder. 
“Hey…” Not now, please, It was Fennick’s voice. Matthew turned to look at him.
“Hey, coincidence to see you again,” Fuck He knew his voice was cracking.
“Yeah, it is. Are you okay? I saw what happened there.” Fennick looked worried as if he were concerned about Matthew.
“Yeah, I am,” Matthew took a deep breath, “I should get back to my apartment,” 
“Here, Take my number,” Fennick handed Matthew a piece of paper with his number scribbled on it, “Call me if you need, okay?” Matthew just nodded and walked off. I don’t need anything from anyone, not even him. But hey, now that Matthew has his number, does that mean they’re friends now?
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cinnamonnnbear ¡ 4 months
Unchained melodies
Part 1- The beginning
His hands lay on his shaky legs. Why was this so scary? Montana, The bassist of their band, had her hand on Fennick’s shoulder. He glanced at Montana and gave her a slight smile. He looked back at the stage. 
“And the award for the best upcoming band goes to,” Fennick’s breath hitched as the celebrity he’s never heard of opens the piece of paper, “Or After!” Fennick quickly stood up as he heard the people around him clap. Montana and William, The drummer, follow Fennick onto the stage.
Fennick got on stage first and took the award. “Thank you all so much!” Fennick was bouncing on the balls of his feet and could barely contain his excitement.
“Yeah! Thank you all!” Montana took the mic and pulled Fennick and William into a hug. William signed something, “William says thank you so much for your consideration, and this means a lot to all of us!” 
Fennick smiled and looked around at the crowd. His eyes caught someone at another table. He had reddish black hair and dark green eyes. He was sipping a glass of whiskey. The man was looking bored with the award ceremony. Before Fennick could do anything, he was escorted off the stage and back to their table. 
“Hey, Mon?” Fennick asked once they were both sitting down again.
“Yeah?” Montana looked over at Fennick while sipping on a Dr.Pepper.
“Who is that guy over there?” He pointed to the table the guy was at.
“Oh, that’s Matthew; he’s the lead singer of Strangeways,” Montana hummed and looked back at the stage. The bright light from the stage made Montana’s hair light up like when the sun came into a church through stained glass windows. 
Fennick looked back at Matthew, but just like he knew they were just talking about them, he stared straight at Fennick. Fennick quickly looked away from Matthew and stared at the table. 
Once the award show was over, Fennick was finally happy to stand up and walk around. Matthew’s band won one of the awards, the most-sold album of the year. Matthew still looked bored with everything but was staring straight at Fennick this time. While leaving the building, Fennick ran straight into the devil, Matthew. “Watch where you’re going, huh?” 
“Yeah, sorry,” Fennick mumbled under his breath. Matthew’s breath reeked of alcohol, and he seemed drunk.
“Oh, you’re that cute guy from that one band, uhm uhm,” Matthew stumbled over his words, trying to remember.
“Or After?” Fennick mumbled
“Yeah! That,” Matthew smiled, “Wanna go get drinks?” 
Fennick had to double-take Matthew, “I’m…Nineteen..”
Matthew looked scared and tried to save what he said, “U-uhm…wanna stay friends?” 
“Yeah, sure,” Fennick smiled, followed Montana and William, and walked to their car. What a fucking weirdo
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cinnamonnnbear ¡ 8 months
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cinnamonnnbear ¡ 8 months
The Creation of Assassin Spider - The reunion
I had to write a short story for my english class but I ended up writing an entire story on my character so I decided to post it here
The rain poured down onto the city, People rushed to get their umbrellas out and to get under cover, The splash of people’s shoes in newly made puddles and cars turning on their windshield wipers. The neon colors of the building shot through the rain, reflecting in the puddles on the floor.  A record store door opened, “I’m just going out for lunch!” the person yelled inside. The person pulled a hood over his head and grumbled out something. 
Keith Killjoy, not many people knew who he was, they only knew one thing, he was the husband of Doctor Nathan Octavious Killjoy. He didn’t like to remember that time of his life. Did Nathan mean everything to him? Yes. Did Nathan hurt him? Yes. What most people don’t know is that Keith’s real name is Keith Yuri Soloman Parker, He was the son of Peter Parker. His father died during the fight with Thanos. Keith moved from New York to California to live with his mom and his grandparents. From what people could see Keith looked like a young adult, around the age of 19, he had short brown hair with the front bleached blonde and dyed a light pink. Normally he’d wear a cropped black tank top with baggy jeans but today he was wearing a hoodie with ripped jeans.  
Keith grumbled again. He hates the rain, it gives him bad memories. He pulled his hood higher on his head. Of course, the one day he didn’t bring his umbrella it was pouring rain. His phone in his pocket buzzed. He knew what it was, either A- Jeremy sending everyone’s lunch request or B- Another attack in the city. He wanted it to be option A, but he had a feeling that it was option B. 
He checked the message out; Jeremy: Hey! So, there is a group of vigilantes that are fighting in the downtown area. Mr.Stark was wondering if you could go check it out before getting our lunch. Of course. He had to go do Stark’s dirty work. 
Devin Stark; Son of Tony Stark. Just like Keith, Devin lost his father in the fight against Thanos. Devin ended up moving with his mom and twin sister to California to ‘get a fresh start’ but they actually came to restart Stark Enterprises. His sister ended up being the heir of the company and Devin went on to open Match Box Twenty Records; which is where he works. Devin also ended up restarting the Avengers, Which Keith was a part of, as well.
Jeremy Quill; Son of Peter Quill. Unlike Keith and Devin, his dad survived the fight against Thanos, but his mother did not. His father sent him out to live with his aunt in California. Keith had met Jeremy before in high school, they had dated for a while until they split up after graduation. They didn’t have bad blood, it was an easy break-up. 
Keith sighed and walked in the direction of the downtown area. He took a shortcut through the fire escapes to climb the roofs. Downtown wasn’t far from the record shop, so it was just a couple of blocks to hop from. On the way to the fight, Keith put on his Spider suit. This is how people knew him, Assassin-Spider. People gave him that nickname due to him killing his own kind, like the Assassin spider, and having the agility of a spider. Keith never inherited Peter’s spider powers, He was genetically modified to have them. Keith stopped at the end of the roof he was on and looked over, He watched the umbrellas walk down the street and the people getting to lunch or their jobs. Then he saw it, the fight, he couldn’t tell who it was but he was praying that it wouldn’t take too long.  Keith slipped his headphones on and jumped off the roof, “Hey Siri, play crime-fighting playlist,” his phone clicked on his playlist. Keith hummed in satisfaction, No One Lives Forever by Oingo Boingo.  
Keith swung into the fight and kicked one of the people in the jaw. Now that he got a good look at the guy he knew who it was. The Winter Soldier, Logan Barnes. He’d met Bucky Barnes a couple of times growing up, His mother would bring him over to Bucky’s house to play with his son. Logan made a yelping sound, and Keith swung back around to try and get another hit in. Logan grabbed Keith’s leg and slammed him into the ground. Keith groaned, and Logan went in to kick Keith. Keith rolled away but felt a great surge of magic next to him, He looked up to see the Scarlet Witch. Keria Maximof, Daughter of Vision, and Wanda Maximof. Keith had only heard of Wanda, He was kind of scared of her, to be honest. Keith pushed himself off the ground, he looked around the area to see what he could use around him. 
“What are you doing here Spidey?” Logan scoffed, “This isn’t even your fight,” Logan grabbed a bag that was dropped on the floor. 
“I see you’re still a little hurt that Stark didn’t invite you to the Avengers, huh?” Keith snapped back. Keith tossed a knife at Logan, nicking Logan’s cheek. Logan hissed at the pain and glared at Keith. 
“You brat!” Logan picked up the knife Keith had just thrown and ran over to Keith. Keith dogged out of the way and into an alleyway. He heard Logan and Keira talking about something, probably where he disappeared off to. Keith looked around, what could he use to fight these super soldiers. A sound of robotic tentacles made Keith poke his head out of his hiding spot. 
“You lost him?!” The new person yelled. Keith knew this voice, he knew it well. Doctor Nathan Killjoy, better known in the criminal circle as Doc Ock. Keith had to check his breathing, he hadn’t seen Nathan since he had escaped from the lab. Keith quickly stood up and ran in the opposite direction. He didn’t want to be near that guy.
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cinnamonnnbear ¡ 8 months
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his pathetic little expressions have bewitched me
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