I adore this fanfiction.
Not only because it’s RinxShirou, but it fixes the realtionship between Sakura and Rin as well. And it is written so beautifully. <3
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What makes you think you'd top?
One thing was for sure - Rin Tohsakas studies in Clock Tower and her life in London surely didn't proceed as well as she expected. But, as Shirou Emiya, her boyfriend, pointed out already, this shouldn't really impress her after the Holy Grail War. Nevertheless, she wasn't prepared for an exam anxiety. But there was something else she couldn't handle quite well...
Words:5152 Rating: MA Warnings: Strong language, description of sex Pairing: Rin x Shirou Characters: Rin Tohsaka, Shirou Emiya (Fate Stay Night - Unlimited Blade Works)
Where can I read it?
On here, and, without the sex-part on my fanfiction.net-account.
Person A gets annoyed with Person B, and says "Fuck you." Person B's response is "What makes you think you'd top?"
Imagine person A is usually more submissive during sex, but one day they are feeling aggressive and physically fight person B for dominance. It gets pretty intense, with biting. Does B enjoy it? Who wins the fight?
Imagine your OTP getting into a heated argument. Person A looks at Person B with fire in their eyes and says "shut up". Person B replies with "make me". Sexual tension and possible anger sex ensues.
Based on three prompts... well, I just thought they went very well together.
I hope you'll enjoy it!
The sun was already setting. Rin was staring out of their apatement, through the big windows with the chestnut wooden frames. The sky was painted in beautiful red and orange colours which faded slowly into the vivid blue.
She sighed. This week wasn't going easy on her. One thing was for sure - her studies in Clock Tower and her life in London surely didn't proceed as well as she expected.
Rin Tohsaka approached the end of the semester. And with that, she had her first upcoming scary exam. Which was an oral exam. And she hated oral exams.
And moreover, Tohsaka didn't want to admit it - because she was the best graduate of her high school in 10 years!, that for the first time in her life she was nervous because of her educational career. Because of this stupid, dumbass oral exam.
But, as Shirou, her boyfriend, pointed out already, this shouldn't really impress her. After the Holy Grail War, after the time of her live where she was so close to death more than once, an exam shouldn't bug her. But still, it did. About the War, her father tought her everything. How to cope with everything. The tiniest bit. Although she was just seventeen, she was more than well prepared for the things to come.
On the other hand, she wasn't prepared for an exam anxiety. She didn't know that something like that could exist within her. And now, it was there. She wished she knew how to deal with that.
But there was something else she couldn't handle quite well. And that certain something was bugging her mind for the past week - in addition to her exam - her jealousy.
"Damn brat.", she whispered to herself, as Shirou wasn't home yet. Luvia would, one day, die a horrible death, if she continued to flirt with Shirou. Her voice appeared in the black haired girl's head, and a shiver of disgust was going down her spine. She always couldn't stand her, even despite of the fact that she was obviously trying to seduce her boyfriend.
Her companion. Her servant. Shirou was hers. Hers alone. She felt her jealousy eating her away, because she knew that Shirou was out for his last voluntary class now. Because she felt a fear so clear that some day, Luvia might take him away from her. Because the stupid auburn haired man did not make clear that he and Rin were in a very serious relationship. Not clear enough, to be exact, for Rins thoughts. He would always decline Luvias invitations with a smile. With a polite excuse that didn't mention his girlfriend. And she wished it did.
She frowned and sighed, and her head met the books she was reading. It was already dark outside, and tomorrow would be her last exam of the semester. Finally. After that she would get a two-week-break. With peace and silence.
If it weren't for a certain man she was living with. And the emotions he was stirring up in her.
Shirou, in contrast, already had all his exams for this semester as he was only doing the introductory courses. Still, he would help her out and test her on her knowledge. Like he usually did. Screw his free time, screw his wishes to help her out. And he didn't have much free time, because he took quite a lot one week-voluntary courses to build up his knowledge furthermore. For her, she knew. He wanted to be as strong as he possibly could for her. He wanted to be able to save her, whatever came up. And she knew, that was the only reason why he was taking extra courses.
No, he wasn't much in because in the last days. But still, she didn't feel like she wanted to see him or even have any of his help right now. She didn't feel like seeing him at all, because... well, although both of them have been in a relationship for more than a year, she still felt anxious when she felt certain emotions around him. Being nervous was one of them. Being extremely jealous was another.
Living alone for a few years had left its trails on her. Shirou had shown her how awful she felt in all that time. When she had been alone for all that time, she didn't really feel the loneliness she was embraced by. But his company in the Holy Grail War was the best thing that happened to her, she had to admit. She loved him for being with her, no matter the danger, no matter the consequence. She loved him for saving her, for trusting her blindly.
The thought of losing him scared her, she thought to herself. But that was something she wouldn't say out loud. Not as a Tohsaka. And this was exactly why she was so afraid of Luvia. She didn't have the fear to speak out what she felt. What if Shirou fell for that stupid girl because of that! What if...
Their apartement door opened. "See you at the weekend, Sherou!", she heard Luvia say. Ugh, to speak of the devil. That bitch, of course she was clinging on him when she wasn't near. What plan did she have now? "We'll see, Luvia-san.", he nervously laughed, waving to her and closing the door after him, a sigh escaping his lips. Shirou's eyes met Rins.
"Tohsaka.", he smiled, walking up to her, patting her head. He would never get over his habit, he would always call her Tohsaka in everyday life-situations. Usually, she liked his voices' sound - soft, sweet, calming. Usually she loved the cute face he was pulling when he was finally seeing her again, after a long day. But that wasn't calming her down anymore, with this kind of nervousity because of the exam, and additionally, with that strange remark Luvia made.
"How are you doing?", he asked, taking the only empty seat across from her. He put his books on the table.
She didn't answer. Like she usually did in the last week - because all of his voluntary classes were with Luvia. She signed herself in, Rin knew that. She saw in the class list herself. And she knew, from Shirou as well, that both of them were getting along quite well. She felt herself getting pissed.
Shirous sigh was putting her back into reality. "You'll do great tomorrow. You're the best magus I've ever seen, and all the professors and teachers have been impressed by you so far."
She just sighed. Answering him in her current state was a pain as well. And it has been for the past week. And, of course, she let him feel that. "That's because you've only seen so little, idiot."
Silently, he moved his books from the table to the windowsill behind him, still smiling, but with a certain pain in his eyes. A certain pain she has seen for the last days. He stood up and went behind her chair.
His big, warm, loving hands met her stiff shoulders.
"Shall I give you a massage?", he understandingly asked, in his usual Emiya-manner. Always good, always patient, always caring for her. And she loved him for knowing what she needed.
Usually, she craved massages. Because he grew increasingly strong in those years. And incredibly skilled with those beautiful hands that were easing her shoulders. And things that, sometimes, came after those massages. When he shyly stated that her crimson red blouse was in the way, unbuttoning it carefully. Kissing her mouth and her cheeks with such a passion and love. When he kneaded her shoulders, making her relax, afterwards removing her bra ("The straps. They're in the way. I-I can't give you a proper massage with that on.") and, after going on with her back and her shoulders, he slowly embraced her breasts at first, moving those warm, lovely hands somewhere else...
As she felt his hands on her shoulders, and she remembered that he was sharing a class with her, she returned to her upright position, raising her hands to remove his slender fingers from her body. It was way too long that they did these things. That they exchanged a loving kiss. But right now, she couldn't do it, although she was craving his body, craving his warmth. Craving especially his love. But now, she had other things on her mind.
She had to focus on this bloody exam, or else, her mind would kill her.
"Sorry, Emiya-kun, but I don't feel like it." she coldly stated, focusing herself back onto her book as her consciousness was nagging at her not revising everything again.
Shirou responded the way he usually did in the last days. He elicited an almost unhearable sigh and she felt his frustration growing bigger. It was very unusual for him not to respond to her, so he just went back, fell loudly into his chair and grabbed a book and started reading.
"Shirou.", she spoke up after a few minutes of silence.
"How was your class?", she stated in a normal fashion.
"Oh, I enjoyed it, actually.", he looked up from his book, his adorable lips curving into a smile, obviously enjoying that fact that his girlfriend finally cared, finally tried to ease the strange feeling between them. "We did Mana studies today. That was quite helpful, actually."
Rin sighed. She didn't get the information she wanted to. "What did you do exactly?"
Shirous smile was fading. "Oh, actually, we only did some reading assignments with a partner."
"Who did you pick?"
"Well, Luvia's the only one in class I know, so...", he was rubbing his head in defense.
So that's how it was.
"Okay.", she responded. "And what's on with her at the weekend?"
"I assumed you would be bringing that up at some point.", Shirou sighed. "She invited me to one of her dinner parties."
"Of course I declined."
"Did you finally bring up that we're in a serious relationship?"
Shirou looked down. "Of course I did. But Luvia didn't leave it with that."
"I see.", Rin answered. Her hand which was under the table formed into a fist. "I see..."
Half an hour went on with no conversation and, in the meantime, Rin got very upset because she felt like she didn't remember anything of her summary she now had in front of her. Because her thoughts were revolving around that stupid bitch. And she was so angry, as Luvia wouldn't leave Shirou alone although she knew that they were a couple. And, in addition, all of this hadn't happened in the first place if Shirou wouldn't be so polite. If he turned Luvia down for once, in a way that wasn't polite, that was showing his feelings for her for real, Luvia might get it. It wasn't only Luvia that played into this thing. Shirou did as well.
She was going crazy now. She felt her blood boil in her veins.
And she knew herself well enough to think that an upset-feeling Tohsaka was no good.
"Rin, I know you don't want to hear this now, but you're prepared very well. You should stop learning and get some rest.", she heard him say. His hand was meeting hers. She was shaking her head, because now, she didn't want Shirou to know anything was wrong. Apart from the exam, of course.
"Do you want to eat anything?", Shirou asked. Tohsaka shook her head.
"Any particular drink you crave?", she was shaking her head again. Anger overflew her out of nothing.
"Can I do anything good for you?", he asked with a insightful face, when she snapped.
"Yes, you can, Emiya-kun", she started, staring at him, clenching her fists, removing his hand from hers. "You can leave me alone until tomorrow and stop making suggestions to help me. I'd be feeling a lot better if you weren't here."
Shirou slowly closed his book and put on the table. "Oh, that's how you feel.", he quietly said, looking straight into her eyes. Although he didn't pull any particular face, she hadn't seen him so angry and sad ever before. "You should have told me before, then.", he added, his voice sounding so different to his usual, loving voice.
Rin swallowed, still feeling her blood boiling because of her blind anger. "Yes, Shirou, this is why I tell you now to go to hell and leave me alone. Sounds like a great deal to me."
"Oh, so now I'm not even allowed to love you anymore?", he said and raised his eyebrows.
Tohsaka slammed her hands on the table and she was barely able to hold her anger and frustration in, anymore. Standing in front of the table she said with a colder tone and even harsher than she'd wanted to: "If that means that you're distracting me from the work that I have to do, yes."
She took her notes and went towards the end of their shared room, to have some personal space. But that didn't stop Shirou to stand up and confront her - he took her notes out of her hand, let them fall down on the floor and pushed her against the wall.
"Shirou, for Christ's sake, let me go!", she protested, standing in stock out of surprise.
"Hell, no." he, responded, trapping her between the wall and his body.
"I got better things to do than to argue with you, idiot", she whispered and tried to escape him, when he took her arms up over her body and held her down forcefully.
He didn't do that to her before, did he? As his body was radiating so much warmth, as his skin felt so hot against her cold wrists, she felt her inner crave for his love, his body again. Things were turning sexually interesting in her opinion. If he hadn't had this thing with Luvia going on...
"Oh, so you got better things to than to talk to me? Better things to do than to show me a little love? Because I'm feeling like shit because of the way you treated me the last week! Do you have any idea how I feel, right now?" Shirous expression was, finally, turning angry as well, and she started to understand his frustration little. Still, she had no intention to giving in to him - he was the one who didn't put Luvia into the place she deserved.
"I need to revise everything again for tomorrow."
"For an oral exam you'll pass anyway, because you're Rin Tohsaka and pass every exam concerned with magic with one snap? I don't know if you understand this, but I had to study very hard to pass my exams. What about you? For you, everything concerned with magic is as easy as primary school maths for a high-school-pupil. Don't get me wrong - I'm not jealous. I'm just wondering why you're absolutely overreacting because of this exam. And you won't even talk to me about it. Instead, you just shut yourself in."
The last part just hit her hard - that was when she couldn't shut her mouth anymore and decided to speak up.
"What else shall I do, huh? When you're out with Luvia every evening since you're free from mandatory classes? When you're doing every goddamn assignment in this damn class together with her? When you're not even man enough to tell her for real that we're a deal. That I'm your girlfriend. That you're not having anything with her, because you love me. But obviously, you're still going the polite way. You're still having her flirt with you. Because, obviously, you seem to enjoy her attention."
There was a short silence between them. She said in a lower volume than before: "I've told you so many times how she works. And still. You didn't listen to me."
"Because you're overly jealous, Tohsaka! And jeez, I told you, I'm doing those classes so I can finally get better for you!", Shirou answered, and she could see from his face that he didn't understand anything that was going on in her.
"No, I AM NOT overly jealous.", she yelled, still trying to free herself, still failing. "Just let me go, now."
"No, I am not.", he replied, mimicking her.
"Jeez, you're exactly like Archer.", she hissed. Rin was winding around now, putting all of her strength into her tries to escape. "Both of you idiots should have listened to me!"
"Don't you dare to compare me with him.", he said dissatisfied.
"Why? It's only true. Now shut up and let me go.", she just said, her expression clear, and cold.
She didn't know what to say anymore. Because everything he said was true.
Yes, she should trust him. She should have faith that Shirou wouldn't just leave her for Luvia, although she was shamelessly hitting on him. On the other hand, sure he could have told her in a more earnest way thay he and Rin were in a relationship. Yet he was trying his best to be both polite and honest. But, anyway, this was not the time to discuss this.
"Hell, no.", he whispered. "If you want me to shut up, make me. Like hell I'll stop now. This is the first time that I ever ask for something, that I ever dare to critize you, and you're telling me to shut up whilst comparing me to that bloody man? Forget it."
Rin finally lost her patience.
As erotic Shirou just might have been, holding her hostage and finally speaking for himself and his thoughts, she still had better things to do. And stuff on her mind that wouldn't let her want to have sex now.
"Fuck you, just go to Luvia and see her, if you're not satisfied with me.", she just said, trying to free herself one last time, but Shirou didn't let her. Instead, he suddenly came closer and started kissing her violently.
What the..., Rin just thought. Her line of thought broke off, because her mind was fogging up. Now that he was kissing her, leaving no centimetre between the wall and him, she was still trying to free herself - she knew she couldn't help it, he was stronger than her. The way he held her wasn't playing into her plans of freeing herself as well.
The black haired girl knew exactly that she didn't want to kiss him now, she felt that in her stomach. Yes, Rin felt very unforgiving. Very, very unforgiving. But the longer he kept on kissing her passionately, the more she started to enjoy the turn of the events. The fact that they didn't had sex for the past week played into her growing arousement as well. A jolt was running through her entire body, leaving her utterly defenseless against the auburn haired man's intentions.
"Screw it...", she whispered.
After an elaborate battle of their tongues, Rin tried to push Shirou to the side, as she wanted to take the lead, as she usually did. But this time, Shirou held her down with his physical strength. "Shirou", she moaned into one of the kisses, who already put his knee between her legs, letting her sensation grow immensly. His grip around her wrists grew stronger. "What makes you think you'd top, today?", he said with an angry undertone.
She felt her heart beating out of her chest.
What did he just say...?
She felt her pulse in her private parts. And she felt that she was incredibly wet already.
His free hand impatently opened up her blouse, grabbing her boob and lifting it out of her bra, and going back in for another kiss. This change of pace made her feel as aroused as she hadn't been for a long time. That didn't mean that she didn't enjoy the sex with Shirou in general, in contrast, she loved the fact that he always took proper care of her, that he was very considerate and yet very satisfying with his movements. He was always following her wishes, trying to please her as well as he could. And he could please her so well, both of them knew that. But this time was so different, so new, so exciting that she couldn't help herself to feel especially horny.
His hand quickly went down her belly when he was done feeling and touching her breasts. Without warning, he slid into her pantyhose and panties, and, geez, she was feeling so hot and she wanted him to finally touch her, but he took his time to slid down even further and find her very aroused. He smirked, she could feel him smile, when his face was next to hers. "Seems like I should do things like that more often with you, Tohsaka.", he whispered, touching her clit only slightly. Rin moaned in surprise. His fingers were now resting on her outer labia, his mouth was tracing her pulse on her neck. The fire inside of her was growing stronger. She wanted him to touch her more. She wanted to feel him. Right now. She wanted him to make her moan, to make her cum as well as he usually did. And she knew he wanted that as well. Still, he was waiting for something. She started figetting around him, becoming very raring, as she felt her muscles pulsing in impatience, wanting to be touched, to be released. "Shirou", she quietly moaned, her face filled with desperation. "Shirou, please..." His hard expression softened for the first time when his eyes met hers, both pairs equally filled with lust and love. That was when she finally felt his digits digging into her, felt those skilled fingers meeting up with her wet flesh. Felt those fingers rocking her incredibly close to orgasm in almost no time. As she could barely hold back her moans anymore, she felt his grip loosen around her arms, felt his free hand on her breasts. Her arms were falling on his shoulders, one hand resting on the muscular shoulder, her other hand met the back of his head, the fingers lost in his hair, searching for support. Support she needed, when his movements against her got quicker. When she orgasmed against his hand, when her whole body was shaking and she, finally, couldn't hold back her moans anymore. She was panting, when Shirou was dragging her into another passionate kiss and taking off her blouse and bra completely for now. Of course she knew he wasn't finished with her. She noticed the bulge in his pants and, again, she felt her exitement grow, felt this aching emptiness down there, when he took off his apple green jacket, his white shirt and quickly opened up his pants, slipping out of them and moved her roughly towards the table. Pushing her upper body onto the table, so her back was facing him, he pulled down her pantys and the pantyhose, one hand resting on her hips, the other one pushing her body more on the table. He entered her harshly, as she didn't resist, and hell, he finally filled her, he finally filled the empty gap which was crying so loud for him, making her moan in excitement. Usually, he would take his time entering her, take his time and tease her properly, because he knew that she enjoyed him filling her up slowly. But not this time. His thrusts were way harder and quicker than usual.
To think about it, she made him very angry before. But, to be honest, she didn't want to wonder about that right now. All she wanted to fill her mind with was how fucking hot he was right now. And with the hot fashion he was fucking her now.
She was looking over her shoulder to see the man she loved in ecstacy. Saw those strong muscles, those brown eyes filled with passion, his auburn hair sticking to his forehead. If anger sex was always as good as this had been so far, she should make him angry more often, she thought to herself quietly. That's when she felt him putting her hair together like a ponytail, and she didn't put much thought to that before he started pulling it. Out of surprise, she moaned, because obviously, Shirou was being careful to not hurt her too much. Him being in charge was so exiting. He was pulling again, rougher this time. She felt him hovering closer over her now, felt his breath on her neck. "Don't you ever dare to compare me to that bastard again", he cursed, before he lovingly, yet strongly, bit into her flesh. "Shirou!", she moaned. Too high pitched, too aroused in her opinion. But that didn't matter right now. All that mattered was this sweet lust and the pleasure he was giving her, and suddenly, she felt a lot closer to her second orgasm. She didn't know how long she felt his teeth, his lips on her neck and his heavy grip on her hair, when he suddenly let go of her, pulled out of her, turned her around - so she wasn't showing his back to him anymore, so they could face each other - and removed the rest of the pantyhose which she still was partially wearing, spread her legs and entered her again quickly. "Rin...", he moaned after a short while, obviously being close himself, as she could feel his excitement with his thrusts. Hovering over her, one of his hands was now finding the lovely spot between her legs again - he was now caressing her clit, until she orgasmed for the second time this night. That was when he came into her as well.
His face was buried in her shoulder, in her hair, his body laying on hers. And she just processed everything that happened, with a strong feeling of pure satisfaction in her whole body, and guilt in her stomach. Both of them stayed like this for a couple of minutes, before Shirou was moving. Their eyes met.
He was watching her closely, when his expression grew sadder, hands still next to her head to support his weight on the table. That's when she slowly realised what she truly did to him. What she truly said to him. How much she must have hurt him.
Finally, her pride broke away. Finally, she remembered that their love was more important than her stupid pride.
As her sensation slowly melted away, Rin moved her upper body in a upwards motion, causing Shirou to stand straight. Still heaving a seat on the table, she took his hand and pulled him closer again to hug him tightly.
Shyly, he returned her hug, sighing.
"I'm sorry, Shirou", she finally spoke against his chest, the pain hearable in her voice, her heart almost breaking from guilt. "I didn't want to hurt you."
She was looking up at his face, tears in her eyes. "How can I say such things to you, when I love you?" Their eyes met, and after realising what she said, he smiled again, finally.
Being still embraced by her hug, he spoke up. "It's okay, Rin. I am sorry for speaking up in a time like this. You're having your exam tomorrow, and I...", he stopped.
She looked up to him, his wonderful eyes filled with regret. "I was glad that you spoke up", she mumbled in annoyance, looking down again. "I was proud of you, to be honest."
A loud sigh left her. She was staring at his chest for a while before she spoke again. "You've grown so much, Shirou. And yet, I'm still messing up the most important thing." Again, she was looking up to him, her tears were now escaping her eyes.
And, as always, Shirou started to panick when her saw her crying. He embraced her in the warmest hug he could give her, pulled her naked body as close to him as he could, letting her head rest on his shoulder. "N-no, you don't! You'll rock the exam tomorrow."
She hit his back with her fists. "I'm talking about us, you idiot.", she whispered. "I can live with failing this exam, but..." - the words got stuck in her throat. She still felt odd when she was about to tell him things like that. She still felt that this wasn't something to say.
"I couldn't live with losing you either, Rin.", he said, knowing, smiling. "And, as I'm the most important thing, you'll handle this exam with ease. Remember? You said you can handle the rest, except for the most important thing."
Finally, she was laughing. "I can't BELIEVE you actually kept this in mind."
"Hey. This was a very important evening for me, you know. On the other side..." He lifted her up from the table, both of them still facing each other, and carried her. "You won't get me away from you. Never. Even if you're angry about Luvia - and I promise you, I'll talk to her as soon as I see her again. I'm going to tell her about my dearly beloved, beautiful, intelligent, and yet jealous and sometimes overly furious but still breath-taking girlfriend Rin Tohsaka." She chuckled. "And even if you're not happy with what I said, I'll stay with you. Even if you want to push me away, I'm going to be by your side." He rested, standing in front of their bed. "But now, that I know that you're just nervous about losing me, and not not loving me anymore which is what I truly feared, I can finally put you to bed without having my heart broken. And no. You don't need to revise anymore."
He almost threw her into their bed. And she chuckled again. When he was lying down, putting the covers over them, she crawled up.
He knew that he had to hold her as close as he could this night. And she knew he wouldn't oblige. So she felt those wonderful arms around her, holding her safe and sound.
"I love only you, Rin Tohsaka", he whispered into her hair. "As I said, I always have. And I always will." He was pulling up her chin like he did before their first kiss. And now, he was lovingly kissing her again. That was exactly what she needed after an argument like the one they had. "I love you too, you idiot."
"You'll never change, will you?", he just said, pulling her head close to his shoulder, hugging her tighter.
After a moment of silence, the girl spoke up. "Shirou." His answer was just like a hum.
As she felt his incredible warmth and his love, his pats on her head, his small kisses on her forehead, she finally found the courage to speak up what she thought, drawing little circles on his chest.
"W-We might have to re-enact this night at some point. I-I liked the change."
The man holding her just nodded affirmingly, with a smile on his face.
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A sequel to Burning the Midnight Oil depicting the morning after.
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Burning the Midnight Oil
So I’ve resolved to go ahead and post the smut on here under a read more and with the nsfw tag. Working titles for this included, “write some smut for akihitoh,” “no for real write some smut for akihitoh,” “are you kidding me her tumblr is seiyakanie now you’re taking too damn long to write the smut!” and, “Aura you once wrote fanfiction about an anthropomorphic sex toy and put it online for all to see so just post the damn smut!” So here we go! KNK college flavored PWP under the read more.
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lost in the boundary
title: lost in the boundary
pairing: akirai
summary: lost moments (or my headcanons)
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Honorifics. (400 words)
Description: Ryuko argues with Aikuro about what honorifics he should use with her name. It’s about as uneventful and pointless as it sounds.
Warning: Mild romantic implications. I don’t know what this is or why I felt it was necessary to write it.
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Happy birthday, kairosity!! This is a short post-UBW Shirou/Rin that turned out…way more somber than I expected it to. I know you love their funnier interactions but I didn’t really know how to work those in well….uh, anyway! I hope you like it! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN!
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lost in the boundary
title: lost in the boundary
pairing: akirai
summary: lost moments (or my headcanons)
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title: warm me up pairing: akihito/mirai words: 2,269 notes: wow i was torn between smut and cuddles but ultimately smut would have taken too much work and i was lazy. so have some really gross cuddles uwu
Mirai had always been someone who suffered from the cold - not just because she’d been neglected and spurned away from most physical affection growing up, but for a much more fundamental reason.
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Kiss Prompt #10
fandom: kyoukai no kanata
characters/pairings: (Akirai)
summary: “Goodbye” Kiss 
“Just one more,” Akihito panted, his knees bent and his fingers curled around Kuriyama’s elbows. “One more kiss, you can’t just leave me with that kiss.”
Mirai reddened and mumbled, “You said that for the last seven kisses, Senpai,” Sounding not nearly as disgruntled as she meant to. She pressed her forehead to his chest for a second.
“Just one more,” She mumbled, squeezing her eyes shut as she sighed, “Then I need to leave,”
“I’ll take what I can get,” He smiled but before their lips could meet, there was a sound of porcelain shattering and a gasp.
“Senpai,” She called sadly and Akihito squeezed his eyes shut as he tried to keep himself from crying and clung to her.
“No, this can’t be happening. Not again. Please.” He pleaded as he forced his eyes open and stared at her through rapidly blurring eyes.
She smiled sadly, struggling to keep her own tears at bay as she pressed a kiss to two of her fingers and pressed the fingers to Akihito’s cheek, her last kiss to him.
Akihito jerked awake with his cheeks wet and her name on his tongue. Her name, he swallowed, because she’s been gone for weeks and all he has left of her is her ring and her glasses. Another day without her, serves you right.
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Post-war Kataang oneshot, set before The Promise. 
This was borne out of wondering about the first time (this happened), and was supposed to be a cute drabble. But then it turned long and sad. OH WELL, have some Kataangst! 2.5k+ words.
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Clothing Choice (Fate/Stay Night AU Snippet)
Note: This snippet is set in an AU in which Rin is Saber’s master.
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“I humbly request that you change your attire.”
Rin stopped mid-stride and then turned to face her Servant. “What exactly is wrong with my clothing, Saber?”
The noblewoman took a deep breath and then turned way. “It is both impractical and unseemly.”
“Is that so?” Rin’s lips curved up into a smile. Had Saber been paying more attention to her than she’d thought? “Explain.”
“I understand that your choice of magic is more suited for ranged combat. However, you have also informed me that you have training in hand-to-hand combat, which, with reinforcement, could prove to be quite useful. However your attire might make it difficult for you to fight effectively.”
“Oh?” Rin’s grin widened. Was Saber blushing? Oh, yes, she was. This was too good. She leaned forward, and Saber actually took a step back. Rin had to bite back a laugh. Her Servant was so fierce on the battlefield but so adorable off it. “And what, precisely, about my attire would make it difficult for me to fight effectively.”
Saber turned redder and gestured vaguely at Rin’s bottom half. “You… you… you’re not wearing pants.”
“It would be absolutely indecent if you tried to kick anyone with what you’re wearing.”
It took all of Rin’s considerable willpower to not burst out laughing. Instead, she tried to make her expression as serious as possible. “And I suppose this is also related to why you think my clothing unseemly.”
Saber nodded, expression grave. “My lady, your skirt is…”
“My skirt is…?”
“It is…” Saber seemed to be fighting to force the words out.
“It’s very short.” Saber was now looking everywhere except at Rin. “I… it is not the least bit ladylike.”
Rin took a deep breath. She couldn’t laugh, but Saber was just too cute. “Ah, it is a good thing that I have you to protect my virtue, Saber.” She grinned wickedly. “Perhaps I could alter the length of my skirt. Tell me, would this length be more acceptable to you?” Rin waited for Saber to turn and look before very deliberately lifting her skirt up just a little bit.
Rin was treated to the sight of the legendary King of Knights walking face first into a pole. As Saber staggered off to one side, more embarrassed than hurt, Rin favoured her Servant with a teasing look.
“Hmm… it seems that the only one my attire is dangerous for is you, Saber.” Rin winked. “Perhaps you should spend less time staring at my legs.”
Saber made a choking sound and then nodded.
Rin walked the rest of the way home with a spring in her step. This Grail War was going to be fun.
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Your suggestions. Today - Resistance Is Futile.
Alright. My current project which is no OneShot started to break my head only after two chapters. ...sorry.
The story I’m talking about is Restistance Is Futile.
So, now that Ryuuko finally saw Mikisugi again, of course she will be more confused about her feelings.  Idk. For story reasons, I want him to stay in her flat. (At least for a certain amount of time, e.g. over a few nights.)
But I don’t get there, in my head. I don’t get the conversation in the library, I don’t get how he ends up with her that evening, I simply don’t know. But I don’t want to put this story on hiatus, because... well... let’s stay I have plans. And I love Mikiryu too much and the lack of nice fanfiction kills me anyway.
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So. Question for you:
What are Ryuko and Mikisugi talking about after finding themselves again? How does Mikisugi end up with Ryuko?
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Hello and welcome. :)
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I’m Cinnamylchlorid. I am a German fanfiction writer and decided to start this blog - in addition to my fanfiction.net-profile. ^_^
So you’ll be able to find some of my stories here. Which, usually, revolve around my OTPs. This blog is overall not marked as NSFW - but I’m going to post some NSFW-stories here. So if you’re uncomfortable with NSFW-fiction - no problem! I’ll tag those and I’m going to put warnings in front of my stories. :)
As well, I plan to ask you guys for ideas. Because sometimes I’m stuck with my stories - and some input might be helpful. (Of course you’ll be credited.)
Long story short, let’s have a great time together. :3
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