circusgeeks · 2 years
A new adventure
I’m about to start initial research for a performance project aimed at children aged 5 and under, centring around the theme of adventure. This early stage research is generously supported by Starcatchers. For well over a decade I’ve worked as a professional juggler, performing in theatres, circuses and carparks across the globe. Looking for a change from constant travel and the London rental…
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circusgeeks · 4 years
Gerry Cottle
Gerry Cottle | 7 April 1945 – 13 January 2021 I met Gerry Cottle at one of my first gigs in 2003, he was kind and treated me like a seasoned pro. What I remember of Gerry was that he warm, sharp and deeply cared about circus. Having lived the cliche and run away with the circus when he way 15, Gerry went on to found his own companies, direct shows and reached the rare status of self-made circus…
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circusgeeks · 4 years
Public Fan Letters | Penn & Teller
Public Fan Letters | Penn & Teller
I’m currently reading ‘Steal Like An Artist’ by Austin Kleon which ties in to my interest in what seems to be a changing consensus on the origin and process of creativity, art and copyright law. One chapter mentions writing a public fan letter. Here’s one of mine…
I love Penn & Teller, they are not only my favourite magicians but also two of my favourite artists. I love their open and honest…
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circusgeeks · 4 years
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circusgeeks · 5 years
Don Robertson - Kindly Charisma
Don Robertson – Kindly Charisma
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Don Robertson 22 September 1927 – 23rd February 2020
Don Robertson passed away last night at the age of 91. Don led a remarkable life, full of twits and turns and most importantly was a generous, kind human who had the most fantastic sparkle in his eye.
Don was a brilliant performer, father and friend. He will be missed by all…
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circusgeeks · 5 years
What Is Contemporary Circus? by Shana Kennedy
What Is Contemporary Circus? by Shana Kennedy
While I’m not convinced by the usefulness of the “Contemporary Circus” label this TEDx talk is well worth a watch, giving a nice overview of modern history in circus.
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circusgeeks · 5 years
Nell Gifford - Authenticity
Nell Gifford – Authenticity
  Nell Gifford has died.
I briefly met Nell years ago at an event at Circus Space but unfortunately never got to know her personally. I did however know Nell’s work, her shows, books and art.
It strikes me that Nell understood the brilliance of traditional circus, what unique offerings the art form possess and perhaps, what some of the shortcomings built into the art form are.
Nell deeply…
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circusgeeks · 6 years
Video of the week – Yoann Bourgeois In case somehow you missed this one...
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circusgeeks · 6 years
6 Luke and his stories... This is pretty much what I showed the manager at the casino when I began my croupier-training, just before the frenzied phone calls to the security office in South Africa and the promised addition of my name to the "not allowed to work in a UK casino" database. Oh well, probably all for the best!
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circusgeeks · 6 years
Clown down - Rob Torres
Clown down – Rob Torres
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Sad to report the death of Rob Torres, who was a remarkable and talented clown and throughly decent human.
I first saw Rob perform in 2010 and was lucky enough to work with him a couple of times in a traditional circus in Italy not long after.
Every show he tried something new and ran over time. It wasn’t his fault. The audience fell in love…
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circusgeeks · 6 years
42ft Podcast Episode 4 - Chris Patfield
42ft Podcast Episode 4 – Chris Patfield
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Photo by Justyna Karpińska
This is the forth in a prototype podcast series, 42ft. Recording quality, style and competency varies over the episodes.
Chris doesn’t have much of an internet presence and as such I have to craft his short biog.
Chris Patfield is a juggler, wire walker and apparently Guardian writer. He has toured with NoFit State, Gandini Juggling and is currently set to perform in…
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circusgeeks · 6 years
42ft Podcast Episode 3 - Craig Reid
42ft Podcast Episode 3 – Craig Reid
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This is the third in a prototype podcast series, 42ft. Recording quality, style and competency varies over the episodes.
Craig Reid aka ‘The Incredible Hula boy’ is the award winning variety hula-hoop act and the undeniable king of the rings! With a Circus degree in hula-hooping and a background in gymnastics and dance he has taken to stages in cabarets, TV shows nightclubs, variety theatres…
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circusgeeks · 6 years
42ft Podcast Episode 2 - Amy Panter
42ft Podcast Episode 2 – Amy Panter
This is the second in a prototype podcast series, 42ft. Recording quality, style and competency varies over the episodes.
A highly experienced aerialist Amy performs all over the world, performing hoop, silks, rope, harness, trapeze, as a solo and duo artist and also as part of ensemble groups.
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This initial test podcast series was funded by Articulation, an…
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circusgeeks · 6 years
42ft Podcast Episode 1 - Emily Nicholl
42ft Podcast Episode 1 – Emily Nicholl
This is the first in a prototype podcast series, 42ft. Recording quality, style and competency varies over the episodes.
Emily Nicholl is one of Scotland’s leading circus and physical theatre artists. Through worlds of music, political theatre and environmental education, and with roots in the Scottish skill-sharing circus scene.
Emily is currently working with critically acclaimed Ockham’s…
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circusgeeks · 7 years
The last great rigger
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circusgeeks · 7 years
The Last Little Show at the End of the World
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circusgeeks · 7 years
Circus on the Beeb
A few things floating around on the BBC… http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b09k8gyw https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b09jcxrj/attenborough-and-the-giant-elephant https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p00nxq5l/late-night-lineup-coco-the-clown
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