Will Von Beard jump ship?
Hey! Is there a ship name yet? Clinton + Kaine = ...... #otp #comeon #tooEZ
 Does she finally see the light?
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Shocking, the beard is being selfish?
For those of you that read this :
1) take Darren’s participation in last night’s event for what it was , a chance to promote Hedwig and Elsie and the cause. He does care about the cause , but I firmly believe that he was added last minute for promo purposes only . 2) the beard isn’t going anywhere for the time being . If you don’t want to know about her and she annoys you as she does me , don’t seek out info or tweets or instagrams about her . What is coming from her is very self involved crap that is designed to be about her when it should be about Darren . Getting mad does no one any good . She is going to be seen with him whether we like it or not …but WE know where his heart is …despite what they try to make us believe . Trust that …believe that and ignore her …she is going to go away but we don’t know when , and until she does we are stuck with her and so is he.
He made decisions a long time ago that he is suffering the consequences for now . Be patient and support him and accept the fact that he wants this to end just like we do ! I firmly believe that ..getting mad does no good to anyone .
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Starstruck of someone who is a beard for a celebrity? Really?
Some guy on Twitter met Mia last night and he posted a pic with her saying he was "starstruck". I'm laughing. Did someone tell him she's famous or something? Like, what reason could he possibly be startstruck by her? Is he a fan of her music? So weird/funny.
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It’s a whole level of crazy - I just can’t understand
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that’s amazing. The chemistry between them seems so obvious.
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Ok! So,
We have all seen the live kiss like a billion billion billion times, right? BUT, I just recently saw it from THIS angle! And it has taken on a whole new life for me!
Watch at the end of the kiss Darren actually thrusts Chris’ head backward with his hand, not in a get-away-from-me way, but in like a really dominant way, like a possessive way, and he holds eye contact with him, like really intense eye contact.
and Darren’s face after he pulls away is like accomplished, and just, god, so so sure of himself….
I guess I had never seen how serious Darren was about this kiss because you can never really see his face… But damn!
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Crisscolfer Follow List
It is that time again!
We have decided to make a NEW Master list of ‘CrissColfer’ fans.
Our hope in making this list is to keep our Crisscolfer fan-family together, supporting and following Chris Colfer and Darren Criss’ relationship as most blogs has slowly begin to post/reblog about other current fandoms.
Normally we would accept a ‘like’ to participate but, on this occasion, if you wish to have your blog added to our list, please REBLOG this post.
As this will be a complete NEW list, if your name was on our last list, we ask you still REBLOG this new post as confirmation you still wish to be apart of our master list.
As soon as we achieve enough names, we will create the new/updated master list. Thank you.
- The Crisscolfer Squad.
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Do you believe that the beards cause the boys to be jealous? Darren seems very passionate and I can see him get jealous. For me personally I couldn't see the person I love spend so much time with some else that wasn't me. Also, Chris assistant comment made me chuckle. W is definitely Chris assistant and I think I once read that someone in fandom even heard W be referred as Chris assistant on set.
This is an interesting subject - and completely my opinion as I do not know them personally - nor have I ever witnessed this behavior
both Chris and Darren are very passionate people - highly possessive and I would imagine easily made jealous
Darren wrote a song about it - he is such an emotionally open and raw person - I don’t see how he isn’t a jealous person by nature
and to be honest - I could see Darren being WAY more so than Chris - especially as “chill” was always more believable than the other - and the way he sang TD that night in Toronto - he feels things on a level that he can’t restrain publicly - chris has almost always been able to hold back feelings like that publicly
On the other side
I also think they have ALWAYS been EXCEEDINGLY RESPECTFUL to one another and their relationship
not to say it was not always easy - nor that there were not fights caused by the trouble that this situation could bring about
if there was jealousy - I am sure they found ways to make sure the other knew EXACTLY who they belonged to :)
Despite Murphy’s statement - that is what trailers are used for - frequently!
I have heard the same rumors about the confirmation of the PA when they were doing outdoor filming
He was a PA from the start - he was just latched onto as an alternative when it was needed as a distraction from the person chris was showing all sorts of chemistry and joy around.
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From the way those tweets look, I'm almost certain they weren't written by beard? Her style is terrible.
I believe 100% ALL the tweets today were from Darren about @singstreetmusic - that is ALL him - the passion , the commitment to the story, the relate-able memories of his own childhood with music
All around Mr Colfer being on social media as well
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Love it when they come out to play at the same time! :)
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His PA. Ha!
Nothing made me smile more this week than "my assistant" c:
When it’s truth time - there is no holding back ;)
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What a great Harry Potter.
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Can’t believe it’s been 5 and a half years. At least there are reruns : )
Why I Love Chris
Simply amazing that 5 ½ years after Baby It’s Cold Outside was filmed Chris is still using this clip as his introduction on a talk show.  Hmmm……considering he allegedly hates both Klaine and Darren, you’d think he would pick another clip?  He has over a 100 episodes to chose from.
Thank you Chris, that made my morning.  And the rest of the interview too!
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Here, let me break your heart💔
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#glee #klaine #CC
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Crisscolfer Follow List
It is that time again!
We have decided to make a NEW Master list of ‘CrissColfer’ fans.
Our hope in making this list is to keep our Crisscolfer fan-family together, supporting and following Chris Colfer and Darren Criss’ relationship as most blogs has slowly begin to post/reblog about other current fandoms.
Normally we would accept a ‘like’ to participate but, on this occasion, if you wish to have your blog added to our list, please REBLOG this post.
As this will be a complete NEW list, if your name was on our last list, we ask you still REBLOG this new post as confirmation you still wish to be apart of our master list.
As soon as we achieve enough names, we will create the new/updated master list. Thank you.
- The Crisscolfer Squad.
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So I’m driving my daughter to dance class and I tell her about Darren’s new nephew - I’m excited because his name is the same as my son’s middle name (plus a little obnox CCing cuz TLOS but yea, it’s been that kinda day) and she says
Her: “Well, Darren can’t have kids unless yanno they adopt”
Me: (smiles lovingly at my daughter) “I raised you well”
Her: “I’m sorry, but from everything I’ve observed, he’s not straight at all”
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