The Melting Pot in my Apartments
I was born in Anaheim
A place with great weather year round,
I remember growing up in apartments
Diverse Neighborhood
African American, Hispanic, Asian, White, Indian, Arabian
Every single ethnicity in the melting pot
I remember hearing tongues clicking and clacking
Parents would walk by speaking to their kids in different languages
I listened and waited to understand at least one syllable
Confused yet amused
I would look at the girls pass by me with drapes on their heads
Sometimes I saw other girls with a sari dress on
I would admire the bright reds and yellow intertwined in the fabric
When I grew, I understood
I never had any idea that other ethnicities existed
Until I went to school I understood culture and race
I adored learning about traditions in Holi or Chinese New Year
Differences became intriguing
Big brown eyes,
Tan skin
Dark long brown hair 
Curvy body,
Bold thick eyebrows,
I examine my morenita features
And fall in love with my Mexican Heritage
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