ckutamandlastuff · 4 years
Cuba against COVID-19 Campaign
Canadian Network on Cuba
Working in friendship and solidarity with Cuba
-Isaac Saney, CNC Spokesperson, March 30, 2020-
The Canadian Network on Cuba (CNC) is launching the Cuba Against COVID-19 Campaign to support the heroic island’s internationalist medical missions that are combatting the pandemic across the world. At the time of writing, Cuba has more than 800 medical personnel serving…
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ckutamandlastuff · 4 years
This observation and the views that follow, addressed primarily to Pan-Africanists, are intended to outline our present condition and inspire political will among decision-makers responsible for public policy decisions to come to a consensus amidst the looming COVID-19 pandemic. It urges Pan-Africanists to embark on required initiatives beyond solely meeting medical objectives and into systemic…
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ckutamandlastuff · 5 years
How palm oil production is fuelling land grabs, environmental degradation and repression in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Canadian connection
How palm oil production is fuelling land grabs, environmental degradation and repression in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the Canadian connection
Growing global demand for cheap vegetable oil for processed food, biofuel and cosmetics is a key factor behind land grabs across Africa. There are many Canadian connections to this story, including the agribusiness company Feronia, which now stands accused of complicity in the murder of an activist and the incarceration of five others in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Gwen talks to Devlin…
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ckutamandlastuff · 5 years
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The Masauko album: a tribute to Henry Masauko Chipembere, a true hero of the anti-colonial struggle in Malawi Entitled Masauko, the musician's name, the album also a wonderful tribute to his father, Henry Masauko Chipembere, a true hero of the anti-colonial struggle in Malawi during the 1950s and 60s.
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ckutamandlastuff · 5 years
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Paying tribute to Joseph Shabalala, founder of Ladysmith Black Mambazo, and remembering Mandela’s release from prison 30 years ago Doug pays a loving tribute to Shabalala and his important contribution to the South African music scene.
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ckutamandlastuff · 5 years
Hirak et processus révolutionnaire en Algérie
Hirak et processus révolutionnaire en Algérie
Une émission portant sur le processus révolutionnaire en cours en Algérie et différents enjeux de l’heure portés par le mouvement du Hirak dans une perspective décoloniale, panafricaniste et de démocratie pluraliste.
Avec Brahim Rouabah, doctorant en sciences politiques à la City University of New-York et enseignant au Brooklyn College, Amine Brahimi, post doctorant en sociologie à Columbia…
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ckutamandlastuff · 5 years
A Farewell to Sandile Dikeni
A Farewell to Sandile Dikeni
South Africa and the world lost an important voice on November 9th. A poet, a journalist, a critical political voice during apartheid, during the transition and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, and during the post-apartheid period, right up to a few days ago. South African Sandile Dikeni died of tuberculosis. He was 53.
[soundcloud url="https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/715528663"…
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ckutamandlastuff · 5 years
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Farm Radio Malawi Last March, while Gwen was in Malawi, she had an opportunity to touch base with some of the people running Farm Radio Trust, in the capital Lilongwe.
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ckutamandlastuff · 5 years
Mary Ndlovu remembers Robert Mugabe
Mary Ndlovu remembers Robert Mugabe
Robert Gabriel Mugabe died at 95 in regal splendour at a luxurious hospital in Singapore on September 6. From the promise of independence in 1980 to 2016, Mary Ndlovu lived in Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe. She endured the political, economic, and social consequences as well as the brutality of the misrule of Mugabe and ZANU-PF. She talked with Doug about this tragic legacy.
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ckutamandlastuff · 5 years
How thousands of Ugandans lost their land to a potent combination of governments, private enterprise and forest certification agencies
How thousands of Ugandans lost their land to a potent combination of governments, private enterprise and forest certification agencies
A carbon trading initiative in Uganda has seen thousands of farmers evicted from their land, and a quiltwork of powerful interests that has worked hard to sideline their opposition to the scheme. Gwen talks to Frédéric Mousseau, Policy Director at The Oakland Institute, on their recent briefing paper Evicted for Carbon Credits: Norway, Sweden and Finland Displace Ugandan Farmers for Carbon…
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ckutamandlastuff · 5 years
Looking back at Morsi
Looking back at Morsi
It has been exactly six years since Dr. Mohamed Morsi, the first democratically elected president, was dismissed from office in a military coup orchestrated by then General Abdel Fattah El-Sisi. What are the lessons learned?
We invited James Gelvin, Professor of History at UCLA, to analyze the situation.
He is the author of The New Middle East: What Everyone Needs to Know (Oxford University…
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ckutamandlastuff · 5 years
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Shining the international spotlight on Barrick Gold and the crimes committed at its North Mara mine in Tanzania There was a surge recently in international media coverage of the notorious North Mara gold mine in Tanzania as ForbiddenStories, an international consortium of 40 journalists publishing in 30 media organizations around the world, rolled out a number of damning articles revealing killings, rapes, intimidation and environmental destruction in the communities surrounding the mine.
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ckutamandlastuff · 5 years
Sudan's uprising takes a new turn
Sudan’s uprising takes a new turn
Duha Elmardi and Riyad Almubarak, two Sudanese activists, spoke about Sudan Uprising: The Exhibition with art work, presentations and films was held in June. This is a critical moment in Sudan’s history and Amandla fully supports the struggle for freedom and justice.
Duha and Riyad also provided news of the bloody turn of events that occurred over the previous weekend. Peaceful protesters in…
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ckutamandlastuff · 5 years
Mass dispossession through the commodification of land
Mass dispossession through the commodification of land
Under a new scheme, the World Bank seems intent on dismantling customary land laws in a push to privatize land and ultimately turn it into a commodity for sale to the highest bidder. In Africa, where much of the land is still governed by customary laws, this constitutes an odious and immediate threat to people’s livelihoods, autonomy and culture. Gwen talks to Frederic Mousseau, Policy Director…
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ckutamandlastuff · 5 years
Zimbabwe Loses an Important Unsung Hero
Zimbabwe Loses an Important Unsung Hero
Dumiso Dabengwa died on May 23 and with typical self-effacing modesty leaving little trace of the important role he played in the struggle to free Zimbabwe from the entrenched racist settler regime of Ian Smith’s Rhodesia. Ole Gjerstad spoke with Doug about Dumiso’s key role as the head of the Zimbabwe African People’s Union (ZAPU) security network; his role in 1980 to ensure a peaceful…
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ckutamandlastuff · 5 years
Une perspective décoloniale de la révolte algérienne
Une perspective décoloniale de la révolte algérienne
Cet entretien réalisé par Mouloud Idir avec le politiste algérien Brahim Rouabah (affilié à la CUNY – City University of New-York) présente une perspective décoloniale de la révolte algérienne. L’analyse pose l’importance d’une subjectivation alternative qui soit à même de restituer un regard moins dissonant à l’égard de la pluralité de la société algérienne, mais aussi des modes d’expression…
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ckutamandlastuff · 5 years
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Tribute to Binyavanga Wainaina Marc-André Cright, 3rd Year Illustration and Design, Collaborative Project with Gwendolyn Schulman, Humanity in Collision, 2014, Ink and colour pencils on paper, from the exhibition Collisions, April 17 to May 8, 2014, Warren G. Flowers Art Gallery, Dawson College, Montreal, Canada
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