clairexrosenberg · 9 years
Scared I might traumatize you, big brother?
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There’s a club and there’s a lot of sexy dancing and booze, but you have to let me know when you’re going so I don’t go because I don’t think that’s a situation either of us wants to endure.
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clairexrosenberg · 9 years
Only one?
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That sounds like the name of some trashy club. I like it. No? Why not? And you can’t use the excuse ‘I’m a bad dancer’ because everyone can dance if they really tried.
I may be able to help you with one of those, at least.
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Think the name of the place is Blue Mist, haven’t been there yet myself.
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clairexrosenberg · 9 years
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Aiden x Claire – you don’t have to do this alone
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clairexrosenberg · 9 years
Now that I’m settled in, does anyone know where the closest bar is? I could use a strong glass of whiskey and maybe a good fuck.
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clairexrosenberg · 9 years
That's the fun part, I have to keep baking you goodies until I find your favorite. So don't be surprised if you find brownies or a chocolate mousse coming your way soon.
This is so weird.
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clairexrosenberg · 9 years
See that sounds like a challenge I can't ignore. I will find a way to appease Lady Rosenberg, no matter what the cost! I may even have to bake her favorite treat just to prove it.
Good luck finding out what that is.
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clairexrosenberg · 9 years
Well if you're anything like Aiden, just takes some breakfast in bed and the promise of more home cooked food to tame and sooth the beast.
He always was a sucker for home-cooked meals. I might be a little tougher then that, unfortunately. 
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clairexrosenberg · 9 years
PM: I can still get you out. Fuck it, bring her too. I just want to see you happy again, Aiden. You’re not the same person I remember and that scares me a little because if my rock isn’t sure what the meaning of life is anymore, then how can I? Don’t say that. Don’t you dare. 
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I love you more then anyone on this damn planet. Don’t start hating yourself because the fucked up system and government are making you think that you should. Whatever you did, Aiden, forget it. 
PM: I’m here for a criminal sentence. My passport would send up red flags. And there’s someone here who I can’t leave without. I don’t know how it happened. I hate being here, but she makes it less bleak. The problem is that I know I can’t go the distance and I don’t know what I hate more – being here or being me.
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clairexrosenberg · 9 years
I believe that, honey, because you are a very kind and caring person, I can tell.
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I am to everyone. I promise. I try to be good to everyone and help them best I can. 
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clairexrosenberg · 9 years
You guess? I’m pretty much an open book so I don’t know, if you want to know something just ask. 
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To see my brother and make sure he’s okay. Unfortunately that meant enrolling myself in this absurd program, but hey, family makes you do crazy shit I guess. 
Well, I guess I’m glad it calmed you down. Are you interested in anything you’d like to talk about to distract you?
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Oh? And what would you be here for then?
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clairexrosenberg · 9 years
Okay, good. I don’t really know what I’d do without them. They really have been the only one that’s been there for me my whole life.
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I don’t think that was too harsh. You care about them, so I don’t blame you for being protective. It must be nice, being that close.
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clairexrosenberg · 9 years
What did you do exactly? I’ve never been one to follow society’s rules and have maybe broken one or two of them a couple times in the past couple years. Maybe we could exchange notes. 
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Turns out society frowns on violent acts of rebellion that end in thousands of dollars worth of property damage, and it really doesn’t like you if you’re in charge of it. I’m working community service from hell.
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Pleasure to meet you Claire. And take it from me, the help will make playing nice with ‘the man’ a whole lot easier, even if I still think this system is horse shit I’ve only lit like, one thing on fire since they carted me out here, and that was purely accidental.
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clairexrosenberg · 9 years
PM: Then leave. Fuck it, I’ll leave with you. I only came here to make sure you’re alright, and I haven’t been here long enough for anyone to know who I am, so yeah, I’ll help you. We’ll go somewhere nice. I know a lot of people in Europe who would be more then willing to house two runaways. 
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PM: I don’t want to be here, Claire.
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clairexrosenberg · 9 years
Well, as long as your evil master plans didn't involve upsetting anyone who was important to me I suppose I could turn to a life of crime to assist in Aiden's little sister feeling welcome. What can I say, I like to make a good impression.
You don’t know what you’re getting yourself into, Mister. Us Rosenbergs are a wild bunch. 
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clairexrosenberg · 9 years
You most certainly are going to tell me the details, Aiden. Maybe not right away, but I expect to hear them eventually. No, not that’s exactly the opposite thing you want to be saying to your sister. Again, I’m all for it, but not when it’s you. You’re not going to ever again if I get a say in it. Plus, I think there might be one or two here who would say the same.
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No, it wasn’t. It’s probably best you don’t know details, Claire. Just pretend I was Magic Mike and move on. It’s over now and I don’t know what to do with myself, but I know I shouldn’t go back to that.
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clairexrosenberg · 9 years
They do, but what can I say they're a good person and we can't help but want to be close to Aiden. Not at all, I just thought you should know by extension as the sister I would do everything I could to make sure this was a more comfortable stay for you.
I understand that. Everything? Those are big words, Eddie, considering you have no idea who I am. I could be crazy and you’ve just now given me exactly what I need to fulfil my evil master plan. 
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clairexrosenberg · 9 years
Just by being yourself and being respectful. To everyone. Just because someone is marked a certain way, doesn’t mean they deserve more respect then someone who is marked a submissive. Which, I am, by the way. But I don’t really like to say that becuase I do not believe it.
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That’s true, I guess, but how do Ishow respect and all if I don’t say Sir or Miss? I hope you find him real soon so you don’t got any worry at all. 
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