clapcreative · 3 years
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clapcreative · 3 years
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E-commerce stores are the main focus of hackers and are prone to malware attacks and other cyber threats. In an online store, not only your site data but also the personal info of your clients is at risk. EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE MAGNETO SECURITY SCAN TOOL
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clapcreative · 3 years
Magento support services are essential to keep your webstore running in the most optimized way possible. Read this post to know what Magento support offers. Here, you will find the right guidance in maintenaning your magento website. Get to know about the salient features of Magento, benefits to have magento website and many more technical about it. Contact Clap Creative for more information.
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clapcreative · 3 years
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If you own a high-traffic WordPress website, you must consider hiring a Managed WordPress Hosting solution for 100% uptime, security, and performance of your site Check out: https://www.clapcreative.com/how-managed-wordpress-hosting-can-grow-up-your-business/
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clapcreative · 3 years
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clapcreative · 3 years
How To Offer White Label WordPress Maintenance Services?
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Offering White Label WordPress Maintenance as a service can be a great business model. Rising revenue, certain cash flow and, if you offer the services in the right way, customers remain paying customers for years. However, it’s a very cutthroat industry and it can sometimes be hard convincing clients to go for WordPress Website Maintenance services. If done right, you can flourish your business quickly. Moreover, there are thousands of clients who outsource these services.
Why Do Companies Outsource White Label WordPress Maintenance?
Here’re some of the main reasons why companies outsource WordPress maintenance services:
Lack of skills, resources, and setup in-house.
They have all focused on the core revenue-generating elements of the business.
They don’t invest much in systems as well as software to handle lots of sites.
For the firms that offer WordPress Website Maintenance in-house, it can cause a distraction to the development team. Research demonstrates that if a person faces interruption in work patterns, he needs 25 minutes to re-focus on the work that he was doing earlier.
Getting Started…
There Are 3 key things to consider that you need to have in place:
Marketing strategy
If you have these, you’re on the right path to offering WordPress Maintenance services that’ll remarkably expand your business. So, let’s get deep into these 3 prerequisites.
For WordPress Website Maintenance, you’ll need some software as well as tools. These tools will help you in managing the whole WordPress site while keeping the clients up to date about maintenance progress. Here’re a few tools that you’ll need:
WordPress Management Tool
For managing a lot of sites and offering WordPress Support And Maintenance services, a management tool is crucial. You can do a lot of tasks while saving your time. Moreover, if it can be white-labeled to your firm partner’s branding you’ll impress them greatly. However, your WordPress management tool must have a support ticket system. Dealing with support issues from clients is the most crucial aspect of delivering White Label Maintenance as it’s the only part that they can understand.
Payment Gateway
Perhaps you may love to spend more time on getting new clients than other things. Paying on an invoice or a direct payment system is just going to lag things. So, get yourself a pro payment gateway such as Square, Stripe, and PayPal, etc. However, these gateways charge a meager fee but save your time.
Accounting Software
As you gain more site maintenance clients, you will surely need cloud accounting software. Accounting software will connect with your WordPress management tool as well as payment gateway to auto-generate invoices and provide updates about profit & loss. Xero, QuickBooks, and Wave are the outstanding options.
International Transfers Tool
If you’re offering 24/7 White Label WordPress support, you must have a high-end software or app to pay your foreign team. Wise, OFX, and Remitly are some great apps that support multiple currencies for overseas transfer.
Appointment Setting Tool
Firms will rarely partner with you for White Label maintenance services without speaking with you over a call or email first. To and fro emails for deciding meeting dates might be a thing of the past when tools like Picktime and Calendly exist. These online appointment setting tools save a lot of time on both sides and helps to easily set meetings with your prospects.
Internal Communication App
Being able to solve issues swiftly with your team is very challenging while you’re not in the same location. Thus, you need an app to quickly as well as easily interact with each team member internally. Slack, Zoom is the great option for a quick chat as well as video calls with your teammates.
If you’re planning for white label WordPress Maintenance, then you’ll need to have a team. However, it doesn’t mean that you need to rent offices and hire local talent, specifically in WordPress maintenance. Now, offering 24/7 support is much easier than it’s ever been. While choosing an outsourcing partner, companies will inquire about your team to verify that it’s not just you sitting on a bean bag. Nowadays, clients need a professional business setup so that they can put their trust in it.
Marketing strategy
Needless to say, a good marketing strategy in place is crucial to gain clients in bulk. Marketing strategy is nothing but a way to get more clients by making your website look attractive using photos, rich informative content, and social media integration. Social media engagement is necessary to reach the target audience. However, a sense of professionalism on your site is always a plus.
For offering top-notch White Label WordPress Maintenance, you must represent yourself as an ace in WordPress maintenance. Also, with the right tools, expert team, and a good marketing strategy, you can carry your business to another level and fulfill your ever-rising revenue fantasy. As a client, you must choose the right WordPress Maintenance like Clap Creative.
Original Source: How To Offer White Label WordPress Maintenance Services?
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clapcreative · 3 years
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clapcreative · 3 years
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Contact us for wordpress maintenance and support services at affordable prices. Clap Creative is one of the reliable wordpress support companies. They offer 24 hours wordpress website support services. Taking care of all your wordpress website challenges including speed optimization, security perspectives, all plugin updating, themes and core files updates and many more. Check out: https://bit.ly/3zfxy1O
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clapcreative · 3 years
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Offering White Label WordPress Maintenance as a service with proper software, team, and strategy can be a great business model to grow your business revenue. https://bit.ly/3nxCA7E
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clapcreative · 3 years
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We offer magento ecommerce website technical support and maintenance services. It includes customization, magento maintenance, its security, development, plugin and version upgradation. Offering routine checkups including bug fixing, error debugging and checking out conflicts. Check out: https://bit.ly/2VDP1Dd
#MagentoSupportandMaintenanceServices #MagentoMaintenanceCompany #MagentoMaintenanceServices #MagentoSupportCompany
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clapcreative · 3 years
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To run a successful shopify store, we need some time to check out the technical issues and regular updates for an attractive storefront. To reach heights with your shopify store, get an expert management and regular support. The experts will take care of all regular updates and the routine execution checkup of the webstore. Contact us now: https://bit.ly/3C9sf62
#ShopifyMaintenance #ShopifySiteMaintenance
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clapcreative · 3 years
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To run a WordPress website successfully, contact for WordPress maintenance and support services in Los Angeles. Get latest updating for WordPress, plugins, themes, backups, security and uptime monitoring. Also, have a regular track on the website downtime, plugin theme errors and theme modifications. The website needs support and maintenance with regular checkup of the website execution. Check out: https://bit.ly/2Vz0291
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clapcreative · 3 years
Must-Follow Methods For WordPress Speed Optimization
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Your website’s performance imparts the first impression about your business. It’s crucial to remember that you won’t get another chance when it comes to UX. Slow site loading speed is one of the most irritating things that will turn visitors off from your site. However, high-performance sites derive higher return visits, lead conversions, low bounce rates, more user engagement, superior ranks in search results, and better UX. On the other hand, slow sites will cost you huge losses as well as impaired reputation. Thus, by minimizing the page loading time you’ll positively affect marketing as well as sales processes. You’ll also get higher traffic and appeal to more prospective leads that can be converted into paying customers. In this blog, we will discuss some methods of WordPress Speed Optimization and boost page loading time.
Key Methods To Speed Up WordPress Site
After testing the speed of your site, you need to optimize it. There’re several ways to make your site perform faster. Here’s the list of the most effective methods to speed up the WordPress website.
Use a Content Delivery Network
A CDN is a stack of web servers dispersed across multiple locations that offer web content to end users as per their location. If you host the site on a single server, all users’ requests are delivered to the same hardware. Thus, the time required to process each request hikes up. In addition, the load time also increases if the user’s location is far away from the server. So, with CDN, user requests are forwarded to the nearest web server. Therefore, the content is quickly delivered to a user and a site operates much faster. Though it’s an expensive way, yet very effective for WordPress Speed Optimization.
Minimize the size of images
Everyone loves to see appealing images on a site. In the case of successful e-commerce sites, images are a crucial aspect. A lot of visual content, images, and graphics on your product pages boost user engagement. However, using more or large images can slow down a site. If you want to use more images, you must use images with small sizes. The best way to cut the image size without ruining its quality is to compress images using online tools tiny PNG, compress JPEG, etc. Another way to trim the image size is to use the HTML attributes that alter image size based on display properties.
Use fewer plugins
Plugins are the core elements of each site. They add particular features to the website. But, the more plugins are set up, the more resources are required to run them. For that reason, the site runs slower, and also security issues can occur. For WordPress Speed Optimization, it’s wise to keep on checking out the plugins from time to time and delete the useless plugins. You must run the performance tests to find out which plugins are hindering the speed of your site. The site speed not only depends on the number of plugins but also on their quality. So, avoid using plugins that load large scripts or generate a big stack of database queries.
Diminish the number of JavaScript as well as CSS files
If your website is stuffed with a lot of JavaScript as well as CSS files, it will lead to countless HTTP requests when site visitors want to access specific files. These requests are handled separately by the user’s web browser and slow down the site operation. So, if you reduce JavaScript and CSS files this will surely help in WordPress Speed Optimization. Try to group all JavaScript as well as CSS files into one. As a result, it’ll reduce the number of HTTP requests. There are a lot of tools for minification of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files swiftly. For instance, you can use Ajax minify, Script Minifier, Gulp, JS compress, and much more.
Apply Gzip Compression
Gzip Compression is a powerful method to minimize the size of files. It reduces the HTTP requests and lowers the server response time. Gzip compresses the files before delivering them to the web browser. On the user side, a web browser unzips the compressed files and displays the contents. This method works flawlessly with all files on your site. You can enable Gzip on your site by adding a piece of code or through a utility called Gzip.
Database optimization in CMS
Database optimization is an effective method of WordPress Speed Optimization. If you use a CMS armed with third-party plugins, the database size expands and your site runs slower. In the case of WordPress, the WordPress CMS stores comments, blog posts, and other info that occupy a lot of data storage. Each CMS needs its own optimization measures and also has many particular plugins. For WordPress, you can consider WP-Optimize to speed up a WordPress site.
Reduce Redirects
Website redirects create extra HTTP requests that impose a negative impact on site performance. We suggest keeping them to a minimum or excluding them entirely. At first, you should detect all redirects on your page by running a site scan. You can use tools like Screaming Frog to smoothly detect redirects. Then you must check if they serve a significant purpose and leave only the crucial ones while removing others.
The Bottom Line
Currently, users expect sites to load in less than 3 seconds. If you don’t meet this expectation barrier, you may lose a lot of potential customers as well as traffic. This will reduce your overall revenue. So, at Clap Creative, we suggest applying a simple yet powerful WordPress speed optimization approach:
a. Examine the key factors of site success considering conversion rate, online presence, and usability.
b. Test your existing site speed and prioritize the pages as well as features that you want to get the most attention.
c. Begin your optimization with the most speed-hindering aspects and focus on the pages that specify your conversion success the most.
Original Source: Must-Follow Methods For WordPress Speed Optimization
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clapcreative · 3 years
You can get higher traffic and attract more prospects that can be converted into paying customers by following some key methods of WordPress Speed Optimization.
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clapcreative · 3 years
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Dropshipping has become a rage in the e-commerce industry for any online store owner that does not want to deal with the hassles of inventory management. With manufacturers in China and other eastern nations manufacturing products at scale at a fraction of the cost that they are made in the US, it’s become easy for sellers in the US to partner with them to sell their products to the American market via their e-commerce sites. BigCommerce dropshipping is one of the best ways that anyone can start their own online dropshipping business in a few quick and easy steps. In this blog post, we will inform you about what dropshipping is and how even a novice can set up their business online using BigCommerce.
What is Dropshipping?
Dropshipping in the simplest of forms is selling products to customers online without actually storing or shipping the products to the customers. You get an order on your website for a product and then you forward that to your supplier, who is most likely in another country but that is not always the case. Your supplier then ships the product directly to the customer’s given address without it ever coming through you.
In a way, you have become a facilitator between the supplier and the customer with your e-commerce store being the storefront through which the products are stored. It is also your responsibility to market and promotes the products on your website to get more sales. Since there is no handling of inventory, you do not need a large warehouse for your business or even a big office. You can run this business from your home if you want.
What are the advantages of BigCommerce Dropshipping?
Mobile-friendly Platform
Over 50% of traffic to e-commerce stores comes from mobile devices. This is why it is important to create your online store on a platform that is built keeping the mobile-first mindset as a priority. One of the best things we love about BigCommerce is that it is the only e-commerce platform till now to have a mobile-optimized checkout experience. It makes completing purchases online using mobile devices a breeze.
Exclusive Payment Gateway Integrations
BigCommerce is also the only e-commerce platform till now to integrate with PayPal One Touch as well as Apple Pay. This further improves the customer’s mobile e-commerce experience. With more payment options and easier checkout facilities, using BigCommerce for Drop shipping is an easy choice to make.
Insights Based on Analytics
BigCommerce provides you with e-commerce analytics that gives you a deep understanding of your store’s performance and your customer’s behavior. These insights help you create a better marketing strategy and create an improved customer experience or user experience. In the e-commerce analytics of BigCommerce, you get a dashboard with information like total sales, conversion rate, sales channels, and more.
International Selling
BigCommerce is one of the few e-commerce platforms that allow you to sell your products globally. This lets you truly make your dropshipping business global and reach customers across different markets. You get native language support as well as support for payments made in international currencies.
How to Set Up BigCommerce Dropshipping?
BigCommerce is considered one of the best platforms for dropshipping. It offers various incentives for drop shippers as well as makes the entire process very convenient. It also offers the lowest cost of ownership as compared to other platforms. Let’s see how you can set up your BigCommerce dropshipping.
Building Foundation
The first step you need to take is to design and customize your store as per your business’s needs and as per the theme of your products. There are many templates and themes you can work with or choose an option to go for customization. BigCommerce provides you with various tools to accomplish this innovativeness. You can also hire a BigCommerce web design company to design the perfect BigCommerce store for you.BigCommerce offers a secure experience for the customers and also for the drop shippers.
Adding Integrations
BigCommerce’s SaaS services offer various third-party integrations that make your dropshipping setup easier. These integrations help boost your conversions and profitability. These integrations also add flexibility to your customer’s online shopping experience. Choose the right integrations and customization options in terms of payment methods, shipping options, currency options, and more. In BigCommerce the website’s presentation layer is decoupled from the backend eCommerce functionality for an even more seamless experience.
Expand Your Business
BigCommerce lets you sell your products to international markets. Due to this, your business will flourish internationally. Being able to sell to international customers is considered a huge achievement, as it leaves a good impression on your future customers. When your business is going well, you would want to analyze its progress. BigCommerce provides you with all the analytical tools that help you monitor and better understand your store’s performance. It gives you a dashboard to help you view your data at any given time. This gives you the intelligence needed to make better decisions and strategies for your dropshipping business.
BigCommerce Dropshipping is easy to set up and once you have your BigCommerce store ready and a supplier in place, there is nothing that will be stopping you from running a successful business from anywhere in the world. You can contact Clap Creative to know about our pricing for our BigCommerce development services.
Original Source: https://www.clapcreative.com/bigcommerce-dropshipping-guide-for-a-novice/
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clapcreative · 3 years
Google BERT Algorithm Affecting Websites Ranking | Clap Creative
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Google Bert algorithm introduces accurate searches by its natural language processing. SEO Los Angels company clapcreative's blog gives all answers about Bert @ https://www.clapcreative.com/google-bert-algorithm/
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clapcreative · 3 years
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Clap Creative 3 #MagentoSupportAndMaintenanceServices plans including standard, professional, and the most popular enterprise plan at competitive pricing. The plans are tailored to meet all your Magento website maintenance needs. We offer all-in-one 24/7 support as well as website maintenance that includes daily backup, security, malware checks, code review, etc. Visit us right now! https://bit.ly/2QQOQ5a
🌐 Visit Us: https://www.clapcreative.com/
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